HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA Board Minutes 2014-04-30 4RLEA"S 70UN CLERK MEETING MINUTES Orleans Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, April 30, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Suits at 1:02 pm. MEETING ATTENDANCE: Board Members present: Frank Suits, Fran Bonscher, Phil Halkenhauser, George Dunn, and Sandy Marshall COA Staff Present: Director, Judi Wilson, Office Manager, Donna Faivre and Selectman David Dunford Absent: Board Members, Margie Fulche, Betty Hinkley and Assistant Town Administrator Myra Suchenicz. APPROVIAL OF MINUTES: • A motion was made by Sandy Marshall which was seconded by George Dunn to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2014 COA Board meeting. Vote: 5 (Y) 0(N) 0(A). There was no meeting in March 2014. CHAIRMANS REPORT: None TREASURER'S REPORT": • Copies of the COA financial report for March 2014 were presented to all Board members for review. • Director Wilson noted that we are slightly under budget, but that we will have several year-end building maintenance and repair invoices to pay. • Director Wilson mentioned that we have a purchase order pending to purchase the new My Senior Center software program. We should have that shortly in order to proceed with the purchase. DIRECTOR'S REPORT": Program Updates: • We are tightening our guidelines for Private Pay Referrals and requesting completed CORI checks every two years. • USDA Food Program: We have seen an increase in the number of people needing this important food program. • FISH: First annual meeting of the Orleans Fish Program will take place on June 201. We are still recruiting for additional drivers for this program. • FOCOA Benevolent Fund: Director Wilson proposed this fund and the Friends were very happy to support this program to help seniors in a confidential way. • Elder Service Surveys were completed by the Day Center participants who receive reimbursement from Elder Services. We received great reviews! • Soup & Sandwich Program received wonderful reviews after a recent in house survey. A few participants noted that some items were a bit spicy. • LGBT Program served 153 unduplicated people. This program helps with isolation and stress. New Programs: • Sandy Marshall suggested that our knitting group knit prayer shawls. She will bring in the pattern. Personnel: • No staffing changes at this time. 1 ■ r Buildinas and Grounds: • We are in the process of repairing the tall columns on the exterior of the building near the main entrance. • New function room floor looks good and the odor is starting to subside. • Roof repairs were done, but there are still additional repairs that need to be completed, especially around the penetrations. • We have had several necessary repairs completed over the past few weeks that take a lot of time with scheduling and coordination. Misc: • LGBT Gale Fund granted us a second grant for our LGBT program. • Cape Cod Foundation awarded us a grant in the amount of$3500.00. Director Wilson submitted a few different programs for them to consider and they chose our"Ask A Nurse" program. The nurse will follow up with the client and assist them in navigating the health care system. • Director Wilson has a few other programs that she would like to initiate and she may ask the FOCOA for help in supporting these programs. A breast cancer symposium and a senior summit taboo talk. • We are no longer charging to transport Orleans seniors to LoCal (Lower Cape Lunch) at Saint Joan of Arc or charge Gosnold to use office space in the building to serve Orleans seniors. • Director Wilson noted that 42.9% of Orleans residents are 65 and over. 42% are between 75 and 84 years of age. • MCOA Board training will take place on September 91^ at the Orleans COA. FOCOA members can also be invited to attend. Coast Uodate: • Coast will not be meeting during the summer. • The REACH program is no longer in existence. • The My Life My Health Coalition and the Barnstable County Human Services department have obtained a significant grant from the Massachusetts Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund for evidenced based health and wellness programs in the communities of Bourne, Barnstable, Mashpee and Falmouth. These grants are funded in great part from the health insurance industry who are hoping evidenced-based interventions will address chronic disease and reduce health care costs. The scope of this program will consume much of the network's time and resources to get the program off the ground. FRIENDS UPDATE: (Presented by Director Wilson) • The FOCOA fundraiser at Guappos went well. • Their new Articles of Organization have been published. • The Board had a small discussion about their changes and felt that it might be helpful to meet as a group. Sandy Marshall will ask a few FOCOA Board members to join a few COA Board members for a discussion regarding their new Articles of Organization and by-laws. NEW BUSINESS: • Director Wilson will approach the other COA Directors to discuss an inter-municipal agreement in regards to the Day Center Program. • Director Wilson passed out a "Resident Survey" that will be sent to all Orleans residents. It was suggested that we add the contact information at the bottom of the form. • The "Participant Behavior Policy" will be voted on at that next COA Board meeting with one change to add the word "includes" after Disruptive behavior. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 2 ADJOURNMENT: • With no future business, Chairman Suits asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Phil Halkenhauser motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by George Dunn. The meeting was adjourned at 2:47 pm. Vote: 5 (Y) 0(N) 0(A). "*Copies on file at Orleans Council on Aging The next COA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Faivre, Office Manager Orleans Council on Aging Minutes approved by the Orleans Council on Aging Board at their meeting held May 29, 2014. 3 a