HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA Board Minutes 2014-05-29 '4 5 �7_C' s t ;i;tpi ORLEANS TOFN. CL_RK AMENDED MEETING MINUTES Orleans Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday Thursday, May 29, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Suits at 1:00 pm. MEETING ATTENDANCE: Board Members present: Frank Suits, Phil Halkenhauser, Sandy Marshall, Betty Hinkley & Margie Fulcher COA Staff Present: Director, Judi Wilson, and Office Manager, Donna Faivre Others Present: Assistant Town Administrator, Myra Suchenicz Absent: Board Members: George Dunn, Fran Bonscher and COA Liaison David Dunford. APPROVIAL OF MINUTES: • A motion was made by Phil Hal kenhauser which was seconded by Sandy Marshall, to approve the minutes of the April 2014 COA Board Meeting. Vote: 4(Y) 0(N) 0(A). Margie Fulcher was not present when the vote was taken. CHAIRMANS REPORT: • Chairman Suits noted that both he and Fran Bonscher's terms expire at the end of June 2014. • The Board will hold their annual meeting on June 25t' in order to reorganize. • Director Wilson asked Chairman Suits if he would like her to send a notice to the Selectmen regarding their expiring terms. Chairman Suits noted that he would like to see if Fran plans on staying on the Board. TREASURER'S REPORT": • Copies of the COA financial report for April 2014 were presented to all Board members for review. • Director Wilson noted that we will have quite a few year-end building expenses and repairs, which will be paid in June. • Director Wilson explained that our salary line item is under-budget due to part time employees who do not get paid when they do not work. DIRECTOR'S REPORT": Proaram Updates: • Director Wilson is working on a plan to enter into discussions with other COA Directors from the Towns of Brewster, Harwich, Chatham and Eastham regarding an inter-municipal agreement concerning their residents who attend our Day Center Program. • The AOSC Committee will be here this weekend to take in the artwork for their new show which will be hung on Sunday. • Director Wilson spoke about the gallery wall hanging system, which was delivered to us quite scratched. She is working with the company in order to return the product and hopefully get a good quality replacement. • AARP Safe Driving Program was very successful. Class was full with both men and women attending. We have a waiting list for the next class. 1 IL - • We just received another grant from the Gale Fund for our LGBT program for the coming year. Outreach worker, Maryanne Ryan did a presentation at the Gale Fund Grant Awards night discussing our successful LGBT program. • We will be holding an LGBT Listening Session here on July 21st, which is being presented by the Massachusetts Commission on LGBT Aging. • Monthly Cabarets: Director Wilson is going to review this program and possibly make some changes in the future. This event takes a lot of staff time to coordinate as well as volunteers. Personnel: • The employee who was going to resign has changed his mind and will stay through the summer. • First Aid and CPR training is required for several employees. We are working with the Fire Department to coordinate this training. Buildinq and Grounds: • Director Wilson mentioned all of the various building repairs and maintenance work that have taken place over the past several weeks. • Chairman Suits asked about where we stood with regards to the widening of the driveway entrance near Rock Harbor Road. Director Wilson said she is working with Ron Collins on that project. Software Conversion: • The purchase of our new software has been approved. We are trying to determine the best training date, in order to have as many employees as possible attend. We will install the software and have the staff use the program and update the data as necessary. We will not roll the program out to the public until this Fall in order for staff to get properly trained and have time to work with the software. Needs Assessment: • We have a census list from Town Hall that we will use for the mailing. We are looking into using the Town Hall Postal Permit for this project. TRIAD: • Director Wilson met with the Orleans Police Department about this program which was started about 20 years ago. The Sheriff's office would like to bring this program back. New Programs: • The Orleans Citizens Forum is looking to schedule a program in the Fall on end of life planning. FRIENDS UPDATE: • Sandy Marshall read the email responses from Mary Lyttle, in regards to the meeting between the FOCOA and the COA Board held on 5/19114. The meeting was regarding the FOCOA proposed changes to their By-Laws and Articles of Organization. • The COA Board had a discussion regarding these responses and again expressed their concerns with the proposed changes. • The next FOCOA meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 4t"and their annual meeting will be on June Ill. NEW BUSINESS: • Director Wilson presented the Board with the revised Participant Behavior Policy. Margie Fulcher put forth a motion to approve the revised policy, which was seconded by Sandy Marshall. Vote: 5-0-0 • Director Wilson asked for the Board's input regarding a Tidings policy. Should out of town residents pay for our Tidings newsletter, if it is no longer attached to the FOCOA membership? • Sandy Marshall put forth a motion that Director Wilson put a draft of this policy together to present at the next COA Board meeting. Margie Fulcher seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0-0. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 2 r ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, Chairman Suits asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Phil Halkenhauser put forth a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Margie Fulcher. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm. Vote: 5 (Y) 0(N) O(A). "Copies on file at Orleans Council on Aging The next COA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 1:00 pm Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Faivre, Office Manager Orleans Council on Aging Minutes approved by the Orleans Council on Aging Board at their meeting held June 25, 2014. 3 a