HomeMy Public PortalAbout20090811 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesBoard of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of August 11, 2009 Page 1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN Meeting Date: August 11, 2009 PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board of Selectmen members present: Brian Herr, Chairman; RJ Dourney, Todd Cestari, Michelle Gates Member absent: Matthew Zettek, Vice-Chairman Others Present: Doug Kulig, Maryrose DeGroot, Human Resource Director, Norman Khumalo, Town Manager; Geri Holland, Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Public Meeting Opened 6:30 p.m. Mr. Herr opened the public meeting in Room 211. Mr. Kulig presented a request on behalf of a committee that he is a member. Board members agreed to consider this request and Mr. Kulig said that he would contact the Town Manager’s Office in a few weeks with more details. Move into Executive Session: ` 6:50 p.m. Vote: Mr. Herr motioned to move into executive session for the purpose to discuss public safety deployment and for Mr. Khumalo, Town Manager, Mrs. Holland, Executive Assistant to the Town Manager, and Mrs. DeGroot, Human Resource Director, to be present during this session; and then move back into public session for the purpose to continue the public meeting. So moved Mr. Dourney. Second Mrs. Gates. The roll call votes follow: Mr. Herr: yes; Mr. Dourney: yes; Mr. Cestari: yes; Mrs. Gates: yes. Unanimously voted. Respectfully submitted, Geri Holland Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Public Session Continued in Room 215 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at Town Hall, Hopkinton Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Brian Herr, RJ Dourney, Michelle Gates and Todd Cestari. Matthew Zettek was absent. Administrative personnel in attendance: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Assistant Geri Holland and Human Resources Director Maryrose DeGroot. PUBLIC MEETING CONTINUED: Chairman Herr reopened the public meeting at 7:00PM in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for Hopkinton resident and Veteran, Al Paradis, who died on July 31. He reviewed the earlier proceedings. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA: Items considered within the Consent Agenda were as follows: a) Public Session minutes from July 28, 2009, b) Poll Election Workers Appointment for a one-year term beginning August 15, 2009, and c) Southborough Rod and Gun Club Request for a one-day wine and beer license on September 20th. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to approve Consent Agenda SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. PUBLIC FORUM: Mrs. Mary Pratt requested a moment of silence in honor of Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who died on August 11. Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of August 11, 2009 Page 2 APPOINTMENTS: Hopkinton Fire Department – Fire Chief Ken Clark welcomed Bill Kraus to the Hopkinton Fire Department. Mr. Kraus was pinned by fellow firefighter Rich Corcoran. Chief Clark announced the promotion of Stephen Slaman to Deputy Fire Chief. Firefighter Slaman was pinned by his father, retired Hopkinton firefighter Bob Slaman. RESIGNATION: Co-Chair, Planning Board - Chairman Herr read aloud Mr. Jaime Goncalves’ letter of resignation from the Planning Board, effective August 21. Mr. Goncalves determined that his employment with the state Department of Environmental Protection may pose conflicts of interest with regard to his position on the Planning Board. MOTION by Mrs. Gates to accept Mr. Goncalves’ resignation SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. The opening will be posted and a replacement will be approved by the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen. Those wishing to be considered are advised to contact Mrs. Holland. A letter of appreciation from the Board of Selectmen will be sent to Mr. Goncalves, as suggested by Mr. Dourney. PRESENTATIONS/DISCUSSIONS: Boot Drive Request – The Carpenters Local #475 requested authorization to conduct a fundraiser to benefit the Jimmy Fund on Saturday, August 29 from 9:00AM to 1:00PM at the intersection of Routes 85 and 135. Police Chief Irvin will work with the event’s coordinator to ensure that traffic flow is not disrupted. MOTION by Mrs. Gates to approve the Boot Drive Request SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. Economic Development Committee – Mr. Peter Mezitt announced that the EDC will soon launch a website marketing Hopkinton as a desirable place to do business. A promotional video featuring local business leaders and officials is also in development. Mr. Mezitt suggested that a member of the Planning Board serve on the EDC to help identify ways to facilitate business development in Town. Chairman Herr said the Board will continue to support the EDC’s efforts. Special Town Meeting - Mr. Khumalo said he doesn’t feel an October Special Town Meeting is necessary, as there is no new information regarding stimulus funding, there has been no indication from the DPW on an immediate need to proceed with building a waste water treatment facility, and adjustments to the approved FY10 budget are not needed at this time. He said a Special Town Meeting may be held beyond October to consider the waste water treatment facility and/or expanding the Senior Center parking lot. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: NONE LIAISON REPORTS: ►Mr. Cestari said the Youth Commission will advocate current programs rather than initiate new ones and may request authorization to retain a paid staff member. Youth Commission Co-Chair Ron Foisy will be contacting the Board and Mr. Khumalo to this effect. ►Mrs. Gates advised caution when walking through the Town Common as an irrigation system is being installed. She announced that Concerts on the Common continue and invited children to bring recorders to the August 15 concert. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: Fruit Street Fields Update – Mr. Khumalo said the Parks and Recreation Commission is working with Hopkinton Youth Soccer on a draft lease for the fields and is expected to reach an agreement within the month. Chairman Herr requested that Mr. Khumalo work with the two groups to expedite construction of the athletic fields. Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of August 11, 2009 Page 3 Consolidations Update – Information Technology: Mr. Khumalo announced that progress is being made in consolidating IT services. Related projects include an identity theft prevention plan, an email list of Town boards and committees, and the consolidation of cell phone service to save money. He will continue to work with School Superintendent Phelan on protocol development and process review. Facilities Collaboration: The new Facilities Department will be located at 88 Hayden Rowe Street. Immediate needs include consolidating the Town’s portion of the budget, hiring an administrative assistant and identifying a funding source for setting up the office. Mr. Dourney requested a future update on actual savings realized from this consolidation. Fire Services Collaboration: Hopkinton has been invited to join Ashland and Holliston in regionalizing services. Mr. Khumalo will review dispatch and fire prevention services for both towns. Ashland and Hopkinton already collaborate on such services and share equipment. A formal arrangement is expected to enhance current operations. Health Services: The MetroWest Community Health Care Foundation is funding a study to identify opportunities for sharing these services regionally. Hopkinton will be included in this study. Animal Control Services: Mr. Khumalo is examining the possibility of sharing these services with Holliston and Ashland. Mrs. Gates suggested that savings realized through such a collaboration be passed on to pet owners by way of a reduction in licensing fees. Land Use Licensing/Permitting Office: Mr. Khumalo proposed a restructuring of service delivery by the Planning, Zoning, Building, Inspections, Public Health Departments and the Conservation Commission in an effort to facilitate the permitting process for users. Mr. Khumalo has discussed the proposal with the department heads and the chairs of the affiliated boards and commissions. A Director of Land Use and Planning would oversee the coordination of permitting functions throughout the departments. The goal is to improve customer service by allowing people to pay one permitting fee rather than six and ensuring that there is always a staff member available to respond to permit requests. This structure would also consolidate the filing systems, thus saving on paper, copying, record keeping and storage space. Mr. Khumalo said four positions could be eliminated, saving as much as $99,000.00 (excluding benefits). He said this proposal would not change the roles of the boards and commissions and that such a structure has worked in other towns. Mr. Dourney requested a report on the reduction in permitting activity over the last three years. Mr. Dourney and Mrs. Gates expressed concern that a Director of Land Use and Planning would not have the necessary certifications and expertise of the various departments under his or her purview. Mr. Khumalo responded that the Director would not need such certifications and expertise, as the role would be to oversee the coordination process, not the specific functions of each department. Mr. Tom Garabedian, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals, said the various entities are not always in agreement on projects and that such a structure may invite conflicts without a mechanism for mitigating them. He is also concerned that a 40% reduction in staff may hinder the provision of services. Mr. Dourney suggested that the current staff level may not be in proportion to the amount of permit requests/fees. Mr. Dourney said he needs more information before taking a position on this proposal. This discussion will be continued. Town Collector: It was agreed that the collection of municipal and school fees be performed by one office or department. Lift Hiring Freeze: Mr. Khumalo said the DPW Office Manager will retire on October 1 and it will be necessary to fill the position. He said there are interested candidates currently employed by the Town and proposed advertising the position internally. Ms. DeGroot said the job would be advertised outside if there is no internal interest. Mrs. Gates suggested that such action would be contradictory to the purpose of imposing the hiring freeze. Chairman Herr disagreed, saying Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of August 11, 2009 Page 4 the total number of municipal employees would not be increased and might even decrease. He added he would not support hiring from outside the pool of Town employees. Kim Pulnik, Human Resources Director for the schools, said that under the merit principles of hiring, any qualified candidate should be considered for positions in an effort to get the best people for the jobs. She said limiting consideration to people currently employed by the Town may not be in the best interest of the taxpayers. MOTION by Mrs. Gates to authorize the Town Manager to fill the DPW Office Manager position through an internal hire SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. Mr. Khumalo requested that an administrative assistant for the Facilities Department also be hired. This position would be expanded from 19 to 35 hours per week and include benefits. Duties include scheduling use of buildings and grounds, responding to maintenance issues and inquiries, and various accounting and reporting functions. He said the position is critical in accomplishing the cost savings goal of facilities consolidation. Mr. Herr said he is unconvinced that the position is necessary, suggesting that these functions can be performed by other employees. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to authorize the Town Manager to fill the Facilities Department Administrative Assistant position through an internal hire SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE: Yes-2, No-2, Absent-1. Motion fails. OLD BUSINESS: NONE ADJOURN: MOTION by Mrs. Gates to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. Meeting adjourned at 9:57PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, Recording Secretary Approved: 8/25/09