HomeMy Public PortalAbout20090324 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN Meeting Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 MINUTES Board of Selectmen members present: Brian Herr, Chairman, Mary Pratt, Vice -Chair; Michael Shepard, Matt Zettek, RJ Dourney. Other staff present: Clayton Carlisle, Interim Town Manager; Heidi Kriger, Chief Financial Officer; Judith A. Murphy, Administrative Assistant. Town Counsel present: Mr. J. Raymond Miyares. Guests present: Casey Pulnik, HCAM; JT Gaucher, DPW Director; Ann Click, Town Clerk; Bob Falcione, Nancy Peters, Peter LaGoy, Tim Kilduff, Henry Kunicki, Dr. John Duffy, John Coolidge, Joe Karner, Ron Eldridge, Gail Clifford, Jeff Furber, Vascen Bogigian, Brendan Doyle, Michelle Gates, Dorothy Ferriter, Andy Deschenes, MaryLou Haroian, Tom Pratt, Dr. Jack Phelan, Brian Main, Phil Totino, Claire Wright, Geoff MacDonald. Open Public Meeting / Executive Session Mrs. Pratt opened the public meeting at 6:05 pm in Room 211 of the Town Hall. She stated that the board will enter into executive session into order to discuss the deployment of security personnel, collective bargaining, and union contracts. So moved Mr. Downey; Mr. Zettek seconded the motion; Voted as follows: Mrs Pratt yes; Mr, Shepard — yes; Mr. Dourney — yes; Mr. Zettek — yes; motion passed The Board will reconvene the public meeting at the close of executive session. 6:45 pm: Mr. Herr re -opened the public meeting in Room 215 of the Town Hall; Mrs. Pratt was not present on the board at this time. Vote to Accept Ambulance Gifts. Mr. Herr listed the following proposed donations to the Ambulance Gift Account: In memory of Mary Piorkowski, $50.00, from William and Ruth Lukey; In memory of John Dailey, $50.00, from Paul and Ruth Phipps; In memory of Harriet G.B. Dryden, $25.00 from the Pratt Family; In memory of Jack Morrisey, $25.00 from the Pratt Family; From Henry and Dorothy Pyne, $30.00; From Robert and Margaret Reed, $25.00; From Henry and Donna Green, $50.00. Mr. Shepard mode a motion to accept all gifts as listed; Mr. Zettek seconded; unanimous vote (4 votes yes); motion passed. BOS Minutes 03/24/09 Page 1 of 8 Veteran's Celebration Committee — Parade Permit Request. Mr. Herr stated that this Parade Permit is for the Memorial Day parade and celebrations, to take place on Monday, May 25, 2009. Mr. Shepard made a motion to approve the request for a parade permit; Mr. Zettek seconded; unanimous vote (4 votes yes); motion passed Special Police Officer & Matron appointments. Mr. Shepard made a motion to appoint firefighter Brent Hamilton as a Special Police Officer, and to appoint police dispatcher Julie Eastman as a Special Police Officer and Matron; Mr. Zettek seconded; unanimous vote (4 votes yes); motion passed Downtown Revitalization Committee (DRC) --- Parade Permit and Marathon Week request. Mr. Herr stated that the DRC is requesting a parade permit for Saturday, April 18, 2009 for a kid's race in the morning, which will be held on Church Street. 6:50 pm: Mrs. Pratt entered the meeting at this time. Mr. Herr indicated that comments have been received from the Police Chief, who stated that the Police Department would not be available to assist with this event due to Marathon Day preparations, but he does not have any objections to the kid's race taking place. Mr. LaGoy from the DRC stated that they will close Church Street for the race, and will use the Parish Hall at Saint John's Church also, with the understanding that if the church must hold a funeral on Saturday, this event would then be canceled. Mr. LaGoy stated that the DRC is also requesting that the Selectmen declare the week before Marathon, from April 13th through April 20th, as Marathon Week. He noted that his committee had an idea to install a large screen TV on the common to keep spectators around after the start of the race, but there was concern with this idea from the Police Chief, and the interference with Marathon clean-up efforts. The committee has decided not to do this, but indicated that Bill's Pizza and Ciao Time Restaurant will both be open with TV's on. Mr. Shepard made a motion to approve the request for a parade permit; Mr. Dourney seconded; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed. Mr. Zettek made a motion to declare April 13th through April 20Th as Marathon Week; Mrs. Pratt seconded; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed. Mr. Herr stated that no proclamation has been drafted yet, but that will be prepared prior to the next meeting. Mr. Herr stated that the next item on the agenda is the Liaison Reports. Mrs. Pratt indicated that she would like this item discussed at 7 pm, when the meeting is on live TV, so that the residents can have access to this information. She noted that she has asked many times for this item to be placed on the agenda at a time when the meeting is on camera, Mr. Herr stated his is okay with pushing this item off until 7:00 pm. Mr. Zettek informed the board of an "Earth Hour" event happening this Saturday from 8:30 to 9:30 pm, where for one hour, people should turn out their lights and unplug from the power grid, and conserve energy as much as possible. He stated that a request has been received from Renee Martin for a proclamation for "Earth Hour" as a Go Green event, and noted that many cities and BOS Minutes 03/24/09 Page 2 of 8 towns, including Boston, are participating. Mr. Zettek made a motion to have the town participate in the lights out event; Mrs. Pratt seconded the motion; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed 7:00 pm: Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Herr welcomed the HCAM audience, and requested that everyone stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. So recited Liaison Reports. Mr. Herr continued the meeting with the Liaison Reports, and started with Mrs. Pratt. She informed the board of a letter she received from Karen Weiskreiger, regarding budget cuts the Governor has made to special needs services. Mrs. Pratt noted that Tom Sannicandio, State Representative from Ashland, who has a child with Downs Syndrome, has written a letter to Chairman DiLeo at the state, requesting that the state keep the Dept. of Mental Retardation as a high priority. Mrs. Pratt is requesting that the Board, along with the School Dept., send a letter to the Governor, asking that people with special needs be taken care of including those with mental disabilities and challenges; she would like to see Hopkinton endorse this issue. Mr. Herr made a motion to draft a letter to the Governor; Mr. Zettek seconded the motion. Mr. Downey stated that it is unfortunate, when we are in these particular economic times, that there is a risk to special needs people. He indicated that he believes the Stimulus Package money should go to the people with special needs, and agrees with drafting this letter, but requested that the letter also ask the Legislature to be fiscally responsible and care for those in need Unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed Mrs. Pratt continued with her reports, and noted that she is the liaison to the Police Department, who recently had an incident with a 19 year old boy who attempted to commit suicide. She stated that she would like the board to send a letter to the Police Departments in Ashland and Holliston for the assistance of their officers at this incident, who helped subdue the subject along with Hopkinton Police. Mr. Zettek made a motion to send a letter to the Ashland Police and Holliston Police Departments; Mrs. Pratt seconded the motion; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed Mr. Zettek presented his report on the Green Event held at St. John's by the Women's Club; he stated that it was a great event and thanked all the organizations that were involved. Mr. Zettek informed the board that there will be a town wide clean-up on Saturday, May 2nd, and on Saturday, May 9th, the HPTA and the Mom's Club will be running Hop -Swap, which is a great way to donate items that can be reused. Mr. Shepard noted that the Veteran's Celebration Committee will be holding the Memorial Day events, and the town should anticipate the dedication of the new gazebo as part of that celebration. Mr. Herr stated that the hope is for the gazebo to be finished by Marathon Day. BOS Minutes 03/24/09 Page 3 of 8 Mr. Dourney stated that he would like to applaud the library and its staff, since as a side affect of the recession, book sales are down and there has been an increase in demand at the library. Pubiie Forum. Dr. John Duffy appeared before the board, stating that as an interested citizen, he has participated in fifty years of town meetings. He stated that at Town Meeting, there is potential for unions to received step and salary increases, and the SAP is voted on the non-union employees. Dr. Duffy stated that the SAP plan would freeze salaries, with no cost of living or step raises, and he does not believe this is fair. He is requesting that the Board of Selectmen treat all the employees of the town the same, and provide cost of living and step increases, as some of this money has already been budgeted. Readout Mail. Mr. Shepard read the letter received from the Veteran's Celebration Committee inviting the town to participate in the Memorial Day celebrations. He noted that the event will begin at 9:45 am at Evergreen Cemetery in Woodville, and will conclude at noon on the town common. Mr. Shepard thanked Jim Mirable and the Celebration Committee for all their hard work and great job on their two major events, Memorial Day and the Veteran's Dinner. Mr. Herr noted that the committee is requesting a representative from the Board to say a few words at the Memorial Day event, and he asked Mr. Shepard if he would address the town on that day, even though he will no longer be on the board then. Mr. Shepard stated that he would be honored. Mr. Zettek read a letter received from Michelle Murdock announcing a food drive for local pantries, 27% of the pantries actually run out of food when they are open, and Project Just Because reports that 50% of their food bins are empty. He noted that there are food bins at many places around town, and bins will be located on the Town Common on Marathon weekend. Fruit Street Access Road / Playing Fields. Mr. Shepard and Mrs. Pratt both stepped off the board at this time. DPW Director Mr. Gaucher appeared before the board to discuss the progress at the Fruit Street site. He stated that the trees have been taken down by Garner Brothers, and with the approval received from the Conservation Commission, equipment will be brought into the site this Saturday to widen and regrade the access road. Mr. Gaucher stated that the road is 2200' long, and will follow the route of the proposed force main for the wastewater treatment plant. He noted that there is one small wetland crossing, and Conservation has approved the removal of the trees; their agent visited the site and approved the flagged trees for removal. Mr. Gaucher noted that they have been stockpiling materials at the site to use on the re -grading of the road, and that there will be no cash outlay at this time, since the materials are available on site and all of the labor is being donated. Mr. Herr asked whether the town is required to vote to accept the gift of the donated services; Mr. Gaucher stated that he would defer that question to the Town Manager, or Town Counsel. BOS Minutes 03/24/09 Page 4 of 8 Mr. Herr welcomed Brendan Doyle, who provided an update on the progress of the playing fields at the Fruit Street site. Mr. Doyle stated that the lease agreement with Hopkinton Youth Soccer (HYS) is currently being drafted, and funds for the project are sitting in the CPC bank account, from last year's Town Meeting. He indicated that they are waiting for an organization that can match the CPC funding of $500K, and noted that when going to the bank for funds, the bank wanted a lease in place, and had concerns about accessing the site. Mr. Gaucher stated that the road will be firmly packed, but will not be paved over until the force main is installed in the roadway. He also noted that the site has had some damage, with ATV's and dirt bikes riding on the property, especially to the gravel area around Well #6. Mr. Miyares joined the discussion at this time. Mr. Herr explained the issue of Garner Brothers, an abutter to the Fruit Street property, has donated their time and services to the removal of trees at the site to accommodate the access road, and asked if the town should officially accept that donation. Mr. Miyares stated that it is not necessary to vote to accept volunteer work, but the individuals involved are currently in negotiations with the town for an easement to access their property over the town's property. He stated that he would need to research this issue further in order to comment on the situation. Mr. Herr asked Mr. Miyares the status of the lease agreement with HYS; Mr. Miyares stated that an RFP needs to be issued, and he is drafting the necessary documents now. He noted that the lease agreement will not in be place prior to this year's town meeting, and that the contract will be awarded to the bidder with the most advantageous proposal for the town. Boston Marathon Presentation. Dorothy Ferriter, chairman of the Hopkinton Marathon Committee, and Andy Deschenes from the Boston Athletic Association, appeared before the board to provide an update of Marathon planning. Ms. Ferriter stated that there are not too many major changes this year, and the BAA expects approximately 26,200 runners for this year's race. She noted that there are also about 1,000 volunteers, and everyone is well prepared, with the last meeting of the Marathon Committee, along with BAA, will be held on April 15a'. Ms. Ferriter informed the board that the runners will be staged along Main Street, back to the Police Station, runners will come from the Village down Grove Street, and chip replacement for the runners will only be at Colella's this year. Mr. Deschenes stated that plans are pretty much the same as last year, except that the Elite runners will come up the walkway to the race, instead of coming out through the cemetery. He indicated that the hotline will be in place again this year, in order to respond to any resident's complaints. Mr. Deschenes thanked the Marathon Committee for all their hard work, and noted that they just need good weather, but they are prepared for any type of weather issues. Mr. Zeitek made a motion to grant the parade permit to the .AAA for the Marathon on Monday, April 20th; Mrs Pratt seconded the motion; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed Mr. Zettek made a motion to prohibit parking in downtown Hopkinton from 5 am to 12 pm on Monday, April 20th: Mrs. Pratt seconded the motion; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed BOS Minutes 03/24/09 Page 5 of 8 Mr. Shepard made a motion to grant the parking restrictions for April 15th through April 20th as requested by the Police Chief; Mrs. Pratt seconded the motion; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed. CPC Town Meeting Article. Mr. Brendan Doyle stated that the Parks & Rec Committee would like to request that the board take a vote to include this issue on the ballot for this year. He noted that town meeting last year voted to change the CPC article to remove the word "passive" from the allowed types of recreation. Mr. Miyares stated that, in his opinion, the change in the article should proceed in the same manner that it was originally adopted in, which was a town meeting vote followed by a ballot vote. He stated that this does not require a public hearing; Mrs. Pratt said she would like to see a hearing held on this matter. Mr. Miyares noted that it is always reasonable to hold a public hearing, even if it is not mandatory, as there is no downside. Mr. Dourney made a motion to approve the request from Parks & Rec to include this issue on the ballot; Mr. Shepard seconded the motion; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed Mr. Dourney suggested that board encourage Parks & Rec to hold a public hearing on this matter. Mr. Herr continued discussion regarding the CPC, and stated that in these tough economic times, should the town consider changing the CPA tax surcharge from 2% to t%, as some residents may need relief from tax costs. Mr. Shepard stated that during budget discussions last fall, he suggested that the town not spend the CPC funds this year, in respect to the taxpayers. He said that he would like the leadership of the town to start thinking about the taxpayer, and he is asking that we take a break from the small things and think about holding off on spending. Mr. Doumey agreed, and noted that in the beginning, the state would match 100% of the CPA funds raised; that match is now down to 29%. Mrs. Pratt stated that the CPA benefits everyone in town, and the 29% return on this money is a great rate. Mr. Zettek noted that he feels historic preservation is important, and he doesn't think this is the time to change the formula. Mr. Coolidge stated that overall, in eight years, the town has gotten an 83% return on their dollar. He noted there are several projects that are ongoing that will operate with CPC funds; for records in the Town Clerk's office, for Historic signs on town buildings, and for costs at the CAA building in order to become ADA compliant. Mr. Shepard stated again that the town has no obligation to spend the funds that have been collected, it will still be there next year and will collect interest while in the bank. Mr. Herr indicated that the board will not make a decision on this issue tonight. Town Manager Update. Mr. Herr noted that the Town Manager has been hard at work, and asked him to highlight the key areas that have been targeted for savings. Mr. Carlisle stated that the board has voted to change their electric supply contractor, which will save the town $60K per year. He noted that the town will lower their health insurance costs by moving from premium to a trust, so that an anticipated increase of $600K will now only be $300K, $220K from the town budget, and $75K from the BOS Minutes 03/24/09 Page 6 of 8 employees. Mr. Carlisle stated that the board can take up the street light issue in the fall, and the research into the issue of sustainable forest management has been taken under advisement, but this program will not reduce the tax levy. Mr. Carlisle stated his proposal to shorten the billing period for water and sewer bills, to three months for residents and one month for large users, which will give the town a one-time gain of $400K, and the cash would be in hand on June 30th . Mr. Carlisle stated that he has already begun some of the IT equipment and phone integration; the DPW was done first, and is now saving money by switching phone services to internet service. He noted that the IT integration with the schools could potentially save the town $22K. He also noted that the Animal Control regionalization issue is on hold, and will not be on the warrant, but the town can look at this issue further after Town Meeting. Mr. Carlisle continued with his report and stated that the MIIA enrollment for insurance coverage for the town saved 5% in liability, 5% in Workers' Compensation, as well as a 6% decrease in the town's premium, which amounts to a $75K savings. He stated that the total savings to the town's budget with these initiatives is equal to $423K. Mr. Carlisle noted that the town can take further steps, under the leadership of the new Town Manager, to reduce risks to the town and lower insurance costs. He informed the board that certain work that the Fire Chief is looking into could potentially lower insurance rates for homeowners in town. Mr. Herr indicated that there have been discussions regarding consolidation of certain services with the School Department. Mr. Carlisle stated that the town is on a weekly pay system and the schools a bi-weekly system; Mr. Carlisle proposes to convert the town payroll to bi-weekly. He stated that non-union employees should be given 90 days advance notice, and the unions must discuss this issue; he noted that this would reflect in a cost savings of $5K until the unions came on board with the hi -weekly system. Mrs. Pratt made a motion to direct the Town Treasurer to give notice and proceed with adopting a bi-weekly pay period program; Mr. Shepard seconded the motion; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed. Mr. Herr mentioned to the School Committee that this will help with the proposal of consolidating resources with them, as the town could then go to one person performing payroll services, and one person providing benefits services for all employees. Mr. Carlisle stated that with the budget he has submitted, he has brought Human Resources into the Town Manager's office, which will improve the coordination of union contracts, bylaw administration, as well as issues of performance. He noted that this will allow the new town manager to have the best of support. Mr. Herr asked of the status of discussions regarding the consolidation of Facilities with the schools. Mr. Carlisle stated that Dr. Phelan and Brian Main have been discussing this issue, and propose that the town hall, schools, and senior center consolidate custodial and maintenance services. He noted that the concept works well in other towns, and there is a chance to expand the program, such as including parks and fields, and having the proper equipment for repair and maintenance. Mr. Carlisle stated that the town could put out a bid for cleaning services, and update the security at the town hall, possibly using thumb scans for access to the building. Mr. Totino and Dr. Phelan both agreed that they are in support of this concept, and noted that they could look at opportunities on the school side to look for more savings with this type of consolidation. Mr. Carlisle stated that he has spoken to the DPW Board, and they are amenable BOS Minutes 03/24/09 Page 7 of 8 to be involved. Mr. Downey made a motion to support the Town Manager's proposal to consolidate facilities with the schools, and to encourage the DPW to expand upon this consolidation; Mr. Shepard seconded the motion; unanimous vote (5 votes yes); motion passed. Mr. Main stated that he embraces the consolidation efforts, and he looks forward to the new structure, as well as providing leadership to make this effort a success. Mr. Carlisle informed the board that they need to convene in order to sign the warrant, so that it can sent to the Appropriations Committee; the warrant must be signed by next Monday. Mr. Herr stated that the board will meet on Monday, March 30th at 8 pm, for the purpose of signing the warrant for town meeting, and asked that the meeting be properly posted. Mr. Carlisle stated that issues from a previous meeting still need to be discussed. He noted that there was a cut of 1/2 clerk's position, which will shave 20 hours from that department, and staffing at the fire and police departments has been restored. He stated that the total impact to the budget of step and cost of living increases is $97K, and he has changed. to operation of the Selectmen's minutes to one similar to the school department's method, for which money is in the budget. Mrs. Pratt noted that two committee members of the Cemetery Commission are here at the meeting. Mrs. Wright of the commission stated that she is here asking the board to support the article that relates to completing drainage work at the cemetery, and she noted that the funding source for the drainage work will come from the sale of lots in the cemetery. She stated that despite efforts put forth to obtain new bids, they feel that the price is not acceptable; the key is for the town to advocate and negotiate. Mr. Carlisle stated that the article can be authorized, and then bids can be obtained. Mrs. Pratt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Zettek seconded; unanimous vote; motion passed; meeting adjourned at 10:35 pm. Respectfully submitted, n td 9 7i Judith A. Murphy, Administrative Assistant Approved on: BOS Minutes 03/24/09 Page 8 of 8