HomeMy Public PortalAbout08-10-23c The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret was called to order by Mayor Daniel J. Reiman, Thursday, October 23, 2008, 6:00 P.M., Council Chambers, Memorial Municipal Building, 61 Cooke Avenue, Cmtereti New Jersey. Upon individual roll call vote, the following were noted present: ",.-. Councilmember Vincent Bellino " Jorge Diaz " Randy Krum Susan Naples " Noted Absent was Council President Joseph W. Sitarz. J Also noted present was Kathleen M. Barney, Mmllcipal Clerk and Borough Attorney Robert Bergen. The meeting was opened with a minute of silent prayer and Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Daniel J. Reiman. The Clerk stated that on December 31, 2007, the 2008 Annual Notice was mailed to The Home News Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board. The Amended Annual Notice was posted on the Bulletin Board on Febmary 25, 2008 and Published on Febmary 28, 2008. OCTOBER 23, 2008 REGULAR MEETING October 23, 2008 ROLL CALL Silent Prayer/ Pledge of Allegiance STATEMENT OF MEETING NOnCE OCTOBER 23, 2008 MINUTES FOR APPROVAL ORDINANCE #08-36 "()8-36 "Amending and Supplementing the Code to Establish a Developnent Fee for the Provision of Affordable Housing" Public Hearing '~'ia~t'JRei'rfjht'f Upon MMS&C by Councilmember Naples and Bellino and unanimous affinnative vote of four (4) of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the minutes of September 25, 2008 were Approved. Councilmember Diaz Abstained from the vote. The Clerk stated that Ordinance #08-36 was introduced and passed upon First Reading at an Agenda Meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough ofCarteret held on September 9, 2008. It was duly published in The Home News Tribune on October 10, 2008 with notice that it will be considered for final passage after Public Hearing to be held on October 23, 2008 at approximately 6:00 P.M. The Ol'dinance was postea on the Biilletin Board arid copies were made available to the general public and according to law, she read the Ordinance by title. Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Diaz aJld Krum and unanimous affimllltive vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the Mayor declared the public hearing to be opened. Mayor Reiman explained that this ordinance has to do with the Council of Affordable actions taken by the State of New Jersey, relative to the Mount Laurel Court Decision over the last twenty (20) years, providing any new construction of development, relative to residential housing, commercial or industrial, a certain fee to be accessed, to be used for the construction and/or rehabilitation of existing or uew affordable housing within the community. He went on to say this was a law mandated by the State of New Jersey and the option is for the community, the Borough Council, to pass this fee on to the new construction, where those dollars that come to the Borough will be utilized for rehabilitation of existing homes or we can do nothing and the State Treasury will then collect that construction fee directly from any new construction and by us doing an ordinance, it doesn't create any additional fee, it just allows the Borough to use those fees for the consuuction and/or rehabilitation of housing within our own community. 2 There were no comments from the public There being no fulther comments or objections to the Ordinance, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to he closed upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Naples and Krum and unanimous affirmative vote ofthe five (5) Councilmembers present. Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Oiaz and Krum "AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET TO ESTABLISH A DEVELOPMENT FEE FOR THE PROVISION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING" , j was finally Adopted. Upon individual roll call vote Councilmembers Bellino, Colon, Diaz, Krum and Naples voted in the Affirnlative. Councilmembers Sitarz was noted Absent. APPROVED AND ADOPTED: OCTOBER 23,2008 lNTRODUCED: SEPTEMBER 9, 2008 Advertised as Adopted on First Reading With Notice of Public Hearing: OCTOBER 10, 2008 Hearing Held: OCTOBER 23,2008 Approved By: MAYOR DANTEL J. REIMAN Advertised as Finally Adopted: OCTOBER 28. 2008 Mayor Reiman then said before they go onto the Public Portion on Resolutions/Agenda Items and New Business, they will be adding a couple of new items, one would be a motion to be received and placed on file, later on in the Agenda for two (2) N.J. State 3 OCTOBER 23, 2008 ORDINANCE #08-26 Cont: Public Portion Closed Adopted Mayor Reiman OCTOBER 23, 2008 Councilmember Diaz Agenda Amended Public Portion on Resolutions/ Agenda Items and New Business James Failace Firemen Association Membership Applications for Gary Nilsson and Christopher Toth. Councilmember Diaz then asked that the Bill List be Amended to include the first payment for Purchase Order #08-02146, eXplaining it is for the purchase of bike safety helmets under the Community Development Block Grant. Mayor Reiman then asked for a motion to Amend the Agenda. Upon MMS&Cby COl.liiciinienibersNaples and Diaz and unanimous affinnative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present the Agenda was Amended to include the N.J. State Firemen Association Membership Applications and the Amended Bill List. Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Krum and Diaz and unanimous affinllative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the public portion on Resolutions/Agenda Items and New Business was opened. I . I Jarnes Failace then spoke, he said he was not at the Agenda Meeting the previous week, but, he understood that at that meeting Mr. Bergen made note that the OENJ Cherokee documents were returned to the Borough. He then said to Attorney Bergen, that at the meeting he was asked a question frorn someone on the Council. Jim Failace commented "he couldn't hear it on the tape so much," and then said that Mr. Bergen's answer to that question was that he was not the attomey at the time. Jim Failace then told Mr. Bergen that for the last two (2) years of his administration he was the attorney; when that happened. 4 OCTOBER 23, 2008 Jim Failace then said to the Mayor that at the Agenda Meeting he made the statement "the Failace Administation documents," which was saying they were from his administration. James Failace Cont: Mayor Reiman replied to Mr. Failace that what he said was correct, that they were the Failace Administration documents. Mr. Failace said he understood. He then went on to tell Mayor Reiman that he also made a statement that he did not see the former mayor aHhe meeting and commented that he had his one (1) minute offame. Mr. Failace then explained that he was not presentatthe meeting because the meetings are at 6:00 P.M. and it is difficult to get there by that time. He commented that they were at 7:30 P.M. in his administration. J Mayor Reiman then told Mr. Failace he is welcome to attend or not to attend the meetings and said the fact is he was not there, and the fact is the records that were seized by the FBI and the US Attorney's Office, during his administration, were returned and commented that it was read into the record because it was recently done and that it why it was acknowledged. Mr. Failace commented to the Mayor, that his point in fact was, that it was unnecessary to make a statement about his minute of fame, when it had nothing to do with any of that stuff. He then asked the Mayor about a second statement he made. He said he had it written down and would like it clarified. He then read the statement, which was "the issues of public corruption with the prior adrninistration is well documented in the history of the Borough," and after reading the statement he again asked the Mayor to explain it. Mayor Reiman told Mr. Failace he did not need to explain anything to him, explaining the statement was made, it has to do with public corruption throughout the State of New Jersey relative to those documents that were seized from his administration or 5 OCTOBER 23, 2008 James Failace Cont: during his time as mayor. He commented that he thought it was well documented that they were seized. Mr. Failace then interrupted the Mayor telling him it was his time to speak and that he was not done. Mayor Reiman told him he made his comment and he was responding to it. Mr. Failace again interrupted Mayor Reiman informing him his time was not done. Mayor Reiman said he appreciated that and told Mr. Failace that he rnade his comment and was asking a question, and he is getting a response. Mr. Failace then said it was his administration and is well documented and then told Mayor Reiman that he was part of his administration for two (2) years. Mayor Reiman said he was not. Mr. Failace said he was. Mayor Reiman again made a cornment that he wasn't. Mr. Failace then commented "you weren't?" in return to Mayor Reiman's comment. Mayor Reiman told Mr. Failace that his administration was him as mayor, it was not necessarily the council and then told him to go ahead. Mr. Failace told Mayor Reiman he knows it is a weak mayor, strong council form of government and told him the last two (2) years of his administration he was not in power, the council was in power. i I ':-'~ ! 6 Mayor Reiman asked Mr. Failace if the Council met with OENJ Cherokee. Mr. Failace told him he did not meet with them. Mayor Reiman asked Mr. Failace if they did take records from his administration. Mr. Failace answered that they took them from the Borough. He told Mayor Reiman that he knew for a fact, that quite honestly, at public (inaudlible) in Woodbridge, he (the mayor) was there and he (meaning himself) spoke out against OENJ Cherokee. He said all that stuff is okay; but what he does not understaJld is why the necessity to make a statement that the issue of corruption is well documented of his administration. . ...j ,.". Mayor Reiman said he thinks the issue of cOlTuption in the State of New Jersey is that documents of Mr. Failace's administration had been seized by the FBI and by the US Attorney's Office and then he told Mr. Failace there was other issues, asking him ifhe wanted to go through them. He then told Mr. Failace that when he was on the Library Board, checks were written to his company while he was a trustee commented that it was immoral, unethical and he believes was illegal. Mr. Failace said it was well below the threshold and said he checked on it and it is not illegal and absolutely untme. Mayor Reiman told Mr. Failacc that he didn't think he would know the tmth if he fell over it. He then told him it is a game he is playing and is continuing to play. Mr. Failace said he carne up and asked a simple question and commented that this is what he has to go through, because all he did was ask a question and commented, "there's nothing there, there's nothing there." He said he is not doing anything more than that he just asked a simple question. 7 OCTOBER 23, 2008 James Failace Cont: OCTOBER 23, 2008 James Failace Cant: Mayor Reiman told him he made allegations and comments and then asked Mr. Failace who made him the moral authority for him to suggest and say that it is immoral and unethical. He told him he had his shot and his opportunity and the residents of this community rejected him and his values for what he brought to this community and that is the absolute truth. Mr. Failace told the Mayor they have different political opinions and that is okay because that is what makes the world go round. "--. Mayor Reiman told Mr. Failace that the problem is with him and his typical MO, is personal destruction. He told him that is what he has done for twenty (20) years, and commentedthafis whafhe does and then asked what his point was in what he used to do to fornler Mayor Sica and what he used to do councilmembers, he could narne, over the years. Mr. Failace told Mayor Reiman he was building down by the waterfront because of all the unethical stuff he stopped, commenting he stopped the incinerator from going there. Mayor Reiman told Mr. Failace that he voted against the waterfront park and transferred money away from it. Mr. Failace said he did not vote against it. Mayor Reiman told Mr. Failace that he stopped and cancelled the waterfront park and again Mr. Failace ifhe stopped it. Mr. Failace said he didn't. Mayor Reiman asked him ifhe transfered money away. Mr. Failace said he did transfer some money. Mayor Reiman told him he transferred all the money away and told hirn that project was not started under him. 8 Mr. Failace told Mayor Reiman what was sad is that he did not come there to badger him, or destroy him. Mayor Reiman told Mr. Failace that everyone in the roorn understood what his motive was, saying they have dealt with him for many years. He then told him it was unfortunate because he always has held him in high regard and has always shown him the respect that the position of mayor deserved and yet he continued to make faceless and unfounded allegations. He then told Mr. Failace his time was up,_' Kevin Urban then spoke asking the Mayor if he was aware that he Mayor Reiman told Mr. Urban that there can be no political discussion relative to that, so he cannot identify himself as a candidate but as a resident who has a question or a concern. I ,) Kevin Urban then introduced himself as a resident. He said he had a couple of questions saying a couple of days ago there was an article in the Home News Tribune regarding the town seeking a re- developer and asked ifthflt was for the Lower Roosevelt Project. Mayor Reiman asked him ifhe had the article what it said. Kevin Urban said he didn't have the article with him. He said it said seeking a fe-developer and gave the lots. Mayor Reiman said as for the Redeveloper Designation, we had issued . requests for quali fications and proposals for the Washington Avenue Greyfield Redevelopment Area, which is on Washington Avenue, from High to Atlantic Street. We have also issued a proposal for the Cooke Avenue Redevelopment Project, which is 35 Cooke Avenue the fornler Carteret Auto Parts. He said it has nothing to do with the Roosevelt Avenue Redevelopment Zone and it is one of thirteen different redevelopment projects in the town. 9 OCTOBER 23, 2008 James Failace Cont: Kevin Urban OCTOBER 23, 2008 Kevin Urban Cont: Public Portion Closed Mr. Urban then asked the Mayor if he could give him a little insight as to the timetable that the Council foresees Lower Roosevelt being developed. Mayor Reiman told him the project was always envisioned to take about three (3) to five (5) years for land acquisition and remediation aJld re-location and the phases of construction were three (3) to five (5) years, based upon the market conditions. He went on to say he project is moving ahead and by Spring of 2009, the next phase will be under full construction, which includes the two (2) middle blocks. He said they just recently signed off on the re-location of the Max Brown Hardware Store to the AMAX Mr. Urban then said there is a need for improvement on Terminal Road close to Roosevelt Avenue. Mayor Reiman agreed, saying we moved ahead with the Engineer to move toward re-paving that road as well as finishing the streetscape, which is the Borough's responsibility on that and we will be moving imrnediately with the new shade trees, the curbs, the sidewalks, curb cuts and pavers, explaining it will be the same \york the Borough has done throughout Roosevelt and Washington Avenues. , i j Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Diaz and Naples and unanimous affirn1ative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the public portion of the meeting was closed. Attorney Bergen then spoke, saying there was some reference to some conduct of his and he would like to respond to it, as the attorney, because he does have a reputation to uphold. He said he didn't make note, as they all recall, of anything in particular, he merely reported to the Council the return of documents. He said to his recollection he was not the Borough Attorney at the time the docurnents were confiscated and around there were at a time that he had served on the Council with Mr. Failace, there were a 10 number of questions about what those documents were seized for and obviously he had no information with regard to that since they came back and he was not about to go back and research those documents and start those questions again. He said he was merely reporting to members of the Council, some of whorn served at the time the documents were here. He doesn't know anything what the project is about and said if they wanted to look at what the project is about they are now in the Clerk's Office. Mayor Reiman then said he will be pulling eertainresolutions for individual votes because they deserve special recognition. He said they would be #08-251 and #08-252. RESOLUTION #08-251 was introduced by the Mayor and referred to the Council for action. oJ Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Diaz and Bellino RESOLUTION #08-251 "Certifying Thomas R. Stroka Police Lieutenant" lVas Adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Bellino, Colon, Diaz, Krum and Naples voted in the Affirmative. Councilmember Sitarz was noted Absent. RESOLUTION #08-252 was introduced by the Mayor and referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Naples and Bellino RESOLUTION #08-252 "Certifying Michael J. Dammmm Police Sergeant" -j _.) 11 OCTOBER 23, 2008 Attorney Bergen Cont: Mayor Reiman, Re: Resolutions #08-251 and #08-252 RESOLUTION #08-251 "Certifying Thomas R. Stroka Police Lieutenant" Adopted RESOLUTION #08-252 "Certifying Michael J. Dammann, Police Sergeant" OCTOBER 23, 2008 Resolution #08-252 Adopted Consent Agenda RESOLUfION #08-249 "Directing the Issuance of ~rious Raffle Licenses" RESOLUfION #08-250 "Professional Services Slavin & Morse, LLC., Re: ABC Related Matters" RESOLUfION #08-253 "Authorizing Bids- Completion of Rehabilitation IVork on 45-47 IVashington Avenue" RESOLUfION #08-254 "Approving Payment Certificate #3 & Final, Re: Laurel St. Improvements RESOLUfION #08-255 "Enabling Resolution Re: Multi Parks Project" RESOLUfION #08-256 "Appointing Caroline sanchez to the Cultural Arts Committee" was Adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Bellino, Colon, Diaz, Krum and Naples voted in the Affirmative. Councilrnember Sitarz was noted Absent. Mayor Reiman then asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda. Resolutions #08-249 through #08-250 and Resolutions #08-253 through #08-261 were introduced by the Mayor and referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C by CounciJmembers Diaz andBeIIino RESOLUTION #08-249 "DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF A RAFFLE LICENSE TO CARTERET ELK'S LODGE #2235, CENTRAL JERSEY ALLSTARS, FATHER CAREY COUNCIL #1280, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AND LITTLE CARTERET LEAGUE" RESOLUTION #08-250 "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-SLAVIN & MORSE, LLC., RE: ABC RELATED MATTERS" RESOLUTION #08-253 "AUTORIZING BIDS-COMPLETION OF REHABILITATION WORK ON 45-47 W ASHINGTON AVENUE" RESOLUTION #08-254 "APPROVING PAYMENT CERTIFICATION #3 & FINAL, RE: LAUREL STREET IMPROVEMENTS" RESOLUTION #08-255 "ENABLING RESOLUTION, RE: MULTI PARKS PROJECT" RESOLUTION #08-256 "APPOINTING CAROLINE SANCHEZ TO THE CULTURAL ARTS COMMITTEE" 12 RESOLUTION #08-257 "APPROVING PAYMENT FOR TOMARO CONTRACTING FOR CORNELL ESTATES PROJECT" RESOLUTION #08-258 "RESPONSIBLE" BIDDER RESOLUTION" RESOLUTION #08-259 "AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF AN RFQ IN CONNECTION WITH A P8RTION OF THE FEDERAL BOULEVARD REDEVELOPMENT AREA, PHASE II" . RESOLUTION #08c260 "PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF SURPLUS FUNDS" RESOLUTION #08-261 "AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH THE UEZ BOARD, RE: HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER PROJECT" j were Adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Bellino, Colon, Diaz, KnUl1 and Naples voted in the Affirnlative. Councilmember Sitarz was noted Absent. Councilmember Bellino spoke in reference to #08-258, "Responsible" Bidder Resolution, saying it is one of the best resolutions we put out in quite a time based off the ahnosphere of battles between people, bidders and construction agencies, Councils and Government Bodies in general, explaining that it actually defines in what they can and cannot do. Board of Health/Office on Aging. Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Diaz and Naples and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, all Reports were ordered to be received and placed on file. I I .) 13 OCTOBER 23, 2008 RESOLUTION #08-257 "Approving Payment for Tomaro Contracting for Cornell Estates Project" RESOLUTION #08-258 "Responsible" Bidder Resolution RESOLUTION #08-259 "Authorizing Issuance of an RFQ in Connection with a Portion of the Federal Boulevard Redevelop- ment Area, Phase IIlI RESOLUTION #08-260 "Providing for the Transfer of Surplus Funds" RESOLUTION #08-261 "Authorizing Agree- ment with the DEZ Board, Re: cHeal th & Hellness Center Project" AOOPI'ED Councilf\lember Bellino REPCRTS OCTOBER 23, 2008 COMMITTEES COMMITTEES- BUILDINGS & GROUNDS- Committee Chairperson Naples reported that along with the historic restoration of the building the steps were re-poured and re-designed and now the are being recoated and sprayed with an acrylic type of treatment which is UV and salt resistant and the Buildings and Grounds Depariment are dOIng general tasks and winterizing. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION: Committee Chairperson Diaz reported that on the past Tuesday they held their ammal tax sale and it was a for were able to sell in outstanding taxes and sewer liens. He said this week they will also be sending out the sewer rebate checks, which he explained was a program for our senior citizens and have expanded the program to include our veterans and disabled residents, totaling an approximate of $50,000.00. He went on to report that under teclmology we have made major upgrades to our networks infi'astmcture, to include safeguards and filters for anti-virus and spy ware for our network and was installed on all the computers and servers. He reported that under Economic Development on October 7th, we hosted our Business Networking Event and it was a success for our cunent Business Partnership and it continues to be evidence of our conmlitment to our local businesses and we also offered a workshop on Green Technology to support them. He then thanked Kathy Shaw the Director of Economic Development, for a job well done and the Mayor and Council for attending. FIRE & DOMESTIC PREPARDNESS: Committee Chairperson Krurn reported on October llth the Fire Department conducted their annual Open House in observation of Fire Prevention Week. He said it was the largest crowd ever and was a great success. He spoke briefly on this. He thanked all the local businesses and industries who donated to the free raffles. He said also in conjunction with this week the Fire Department visited all the schools, educating the children and gave a special thanks to Tommy App, who volunteered his time for this. He went on to say on October 17th the Carteret Fire Departnlent participated in a live 14 on October 17th the Carteret Fire Department participated in a live training exercise with Kinder Morgan at Middlesex Fire Department. Progress. PARKS & RECREATION & PUBLIC PROPERTY: Committee Chairperson Bellino -reported the tree replacernent on Carteret Avenue will be done the end of November and they will be planting ivory silk lilacs trees. He said on Carteret Avenue and Louis Street they are reconsttUcting the ball fields and said the Senior Sidewalk-Program will be done by the end of the month and the stump removal will be done by the end of November and the sidewalks will be replaced prior to the cold weather. Progress. J POLICE - Mayor Reiman spoke in the absence of Committee Chairperson Sitarz, who has been absent due to the recent passing of his wife Katherine. He then recognized Lieutenant Stroka and Sergeant Dammann, for their promotion and hard work and dedication to our community and asked for a round of applause. He said once they have the final certification from Trenton, they will make the permanent appointrnent, this was provisional of course, and they will be able to officiate the swearing in at the next Council Meeting. PUBLIC WORKS: Committee Chairperson Colon reported that the Leaf Bag Program has hegun and are available at the Community Center Monday through Thursday, 11 :00 A.M. to 1 :00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. She said the 2008 Paving Program is underway and some curbing and base repair work has been completed. She said the County will start milling in the next two (2) weeks and Cornell Estates is 35 % complete and paving will begin in the next few weeks. She went on to say emergency sewer repairs were performed on Coolidge and Colgan and the work CaJile in time and under budget. Progress. BOARD OF EDUCATION: Comrnittee Chairperson Naples reported that Carteret Public Schools will be closed the week of November 3rd and on November lith, Veterans Day, Carteret Middle School and Mrs. Spiga, the Principal will be hosting a Veterans Breakfast and will reaching out to the local veterans I I J 15 OCTOBER 23, 2008 ffi\ft1IITEES Cont: OCTOBER 23, 2008 MAYOR National Breast Cancer Month organizations and the Menlo Park Veterans Home. She then mentioned the Proclamation that will be read later in the meeting about the National Teen Driver Safety Week and said Carteret High School did participate in a County Initiative, they sent the Student's Assistant Coordinator as a representative to the County Vocational Schools and that initiative was statewide and sponsored by our Freeholder, Ron Rios. MAYOR- Mayor Reiman said they have two (2) Proclamations and he read them into the record: a) National Breast Cancer Month "WHEREAS, the Goveming Body of the Borough of Carteret desires to recognize the Month of October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month; and WHEREAS, the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign is comprised of national public service organizations, professional medical associations and government agencies working in partnership to raise awareness, share information and provide access to screening services; and WHEREAS, many strides have been made in breast cancer awareness and treatment, but even more still needs to be accomplished; NOW, THEREFORE, I DANIEL J. REIMAN, MAYOR OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, in the County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey do hereby acknowledge THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2008 As NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH In the Borough of Carteret and request that residents join with us in this most worthy recognition." 16 b) B) National Teen Driver Safety Week WHEREAS, the United States Congress established National Teen Driver Safety Week in 2007; and WHEREAS, the Young Driver Research Initiative team has detem1ined that having teen passengers in a vehicle operated by a teen driver results ina higher fatal crash risk; and WHEREAS, it has been deternlined that newly-licensed drivers should attain 1,000 miles or six months of driving experience before they transport teen passengers; and .J WHEREAS, October 19-25, 2008, has been designated National Teen Driver Safety Week, and the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical High Schools are encouraging students to promote safety to their peers as part of the "Drive Safe for the Ride of Your Life" teen safe driving initiative; NOW, THEREFORE, I DANIEL J. REIMAN, MAYOR OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, in the County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey do hereby acknowledge OCTOBER 19-25,2008 As NATIONAL TEEN DRIVER SAFETY WEEK In the Borough of Cmteret and encourage residents of all ages to promote safe driving habits which will result in fewer driving accidents and fatalities." 17 OCTOBER 23, 2008 PROCLAMATIONS Cont: b) National Teen Driver Safety Week OCTOBER 23, 2008 Mayor Councilmember Diaz PAYMENT OF BILLS ADJOURNED I The Mayor then thanked the schools, particularly the High School, for participating in this program. Councilmember Diaz then made mention to the Mayor that with all the excitement of the evening they neglected to approve the Payment of Bills listed on the Order of Business. Upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Diaz ad Naples, all bills appearing on the prepared list, properly audited and signed, were ordered to be paid. lJpon individual roll callyote, Councill11ell1bers Bellino, Colon, Diaz, Krum and Naples voted in the Affirmative. Councilmember Sitarz was noted Absent. After no further discussion, upon MMS&C by Councilmembers Diaz and Krum and the unanimous affilmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was Adjourned at approximately 6:26 P.M. . :'j ".- THLEEN M. BARNEY Municipal Clerk KMB/lr 18