HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrdinance #157 ........................--.,.'.. .....'.r'.../'_~.......,'-' .....-..,. - \. ..... .... j,' o\!' t:...... ',"- "".'>' l':!:-tj~~{::;:: OilDINANCE NO. WI . ~;I....'-tIIV) -- ,\~: ". . " ~-;:~;:~.:tt~.~~(,~;;r~~;' . ~' '... ':J::-:. , ~~~~~f,~~~1:-~:~~:~~.~:~'. -'.; .;, \ ~~ .' " a. aaDIwAllCE 'IOVl1)UIG .oa -Till' AII'fEXATI0N OF TlltaTTnlY TO TJlF. TO"N OF ....1.:. A.D ZOIJRC suell- ,A1I1IJ;XED' PIOPERTY, . AHENUIHG TilE OFFICIAl.. 7.ntaN~ II.P. or Tla 'lO"N O' ".'SII, AND. AH8HDI_H(; TUE t'llASEII 2.munc oarHNACe! la,'; 53 or TI! TOWR or nASEI,', COLORADO. . . . I. lr'.,OIDAlISD IY' THE BOARD or TRUSTEES o~ JIIE ,TnWH 0,.- Fa.SI. COLO.ADO: '..1:10. 1'. An..x.eiGD. , S....ceian A. Tbac ebe owner. ..of on. hundred_ percent (100%) .f 'the h.r.1naft.r d..crU.d p1'opert, h.v. 111.d "h,b the loa I'd o( Ir..t... of the Town 'of rta..r. .Color..o~ a Petition for Annexac10n of ....' ,ro,.re, to the Tovn of '1'11".". Coloudu. . Svb..cclon I. TbaC ch.,propert, tQ b. ana.x.di_ d..crib.. .. '~!o110v., - to-II1t. z 'UtIL IV . Cr..cc' of ,land hetna . ,ol'l:Jon of th. Northea.e J/4 of SecUltn 29. ....:~ the Souch 1/2 of the SOulh...t l/4 of S.ct1o~: 2'0, -'f:own.hip 1 SouCh, aanaa 75 'V..t of .th. Sixth Principal Meridian. Crand County, Colo~..o, d..cclbed .. follows: ..a:tnlltnl at... tha South...t." corner' of .aid Section 20-, thenc,. N 6]"~J'59w W. 429.3' tiel. to a point on the -Southu.uTly lin.o of . tr.~'t d..crib.. in.&ook 332. 'ae 'a.,' 67'1; 'thence S 33-3-3'11" W_ .Ionc. ..14 Soutb...carly Itne, 505.19 f,.c to . point on the SoutheAsterly li.. of .sld TTact: thence alonl sald Southve.t~rly line th, fo11ovln~ a14. -(9) cou~.e.: (I) " 56-26~49" . 20.00 feet (2) N 33-33' II" . :40.00 fe~t 0) N 56-26'4", . 180.00 f.et (4) N 56-33'04" . 1.129.95'. (eet (') N 11'55'40" . 120.18 fee't (0) N 56-28' 1''' . D'.02 filet (7) " 4)-01'14" . 120.80 feet (8) N 56-28'14" . ),42.69 feet (9) N 61-.54'09" . 343.48 fI.t to a point on tha We.t line of the South 1/2 of tbe Southeaet 1/4 of .-aid Section 20: thence S 00'-21'OS" E alonS the Welt line of u_1d So.th 1/2 of the South...t _/4, 11'02.32 feet to the South 1/4 of .aid -Section 20: tbance ~ 00-2B106" [ a10D8 th. \l..t. line of the North -1/2 of the North...t 1/4 of Slctlon28. 161.41 het- to . point on the North....Urly r11ht of vay line of the D " I G ,I' llaUroad; th.ne. aloDI ..1d North.a.t:.rly rtaht of vay 11ne the folloving (3) thufI eoar...: (1) 544.22'44" I (2) S 34-26.04" I (3) S 31-43'25" B 146.69' t..t 201.88 t.at 330.28 taet to a potnt Oft tbe South lin. of the Horthveet 1/4 of the North...t 1/4 'of ..1d Saction 29; th.,c. N 89.4713611 E alofta ..id South I1ne of the ýÿ . ..I'l......t 1/4 .f t.... ..I'C....,. 1/4.,.7,. :,134'.11' t..t -co tb. ,S..U....C .......r .f ..s.. ...1'1::.....& 1/4 .f.', tll.....ort......t 1/.';.,cblncl I OOI)1-U- I aleal' th. V.., 11a. of Ibe loucll...t If.4 of tb. ....th.a.t. '1'4, .of ..s. ..ctS.. 2.. 1.64.,,_,,'&'10 -~ p.S.~ OD th. .oreb...t.rl, ~tAhc of _., 11.a of ell. D , . G V .,:Ul'o,.. c'..c. .sona .a'_d Itol'ch,a"'''ly 1'.I.ht of va, U... cb. .'0110.1.. tll.... (n. eDur...: II). I "..0'5'" I (2) I 60-00'.3.'. (3) I 60.5~'2S" I 6'a16 h.t 23)... faet" "1..10 ,..c ,. . pol.t OB eb. So.t'-l~.. o~ tha Soulh...t 1/4 ot lh. H~rlhl'ac' 1/4 .1 ..1. I..clo. 2t; t.....c. . ".SO'SS".I aloB. the'SClucb U". 0' 'the a..ch...e 1/4. of t1le .o,.".,.i: 1/4 0'. ..dd S.ctJun 29,. 88'.3'1 hat tft "Clll' V..e 1/4 eora... of ..ld .S.ccion 21; thlae. N OU.30'OO. " ...loa. 1:11'. leaC 11... .f .the lorth...... 1/4 of ..1e1 S.eHoD 29. 1 'n6.~8) h4"t to cb. lo.thv..carl., 1.i.1 of . cr.cr: 01_ 1.nd'dCl.crlb.d 1n ,Inok 311t, at ...ie ..+-': theDC' N 40.47ISO" V a10D.I .ofd SDuchv.aurly lin. 214.101' hu: 1-II.nce N 83-34130" & alona eh. Nort,b.rly lhe of ....d Tun. 111J~)~j ".1 CO . ,oiat. on the I..t Ifno of' the Hortlll!l"'" cnrner 01 BAld '.Cllon 29; chenee R 00.]0.00" W' alona aald Edst lint: of thy Nnrrlu,o.t l/~'of SecCion 29,1757.75 f..~ tD the PDlnt of O_a1nn1na, Cont41nlna U'.13U acre. th.r.l.. Ai.l b.arift'. In tbll d..e,r.tpc.on I.lru b.,.d .p.D chI E..Clln. of lb. Northaaac 11', Section 29. Tovnah1p 1 South, a.n.. 7S W..t of the Stach Principal K.ridlan b.lni= 5 001]0'00. E. Sub.ectio. C. That thl .at. prop.rty 1. allslbl1 for a....xat1ia-.. pro.ld,!d In. "thl Munictpal AnnlXDtt.an Ace 0' 1965", Sub..ettoD D. Th.t the Ann.xatlon Alr....ftc .pprov.d by Or.i.a~e. 10. /Jr~ ,b. tv... chI Tovn of Fr...r and R'li.~ ....,.. a. , Inc. (Ovner of subject prop.rt,) 18 her.by ..d. . conditton .f chi~ Anna..ciOD and .uch p~oplrty .ha11 be .ubjecC to a.ld Aaru.~ ...e 10 acco1:'.acil vleb 'Che car.. and provlsionli of .'ald AnnoxaU.o. AII'.....t. .u'..ctlon I. Thac the her.tnabove ducl'tb.d ,rap.,rl, b. ... t"a .....t...Il.I'.b' aunaxed co the Town of Fr..er. ColoTlI.do,' .and '111-. corporatl i'11.1el ot' .ai' Town ar. hu'.', .xe.ad.d 'to .nco.p... a.lll1 prop.re,.. ..~CiO. 2. Zonina. WH.IIAS, chi pl'op.rty d.'aCI'111.' ebo.. ls',y lhi. Ordinanc. ....a.. to d.. To"Va of ',..al', Colol'.4o; '.114 WHIIIAS', puraua.1t to 131-12-11~, C.I.S. 'S' ....nd.d, tt h ..~a.a.I" co ao~. .a14 ,rop.re,. and. ------ VHIIIAS,. Ovaarha. ..b.itead an AppllcetioD. with ,uppol'~ln. .daau..nta a.' otbar avid.ne.,. to 100. a,td Proparc)' .'PD ,- PJanll.d ....10p..nt Dllt:rlcl" .. ,..ov14.d Iii SICUOD 10 of" Ordinanc. Jlo.. ~3, a.c1cl.d "Plann.d D.v.lop..nC Discrieru: .nd "HIIIAS, rhe Fr.a.r PhftDinl Co..J..ton ha. revlewad satd appUeuion and. ..ull.tu.l. aa' b.. r.co...n.... that ..td Planal. .a.elap..nt Diatrlct b. .pprov... by cbi., Board of Trun..s: and "HllIAS. tb. .OwDh" ha. DOC' .ub.itt.d an Appltcatton for a '1~.1 D.v.lop..nt PIa. 101' afiy part of .aid Property: and . WREIIAS, .th. Board ot Truat.e. t,.~.by find. that" the evi- d.ace fa suf (teieat tel .hov tbat tb. a.1d 'PlanJaa. Dev,lop..nt Plan la 111. the baae lotn..c. of l'he Tow-n .of Fr..ar. v111 p-ro.ot. iood ..sla,n, .nhance..nt of .nv1r-on.ahtal ...nltl..,. lncr...., .ttictancy of public and pl'hate au'vic.a, inaurs int.arate. ,plal\n11\& ao.la Dnd objueh.. of the KaU'1' Plaa an. Co.pr.hena1". Pl.~ wh1lo al10vlnl au.t.r fln:ibtlUy and' InDOVaHafta 1n ~'''.lop..at aad site' d,sl8ne than 1. typi~al1,. po.afbl. uad.r the conyenctonal :loa. dlotrlcc" regulation.., and provtdtftl the Tovn of Fra.er with ..auranee.. ~hnt the proj,ect 'vill r.catn" the eh.yac:tal:. uov, envi.ion.d; and .' WH~aEA.S. chI '80ar.d,'-'of Tru.t.... hlrlby finds ael, to .eha extanc of' the preUm!ner,. application .ab.tet.. fo.. Plaa"'.. Davelopatllt Approvai "only: (.) .ConstiC~ta. . uniqu. and truly Innovetlve pr~j.et which t. repr...nca. by' the :developtr Co be conatructed within _ that .ehe .proj- and' docu.ent II WHEREAS. Ownlr haa 8ub.ltttd an Application. vith lupportina doeu.ent. end othar tvtd'Dc., to ZDDI ,ald Proparty ,"PO - Plaa".d Da,,.lop..at Dl.U'lctl. e. pro...lded ln Sectlon 10 of" Ord1nanca No. )J, entitled "Plann.d navalo,.ant Diacricc'.; and \lHEREAS, the "YO...r 'lannlnl Co..i..lon ha' flvi''''. ..fd ."lication and aub.ittal. aad ha. raco...nd.. Chac ..id Planae. De.elop..nt Di.triee b. .pprov~d by, lhi,. Board of Tru.ea..; and - VHIIIAS. lb. .Ovner ha. not .ub.it.tad an AppUeatioft tor t !!!!! D,vl10,..nt Plta tor In, V.re of ..Iaptop.rty; and "tlEIEAS. ,th. loard ot Truetll. hareby fin'.athat th. e.vi- danc. i, aulflchat to .how that ch. .ald p'lInj..d'Davelop..ac PlaD 1. in th. ba.t inUre.ta of th. 'l'ovn of Fr...r. vl11 "ro.oc'l I'ood de.t.", .nhance.ent of .ftviroa..ntal t=eniti... incr.... .fflchDCY of pultllC and pl"h.te .erYicea, In.un inUlracad planning goal. and obJacti"e. 01 tbe "..t'ar Plan and Co.pr.hanalve Pl.~ while 0110"101 auater flexibility and lnnai.cion. in d...lop.aDt and atCe 'de.ign. !h3n Ie typl~all1 po..lble under ,the co~v.ntlon.l lone district regulatlon.~ .nd prCllvid1nl the Town of Fra..r with .IIISUrance. tllat tba proJ,eet 'wl11 retain the character, DOW .nvlst~n.d;- a-nd .' act. to ltabatt tad WHEREAS, the 'Boar.d, of Truat.... h~rlb1 Hods the' ext,ent - of, th. preli_lnery .pp,l-ieatl_IIm for !lanned Davelop.ant Approvnt o~~?: that the ',roj- and docu..nt. (e) .Con.titute. .. unique and cr~ly inriova~ive p~~Jert which 1. repr...ftted by. the .develop.1' to be eon.t~uel.d ~lthin .. r.a.on,bl. ,p.rlod of tiae In "TelatlDn to the proj~ct'e atae and acopa and which w11l be of Bcono.it benet.'U to- the Tovn o.f Fr..er, thateby qualify1n. the project undar thi. and ~tb.r crltlria lor reviaw under P.D.D. relul.t'D~.i (b) Provid.. for and i.prove. ..18t1na co..ercla!, r..lden- ~lal. todd'trial aod educ.tlon lacilitie. within the co..unity; (c) Ift.ul'e. that the p.rovi.tona of ,tha leonlog ..v. which direct the unSfora tra.t..nt of dvellinl type, bulk, de~.lt" and open .paei within other xonina di.trlct. vill not be .ppli.d tn . ..nnar which "oul'd 'dbtort the objec.tiva. o'-f t"e' Fraser Zonins DrdinaDc,: '" "',, (d) .Allov. innovation. in 'ru:id'en.r'tHi1"' eo..eii{ial ;'.~d induatrial davel.CIIR..nt and rane".l '0, thot the Brovin. de..nde of the population .,y ba ..t by great.r 'variety and type., d..tgn and layout of butl'dlns_ and the co-n.ervotion and .ou lIlffieI.nt 1.1.. of ope:n .p.ca ancIllary'. to _aaId ~ulldlrfg5: (e) Allo~. privat. .ervice. development; an .!Uchnt uee of 14nd. to ufleet chan8~8 1n the and of putil1e uchno'108Y of and land ,(f) Reduc.. energy, eonau.ptton and demand; (8) Leasen. the. burden of traffic 'on streets and hishw-aya by .neouraging lend ~.e' which decrease tltp lenath and ,ncouraae the u.~ of public tran.it; (h) Conserve. the value of the lAnd and preserves envlron- ..nta1 qu.lity; (1) Provid.,'.. techniqu.e of davelopmeat wh-ti::h can. relate rbe type. 4,..iln and layout. of residential. co..erch'l and . 1ndu.trlal dev.lop.ent to the particular Bit., thetab, r.neoura.- lng.pr..'l'vatloft of the *lc.'. natur.l characterl.tica; (J) locoura.l. In,tlllr.ted co..unity- planalnl and ,dIlV.lop- .ent: in order Co achleve'.th. .above pu-rpo...; and, WHEREAS. the lo.rel of, Tru.tea. hanby .flnd. thu the ..lel ,..opo..d Planned D...lop..nl: Diatrict iit In lIub.tant.ial eDnfor.anc:. ~ith the Co.p~aheD.lv. Plao (al.o .o.ect... kDOV~ .. the Ha,tar Plan) of the Town of fra.er, .. a..ndad; _.nd UHEaIAS. '. pubUc h.arlnl va. held of tb. lOWD 01 'I'a.el' pur.uant CO Not Ie. pl'operly ,uhli.bed. .._required by Sectlo.. tha rl'...1' Zon1a. Oreliaanca.' Ordtn.nce 110. .31-23-)04, ~ a. ...a4.4; and VIElU,S. lt a,p',lI'lol to th<< ,10.". o,f Tru.ce.. th.t it "ould b. 18 the lJa.t 'intera.t.. of the Town of Pra..r to lone ~ht.... prop,eny a~ to thl. Oldiaa.ce p~~Yl..d~ ' by the -Iaarei .of 'Truate.. of .aid public ha.rinl, l'and 2 of Article XI of 53, and .. required by .' " :- '.;,,," ,"ol-. ".:..._.~ __ i..- ýÿ t .ental quality: & d (1) Prov!d..'. technique of dev.lopment which can relate tbe type, d..lln and layout of reeldential. co..eTe!a.l and '1.u4u.t..lal d.v.lopaent co the particular s1ta. thenb, li:nc:ouus- lnl,pr..ervaclop of cha aice'. n'tur.1 characcerilcics; FCj) Enco...".. In,tasratad co..unity phnnha and .av.lop- .ant 1n ordar to a~hi.Ya .:cb. 'b~V' p'u~po...; and, \ W"ER!AS. the Board of 1r\ut... har.by 'Undo that eh.' .aid propo... 'lannad >>.".lop.ant Dhtricc tl in. .u~at'Dthl tonror.anc. with th. Co.prabla.lv. Pl.n (_180 .0.'Ci... known a. the H..ter Plan) of the Tova of 'ta'&I'. .. a..nda.';.:.nd' IIHEIl14S. 'a publio ha.tilll '~.. bald t.y th. lo.rd ot 'Tl'u*t... of tla. '1ovII of Fr...r pur.uant to Notica of ..td pU,blic h..riDI, ,toparly publSlh.d, .. r.quira. by Seclion. 1.and 2 of Article Xl of the 'ra..r Zonla. Ol'dln.nc... OrdlD.anc. 10. 53', .nd .0 r,.uirecl by '31-23-104', ~ .. ...ndeda and WBEIE'AS, It. .pp..r1nl to tb. loa'4 of Trulic... ebat it::wGuld_. be 1. the b.,l 'la.t.'reU.' of tbe Town of Fr...r to .ana thlal;: prop.arcy a. in Cbi. Ordl.anee provided. S.b..e tl,oa -A ;-;,.; -....II:'...p t:Xtoi:-.'..c. t.i,.......:,il-,,;,.."1Id._ ,,2."-" ',~AI'~ICl~ ..,;1.1, ._,0..,1. ,~"': Fr...r ion. DB O..dl.'.iac., Qrd.ina"c.': lICJ:~"'S:3';. ;'cb".:._oi':t-iri.l' .'a:o.lal';ii'.p"~-o-f:;:: th. 'rov. .f .,......-.r '1. har.b; .......d by, ..onia. 'c'tui folloutnl ,p~oP""Cy '1..".. b"Y.lop.~ftt bt.t..lct No. -. (POD' 11) ~in\.'.aceo~d."c.lII ,ViI," ~h. 'Ian docu..ot. "ar.bJ appro.a' 'D' 1acorpo1'.~.d by y.feTenc.~ tncl.d- iDI th. fo'llovt"ll . ~:. (1) '.D.D. Application, 'at,d Hay 8. 1'8~, and ao ....dad .A~IU.t 27. U16; (2) - Zonla. Application 11'0.. Ilchu'd.on NaRY HnTtln, .'alL." Octobar, '.,86; , (3) IUlldla& protoc". Bookl.t, dated JuP_. 1916; (4) En&1n....lD. ..porc (ro., Wri.be WaCer: En&ln.l..a. 'lIe',. Kay, 1986 .nd r.vl.,d Sept..ber. J9B6i (5) ,l.nn.' Develop..nt Plan- Hep, lieU' Octobar" 1916; (61 _ Ann..atioa AII'....nt ~dopt.. by Ordlnanc. No. ~~~. 'AlCIL tv A t..act of 1..d belns . po~t,loD of th.. Bo..c,he..( 1/" 0', SectloD 29. and tba Souch 1/2 af tbe 'South..et, 1/4 of S.ctioa 20', -Town,-hip 1 South, aan.. 75 W'at of the S.1.th Principal HerldhQ;, Cra~. County, Color.do, d..crn.d .. follov.: ' a.alnDln. .t ': tbe South..at cornar' -'of .a1d S.ction 20; thene:. N 6J'4)159" V, 429.39 feet 'toO' a .olnt oft the Sout......t.rly Une of A tract d..crib.d 1n Book 332, at Pag' 617; thence 5 33'J3'11~ W aJong ..1d Southe..t-erly'11n., 505.19 f.at to",. point on tla. $'outhe..terly line .of .aid Tract. thence alons .aid Southveate,Tly line the following nine (9) couraea: (I) I 56'261.4911 W 20;00 feet (2) I 33-33'11 " E 40.00 feet (3) I '6"26' 49-" W i~o.o,o fltet " (4) N S6'33' 041. . 1.129.95 fee,t (S) N 71.S5.' '0" . 120.78 feet (6) N 56'28' 14" . 135.02 lll~t (7,) . 41'01 t lie" w 120.80 feet: (8) . 56-28' 14"'W 342.69 'h~.t, (9J . 61'.54'09" w 343:48' fut ~ to a potnt 'on the Wa'at Une of the South II'":. nf the Southeaat l/4 uf uld Section 20;' thence S .00.21105" ,E ill loogt he Well t 1 t ~u nr l'. td S01.ltb 1/2 of th. SO\lthe..t 1/4. 1102..32 fe-et to the South 1/4 of .aid SletioR 20; t".nc..5 OO.2a"'~6"" 'E a19'n'i:,the- WeSt' litt., of the,'North _1:/2 of t_he Ho-rth...t 1/4 of- ',Sect.iaft i,28. 767,~;'41 fut. to'a;',po1.'nt. '~on .,_the' Nonb.e~lt.rly risbt :'01 way I1n~ of 'the D 6,' it ,C' WR.Uroad~ "thei,,:. .lofta sa1d North...Url,. rllh~ of vay Une th_ foll"ov1IlC', (3) thr.., cour..a: .. (I) S ,44'-22'44" E (2) S 3.*26'0411 E (3) S 31*4,3'25" E 146.69 f..t 201.88 het 330.28 feet , ., . to a p01~t 0. tb. Soutb l1n. 01 the Mortbve.t 1/4 of the North..at 1/4, of ..i:i S.cttoa 2'; thence, H 89*47'36"' E.-aIus ,.~..ld, Soutb 11n. of tb', , " " '. " "..,., Contlnlied 'ori rieXtpilge ~ " .~~~ ~'-~. -~.:-"- \ / / I , .' Continued from prevl_ PlIO- lIortb....t 1I4 of tb. .orth...t 1'4," 934.1 t f.et to the Souche..r. corD.r of ..t4.ortbv..c 1.14 of the Noteh.au: "4; th.ne. S DO.3I'S'" I a10nl th. '''~.t line of che South...t.:: 1/4 of tbe Nort1u,a5t I'" of .aid S~cclon Z9. 1064.96 feet Co . potDt on t~e No~th...t_rlf t1cht 0' .~1 ltae' 0' the D" R C W aailroad, th.nc,......lonc .ald NIU"t.hllaatera, rllbc 'of v.,- l_lne chI ~0110"lnl _thte.~ (3)., co~r~e,~: - (I) (2) , (3) S ".-40'S'" I: S" ,I S 60.54'2"" E 69~'6 .feet 233.1. re.t 198.10 ,..1: to . po_h.t OD the South. line .of eh. South...1: 1/4 of the Horth..lt 1/4 of ..id S.ction Z9; .thlnc. ',9 .'.SO.'SS" E elGnl-, r.'h. South l....c Dr the SO.tb.....C 1/4 of ehe IhU'U....t 114 of' ..ldS.ccton 29,', 888. 39 teet' to th. W..t 1/4 e.orn.r of .aid. S.cUon. 28; tbence 'H 00.30'00" W aJonl th. I.et llneot th. North...t :1/4 of ..1d i.c-etoa.' 29, 1706~8] reet to the .Southv..terl, line of_. tract of land ....crib... .1n .ook 318. .t .'a.. ',,,,_ thence' 40..7'50" 'w 810n., ...14 Southve~terly Une '214.61 f.u. theDcI lil .3.34'3011 I .10ftS ,t~., NortherlY ,.l~ne~,of '..1. T,~ct-. 1'9.)) f..t to . pol.ftt on the E..t .ltne of' ;I:.hilforthe.u corn.r of ..Id Section 29;' tt.ence " 00.30'0,0" W alona. .aid ~..t ~III. of the Narthe.u 1/4 of Slctlon 29, 7S7.75 feet to the Point ,of 8ulinninc. Cbnt~lnln& 131.1;U5 .c.... :tbu'ell1::O. .AU "e.rine.. In -, thh' -deactipt,lnn AU ba..d \lpon..the E..t ~iae of 'the Nonhcollt.I/4'.; ,S.'ctlon ,29,;'Tn.VIlrl-b'lP I St)uth. Ian.. 7..5 'W..t of th,e ,S.h:th p,rt~.clp..l'H,.rld-t""'n be1n'c: S' UO.'O'OOI~ E. '"' -r'; 'lEAD. ,,-,.pASSED, vt H,Dfll . 1986. " AN~ OIDF.lED r.UILlSHEp "tIlls ~. L~-;'","-, nAY OF Vote. la. t.yor: Yo.:.. ,Oppooetl: At..ca1ned: -J- ::JC ATTEST: TOW;" OF FRASER :Y(~~'Je...n. Meyo. .," ,--;-,~. ,~~ '..~ ~-, ovn C .... .::.;:;,..,.-,;.r. .."'.',,. ': j..." ~:tA.j~:.~:.::~';: ($ ! A 1:; ýÿ