HomeMy Public PortalAbout06 June 8, 1993 Regular Meeting19 10 Council Meeting Minutes June 08, 1993 4030 95th Ave. N.E. 7:30 P.M. The following is a condensation of the proceedings, and is not a verbatim transcript, The meeting is tape recorded and the tapes are public record. Hall Cal Council and Staff Present Council Absent Mayor Lloyd E. Cooney Richard Gates, Councilmember Dennis Buchanan, Councilmember Arlys Gale, Councilmernber Dorothea Elwell, Treasurer Annabelle M. Simon, Cleric Erik Lund, Building Official Guests Mr. Jones Mr. John Heller Mr. Ketchum Mr. Steve Zuvela Mr. Russ Schulke Mr. & Mrs. Chris Diede Mr. Mike Lunenschloss Mr. Dahl Melvin Freeman, Councilmember Mark Casey, Councilmember Sall to order The meeting was called order at 7:30 p.m. L There were no changes made to the May 11, 1993 minutes. An Executive Session was added to the agenda, N kWijm Reg [I Lt. Archer reported that there was one kidnapping during the month. of May and that Mr. Rob Wood would probably hired as an officer. The Planning Commission recommended that no ordinance be passed in relation to the storage and moorage of seaplanes. The Planning Commission also favored a ban on helicopters and endorsed a collaborative effort with the seaplane pilots to reach a voluntary regulatory agreement to control the noise of seaplanes. Councilmember Buchanan made a motion to remove the moratorium on the storage and moorage of seaplanes; have the Planning Commission come back with an ordinance on the treatment and use of helicopters, and work a voluntary policy with the seaplane pilots on controlling the noise of seaplanes. Mr. Dahl, representing the park Commission, expressed the Commission's concerns with safety and noise pollution of a seaplane at the specific site of 9010 47th Ave. Councilmember Gale also pointed out that Marine Patrol would enforce against endangerment to the public in certain areas where a seaplane was operated. Councilmember Gates seconded Councilmember Buchanads motion and the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Gates moved for the approval of substantial development permit #867 with the condition that Mr. Heller drop the lawsuit against the Town, and if the lawsuit is not dropped, the matter should be continued indefinitely until the lawsuit is resolved Councilmember Buchanan seconded the motion. Councilmember Gale asked if there was going to be any hold harmless provision prepared to protect the Town from potential liability. The public safety issue still has to be addressed. Councilmember Gale opposed the motion. The motion passed. The Mayor suggested that agenda item regarding the growth management plan be discussed at the next regular Council meeting on July 13, 1993. Mrs. Lorraine Diede voiced her concern about a particular swimming pool stntcture that went into the waterfront setback. Mrs. Diede voiced her concem about future violations of the same nature. Councilmember Gale moved for the approval of pier addition and dredging at 4238 and 4234 95th Ave. N.E. Councilmember Gates seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. June 08, 1993 - Council Meeting Minutes Mr. Newbill reported that there was an error on the area of Parcei A. Parcel A area would be reduced from approximately 15,200 sq. to about 13,400 sq. ft. The following questions the Council had to consider. 1) Does it create any new lots? According to Mr. Newbill`s findings, the proposal does not create any new lots. 2) Does it create any non -conforming conditions as to setbacks of existing structures? The proposal does not create any non -conforming setback conditions for either of the existing structures. 3) Will the boundary line adjustment create any non -conforming conditions as to lot area? The area of Parcel A would now be non -conforming. The Planning Commission did not have this new information at their last meeting. Councilmember Buchanan suggested that this request for a boundary line adjustment be sent back to the Planning Commission. Councilmember Gates seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Erickson pointed out that the boundary line adjustment would provide easier access to their ID present driveway area. • Review of appointment and terms for Board/Commission members would be postponed until the next meeting. Town Engineer Report Mr. NewbiU reported that the overlay on 42nd work is completed. The pay estimate of the job would be distributed next month The Town attorney presented an ordinance establishing a Planning Commission with 5 members serving 4 year terms. Councilmember Gates asked to review this ordinance at the next meeting. Councilmember Gate repotted that Clyde Hill would donate $2,000.00 if they were formally invited to the Fourth of July. The Mayor asked the Council to consider donating $500.00 more to the 4th of July. Councilmember Gates suggested that the Community Fourth of July event be kept small and low key. Councilmember Gale moved to take $500.00 from contingency fund for the Fourth of July Community event. There was no second. The motion failed. June 08, 1993 - Council Meeting Minutes L� Councilmember Gale reported that the Towns would have some new figures sometime in July. Mrs. Gale pointed out that the Suburban QUO now comprise 39% of the assessed valuation of King County. Councilmember Gale also reported that DOT signed a new contract which would require that any new pole would have to conform to the 25 ft. height limit. There would be no metering on 92nd Ave. N.E. and no overhead sign on 84 Ave. N.E. A longer merge space for 84th entering into 520 would be provided The Department of Transportation reserved the right to meter at a future date. r..ME1 i i I' 1. I,M Councilmember Gale reported that Yarrow Point cannot receive the block grants directly since it does not have the required allotment of low income population. However, Yarrow Point could be a "pass through community" The Town could also meet the affordable housing requirement for the growth management plan as King County would be allowed to add the Town's population in their application for the block grant. The Planning Commission and the Town Council would hold public hearings on the gmwth management plan before final adoption - The voucher list was amended to include money for petty cash Ms. Simon informed the Council that she would add $192.55 for current expense petty cash and $186.33 for street petty cash. An adjustment to take retirement pay from Linda Longmire's growth management pay would also be made. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. lnot�, abelle M. Simon, derk Mayor Lloyd E. Cooney Jane 08, 1993 - Council Meeting Minutes