HomeMy Public PortalAbout20100218 - Board of Health - Meeting MinutesMinutes for the Board of Health meeting on February 18, 2010 Page 1 of 4 Present: David Edson, Chairman Mark Gates, Vice Chairman Edward F. Wirtanen, Public Health Administrator Anna Rogers, Administrative Assistant, IAA, LUPP The Board began the meeting at 7:00 PM. 2. Agenda Items: CSMP Loan Program. No applications or actions required. 2.1.2 Minutes for Approval- February 4, 2010. The Board reviewed the Minutes of February 4, 2010. Mr. Gates moved that the Minutes be approved as written. Mr. Edson seconded the motion and all members voted in favor. 3. Office Update: a. New Business 3.1.1 FYI – FY 2011 Budget – Mr. Wirtanen gave a brief overview of the FY 2011 budget for the Board of Health. 3.1.2 FYI – Regional Health Study Report – Mr. Wirtanen provided the Board with a copy of his comments to the Metrowest Community Health Care Foundation’s Regional Health Study Report. He stated there seems to be some discrepancies in the data contained in the report and doesn’t include cuts some Towns have gone through in the past 6 months He stated the Town Manager seems very happy with the plan. He stated the Town Manager wanted the Board to be aware that there are grants available to the Foundation. He stated those grants don’t seem applicable for what the Towns really need. He stated they won’t help to reinstate cut services. 1. Appointments: 1.1 7:15 PM: Randall & Amy Sanborn – 2 McKay Road – Randall Sanborn, homeowner, presented his plans to turn an existing office into multiple closets and add a playroom in the attic and possibly a bathroom in the attic as well. He stated he was told he was over the room count even before this new proposal, but he thought all the proper permits had been taken care of before the last renovations. Mr. Gates asked when the last renovations were made to the house and Mr. Sanborn stated approximately 4-5 years ago. Mr. Edson asked what the renovations were. Mr. Sanborn stated a first and second floor addition was added to enlarge the kitchen and they reconfigured the second floor to make room for a new master bedroom and bathroom. Mr. Gates stated it seems as though the Board has two options, they can require a deed restriction, or because there is a valid Certificate of Occupancy on the addition, the Board can write a letter to that fact, stating there is no net increase in room count since the last changes. He stated it is legally built structure from a Minutes for the Board of Health meeting on February 18, 2010 Page 2 of 4 Building Department standpoint. Mr. Gates moved to approve the project because there is no net change in room count. Mr. Wirtanen stated there are still 10 rooms and the septic system is only designed for 4 bedrooms. Mr. Gates stated he understands that, but he doesn’t want to change a previous Board’s decision on the matter. Mr. Wirtanen stated a deed restriction should have been required for the addition and asked why the Board isn’t correcting that fact now. Mr. Gates stated if it was missed, then they are just treating it as a grandfathered use, etc. Mr. Wirtanen stated with the possible bathroom in the attic, it might be considered a bedroom. Mr. Gates stated it wouldn’t be considered a bedroom from a Building standpoint without proper egress. Mr. Edson stated he is ok with writing a letter of approval because the room count is staying the same and there are only 4 bedrooms. Mr. Edson seconded the motion and all members voted in favor. 3. Office Update: b. Old Business 3.2.1 Administrative Assistance – Mr. Wirtanen gave a brief overview of the Administrative Assistance the Board has received since September 2009. He stated renovations have started on the third floor in preparation for the new office configurations. He stated challenges have continued in regard to electronic files and shared information through the Land Use, Planning and Permitting Department. He stated progress has been slowed due to the different versions of software each person is using. 3.2.2 H1N1/Seasonal Flu vaccination program. Mr. Wirtanen stated they are still hoping to hold a clinic for H1N1 vaccinations in March. He stated they will return the remainder of the unused vaccines after that. He stated they have given out 719 vaccines so far, they need about 40 more for the second shots for children and they already have about 50 people interested in getting the shot in March. He stated they are relying on volunteers to setup the clinic and he isn’t quite sure what is going to happen now that the Hopkinton Medical Reserve Corps has restructured after Liisa Jackson resigned. Mr. Edson asked what the State is saying about the H1N1 flu. Mr. Wirtanen stated there is still some concern about a third wave of it in March/April. He stated they may also see it through the summer, which is unusual for flu. He stated there is a State wide conference at the end of March. He stated luckily the flu itself didn’t turn out as bad as was predicted, but it is a shame about how poorly the vaccine was distributed. 3.2.3 Proposed new tobacco bylaw. Mr. Wirtanen presented a letter to Town Counsel asking them to review a proposed new tobacco bylaw. Mr. Gates asked that an additional sentence be added to the letter requesting the review of the language regarding monetary penalties and non-monetary penalties and the need for Town Meeting to approve those changes. Minutes for the Board of Health meeting on February 18, 2010 Page 3 of 4 Other Business: Brian Gassett, 6 South Mill Street – Geothermal Wells – Mr. Gassett stated he is building a new house at 6 South Mill Street. He stated his buyer has requested a geothermal well be installed for the heating system. He stated it would be a closed loop system with no water being taken out or being put into the well. He stated the Town Regulations don’t really cover geothermal wells. He stated the State has some Regulations that cover it and is hoping that the Town could use the State Regulations to help him move forward. He stated two 380 foot deep wells will be drilled as close to the foundation as possible. He stated after the pipe for the heating system is installed in the well, the hole will be grouted up. Mr. Edson stated that as described, it is not a well as defined in the Regulations. Mr. Gates asked if glycol would be added to the heating system and Mr. Gassett stated no. Mr. Edson asked that a letter with a description and information regarding the wells be submitted. Mr. Gassett stated he already submitted a letter with diagram and description and he will get the Board any other information they request on the well. He stated he has talked to DEP and they are looking into revising a form to handle geothermal wells. Mr. Gates stated it is probably something the Board should consider adding to the Regulations. Mr. Edson stated normally when boring a deep hole there would be a possibility of surface contaminates, and that is where the Board of Health gets involved, but this hole will be grouted in. Mr. Gates moved to determine that the activity, as described in the February 17, 2010 letter from Brian Gassett, is not regulated by the Board of Health. Mr. Edson seconded the motion and all members voted in favor. 3. Office Update: b. Old Business (continued) 3.2.4 Revised Fee Structure – Mr. Wirtanen stated he would like to advertise a hearing for the revised fee structure. He stated he doesn’t see any controversy over the changes, but would like to process it as smoothly as possible. He stated the hearing will probably be held on March 18, 2010. Revised Application Forms – Mr. Gates moved to approve the revised application forms for soil witnessing and food establishment plan review as written. Mr. Edson seconded the motion and all members voted in favor. 3.2.5 FYI – 90 East Main Street – Mr. Wirtanen presented a draft response letter to Steven Zieff, Legacy Farms, regarding the septic replacement at 90 East Main Street. He stated Mr. Zieff had requested an extension of time to replace the failed septic system until November 2011 due to the possibility of the Wastewater Treatment Facility being constructed. Mr. Gates asked that a sentence be added to the letter indicating that DEP has not authorized the Board to issue an extension. 3.2.5 Letter regarding returned Title 5 report – 409 Wood Street – Mr. Wirtanen stated he is still waiting to hear from Town Counsel regarding the matter. Minutes for the Board of Health meeting on February 18, 2010 Page 4 of 4 Mr. Edson stated he will not be able to attend the meeting on March 4, 2010. Mr. Wirtanen stated they will still hold the meeting for administrative matters. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, Anna Rogers Approved on: March 4, 2010