HomeMy Public PortalAbout02 February 10, 1998 TC Minutes• • • TOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10,1998 7:00 PM The following is a condensation of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is tape-recorded, and the tapes are a part of the public record. Mayor Berry called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, MAYOR AND COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Councilmembers Staff Present: Jeanne Berry Susan Castle Leland Harris Alan McEwan Steve Rutledge Andy Valaas (excused) Richard Gates, Asst. Treasurer Erik Lund, Building Official Wayne Stewart, Town Attorney Allan Newbill, Town Engineer JANUARY 13, 1998 MINUTES: MOTION: Councilmember Harris moved to approve the minutes of the January 13, 1998 meeting, as amended. Councilmember Castle seconded. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR: MOTION: Councilmember Castle moved to approve the February 10, 1998 consent calendar as presented. Councilmember Harris seconded. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98-011 Park Board Ordinance No. 473: Treasurer Gates explained that Park -Board Ordinance No. 464, recently passed by the Council, was supposed to increase the number of Park Board Commissioners from 5 to G but did not due to a recording error. He noted that Ordinance No. 473 would correct that error as well as some other minor problems as noted in the agenda bill. Town Attorney Stewart verified that he has reviewed the proposed ordinance and approved it as to form. MOTION: Counciimember McEwan moved to approve Ordinance No. 473 as written_ Councilmember Castle seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION: At this time, the Council decided to postpone the Executive Session until the end of the meeting. Approved 02/10/98 Council Minutes Page 1 of AGENDA BILL 98-012 Clerk -Treasurer Job Description: Treasurer Gates noted that the job description under consideration was developed by Andy Valaas. Councilmember McEwan expressed concern that the job description fiznction directing the Clerk -Treasurer to maintain a thorough knowledge and understanding of state statues and Town ordinances in order to answer the questions and concerns of the Town Council, et. al. may lead the clerk to interpret these statutes and ordinances when, in fact, the interpretation should come from the person held accountable for meeting them. He suggested that the function be changed to require that the Clerk -Treasurer merely provide the information to those persons requesting it for their own interpretation. It was the consensus of the Council that this wording be changed to "Maintain a thorough knowledge and understanding of state statutes and Town ordinances." Councilmember McEwan also expressed concern about requiring the Clerk -Treasurer to conduct the census as it may not be the best use of the Town's resources since the state conducts the official census. Mayor Berry explained that this function appears in job descriptions from several other jurisdictions. Treasurer Gates added that the Town is performing this task. Building Official Lund described the process used by the Town and the state to estimate population changes via changes in the housing stock of the Town, Lastly, Councilmember McEwan questioned the function directing the Clerk -Treasurer to manage the Town's exposure to risk and asked what that meant. Treasurer Gates explained that this function is merely to document that the Town is responding to items needing attention, e.g. regular truck maintenance and potholes in the street. Mayor Berry added that these activities are in response to new guidelines of the Town's insurance carrier. Councilmember McEwan asked if the function could be folded into the function immediately above it, i.e. "Review insurance policies and report information to the Council and Town Attorney." It was the consensus of the Council that this change be made. Town Attorney Stewart suggested that a fifth bullet under General Responsibilities be added to read "Performs other duties as assigned by the Mayor" to encompass those additional activities that arise from time to time but are not necessarily know at this time. It was the consensus of the Council that this change be made. Councilmember McEwan noted that the Clerk -Treasurer duties listed in this job description have been performed by two people (one of whom works part-time) for quite same time yet this job description recombines those functions into a single job. Ile then asked what authority the Mayor would have to hire additional help when needed and if the Council should consider hiring a Town Clerk and electing a Town Treasurer instead of combining the two jobs. Town Attorney Stewart explained that such a change is a Council decision requiring an ordinance to accomplish. MOTION: Councilmember McEwan moved to approve the Clerk -Treasurer job description, as amended by Council consensus. Councilmember Castle seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain_ Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98-013 New Draft for Subdivision Code: Building Official Lund briefly reviewed his proposal as outlined in the agenda bill. Approved 02/10/98 Council Minutes Page 2 of 4 MOTION: Councilmember McEwan moved to authorize staff to prepare a draft ordinance for review and approval by the Planning Commission and the Town Council. Councilmember Harris seconded. Councilmember Castle asked for clarification of the motion. SECOND MOTION: Councilmember McEwan moved to amend the original motion to limit the authorization to forty hours of staff time for the preparation of this draft ordinance. Councilmember Harris seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Second motion carried unanimously. First motion is hereby amended. Vote on original motion as amended: 4 Yes, 0 No. 0 Abstain. Amended motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98-014 Replacement of the Points Drive Gate: Town Engineer Newbill reviewed the situation as presented in the agenda bill and reiterated that he feels that Option 1 is the only viable one in order to maintain emergency access to the Town. Councilmember McEwan suggested that a letter be sent to those residents who signed the initial request for action. He added that the letter should explain which Option was chosen and why and should thank them for their participation in the process. Councilmember Rutledge asked about hanging a heavy duty cable across Points Drive behind the proposed trees to block access further. Councilmember Harris suggested that a cable could be added later if a driver should breach the barrier in the future. Councilmember Harris strongly supported sending the letter suggested by Councilmember McEwan and offering the affected residents an opportunity to discuss the situation with the Council face-to-face. Councilmember McEwan suggested that the letter come from both Yarrow Point and Clyde Hill. Mayor Berry will notify Mitch Wasserman of Clyde Hill of the Town's proposed action and discuss the joint letter. AGENDA BILL 98-015 Resolution No. 176 Expenditures for Refreshments: Treasurer Gates explained that passing this resolution clarifies for the auditor that the Council has authorized this type of expenditure. MOTION: Councilmember Harris moved to adopt Resolution No. 176, as amended for typographical errors. Councilmember McEwan seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98-016 (Ordinance No. 474 Establishing the Clerk -Treasurer's Compensation): Discussion of this ordinance is tabled until the Executive Session. NEW BUSINESS: COUNCIL RETREAT: Mayor Berry proposed that the Council consider holding a retreat sometime in May to develop a is mission statement and goals. She reported that she has discussed the idea with a couple of facilitators who are willing to make/arrange presentations on topics of concern to the Council. Approved 02/10/98 Council Minutes Page 3 of She noted that there may be budgeting issues to resolve. It was the consensus of the Council that she should proceed with plans for this retreat. PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCY: Mayor Berry asked that the Council confirm her appointment of Roger Myklebust to the Planning Commission filling the vacancy created in September of 1997. She noted that he is an attorney, specializing in construction law. MOTION: Councilmember Harris moved to approve the appointment of Roger Myklebust to the Planning Commission. Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. APRIL COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE: Mayor Berry noted that the April 14, 1998 Council meeting falls in the middle of Spring Break for the Bellevue schools and she will be out of toHm. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to postpone the April Council meeting until the following week, April 21, 1998. ADJOURN: MOTION: Councilmember McEwan moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 9:30 prn. Councilmember Harris seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain, Motion carried unanimously. The Council then convened an Executive Session to discuss personnel issues. Respectfully submitted, Approved: Sue Ann Spens v Jeanne Bert Acting Clerk -Treasurer Mayor Draft: February 27, 1998 Final: April 10, 1998 Approved 02110/98 Council Minutes Page 4 of 4