HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1989/03/07 - RegularTEMPLE CITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MARCH 7, 1989. INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Pursuant to the Agenda posted March 3, 1989, Chairman Swain called the meeting of the Temple City Redevelopment Agency to order at 8:10 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Members Atkins, Breazeal, Gillanders and Swain Absent: Member Froehle Also Present: Executive Director Koski, General. Counsel Martin and Asst. Executive Director Dawson Mr. Gillanders moved to excuse Mr. Froehle's absence for cause, seconded by Mr. Atkins and unanimously carried. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion by Mr. Breazeal, seconded by Mr. Gillanders, the Minutes of the regular meeting of February 21, 1989 were approved as written. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 5. NEW BUSINESS: Before discussing Item A., Mr. Gillanders stated he dis- cussed at length with Counsel Martin the possible existence of a conflict of interest because of his involvement with the Boy Scouts. After discussion with Counsel and because he has no financial interest in the matter and feels he can render an unbiased decision, it was deemed there is no conflict and he will participate in the vote. The matter is not if the Boy Scouts can sell fireworks, but where. A. RENTAL REQUEST: 5721 NORTH ROSEMEAD, FIREWORKS STAND - Providing background information, Executive Director Koski stated that the Agency has received a request to rent vacant property that is being acquired by the Agency in Block "A" to be used for a fireworks stand. Staff recommends discontinuing temporary rental of property located within the Redevelopment Area in Block "A" owned by the Agency due to potential conflicts between temporary users and nearby residents and the Agency Minutes, March 7, 1989 - Page 2 exposure of the Agency to liability from user activi- ties. On September 6, 1988, the Agency members denied a request for a pumpkin sales lot and a Christmas Tree sales lot for reasons stated above. Chairman Swain informed those present that this is not a public hearing but the Agency would be willing to hear from the applicants involved in this request if they wished to present their position. Emily Avila, 5037 N. Kauffman, on behalf of the Camp Fire Girls, stated she has been involved in this program for years and is presently a leader of Grade 7 girls. There are 68 Camp Fire Girls in Temple City. They did not hold their annual fund raising pancake breakfast. this year so were pleased to be given this opportunity to raise the funds that will be used for a 3 -day beach trip. They have submitted an insurance certificate and would appreciate the opportunity to participate in the sale of fireworks at this location. Larry Kelly, 6209 Ivar, Committee Chairman of Dad's Committee, Boy Scout Troop #167, stated the City would gain by receiving the rental fee and sales tax revenue. The amount made last year helped maintain the troop of 50 boys. He asked the Agency to waive the policy for 3 or 4 days because they would like to have the second busiest corner in the San Gabriel Valley available for the sale of fireworks. In answer to question from Chair- man Swain, Mr. Kelly said they had looked for other locations in the City and there are no other places available. Mr. Breazeal said he was not particularly enthusiastic with the Agency's previously adopted policy. The re- quest is from the same group as last year and they proved to be very responsible. The residents approved the sale of fireworks so he felt for 3 - 4 ' days, let them have their fireworks stand. Mr. Atkins said the issue is not whether or not the group is worthwhile or that they need the money. Policy has been set for a good reason. The lot will not be available much longer. He felt the fireworks people should develop more locations or double up. There is an adopted policy and he saw no reason to deviate from it. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Agency Minutes, March 7, 1989 - Page 3 Mr. Gillanders stated the original policy was to prevent the use for sale of Christmas trees and pumpkin sales for two or three -week period. Secondly, the Agency was concerned about the use of CRA property for business pursuits. Both groups requesting this approval are non - profit youth groups so this request does not fall 100 percent within the approved policy. There is a limited amount of space in the community. This area was used before and no complaints were received from the neighbors. Under these circumstances, he felt he could support modification of the original policy and could support a short -term use by a non - profit youth organiza- tion. Chairman Swain expressed her ambivalent feelings. She _realized the local groups needed the help but also felt there was a good reason for the original policy state- ment. However, she was one of those who put fireworks on the ballot for the people to decide. Because two groups are going to share the stand and because the property will not be available again for such a use, she will this year, for one -time only, set aside the policy and support the usage. Mr. Atkins withdrew his previously stated objection and moved to approve the subject request to rent CRA -owned property in Block "A" located at 5721 North Rosemead Blvd., for the sale of fireworks, seconded by Mr. Breazeal and unanimously carried. B. RESOLUTION NO. CRA 356: WARRANTS AND DEMANDS Mr. Breazeal moved to adopt Resolution No. CRA 356 allowing claims and demands in the amount of $7,784.70; seconded by Mr. Atkins and unanimously carried. 6. COMMUNICATIONS: None 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: William H. Bretz, 8723 E. Hermosa, addressed the Agency regarding AB 160 which he mentioned at a previous meeting. He asked for input from the Agency Members as to their feelings on this Bill, either as Agency Members or individ- uals. Executive Director Koski stated that because it is not an Agenda item, it would be unfair as an Agency Member or an individual to discuss this. However, correspondence has been sent to the Legislative Representative opposing AB 160. Agency Minutes, March 7, 1989 - Page 4 8. MATTERS FROM AGENCY MEMBERS: None 9. ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Mr. Breazeal, seconded by Mr. Atkins, and pursuant to Government Code. Section 54956.8, the Agency adjourned to a closed session directly following adjournment of the City Council meeting to review with the Negotiator the sale and purchase of property in Block "A" currently owned by the Agency. ATTEST: Secret