HomeMy Public PortalAbout20091027 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesBoard of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of October 27, 2009 Page 1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES OF MEETING October 27, 2009 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Matthew Zettek, Michelle Gates, RJ Dourney and Todd Cestari. Brian Herr arrived at 6:55PM. Administrative personnel in attendance: Town Manager Norman Khumalo and Assistant Geri Holland. CALL TO ORDER: The Board of Selectmen meeting began in room 215 at 6:30PM. Mr. Zettek chaired the meeting until Mr. Herr’s arrival. CONSENT AGENDA: Items considered within the Consent Agenda include: a) Approval of Public Session minutes from October 6, 2009, October 14, 2009 and October 19, 2009 (HELD); b) accepting the resignations of Nadine Stewart from the Youth Commission, David Teitelman from the Conservation Commission, Joe Lavin from the Appropriation Committee and Franklin Chase from the Historic District Commission; c) acceptance of Historical Commission Treasures gifts from Alice Carroll ($75.00), Marlo and Debra Pohl ($75.00) Patrick Sansonetti ($75.00) and William Walls ($75.00); d) the appointments of Jon Pryor to the Woodville Historic District Commission and Doug Priore to the Youth Commission (HELD); e) approval of the order of taking for Overlook Road and Summit Way at the Estates at Highland Ridge; and f) signing the December 8, 2009 State Special Primary Warrants and the January 19, 2010 State Special Election for U.S. Senator. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to approve items b, c, e and f of the Consent Agenda SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. Mr. Cestari confirmed with Mrs. Holland that public session minutes had been amended. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to approve Public Session minutes as noted above SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. Mrs. Gates confirmed with Mrs. Holland that it is in accordance with Town bylaws to appoint an individual from outside Hopkinton to the Youth Commission. MOTION by Mrs. Gates to appoint Jon Pryor to the Woodville Historic District Commission for a three-year term to 2012 and Doug Priore to the Youth Commission for a three-year term to 2012 SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Mr. Khumalo confirmed for Mrs. Gates that the DPW Board and staff will make a presentation in November regarding the street paving schedule, the Fruit Street waste water treatment facility plans and the Lake Maspenock Dam. He said that the DPW will meet with other departments and organizations which will be impacted by decisions made at the Special Town Meeting. Mr. Dourney suggested that the Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Revitalization Committee be included at the “green summit” proposed by Mr. Zettek. LIAISON REPORTS: ►Mr. Dourney said he will attend the November meeting of the Board of Health to discuss the consolidation of its administrative operations with other Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of October 27, 2009 Page 2 departments. He reported that Library Director Rownak Hussain is applying for a state grant and CPA funds to make improvements to the facility. ►Mrs. Gates reported that the Massachusetts Cultural Council had provided procedural guidance to the Hopkinton CAA. The CAA has more than $7,000.00 in awards to allocate in November, once it has reviewed all applications. She announced that the Affordable Housing Lottery for Peppercorn Village will take place on November 17, 2009. First time home buyers meeting certain income criteria are eligible to participate. ►Mr. Zettek announced that there is an opening on the ADA Oversight Committee. Chairman Herr added that there are openings on the Youth Commission, the Conservation Commission, the Appropriations Committee and the Historic District Commission. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chairman Herr called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 PM. Mr. Zettek reviewed earlier proceedings. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ►Mr. Khumalo announced that the Coach David M. Hughes Stadium had been dedicated at Hopkinton High School on October 16, 2009. ► The Board of Assessors received preliminary certification of Hopkinton’s FY2010 property valuations. These valuations are available for review by residents on the Town’s website and questions may be directed to the Assessors Office. PUBLIC FORUM: Mr. Tim Kilduff encouraged people to sign up for the Reading Marathon program underway at the Library. This is one of many activities associated with the observance of the 2,500 anniversary of the Battle of Marathon, Greece. Mrs. Mary Pratt reported on items discussed at the most recent Suburban Coalition meeting in Framingham. She suggested a petition be submitted to the U.S. Congress for more stimulus funds to support SPED and charter schools. PRESENTATIONS/DISCUSSIONS: Senator Karen Spilka and Representative Carolyn Dykema: Rep. Dykema announced that further cuts in local aid have not been ruled out and said more definitive information will be available after October 30th. Senator Spilka said Governor Patrick has to cut $600 Million and that layoffs and furloughs will be necessary at the state level. He may request expanded 9C powers to reconcile the budget across all state government. Chairman Herr noted that state Housing and Economic Development Secretary Greg Bialecki indicated state funding may be available to help with the Milford/Hopkinton water connection. Mr. Zettek confirmed with Rep. Dykema that the region’s legislators are moving forward on getting more equity for the area with regard to transportation (tolls). Sen. Spilka said legislation has been filed to secure an extra 10% (over the statewide average) of highway funding for the region, due to its high transponder use. Mr. Dourney asked the Senator and Representative for their positions on a casino in Milford. Sen. Spilka said she will chair a hearing on the issue and has to remain objective. Rep. Dykema expressed skepticism that a casino would benefit surrounding towns because job creation wouldn’t be seen for many years. Surrounding communities would unlikely receive revenue to offset impacts on infrastructure. In response to Mr. Cestari’s inquiry regarding CPA funds, Rep. Dykema said the state is not legally obligated to match city and town contributions at 100%. There is a proposal to allow the $20.00 surcharge on Registry of Deeds Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of October 27, 2009 Page 3 transactions to increase to $70.00 for CPA funding. Sen. Spilka said there is no money to fund the Quinn Bill, despite enormous support. The closure of some RMV offices was also addressed. Mr. Khumalo thanked the legislators and their staffs for their prompt attention to his inquiries. FY 2011 Budget Message: Mr. Khumalo has gathered financial projections from municipal department heads. He said balancing the FY11 budget will be challenging given a limited revenue base, increased expenses, slow growth and local aid cuts. He projected a $1.5 Million budget deficit for FY2011. He recommended that the Board consider a pay-as-you-go approach to capital investment. Mr. Cestari suggested a public presentation on the budget process. Appropriations Committee Vice Chair Ron Eldridge said he supports Mr. Khumalo’s budget message as written in the handout. School Committee Chair Nancy Burdick questioned the Town’s ability to maintain the current level of services in the next fiscal year. MOTION by Mr. Dourney that the FY2011 budget message should be: 1) to reduce the FY2011 budget by 2.65% from FY2010; 2) to build long-term financial stability by addressing minimum recommended reserves as well as instituting a “pay-as-you-go” capital improvements policy as part of the Town’s debt service plan; 3) to maintain the Town’s current level of services, even with a 2.65% budget reduction; 4) to continue a coordinated effort by all Town departments, boards and committees to identify more efficient operations, revenue enhancement opportunities, and additional cost cutting measures SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Khumalo had several announcements as follows: ►The Town is awaiting response on its application for a MORE grant to fund the Milford/Hopkinton water connection. ► Special Town Meeting articles were included in the Board members’ packets. Mr. Khumalo did not seek action on them at this meeting. ► The Parks & Recreation Department and Hopkinton Youth Soccer are close to signing the lease and user access agreements for the development of athletic fields on Fruit Street. If permitting can be completed over the winter, an artificial turf field could be online for the fall 2010 season and a grass field ready for spring 2011. The Board will meet to approve the agreements on November 3, 2009 at 6:00PM after HYS President Brian O’Keefe secures the approval of the HYS Board of Directors. ► The Conway School of Landscape Design will prepare a master plan for Downtown. The $6,200.00 to pay for the master plan was raised by the Downtown Revitalization Committee, the Chamber of Commerce and with a contribution (generated by fees) by the Parks & Recreation Department. OLD BUSINESS: NONE ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Zettek to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:13PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, Recording Secretary Date approved: November 10, 2009