HomeMy Public PortalAbout20100107 - Board of Health - Meeting MinutesMinutes for the Board of Health meeting on January 7, 2010 Page 1 of 4 Present: David Edson, Chairman Mark Gates, Vice Chairman Paul Wright, M.D. Edward F. Wirtanen, Public Health Administrator Anna Rogers, Administrative Assistant, IAA, LUPP The Board began the meeting at 7:05 PM by welcoming Ms. Rogers, Inspections Administrative Assistant, who will be taking the Minutes for the Board of Health meetings under the new Department of Land Use, Planning and Permitting (DLUPP). The Board reviewed the Minutes of December 17, 2009. Dr. Wright moved that the Minutes be approved as written. Mr. Gates seconded the motion and all members voted in favor. 1. Appointments: 1.1 7:15 PM: Medallion Builders, 15 DiCarlo Road – Ben Corsini, Medallion Builders, described the proposed work room over the garage. He stated the addition of the room will increase the room number count to 10 and the septic system is designed for 4 bedrooms. He stated it will be a finished work room with heating, but no closets or plumbing. Mr. Edson asked about windows in the room and Mr. Corsini stated there are two existing windows and two proposed windows. Mr. Corsini stated the garage is 2 floors high, so there will be no exterior changes except the windows. He stated the new room will be at the same level as the first floor of the house, but the owners will have to exit the house before entering the work room. A discussion was held regarding handling deed restrictions at the office level. A discussion was held regarding deed restrictions in their current form and whether it would be helpful for the Board to draft their own restrictions, as the version from the Department of Environmental Protection is geared toward new construction. Mr. Gates asked if the homeowners were made aware of the deed restriction and the option to upgrade the septic system to a 5 bedroom system instead and Mr. Corsini stated he gave them all the information on it. Mr. Gates moved to approve the deed restriction. Dr. Wright seconded the motion and all members voted in favor. 2. Agenda Items: CSMP Loan Program. No applications or actions required. 3. Office Update: a. New Business 3.1.2 2011 FY Budget for Board as submitted 12/28/09 – Mr. Wirtanen stated he is anticipating meetings with the Town Manager in the near future to discuss the budget. He stated things have slowed down for the Department, but he tried to be conservative with the budget. He stated he Minutes for the Board of Health meeting on January 7, 2010 Page 2 of 4 will let the members know when the meeting will be held. He stated he expects the Town Manager will submit the budget for the entire Town Hall to the Finance Committee. 3.1.3 Annual Town Report Department Narrative for approval – Mr. Wirtanen stated he added the updated department information and used the same format as previous versions. Mr. Gates asked if there have been any problems with trench permits. Mr. Wirtanen stated those are handled through the DPW. Dr. Wright asked how long septic installers licenses are valid for. Mr. Wirtanen stated they are valid for one calendar year. He stated they are in the process of renewing all the septic installers, septic haulers and rubbish haulers. He stated food establishments licenses will be renewed starting in June. Mr. Edson asked what constitutes a semi-public pool. Mr. Wirtanen stated facilities such as EMC and the Laborers Training Center have pool that are available for workers and outings, but not publically open. Dr. Wright moved that they submit the Department Narrative as written for the 2009 Annual Town Report. Mr. Gates seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. 3.1.4 Letters of reference for staff, food inspector and health agent – Mr. Wirtanen stated these letters were prompted because the food inspector was interviewing for a part time position with the state and needed a letter of reference. He stated he figured it would be good to have letters of reference on file for all the staff. Dr. Wright moved to sign the letters of reference for Mr. Wirtanen, Mr. Besso and Ms. Grossman as written. Mr. Gates seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. 3.1.5 Emergency Communication - Code Red – Authorization to use $4,750.00 from PHEP grant for this reverse 911 system – Mr. Wirtanen stated the Town has moved away from the Connect CTY system it had for notifying residents of emergency and non-emergency events. He stated he would like to use $4,750.00 from the PHEP grant to pay for a 6 month contract for the new Code Red system. He stated the new system is for emergencies only, but it allows for more accurate isolated location notification. He stated many times this grant money is either wasted or turned back into the state, so it would be a win-win for the Town. Mr. Wirtanen stated he would also like to look into buying a new larger refrigerator to store vaccines at the Fire Station. He stated the Board also got notified that they won’t be getting the gloves, wipes, etc. with the H1N1 vaccines. Mr. Gates moved to authorize the use of the PHEP grant money to pay for a 6 month contract with Code Red. Dr. Wright seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. After a discussion about cost differences between Connect CTY and Code Red, Dr. Wright asked why Code Red cost less. Mr. Wirtanen stated they are new to New England and probably just trying to get their name out there for now. Minutes for the Board of Health meeting on January 7, 2010 Page 3 of 4 3.1.6 BOH permanent records relocation – Mr. Wirtanen stated the Board’s archived records, except 11 active boxes, will be stored at the Fruit Street DPW facility. He stated the active boxes along with 7 lateral file cabinets will be kept at Town Hall. Mr. Edson asked about Point Software and whether the final bill had been paid and Mr. Wirtanen stated yes, it was paid by the Building Department. Mr. Wirtanen stated presentations will be set up in the near future regarding permitting software for the DLUPP. 3.1.7 Revised Order of Succession/Confidential Directory – Mr. Wirtanen presented revised Order of Succession and Confidential Directories to the members. 3.1.8 Office Hours: M-F 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM unless BOH meeting? – Mr. Wirtanen stated the Town Manager has stated that all offices need to be open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM daily. He stated he leaves the office early on the Friday following Board meetings, but monitors e-mail and phone messages from home. Mr. Gates argued that he believes the only ones who can set Board of Health hours is the Board itself. The Board decided that closing the office on Friday’s after Board meetings at 12:00 PM is acceptable. 3.1.9 Revised vacation schedule – Mr. Wirtanen stated he had originally asked for four days off in mid-January, but would now like to take two days off in mid-January and 3 days off in late January. Mr. Edson signed off on the requested days. b. Old Business 3.2.1 Administrative Assistance – Mr. Wirtanen stated they have started the cross training for the administrative assistants. He stated Judi Murphy has continued to provide some assistance in the office. A discussion was held regarding the Loan Program and whether it would still be handled in the office. 3.2.2 H1N1/Seasonal Flu vaccination program. Mr. Wirtanen stated a public clinic has been set for January 23rd at the Middle School for H1N1 vaccines with a snow date of January 30th. He stated they have started pre-registration online and in the office. He stated Hopkinton Drug also has some vaccines available. Dr. Wright asked about a clinic for Seasonal Flu vaccines. Mr. Wirtanen stated he is waiting to hear from the VNA and would most likely schedule the clinic at the Senior Center. He stated he will send the members more information on both clinics when he has the specifics. 3.2.3 Proposed new tobacco by-law – Mr. Wirtanen stated the by-law is for review purposes at this meeting. He stated if the Board voted to do so, it would be inserted into the local by-laws. Mr. Gates stated he doesn’t like it and it is a bad direction to go in. Mr. Edson stated he sees issues with enforcement. Mr. Gates stated it would be better dealt with at Town Meeting and Mr. Wirtanen agreed that it would hold more value with the Minutes for the Board of Health meeting on January 7, 2010 Page 4 of 4 Town weighing in on it. The matter was put on the Agenda for the January 21, 2010 meeting. 3.2.4 Future Meetings – Mr. Wirtanen stated the office staff now has to go through the Facilities Department to book meeting rooms. Dr. Wright stated he will not be able to attend the February 18th meeting. Mr. Edson stated he is not sure of his schedule yet. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM. Respectfully submitted, Anna Rogers Approved on: January 21, 2010