HomeMy Public PortalAbout20090519 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes 1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES OF MEETING May 19, 2009 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at Town Hall, Hopkinton Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Brian Herr, Matthew Zettek, RJ Dourney, Michelle Gates and Todd Cestari. Administrative personnel in attendance: Clayton Carlisle, Interim Town Manager and Geri Holland, Assistant to the Town Manager. Other local officials present: Police Officer Phil Powers, High School Resource Officer. CALL TO ORDER/EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting was called to order at 6:30PM in Room 205. Chairman Herr entertained a motion to move into Executive Session for the sole purpose of discussing contract negotiations, and then move back into the Regular Session. So MOVED by Mr. Cestari and SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. ROLL CALL: Chairman Herr-Yes, Mr. Cestari-Yes, Mrs. Gates-Yes VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Absent-2 (Mr. Zettek and Mr. Dourney arrived shortly after this vote was taken). APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session minutes of March 7, April 21, and May 6, 2009: MOTION by Mr. Zettek to approve Regular Session minutes of March 7, April 21, and May 6, 2009 SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-2. REGULAR SESSION RESUMES: Chairman Herr reopened the public meeting at 7:00PM in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance. WELCOME TO SELECTMEN CESTARI AND GATES: Selectmen Dourney and Zettek joined Chairman Herr in welcoming Mrs. Michelle Gates and Mr. Todd Cestari and thanked them for offering their service. Mr. Zettek also acknowledged the service of former selectman Mary Pratt to the Town of Hopkinton and her dedication to her constituents. Chairman Herr said the Board will formally recognize Mrs. Pratt’s nine years of service on the Board of Selectmen at a future meeting. BOARD REORGANIZATION: MOTION by Mr. Zettek to name Mr. Herr Chairman SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to name Mr. Zettek Board Vice Chairman SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. SUMMER MEETING SCHEDULE: The Board of Selectmen will meet on June 9 & 30, July 14 & 28 and August 11 & 25. PUBLIC FORUM: Mr. Matthew Zettek of 16 Wilson Street requested that the Board of Selectmen add its support to a request from Boulder Capital to the Planning Board seeking a deadline extension for submission of its master plan. Mr. Zettek stepped off 2 the Board as the request was discussed. It was agreed that the Board would issue a letter of support for the Planning Board’s decision if it elects to grant Boulder Capital’s request. In addition, letters of support will also be sent to Congressmen James McGovern and Barney Frank. FUNDING REQUEST: Hopkinton High School Skate Park Club: The HHSSPC requests $5,000.00 from the Marathon Fund to make improvements to the skateboard area in EMC Park. Officer Phil Powers provided a brief background on the Club’s founding less than a year ago and explained that members had acquired some money through their own fundraising efforts and had received a $500.00 from the Police Association. These funds and the requested $5,000.00 would pay for materials only. In addition, Officer Powers will apply for grant money for the project. He said the HHSSPC performed a clean-up of the skate park in March and also cleaned the adjacent playground. Ms. Carol Nathan, Chairwoman of the Marathon Fund Committee said the effort has the enthusiastic support of the MFC, adding that she is impressed with the initiative and dedication of the students involved. Improvements to the skate park include repairing what is there, adding a new ramp and possibly a smaller ramp for younger children. Permission for the work has been granted by Parks & Recreation. Officer Powers said the Police Association will host a re-opening ceremony at the improved facility. Board members expressed their support for the Club and commended its members on their initiative and civic mindedness. Mr. Zettek suggested that individual residents may wish to make donations (contact Officer Powers). He also said the Board should offer a letter of support for the project to be included in Officer Powers’ grant application. Chairman Herr thanked the students for reaching out to younger children. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to approve the request by the Hopkinton High School Skate Park Club for $5,000.00 from the Marathon Fund to make improvements to the skate park at EMC Park SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: ►Mr. Carlisle made several announcements as follows: An FY2010 budget process timeline with related documentation has been posted on the Town’s website. It includes narratives from various municipal departments which specify the services provided by each appropriation. ►The budget process recap of this process, as requested by Mr. Dourney during the May 12 meeting, is being developed and will be complete by the end of June for the Board’s review. ►Hopkinton may face a $600,000.00 cut in Chapter 70 local aid. The School Department Business Manager is working with the Town Accountant on a request submission for federal stimulus money to make up for this reduction in state aid. ►The current estimated capital cost relating to the acquisition of 563 street lights is about $74,000.00. The plan is to borrow money for this project, although that may not be necessary. Mr. Carlisle will present a detailed accounting on this subject at one of the June Board meetings. ►Mr. Carlisle welcomed Mrs. Gates and Mr. Cestari to the Board of Selectmen. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Zettek to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 7:57PM. 3 Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, Recording Secretary Approved: 6/9/09