HomeMy Public PortalAboutA2002-11-19LRA ^`~ ~,, ~ LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ''C7'~' 4T 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90262-3845 (310) 603-0220 AI'~ul'O RC)'ES~ CHAIRMAN FEI'OAOdO PCdrOZa~ VICE CHAIRMAN LOUIS t3yrd, MEMBER Paut Richards II, MEMBER RaIDOa ROdrIguCZ~ MEMBER This Agenda contains a brief general description of each item to be considered. Copies of the Staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection. A person who has a question concerning any of the agenda items may call fhe City Manager at (310) 603-0220, ext. 200. AGENDA LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 19, 2002 REGULAR MEETING 6:00 P.M. LYNWOOD CITY HALL, 11330 BULLIS AD ARTURO REYES CHAIRMAN FERNANDO PEDROZA VICE CHAIRMAN PAUL H. RICHARDS, II MEMBER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FAUSTIN GONZALES OPENING CEREMONIES: A. Call Meeting to Order. ~~'I''r t~F IrYNW00~ CITY CLERK$ OFFICE NOV f 4 2002 7~S~y~~~'''W~r~~l4i5 6 LOUIS BYRD MEMBER RAMON RODRIGUEZ MEMBER Agency Counsel MICHAEL B. MONTGOMERY B. Roll Call (REYES-PEDROZA-BYRD-RICHARDS-RODRIGUEZ) C. Certification of Agenda Posting by Secretary PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) Regular Meeting of October 1, 2002 Special Meeting of October 7, 2002 Special Meeting of October 9, 2002 i Special Meeting of October 10, 2002 Special Meeting of October 14, 2002 Regular Meeting of October 15, 2002 Special Meeting of October 23, 2002 2. RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE. REGULAR ITEMS 3. PURCHASE OF 3181 FERNWOOD AVENUE, 3200 SANBORN AVENUE AND THE CITY YARD FOR THE PLAZA MEXICO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT USING THE CDBG SECTION 108 LOAN FUNDS. Comments: To have the Agency approve the purchase of the three subject parcels using the Section 108 Loan Funds. Recommendation: Staff respectfully requests that after consideration, the Agency adopt the resolution approving the purchase of 3181 Fernwood for $900,000.00, 3200 Sanborn for $600,000.00 and the City Yard for $300,000.00 plus related acquisition costs with Section 108 loan funds, authorize the Executive Director to execute the Purchase Agreement and related escrow documents and direct the City Treasurer to deposit the required funds. PUBLIC HEARING NONE INFORMATION ITEM NONE CLOSED SESSION 4. WITH RESPECT TO EVERY ITEM OF BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 54956.8 CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: City owned property on Ester (between Sate Street and Bellinger Agency negotiator: Agency, Agency staff, Legal Counsel Negotiating parties: City, Agency and Raul Varela Under negotiation: Price and terms •^- ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING WILL BE HELD ON DECEMBER 3, 2002, AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL, 11330 BULLIS ROAD, LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA. LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 1, 2002 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 6:25 p.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Montgomery, Secretary Hooper and Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Item #1: MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS It was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Byrd and carried to approve the following minutes: • Regular Meeting, September 3, 2002 • Special Meeting, September 17, 2002 Item #2: WARRANT REGISTER It was moved by Vice Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza to adopt Resolutions: RESOLUTION N0.2002.032 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: MEMBER RICHARDS ABSENT: NONE REGULAR ITEMS Item #3: DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT - 10401 ALAMEDA STREET To have the Agency review the development concept of a proposal to erect at 10,000 square foot temporary structure at 10401 Alameda Street. The structure would remain for six (6) to nine (9) months during construction of the 42,300 square foot permanent warehouse for final assembly and storage of motorcycles and personal watercraft. iA.GENDA ITEM ,`,, It was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Member Byrd to approve the temporary structure until the permanent structure is completed. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #4: DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT REVIEW To have the Agency review the development concept submitted by Primestor Properties, Inc. for the triangle shaped site bounded by Imperial Highway, State Street and the Glenn Anderson Freeway (I-105). Chairman Reyes explained that he would like for staff to send out RFP's requesting various developers for this project. Vice Chairman Pedroza stated he would like to see what other sites are available for this particular project. Member Richards stated he would like to bring back for further discussion to explain the difference between Redevelopment and Development. After further discussion, it was agreed by general consent to continue the Item. ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Rodriguez and carried to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting at 7:15 p.m. Arturo Reyes, Chairman Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Special Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 9:40 a.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Montgomery, Secretary Hooper and Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE REGULAR ITEM Item #1: PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN Member Richards -Moved to have a Special Meeting for the Proposed FY 2002-2003 Budget Plan for October 9, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. It was second by Member Byrd. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS NOES: MEMBER RODRIGUEZ, REYES ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Member Byrd and carried to adjourn the Special Council Meeting at 12:20 p.m. Arturo Reyes, Chairman Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2002 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Special Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 9:15 a.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Also present was Secretary Hooper. Executive Director Gonzales was absent. Agency Counsel Montgomery was absent. Treasurer Pygatt was absent. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE For the record these minutes are verbatim from the recorded tape. Member Richards -Stated to the Chairman that he had called yesterday and advised the Executive Director that he has a pending emergency today and it has been our practice when a Member has an emergency or over this passed year if there has been any reason the body is in fit to reschedule any meeting, for example in our last budget sessions when it was known that a Member was not going to be available we simply rescheduled meetings and we have even had occasions were one or two Members have not showed up for a meeting. You knew well in advance that I had a pending emergency this morning and yet you still saw fit to direct staff to prepare for this morning meeting and I see that you have the Deputy Agency Counsel, Assistant Executive Director, Head Departments and Staff and I am really disturb by your action. Chairman Reyes -Stated to Member Richards that if he was not going to show up for this meeting then he will be excused, the Members voted to have this Special meeting stated he did not vote to have this Special Meeting, you should have advised your Members who voted with you not to show up then there would have not been a meeting. Member Richards -Stated that there is no need to play any games, because if there is a desire to have a full body and to have all Members present which we have done in the past then I would not move forward with this charade, so any way I have said what I had to say now I ask to be excused at this time, but to me it is just a high of classlessness to move forward with this. Chairman Reyes -Stated to Member Richards that he made the motion to hold this meeting and if he had told his body Members who voted with him that he was not going to be able to come, then there would have been no meeting. Member Richards -Stated to the Chairman that if this is what it is about the fact that it was a three to two vote it is only a commend courtesy or dignity to indicate to provide the opportunity to rescheduled the meeting at a later time. Member Richards -Also Stated to the Chairman that he has canceled meetings and no one has showed up but me and Member Byrd and the meetings have not gone forward no staff has been present because every one knew except us and yet you have rescheduled when you knew we had to move forward but this morning when you are fully aware that I have a pending emergency my mother is in surgery you did not have the commend courtesy and respect to allow this meeting to continue, that is wrong and I do not care what you say I am really angered because this is a personal attack and I do not appreciate it. Chairman Reyes -Stated to Member Richards that this is not a personal attack, you guys made a decision and I respect it. Member Richards -Moved to have a Special Meeting on Thursday October 10,2002 at 9:00 a.m. and to include all items that were listed on Monday's Agenda. Member Byrd -Second the motion. Member Rodriguez -Moved to make an amended motion to have the Special Meeting on Thursday October 10,2002 at 6:00 p.m. Chairman Reyes -Second the motion. Amended Motion Failed: ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Main Motion Approved: ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS NOES: MEMBER RODRIGUEZ, REYES ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE REGULAR ITEM NONE ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Member Byrd, seconded by Member Rodriguez and carried to adjourn the Special Council Meeting at 9:35 a.m. Arturo Reyes, Chairman Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 10, 2002 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Special Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 9:15 a.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Montgomery, Secretary Hooper and Treasure Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE REGULAR ITEM Item #1: PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN Executive Director Gonzales -Stated the Budget Process started in early April when staff presented athree-year projection of all funds based upon current expenditure level. The April numbers showed annual expenditures at a higher level than the annual revenues in the General Fund. This results in the reliance on the General Fund reserves to sustain on- going operations. To reserve this trend, the Department Directors scrutinized their departmental operation and ascertained areas to streamline without critically impacting services as well as to continue to meet our obligations. Base on those meetings the following corrective actions were formulated, which embody the proposed budget. • Decrease operational cost. • Reorganization of Departments for greater efficiency. • Enhancement of ongoing revenues. • One Time Potential Revenue Sources. • Scheduling of payback of general fund liabilities. Executive Director Gonzales -Also stated that if the proposed budget is adopted, the City can reduce the spending above revenues sources and will assure a healthy financial environmental for the City. Finance Director Earnest -Explained that she is here to provide the Members with a Summary Budget of the Departments, Lynwood Redevelopment Agency and the Lynwood Information Inc. Also demonstrated to the Members the Proposed Budget Charts. Executive Director Gonzales -Stated that this Summary Plan gives the Members and Staff an adjustment now of the expenditures of the City's revenues. Member Richards -Questioned the sales tax revenue of the Walgreen Drug Store projection. Community Development Director Morales -Explained to the Members that the revenue is about 250.00 dollars square foot, we are looking at about 1,400.00 dollars annually. Member Richards -Questioned on the Agency Counsels salary believes it is outrageous to have to pay double the amount for two Agency Counsels when we have never had the need for two Agency Counsels. Executive Director Gonzales -Stated we have those long going cases still pending, a number of lawsuits that we are now still dealing with and those certainly have to be taken into consideration. Member Richards -Stated that even if we took a look at the pending cases the amount of projection increases in legal fees far exceeds the amount of in declaims that we have. Chairman Reyes -Stated he disagrees with Member Richards there are still a lot of cases pending and they need to be taken care of, would like to continue with the Proposed Budget presentations. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Community Development Director Morales -Introduced his departments Proposed Budget Plan explained the changes in positions, titles, and expenditure increases, salary increases and also decreases. Chairman Reyes -Stated he has no problem with the department's changes. Executive Director Gonzales -Explained to the Members the department's changes from the chart. Member Richards -Stated he would like to try to make all the positions in the department available to the staff, and would also like for every Department Head to talk to their department staff on the changes that would be made in regards to their position. Chairman Reyes -Stated he believes this discussion is very risky without the Members having approved the changes, but we have not approved the changes how would they be able to go to the employees and tell them that their position will be reclassified or that their position is going to be deleted you are putting the management on line. Member Richards -Stated he would just like for the Department Heads to consult the changes with their staff. Executive Director Gonzales -Explained to the Members that the adoption of the Budget does not implement creation of the positions for which we do not yet have a description those descriptions will be done and brought to the Members like we have in the past the numbers that are in the budget reflect a period of time for that implementation to take place for the discussion that are being described during the implementation period to be conducted with the employees to be conducted with the bargaining unit and monetarily that time has been built into this document. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez and carried to approve the Community Development Proposed Budget. Member Richards -Stated he has a substitute motion that the personnel from Human Resources bring back the concerning issues of reclassification of titles and positions and to hear from them first. Member Byrd, second the substitute motion. SUBSTITUTE ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS NOES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Motion failed. ORIGINAL ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Motion passed. Member Richards -Questioned if you have a budget that has twenty positions funded it would probably be two to three months before you fill in the positions so we have half a year positions with eight vacancies why would you adopt a budget for eight vacant positions are we just adding it to the budget why don't we just reduce the budget to reflect the actual amount that has been saved for this half year period. Executive Director Gonzales -Explained that the budget has been built upon five months and would transpired with the old expenditures and old budget and the new one would come after the implementation period but at the moment there is no patting of the budget. CITY CLERKS PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Secretary Hooper -Introduced her departments Proposed Budget explained the changes in increasing a part time to a full time position, salary increase and expenditures decrease. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez and carried to approve the City Clerks Proposed Budget. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE TREASURERS PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Treasurer Pygatt -Introduced her departments Proposed Budget she requested to have the Members~provide her with a full time Deputy City Treasurer. Finance Director Earnest -Stated that at the last meeting it was discuss that Finance would share a person with the City Treasurer, we did budget for a half count clerk to be shared at a fifty percent with the City Treasurer her increase in salary reflects the part time employee to be Active Deputy City Treasurer. Member Byrd -Stated that he agrees with providing the City Treasurer with a full time Deputy City Treasurer it would help solve some of the Treasurers issues. Vice Chairman Pedroza -Stated that he also has no problem with providing the City Treasurer with a Deputy City Treasurer, because he does not agree with the Chairman and Executive Director always having to sign checks, it would help solve this issue. Member Rodriguez -Stated he would agree with providing a Deputy City Treasurer as long as it is an in house employee working within City Hall, and it should be were she can be located, what she can account to, and what her duties are, and what she is doing even if she is under the City Treasurer. Treasurer Pygatt -Questioned if this Deputy City Treasurer would be a full time employee based upon the salary of $35,939.20 yearly under the supervision of the City Treasurer. It was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice President Pedroza and carried to approve a Deputy City Treasurer for the City Treasurer with the conditions that it is an in house employee working within City Hall. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Treasurer Pygatt -Stated that she wanted to make it clear to the Members that the Treasurer should have the privilege of choosing the Deputy City Treasurer. Member Richards -Stated to the City Treasurer that as long as it states it in the Code then there would be no problem. ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza and carried to adjourn the Special Council Meeting at 12:00 p.m. Arturo Reyes, Chairman Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 14, 2002 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Special Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 6:15 p.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Montgomery, Secretary Hooper and Treasure Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE REGULAR ITEM Item #1: PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN Executive Director Gonzales -Stated the Budget Process started in early April when staff presented athree-year projection of all funds based upon current expenditure level. The April numbers showed annual expenditures at a higher level than the annual revenues in the General Fund. This results in the reliance on the General Fund reserves to sustain on- going operations. To reserve this trend, the Department Directors scrutinized their departmental operation and ascertained areas to streamline without critically impacting services as well as to continue to meet our obligations. Base on those meetings the following corrective actions were formulated, which embody the proposed budget. • Decrease operational cost. • Reorganization of Departments for greater efficiency. • Enhancement of ongoing revenues. • One Time Potential Revenue Sources. • Scheduling of payback of general fund liabilities. Executive Director Gonzales -Also stated that if the proposed budget is adopted, the City can reduce the spending above revenues sources and will assure a healthy financial environmental for the City. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Assistant Executive Director Hempe -Introduced the Proposed Budget Plan to the Members and explained the changes that were to be made. Chairman Reyes -Questioned some of the employees working hours and working days. Executive Director Gonzales -Stated he would like to change the part time employees into full time employees. Member Richards -Questioned on the Members list would like to know why is there a full time employee position deleted and then on the add on list there is no full time position to be recovered, would like to know if this particular full time employee has a position here in the City and how would the Members know. Executive Director Gonzales -Explained to the members that this list is just an example of the process of improving the Budget there is no action being taken yet. Members Richards -Stated that this list is not specific relating to the changes in positions, salary increases and decreases and titles. Questioned if there was a reallocation Resolution. Executive Director Gonzales -Stated that there is no reallocation Resolution at the moment. Members Richards -Stated that for the record he would not vote on the Proposed Budget Plan, it is discriminating the employee's rights and it is unlawful. Member Rodriguez -Questioned the Agency Counsel if they were violating any employee's rights by accepting the Proposed Budget Plan. Agency Counsel Montgomery -Explained to the Members that they are not violating any employee's rights, we are abiding by the rules. Also stated that this litigation would be better of if it was discussed in close session. Member Richards -Stated he would have no problem discussing this litigation in close session. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the Executive Directors Proposed Budget. Member Byrd -Questioned that who elected the Executive Director to be the Elections Coordinator. Executive Director Gonzales -Stated that he was elected by the Members. Member Richards -Stated that the Member is not doing the right thing by adopting the Budget. Chairman Reyes -Stated that each Member individually discussed the Proposed Budget with the Executive Director and the Assistant Executive Director. Member Richards -Stated that every Head Department should meet with their staff and let them know what is going on with the Budget changes. Member Rodriguez -Stated that he is very comfortable with the Budget changes and would like to move forward. Member Richards -Stated that the Members should not approve the Budget because the fundamental steps have not been taken properly with the employees. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE MEMBERS PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: It was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza to approve the Members Proposed Budget. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Finance Director Earnest -Presented to the Members a brief presentation on the department changes in positions, titles and salaries. Chairman Reyes -Stated he would like to provide the CDBG program with a new coordinator. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the Finance & Administrative Proposed Budget, and include one new position a CDBG Technician. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES; MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Director of Recreation Givens -Presented to the Members a brief presentation on the department changes in positions, titles and salaries. Member Byrd -Questioned if there would be volunteers and two part time employees running the Youth Center. Director of Recreation Givens -Stated that is correct, explained that with the Budget cuts this is what he can only provide for the Youth Center. Member Richards -Questioned on the total amount of the Dove Program how much is the cost of this program. Director of Recreation Givens -Stated it is about 2,000.00 dollars to 3,000.000 dollars. It was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza to approve the Recreation & Community Services Proposed Budget. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Director of Environmental Services Wang -Presented to the Members a brief presentation on the department changes in positions, titles and salaries. Member Richards -Questioned Director Wang if he has met with his staff in regards to the Budget changes. Director of Environmental Services Wang -Explained to Member Richards that he has not met with staff because it would be better if the Budget were adopted first. Member Richards -Stated that he thought he was pretty clear to the Head Departments in regards to meeting with the employees to discuss the Budgets changes before adopting the Budget. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the Environmental Services Proposed Budget. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Assistant Executive Director Hempe -Presented to the Members a brief presentation on the new department in regards to positions, titles and salaries. Executive Director Gonzales - Specified to the Members the new department ideas. Member Byrd -Stated he does not agree with the changes being made in regards to the Proposed Budget. Chairman Reyes -Stated he would like to set up an agreement with a Service Provider negotiator to take care of all the abandon cars here in the City. Member Richards -Stated that the Members should not adopt an agreement when we have not finish adopting the Proposed Budget. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez to direct the Agency Counsel to negotiate with a Service Provider and to set up an agreement and bring back to the Members. Member Richards -Stated that he has concerns regarding who has applied to become the services provider for the City, and also feels that the primarily steps have not been taken with the City employees positions, there has not been any discussion with the employees in regards to the changes that would be made in the Budget. It was moved by Member Richards, seconded by Member Byrd to move a substitute motion for a division of the original motion. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS NOES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Vice Chairman Pedroza -Stated he would like to make a substitute motion for staff to bring back a report agreement for a Service Provider charging $500.00 dollars per abandon vehicle with the Members approval. It was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the substitute motion. Member Richards -Stated that the Members are very unprofessional. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Reyes -Would like to make a motion to delete the Auto Allowance for all employees, other than the exception of the Executive Director, Assistant Executive Director, Department Directors and Elected Officials. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the deletion of the Auto Allowance. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS NONE NONE Member Richards -Stated that these actions are so unlawfully done the action that was just made is invalid. Chairman Reyes -Directed the Executive Director to set up a retirement package plan for the City's employees who wish to retire. Member Richards -Stated that this is outrageous, and he is not going to participate with these unlawful issues that have not been posted. Chairman Reyes -Stated he would like to continue the retirement package plan until it is posted on the Agenda as an Agenda Item. LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Finance Director Earnest - Presented a brief presentation to the Members on the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency proposed changes. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency Proposed Budget. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE LYNWOOD INFORMATION INC. PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Assistant Executive Director Hempe - Presented a brief presentation to the Members on the Lynwood Information Inc. Proposed Budget. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the Lynwood Information Inc. Proposed Budget. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Chairman Reyes -Stated to the Executive Director that he would like to have the ratification Proposed Budget ready for the next Regular scheduled meeting. CAPITOL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN: Assistant Director of Environmental Services Farhadi - Presented a brief presentation to the Members on the Capitol Improvement Projects proposed changes. It was moved by Chairman Reyes, seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve the Capitol Improvement Projects Proposed Budget. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further discussion, it was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza and carried to adjourn the Special Council Meeting at 8:40 p.m. Arturo Reyes, Chairman Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 15, 2002 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 6:50 p.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Montgomery, Secretary Hooper and Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Item #2: WARRANT REGISTER It was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Rodriguez to approve Resolution: RESOLUTION N0.2002.033 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE REGULAR ITEMS Item #3: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING STUDIES The ongoing development of the Plaza Mexico and the high prospect of other developments in the vicinity of Long Beach Boulevard, Imperial Highway and State Street and the vicinity of Wright Road and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard require comprehensive traffic studies to identify traffic problems and mitigation measures. Staff has received proposals from and negotiated the consulting fees with Transtech and Linscott, Law & Greenspan Engineers to conduct these studies. It was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Rodriguez to adopt Resolution: RESOLUTION N0.2002.035 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AWARDING CERTAIN TRAFFIC STUDY CONTRACTS TO TRANSTECH AND LINCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN ENGINEERS, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVES DIRECTOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO MAKE THE NECESSARY FUNDS APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NONE NONE NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) Barry Sigle -Item #5 -Explained that he is here representing Allen Hart the owner of the property. Mr. Allen Hart's intention with his property always was when his leases run out, that he would go ahead and develop a small industrial park, he is not ready to move forward with developing at the moment, and he is here to answer any questions the Members should have. Michael Lizarraga -Item #5 -From TELUCA Development stated that he is really looking forward in having the opportunity to sit down and discuss an exclusive negotiation agreement with the Members. Item #4: EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT To have the Agency review and consider a proposed Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with Manual Simental for the development of a Restaurant/Sports Bar at the northwest corner of Long Beach Boulevard and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. It was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza to approve the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Mr. Manual Simental. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #5: SELECTION AND APPROVAL OF A DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT To have the Agency consider competing development concepts submitted by TELACU and Hart Development for the development of the triangle property located at the northeast corner of Imperial Highway and Alameda Street. Member Richards -Explained to the Members that the concerns he has are probably address more properly in close session, and I would ask that we have discussion in close session. Vice Chairman Pedroza -Stated he also has some concerns regarding Item #5 and would also prefer having this discussion in close session. Chairman Reyes -Stated he would like to make this Item as a Subsequent Need Item for Close Session. It was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Byrd to approve the Subsequent Need Item for Close Session. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #6: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING AGREEMENT To have the Agency award a contract for certain Phase II environmental services necessary to carry out the feasibility studies for the proposed Lynwood Springs Development project. It was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Rodriguez to adopt Resolution: RESOLUTION N0.2002.036 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AWARDING A CONTRACT TO WINEFIELD & ASSOCIATES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $134,730.60 CERTAIN PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL WORK IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE LYNWOOD SPRINGS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AT 11600 LONG BEACH BOULEVARD, LOCATED WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA "A", IN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT. Member Richards -Questioned on the Consultant who is in associate with the Lynwood Springs Redevelopment Project. Redevelopment Project Manager Wolf -Explained to the Members the Consultant that staff is recommending has been involved with this project since it is inception and that is the reason primarily that staff is recommending this consultant, they have about two years historical knowledge of what has been going on the site and all of the historical background with the Water Quality Board. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE CLOSE SESSION Agency Counsel Montgomery stated, with respect to every item of business to be discussed in Joint Close Session Pursuant to Section 5456.9: Item #5: CLOSE SESSION ITEM D. Subsequent Need Item: Imperial Highway Triangle "TELACU" It was moved by Member Byrd, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza and carried to recess to Joint Close Session at 8:35 p.m. Members reconvened at 10:05 p.m. Agency Counsel Montgomery stated that the Members met on the aforementioned matters and stated on: D. Subsequent Need Item: No reportable action ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further discussion, it was moved by Vice Chairman Pedroza, seconded by Member Rodriguez and carried to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting at 10:10 p.m. Arturo Reyes, Chairman Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 23, 2002 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a Special Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 9:50 a.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Members Byrd, Pedroza, Richards, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Agency Counsel Montgomery, Administrative Analyst Adel Rojas and Treasure Pygatt. Administrative Analyst Adel Rojas announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE REGULAR ITEM Item #1: SELECTION AND APPROVAL OF A DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT To have the Agency consider a development concept submitted by TELACU for the development of the triangle properly located at the northeast corner of Imperial Highway and Alameda Street and to consider entering into an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with TELACU. It was moved by Member Rodriguez, Vice Chairman Pedroza to adopt Resolution: RESOLUTION N0.2002.037 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF AN EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT (ENA) WITH TELACU (DEVELOPER) TO DEVELOP A BIG BOX RETAIL CENTER LOCATED WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA ALAMEDA ON THE ALAMEDA TRIANGLE LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ALAMEDA STREET AND IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, IN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD. Vice Chairman Pedroza -Stated we need Development now we cannot wait, and I think TELACU has the best proposal at this moment, and that is why I agree to approve this Development proposal. Member Byrd -Stated that he would like to see more Development proposals not just from TELACU. Chairman Reyes -Stated that he would agree with having commercial rather than industrial, and my understanding is that it is going to be commercial and we have the Developer here with us if the Members have any questions. Vice Chairman Pedroza -Explained to the Members and staff that if we approve the ENA Proposal to accompanied we are really just approving them to just come back and propose a negotiation agreement with the Members. ,-... ~.. Member Byrd -Questioned on the Child Care Center Programs. Community Development Director Morales -Explained to the Members that he has scheduled meetings with the proposals for the Child Care Centers to negotiate different options, alternatives etc. We can also look into other options outside of the City of Lynwood. Member Byrd -Stated he would like to move forward as soon as possible these Child Care Centers are very important to the residents of Lynwood we are in need of more Child Care Centers. Member Rodriguez -Stated that if we put are efforts together we can accomplish anything, agrees with Member Byrd we should really look into it and proceed with the Child Care Centers. Vice Chairman Pedroza -Stated he would like to have all the Child Care Centers located here in Lynwood. Community Development Director Morales -Explained to the Members that it would conduct money issues pertaining to having the Child Care Centers located here in Lynwood only. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER BYRD, PEDROZA, RICHARDS, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #2: FIRST AMENDMENT TO A DISPOSITION & DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (CONCEPT) To have the Agency review and consider the concept for a pass through lease agreement between the City, Agency, and Raul Varela on City property and the consideration of First Amendment to Disposition and Development Agreement between the Agency and Raul Varela for the development of a storage yard for impounded vehicles. It was moved Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza and carried to approve the concept for the lease agreement between the City and Raul Varela. Member Richards -Stated he concerned in the matter in which some of these issues are being handled, it is only going to create a maze of problems for this business and for the Agency, and do we even have a letter from this proponent requesting this Agreement. Executive Director Gonzales -Explained that there is no written request letter, only verbally discussion request. Member Richards -Questioned if there is any authority for amending a DDA that deals with completely separate partial properties. Executive Director Gonzales -Explained that the initial property of the acquisition was done as an office dispatcher for a Towing Operation. Member Richards -Stated that we have to have the opportunity to have a discussion first among the Members. Explained that the Members are passing Resolutions that do not yet exist. Stated that the Members are not prepared for this Item. Chairman Reyes -Questioned the Agency Counsel if the Members were out of their jurisdiction by discussing this Item. Agency Counsel Montgomery -Explained to the Members that they are not out of their jurisdiction. ROLL CALL: AYES: MEMBER PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, REYES NOES: MEMBER BYRD, RICHARDS ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further discussion, it was moved by Member Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza and carried to adjourn the Special Council Meeting at 10:10 a.m. Arturo Reyes, Chairman Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary Adel Rojas, Administrative Analyst RESOLUT1oN N17. LRA ,; , j,, ' A FtESOLUTl(:1PJ OF 7HE REllEVELUPNENT AGENC''r' OF 7'HE-.CIT•Y OF LYNhduUD I,• I_YtJfIC]i:)1'i, CAL11~'OIiN1A At_t_QW:[NG ANri APF'Rrl;'iNG THE L)Eh1APll)5 AND ClRDERItdG _ ~ 4JArtRAPFT~r TI IEREFCIR I' i., Tt,e f2ede~,-elcpment Agenr.y n the City- of I_!~nuload Boas her•et?y ras>ul•.'e as Pollou~.: , i H p 1 ~ ,~ ~ I uiBC:i;lClll i.. Ihlat thin deQlaTldS pr,eser;l;ed, li•~Ylnl'I t!i:=en T`ei)UIr3i'll~ ::iilii!'h; (ed. nl ~' fil?I'°i:~t)y J11ULL~tij dliil I :,Hproved, end that war'rar;ts orde'rad drawn therefo'r' by ttie Ayer;cy Tr~,~azura t;u the paito2 ~r,d in the anrount~ irulic:ai,~d. .., N Z ,, 'JI ,., WAf7RANT#iDAFE PAYEE -- CiE',C AN01.)-~I1' AREA :; AL. Af1EDA " ' b~~f)~ 1 i- 19-Ur? t•1L~NTE5 ~;ARIiEN yERVI CI= ~ I~IAIi~lTl3 ';?r'~':;AI'JT I.fl-f~ 8;."J vil 3~0. i?til u . Qua I' '' "'I b~0"l 11-i~,'--OL IPITERNA T'TSf•JraL CITY ESCRCII~I G[) PH(7F i'UHs;1~1 UF;1r'C U7'; FLt;N 77, U~:,C) . U~J ;, ti5+,i. QU C) . U() ° h208 11-15'-0~ CITY OF LYNWDL7D REIM%Hl]l1aING f'FtOJ _'7~, 1C)0 . Q0 i3. UO x!75, 100 . 00 I 62()Y 11-1~,•-C)~ FEDERAL EXPRESS CuURTER SVGS 1.1 . qS ~;. 74 ~; 7q '~ I b~lU 11.-11-0~ ..SLERRA SF!RINGS. URINKIPIU WATER... ;SIC) . ~tU 15. <0 15 GU z. . 23 ,....-,_„ ~ I:;, h~~..~ as ~_~..,, lit) , ;~ 7J t5 28 `' Section. 2. rlrat.the. Agency Secretary ~ha11 uertity t;o the adoption of 'the ~esalut ion and sha11 _ '" deliver a cer•tifiad copy to the Agen cy rrea~r.lre and shall r~~l~ain ~3 coilil ):he~rr:~af F'ur i;l~f_a r°acar~.i. _ 2b 10 3,I ~ - -. PASSEq, ~3PPRt]VED ANii AUl)P_fED THE day of ''Ut7;' r c. _ 32 ..~_,_.... _-.___.._,___-. _,-_-..--------.__ _.__._._-.__ . 3) ~~ ~a-rrEST _ _ . [-~WDREA .1... _.HIlOPEEt-..-_..~__.__._____----- __-_----__ _-__,__ SECRETARY C;HAIRMAPJ, I....ynwolid Redavel.opmer)t Agency DATE: November 19, 2002 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE AGENCY FROM: Faustin Gonzales, Executive Director BY: Louis Morales, Director Community Development Shirley Wolf, Redevelopment Project Manager SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF 3181 FERNWOOD AVENUE, 3200 SANBORN AVENUE AND THE CITY YARD FOR THE PLAZA MEXICO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT USING THE CDBG SECTION 108 LOAN FUNDS Purpose: To have the Agency approve the resolution for the purchase of the three subject parcels using the Section 108 Loan Funds. Facts 1. The three properties are adjacent to the Plaza Mexico redevelopment project and are designated in the Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement as properties to be acquired for the project. 2. The purchase prices have been negotiated as follows: 3181 Fernwood Avenue - $900,000.00 3200 Sanborn Avenue - $600,000.00 The City Yard - $300,000.00 3. The City applied for and received funding from the CDBG Section 108 Loan Program for the purpose of acquiring property for the Plaza Mexico Redevelopment Project. Discussion: The subject Property is part of the Plaza Mexico expansion project. The Plaza Mexico expansion encompasses the area bounded by State Street, Imperial Highway, Long Beach Boulevard and the I-105 freeway. The existing building will be razed for the development of future buildings and to accommodate much need parking for the proposed expansion project. With the exception of the Edison property, these three parcels are the final sites to be acquired per the current DDA. The Section 108 loan was approved by HUD and the funds have been deposited into a City account. The Plaza Mexico Redevelopment Project is one of the approved projects under the Section 108 loan application and property acquisition is an approved activity. Recommendation: Staff respectfully requests that after consideration, the Agency adopt the resolution approving the purchase of 3181 Fernwood for $900,000.00, 3200 Sanborn for $600,000.00 and the City Yard for $300,000.00 plus related acquisition costs with Section 108 loan funds, authorize the Executive Director to execute the Purchase Agreement and related escrow documents and direct the City Treasurer to deposit the required funds (Section 108} into escrow. H:\WORDFILEIREDEVELP\SWOLF\3100 prop acquisition.doc AGENDA ITEM LRA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF 3181 FERNWOOD AVENUE FOR $900,000, 3200 SANBORN AVENUE FOR $600,000 AND THE CITY YARD FOR $300,000 PLUS RELATED ACQUISITION FEES WITH SECTION 108 FUNDS, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE AGENCY AND DIRECTING THE CITY TREASURER TO DEPOSIT THE FUNDS INTO ESCROW WHEREAS, the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") is a redevelopment agency duly formed, organized and existing pursuant to and under the provisions of the State Community Redevelopment Law (the "Law") (codified as California Health and Safety Code Sections 33000 et sea.); and WHEREAS, the Agency is engaged in carrying out a redevelopment project in Project Area "A" ("Project") pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Agency has development agreements for the development of a retail project that requires the acquisition and assembly of land; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of the subject properties are needed to provide the necessary parking in connection with the Plaza Mexico expansion project; and WHEREAS, the Agency has the acquisition of said parcels in the amount of $1,800,000.00; and WHEREAS, the City received funds from HUD's Section 108 Loan Program for the acquisition of property in connection with the redevelopment and expansion of the Plaza Mexico. NOW, THEREFORE, the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency does hereby resolve as follows: ti 1. The Agency approves the acquisitions in the aggregate amount of $1,800,000.00. Section 2. The Agency authorizes the Executive Director to execute the purchase agreement and related escrow documents on behalf of the Agency. e tin .The Agency directs the City Treasurer to deposit the necessary funds purchase and closing costs into escrow from the Section 108 Loan Program. Section 4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency this 19th day of November 2002. H:\WORDFILE\REDEVELP\SWOLF13100 prop acquisition.doc ARTURO REYES, CHAIRMAN Lynwood Redevelopment Agency ATTEST: Andrea Hooper, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Agency Counsel Faustin Gonzales Executive Director APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Louis Morales, Director Community Development H:\WORDFILE\REDEVELP\SWOLF\3100 prop acquisition.doc STATE OF CALIFORNIA } } ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood at a Meeting held on the 19th day of November 2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Andrea L. Hooper, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA } } ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and Clerk of the City Council of said City, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. on file in my office and that said Resolution was adopted on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this day of 2002. H:IWORDFILE\REDEVELP\SWOLF\3100 prop acquisition.doc