HomeMy Public PortalAboutDPW Facilities Minutes 2015-02-19 '15 9;55M NEW DPW FACILITIES FEASIBILITY STUDY COMMITTEE ORLEANS TUN CLERK THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2015 -4:30 1 0 t SKAKET ROOM, TOWN HALL ; r I Present: Vice-Chair, Peter Coneen, Michael Smith, Henry Spadaccia and Daniel Coursey (via Telephone) also present were ex-officio member Tom Daley- DPW/NR and Selectman Jon Fuller/Liaison • Absent: Guests: Buddy Young — Orleans Resident Meeting was called to order at 4:40 by Peter ConeenNice Chair. Resignation of David Hill • Mr. Coursey reiterated his concern over the fact that Mr. Hill had missed our first four meetings and considering the amount of material that had been covered it would be difficult for him to catch up. Mr. Hill apologized for the absences and explained that he was traveling for business. He also said that he had commitments that might mean he could miss future meetings. Mr. Fuller then explained that town regulations allowed for the termination of a member's appointment if four or more meetings are missed. Mr. Hill stated that considering his need for further work related travel he would tender his resignation. Review Floor Plans and Site Plan Schematics • Mr. Daley indicated that further review of the floor would take place. Draft copies of the site plan (attached) were distributed and discussed. Review of Vehicle Fleet Information • A revised list of DPW vehicles (attached) showing type of storage each vehicle required was distributed. The list shows which vehicles are recommended for warm storage vs. cold storage and the space size needed. Discussion followed around the rationale for determining why warm vs. cold storage was recommended. • Mr. Coursey raised the question of temporary reuse of the compost facility for cold storage, since at this time it appears that some/much of the towns equipment slated for cold storage by the consultant report were exposed with no protection during off season. Mr. Daley had some initial reservations due to security issues at the location, but said he would take anything at this time. Mr. Coursey asked why more equipment was not being place in cold protective storage at the compost facility during off seasons if protecting this equipment was so important. Mr. Coursey presented this question once more during the meeting. It was discussed that the compost building was only made available in the last 4 years to the town of Orleans. Mr. Coursey asked if the DPW would be able to make the building secure with fencing etc. and thus saving the taxpayers money while protecting said equipment. Mr. Daley stated that the DPW was busy with other projects. Mr. Coursey expressed his concern that if protection was so important why it was not made a priority and why the clear protective value of the compost facilities 40,000 square feet was not being used since it is a valuable asset of the town. Mr. Fuller stated that some/one of the Selectmen were not interested in using the building long term, but that short term usage had not been considered. Mr. Coursey brought up his concern that it would be likely 6-7 years until any new cold storage building would be available for the DPW, and that it seemed to him that using the compost facility for the next 5-6 years would be a perfect opportunity to protect the seasonal equipment identified as so important to protect while other projects (like the possible waste water treatment for this site) were worked out. Setup Tour of Orleans Facilities and Other Towns Facilities. • Tours scheduled for February 25th at 2p.m. We will meet at the Bay Ridge facility. Discussion of Status of Fuel Depot • Mr. Daley provided schematic (attached) for the proposed Fuel Depot at the Giddiah Hill location. Mr. fuller noted that the funds for moving were in the capital plan and a proposal to move it independent of the DPW/NR project is being considered. Approval of Minutes • On a motion by Mr.Coneen and seconded by Mr.Smith the January 29, 2015 minutes were approved 3-0-1. • On a motion by Mr. Coneen and seconded by Mr. Spadaccia the February 5, 2015 minutes were approved 4-0-0 Jtems for Future Agendas • Impact of the possible acquisition of 50 Lots Hollow Road property. Next Meeting • February 25, 2015 at 4:30 in Nauset Room On a motion by Mr. Spadaccia and seconded by Mr. Smith and a vote of 4-0-0, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM by the Chairman.