HomeMy Public PortalAbout20091216 - Planning Board - Meeting Minutes HOPKINTON PLANNING BOARD Monday, December 16, 2009 7:30 PM Hopkinton Town Hall MINUTES PRESENT: Mark Abate, Chairman, John Coolidge, Vice Chairman, Carol DeVeuve, John Mosher, Ken Weismantel, Claire Wright …….Elaine C. Lazarus, Planning Director …….Anna Rogers, Secretary 1. Public Hearing – 85 Main St. – Site Plan Review – Straly Corporation Joseph Strazzulla, applicant, appeared before the Board. Mr. Strazzulla described his proposal to replace three arched windows at 85 Main St. He stated the work the Board permitted for the building in November 2009 has been started. He stated two of the three arched windows will have the same sunburst pattern as the existing windows, but not the matching scallops. He stated estimated replacement costs for each window was $3,000 to $4,000. Mr. Mosher arrived at this time. Mr. Strazzulla stated he checked all the alternatives to replacing the windows as the Board previously requested. He stated storm window options don’t provide insulating value. He stated the Design Review Board recommended replacing the windows after reviewing the project with him. He stated he will try and take the windows out in one piece and place them within the building as architectural features. He stated the building is not within the Historic District, but a memo from the Historical Commission states their concern over the windows and what will happen with them. Ms. DeVeuve stated she appreciates the effort Mr. Strazzulla took in looking into different options, but is still a little disappointed. Mr. Mosher stated the installation of the windows on an interior wall would be interesting versus storing them in a basement. Mr. Weismantel agreed and stated they would be more visible on an interior wall than where they are now. Ms. Lazarus asked if the small half round window facing Main St. would be clear glass. Mr. Strazzulla stated yes, it would not contain muntins like the others. Ms. Wright stated she continues to be disappointed that replacement of the windows is the outcome. She stated the windows are integral to the historic integrity of the building. She stated there are many arguments regarding replacing windows and whether improved efficiency is worth it. She gave an example of a historic home in the Town that had storm windows custom made for reasonable costs. She stated preserving old windows can be cost effective if approached in the right manner. She stated the intent of the memo from the Historical Commission was that they didn’t want to see the windows thrown away. She stated they would Hopkinton Planning Board – Minutes – December 16, 2009 2 like to see them kept within the Town as they are a piece of the Town’s history, and would take and store them if desired. Mary Pratt, 102 Fruit St., asked Mr. Strazzulla to provide the Planning Department with a list of the companies he spoke to regarding the preservation of the windows for future Town use. The Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Mr. Weismantel moved to find that the Site Plan meets the Decision Criteria for site plan review and that the Board approves the replacement of the three windows as proposed with the condition that the original windows be kept in the building. Ms. DeVeuve seconded the motion. A discussion was held regarding the proposed approval condition. Ms. Lazarus stated that requiring the windows to be kept on site is beyond the jurisdiction of the Board. A discussion was held regarding giving the Historical Commission the right of first refusal if the applicant decided to get rid of the windows, and other alternatives. The Board voted 5 in favor with Ms. Wright opposed to amend the original motion and: 1. Determine that the Decision Criteria are met as follows: A. The Site Plan conforms to the purpose and intent of the bylaw and proposes an appropriate and beneficial development of this site; B. The surrounding area will be protected from the proposed use on the site by provision of adequate surface water drainage, buffers against light, sight, sound, odors, dust and vibration and the preservation of adequate light and air; C. The convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and in relation to adjacent areas and public ways is ensured; D. Environmental features of the site and surrounding areas are protected; E. The Site Plan is consistent with the Master Plan adopted January 22, 2007; F. The proposed building scale and/or site development plan is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood; G. No special permits or variances are required of the Board of Appeals; H. The project is not a use referred to in MGL c.40A, §3 of the General Laws. 2. Approve the Site Plan as submitted. 3. Request that if the windows are removed intact, they are retained on site. The Applicant indicated that he may mount and re-use the windows as interior decoration features if possible, and it was also noted that they could be restored and re-used in their original openings at some future date. If the windows cannot be retained on site, the Board requests that the Applicant contact the Hopkinton Historical Commission, which has expressed an interest in accepting, moving and storing the windows for an appropriate re-use within the Town. 2. Norman Khumalo, Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Town Manager, and Maryrose DeGroot, Human Resources Director, appeared before the Board. Mr. Khumalo stated that following the resignation of Brian Main, Facilities Director, he has been authorized to look at ways the Town can fill the vacancy with the most benefits. He stated four different options have been reviewed and the best option he Hopkinton Planning Board – Minutes – December 16, 2009 3 believes would be to create a new position that would be a Town Engineer/Facilities Director. He stated the position would be a service oriented position rather than a project management position. He stated the original position served both the Town and the Schools, but the new position would only serve the Town. He gave an overview of ways the position would help to support the Planning Board. Mr. Weismantel stated that finding the ideal person to fulfill all the requirements of this position and do each part well will be very difficult. He stated he doesn’t believe this new position will save the Town any money and stated the Board uses a full service firm to do most of its review work because they have people specializing in all aspects of the reviews. Mr. Abate stated this position might be helpful to the Board since Ms. Lazarus’ job description is changing with the Land Use, Planning and Permitting Department. Mr. Coolidge stated the DPW Director’s job and the original position of the Facilities Director were talked up similarly and it is very good to look at this, but it isn’t going to save the Town any money. He stated he fully supports the need for the position. Mr. Mosher stated he agrees with the idea of the position, but he doesn’t believe it will save as much money as stated. He stated the job description is too much for one person to handle efficiently and they would need support staff. Ms. Wright stated she is concerned about watering down the quality of services when the Town really needs them at a high level. Mr. Khumalo stated they are basically looking for a civil engineer with a construction background. He stated they will also be looking into figuring out how to get good work from the individual and also looking at the DPW and what is happening there. He stated they are trying to figure out how to mold the position to support the Planning Board. Mr. Abate suggested that Mr. Weismantel be a liaison from the Board and meet with Mr. Khumalo to discuss the concept further. 3. Other Business Bills – The Board voted unanimously to approve payment of the outstanding bills. FY 2011 Budget – Ms. Lazarus stated the proposed Planning Board budget she forwarded to the Board will be used for comparison purposes and the budget that will be submitted will be the budget of the new Land Use, Planning and Permitting Department. In response to a question, Ms. Lazarus stated the Board will continue to sign off on payments from the 53G and 53E½ accounts under the Board’s purview. 2009 Annual Report – The Board voted unanimously to submit the 2009 Annual Report as written. 4. Sustainable Green Committee Tom Dawson and Ria McNamara, Sustainable Green Committee, appeared before the Board. Mr. Dawson stated that he, Mr. Mosher and Ms. McNamara are on the Sustainable Green Committee (SGC) and wanted to provide the Board with some information on green practices. Hopkinton Planning Board – Minutes – December 16, 2009 4 Mr. Dawson reviewed a power point presentation outlining an overview of sustainable building practices and LEEDs, key elements of building and site design, general benefits and specific benefits to the Town. Mr. Abate stated the Board has been encouraging applicants to use low impact development techniques. Mr. Dawson stated the SGC is there as a resource for anyone interested. Mr. Weismantel stated the Board is limited as to what it can regulate. The Board thanked the SGC for its presentation. 5. Other Business Open Space and Recreation Plan – The Board discussed some of the proposed completion date changes to the Open Space and Recreation Plan Action Plan. The Board voted unanimously to send the Plan with the noted changes to the Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. Mailing Requirements – The Board voted unanimously to change the requirements for the mailing of notices to abutters for Special Permits and Site Plan Review from certified mail, return receipt requested, to first class mail, as certified mail is not required under the statutes or bylaws. Mr. Abate stated on behalf of the Planning Board he would like to thank Ms. Lazarus, Ms. Rogers and Ms. Wallace for their wonderful partnership throughout the year and presented them with gifts. He also thanked Ms. Wright for orchestrating the gifts this year. Ms. Lazarus thanked the Board for being so good to work with. Ms. Rogers thanked the Board and stated that she will not be attending the meetings as regularly next year as she will be taking the Minutes for the Board of Health instead. Adjourned: 8:55 PM Anna Rogers, Secretary Approved: January 4, 2010