HomeMy Public PortalAbout20091110 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesBoard of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES OF MEETING November 10, 2009 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Brian Herr, Matthew Zettek, Michelle Gates, and Todd Cestari. RJ Dourney was absent. Administrative personnel in attendance: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Assistant Geri Holland and Human Resources Director Maryrose DeGroot. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Herr called the meeting to order at 6:30PM in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA: Items considered within the Consent Agenda include: Approval of Public Session minutes from October 27, 2009 and November 3, 2009 (HELD). MOTION by Mr. Zettek to approve Consent Agenda; October 27, 2009 Public Session minutes SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. PUBLIC FORUM: Mrs. Mary Pratt shared information regarding the regionalization efforts of other communities, including Millville, Hopedale and Mendon, which share 911 services and Quincy, Braintree and Weymouth, which have collaborated on trash collection. Mrs. Pratt alerted residents to the existence of fraud involving cash back/debit card transactions. She inquired as to the cost of replacing the turf athletic fields being planned for Fruit Street. Chairman Herr said the lease agreement provides that user fees will support maintenance and replacement costs. Chairman Herr led a moment of silence for the victims of the shootings at Fort Hood, Texas. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Chairman Herr noted that solar panels had been installed at the High School, Middle School, and Police and Fire Stations. The estimated annual energy savings is $25,000.00. The Department of Revenue has certified Hopkinton’s FY2010 property valuations. A Tax Classification Hearing will be held on November 24, 2009 at 7:30PM. PRESENTATIONS/DISCUSSIONS: Hopkinton Senior Center – SNAP Program: Outreach worker Mary McLeod provided an overview of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP assistance is offered through the Senior Center, but is available to all residents who qualify for assistance with food or fuel. Ms. McLeod reviewed the criteria for eligibility and invited people to contact her for more information. Those wishing more privacy can seek assistance through the Department of Transitional Assistance Office in Milford. ADA Overview: ADA Committee Chairman Michael DiMascio updated the Board on progress made to date on accessibility compliance and reviewed areas where improvements need to be made during the next seven years. Ramps have been installed at the Town Hall, Center, Elmwood and Hopkins Schools and the Library. The new High Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 2 School bleachers are handicap accessible and a lift to the press box will be installed soon. A lift is also planned for the Middle School stage. Modifications still needed include amplified sound systems, improved accessibility at EMC Playground and Sandy Beach, strobes for fire alarms, and wheelchair access to some sidewalks and athletic fields. Some areas in the High School are not in compliance with ADA requirements. Mr. DiMascio announced that there is a vacancy on the ADA Committee. Mr. Zettek noted that ADA compliance should be maintained when the Fruit Street athletic fields are installed. Sustainable Green Committee Update: Chairman John Mosher said the Town has received technical support from the state Department of Energy on sustainable green initiatives. The Committee is working with Grove Solar and plans a public forum to provide information on available programs and rebates. Mr. Mosher mentioned the Sustainable Green summit at which proactive groups will meet to coordinate efforts. Mr. Zettek said the Committee should ensure that grant funding be used on projects that will not place a financial burden on the Town. Hopkinton Public Library Building Program: Laura Barry, Public Library Trustee and Co-Chair of the Hopkinton Library Building Committee requested the Board’s support in applying for state grant money which may fund up 50% of the construction of a new library. The Town would fund 25% of the project, with private donations funding the remaining 25%. Library Building Consultant Marjorie Judd described the Hopkinton Public Library Building Program as a needs assessment to be presented to an architect. Ms. Judd noted that major needs include expanded parking, a larger and more easily accessible children’s room, more shelving, conference and meeting rooms, and areas for computer use. The proposal distributed to the Board also includes a café. The cost for such a project is estimated to be between $6 Million and $10 Million and the new building could be completed by 2014. Ms. Barry said residents must authorize the Town to apply for the grant by a vote at Town Meeting in the spring. The Town has one year to submit the application. In response to Mr. Cestari, Ms. Barry said the Town will have to identify the space to be used for the building prior to submitting the grant application. The Building Program information will be posted on the Town’s website. Mr. Khumalo thanked those who participated in developing the Program for their efforts. PUBLIC HEARING: Land Use, Planning and Permitting Department: Chairman Herr entertained a motion to open the public hearing. So MOVED by Mr. Cestari and SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. Chairman Herr read the legal notice for the public hearing on the creation of the new Town agency. He confirmed with Mrs. Holland that no written comments regarding the hearing had been received. Mr. Khumalo reviewed the proposal to consolidate the administrative functions of the Planning Board, the Conservation Commission, Board of Health, Zoning Board of Appeals, Zoning Advisory Committee, Design Review Board and the Community Preservation Committee in order to provide better efficiency, coordination and customer service. The new department will be headed by a director who will also serve as the Town Planner. The Director will report to the Town Manager only on administrative matters, not on land use related work. The Planning Board, Board Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 3 of Health and Conservation Commission will retain authority to make appointments as held by the Town Charter and state law. The new department will have its own account in the Budget which may contain line items for wages, salaries, administrative expenses and other related costs. Ms. DeGroot provided an overview of the process used to develop the proposal. Mr. Cestari expressed concern that some employees may be hired by people who will not be supervising them. In response to Mr. Zettek, Ms. DeGroot said projected savings for FY2011 are between $80,000.00 and $100.000.00, with $50,000.00 possibly being saved in FY2010. Mrs. Gates cautioned that even the perception of conflicts of interest could expose the Town to legal action. She also said there is the potential for eventually adding to the payroll. It was commented that about ten additional hours of work per week will support CPA related work, but the hours will be paid for using CPA funds and will vary depending on the work load. In response to Mr. Cestari, Mr. Khumalo said savings will be realized from reduced salary and benefits expenses and may later include IT savings. Mr. Khumalo confirmed for Chairman Herr that the original accounts will be eliminated once new ones are created upon approval of the consolidation. The new department will begin operating on January 2, 2010. Ms. DeGroot confirmed that that the Planning Board, Conservation Commission and Board of Health voted in support of the consolidation and that it received the endorsement of the Board of Appeals. Chairman Herr entertained a motion to close the public hearing. So MOVED by Mr. Zettek and SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes- 4, No-0, Absent-1. MOTION by Mr. Zettek that the Board of Selectmen endorse the Administrative Order establishing the Department of Land Use, Planning and Permitting pursuant to Section 5-1B of the Hopkinton Town Charter SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-1 (Gates), Absent-1. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: ►Mrs. Gates requested a vote on the disposition of the Lake Maspenock Dam Committee. ►Upon Mrs. Gates’ request, Mr. Khumalo agreed to meet with her and the Chair of the Housing Committee for preliminary discussions prior to that Committee’s appearance before the Board. ►Mr. Cestari requested a set schedule for appearances before the Board of the various Town boards and committees. Mrs. Holland agreed to arrange such a schedule. LIAISON REPORTS: ►Mr. Cestari said the Marathon Committee will begin meeting on November 11 in preparation for the race in April, 2010. The Capital Improvement Committee is wrapping up its second round of meetings with department heads in preparation for FY2011 budget requests. The Elementary School Building Committee received 13 responses to its request for consulting services regarding the future of the Center School. The Massachusetts School Building Authority will decide on a finalist by December 1, 2009. ►In his Tax Relief Committee report, Mr. Zettek asked residents to contribute to the fund when they pay their tax bills. A Veteran’s Day dinner will be held on November 11 at the Senior Center. It is open at no cost to veterans only and is sponsored by the Council on Aging. Mr. Zettek encouraged residents to recycle so the Town can save money on trash tipping fees. ►Mrs. Gates requested volunteers to serve on the Housing Committee. She announced that the Historic Society hosts its Harvest Supper and Silent Auction on November 13. She reminded runners and walkers to wear reflective clothing, especially when walking during the morning and late afternoon. Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 4 ►Chairman Herr announced that the HEF/HPTA raised $8,300.00 during the Spelling Bee on November 6. He said the CAA Barn Restoration Project is just about complete and that he will make a presentation on the project in Dighton, where a similar project is underway. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: ►Mr. Khumalo announced that Brian Main tendered his resignation as Facilities Director, effective November 30, 2009. An emergency meeting to discuss finding a replacement may be requested. ►A Tax Classification Hearing will be held on November 24, 2009 at 7:30PM in Room 215 at Town Hall. A public hearing notice has been posted and outreach efforts are underway targeting chambers of commerce and local business regarding the single versus dual tax rate discussion. ►Meetings regarding the consolidation continue. ►Mr. Khumalo requested a vote to accept a gift from the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce and to send a letter of appreciation for the gift. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to accept a $3,250.00 gift from the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce for a Downtown study to be performed by the Conway School of Design and to recommend that a letter of appreciation is sent to the COC SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. ►Mr. Khumalo requested the Board’s authorization to apply for a grant through the state Department of Housing and Community Development for the evaluation of Hopkinton’s GIS systems by a consultant. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to endorse the Town Manager’s proposal to apply for the DHCD grant to evaluate GIS technology for the Town of Hopkinton SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. ►Mr. Khumalo requested comments from the Selectmen regarding the IT review he provided them. ►The Town is working with the Department of Environmental Protection on evaluating Hopkinton’s waste management. A report is due in early December. ►Mrs. Holland announced that a Veteran’s Day observance will take place at Town Hall on November 11, 2009 at 10:30AM. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT: MOTION by Mrs. Gates that the Board of Selectmen sign the Special town Meeting Warrant as written SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Absent-1. OLD BUSINESS: NONE ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Cestari to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:55PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, Recording Secretary Date approved: 11/24/09