HomeMy Public PortalAbout04) 7A2 CC Minutes October 20, 20151. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM ?.A-2. Mayor Chavez called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7 :30 p .m . 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT : ALSO PRESENT: 3 . INVOCATION Council member -Fis h, Man , Sternqu ist, Yu , Chavez Councilmember-None City Manager Cook , Ci ty Attorney Vail , City Clerk Kuo , Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs , Administrative Services Director Hause , Community Development Director Forbes, Planning Manager Reimers and Executive Assistant to the City Manager Corella Lynne Best , Westm inster Presbyterian Church , provided the Invocati o n . 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Boy Scout Troop #161 provided a flag ceremony and led those presen t i n the Pledge of A l legiance . 5 . CEREMONIAL/PRESENTATIONS -None 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Jeffrey Briggs , Temple City resident, commented regarding local government. Lynne Best, Historical Society , spoke about their general meeting on Sunday, October 19 and invited the public to the H istorical Museum 's open house on Saturday, October 31 and Sunday, November 1. Steve Stafford , Temple City resident , commented about a meeting he attended in Pasadena addressing homelessness . Carl Bl um , Temple City resident, spoke in favor of adopting an urgency ordinance banning drones in the City . C ity Council Minutes October 20 , 2015 Page 2 of 12 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Administrative Services Director Hause made an administrative correction to Consent Item 7 J "V isa Card Report" (i .e ., American Airl ines airfare to JPIA Conference for Mayor Chavez should be for airfare to League of California Cities). Mayor Pro Tem Yu made a motion to approve the items on the consent calendar inc lud ing item 7 J with adm inistrative correction . Seconded by Council member Sternqu ist and approved by the following votes: AYES : ABSTAINED : NOES: ABSENT: Councilmember: Fish , Man , Sternquist , Yu , Chavez Councilmember: None Council member: None Council member: None A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The City Council is requested to review and approve : 1) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of September 30 , 2015 ; and 2) Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of October 6 , 2015 . Action : Approved . B. PUBLIC ART COMMISSION ACT IONS -MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 The City Council is requested to rev iew the Public Art Commission actions of their meeting of September 28 , 2015 . Action : Received and filed . C . SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO . 15-1007 AMENDING CHAPTER 4 , ARTICLE D OF THE TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION The proposed amendments included additional criteria for removal of City owned trees . Action : Waived further reading and adopted Ord i nance No . 15-1007. D . APPROVAL OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO BUILDING AND LAND LEASE City Council Minutes October 20 , 2015 Page 3 of 12 AGREEMENT WITH CCATI LLC , FOR A CELLULAR TOWER FACILITY To continue current arrangements with the land and building lease for the cellular tower facility on the City's property located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue, a First Amendment as proposed must be executed prior to September 30 , 2016 . Action : 1) Approved the Fi rst Amendment to Bui lding and Land Lease Agreement w ith CCATT LLC , for a cellular tower facility ; 2) Approved the Memorandum of First Am e ndment to Bu ild ing and Land Lease ; and 3) Authorized the C ity t0anager to sign the First Amendment. E. ACCEPTANCE OF SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS (CIP NO . P14-14 ) AND PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT (CIP NO . P13-02 ) The City Council is requested to approve the final construction cost and accept the Safe Routes to School Improvements and Pavement Management Program projects as completed by All American Asphalt. Action : Accepted the Safe Routes to School project and Pavement Management Program project as completed by All American Asphalt. F . APPROVE CONCEPT FOR THE TEMPORARY PANELS ON THE ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD DIRECTORIES City Council 's approval of the treatmen t for the vacant panels on t he directory monuments wil l complet e the Art Wal k concept for Rosemead Bou levard . Action : Approved Public Art Comm iss ion 's recommendation for the temporary panels on the Rosemead Boulevard directory monuments. G . APPROVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 PUBLIC ART ANNUAL PLAN Approval of Fisca l Year (FY) 2015-16 Public Art Annual Plan allows for the continuation of public art initiatives . Action : Approved the FY 2015-16 Public Art Annual City Council Minutes October 20 , 2015 Page 4 of 12 Plan . H. APPROVAL OF MASTER AGREEMENT WITH TEMPLE CITY CAMELLIA FESTIVAL Approval of the Master Agreement between the Temple City Camellia Festival and City of Temple City w ill formalize the relationsh ip between the two parties . Action : Approved the Master Agreement with the Temple City Camellia Festival and authorized the City Manager to sign the Agreement. I. APPROVAL OF A VENDOR AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE WITH GOLDEN EAGLE AVIATION SERVICE INC . FOR A FL YOVER DURING THE VETERAN 'S DAY CELEBRATION City Council's app roval of a vendor agreement for serv ice with Golden Eagle Av iation Service w il l allow for a flyover during the City's Veteran 's Day Celebration on November 11 , 2015 . Action : Approved a Vendor Agreement for Services with Golden Eagle Aviation Service Inc . and authorized the C ity Manager to s ign the Agreement. K. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 15-5126 APPROVING PAYMENT OF BILLS The C ity Counci l is requested to adopt Resolution No. 15 -5126 authorizing the payment of bills . Action : Adopted Resolution No . 15-5126. Adm inistrative Serv ices Director Hause pulled Consent Item 7 J to make an administrative correction to the attachment. J. VISA CARD REPORT The City Council is requested to review , receive and file the Visa Card Report . Administrative Serv ices Director Hause made an adm i nistrative correction to a charge on the V isa Card Report (i.e ., American Airlines airfare to JPIA Conference for Mayor Chavez sho ul d be for ai rfare to League of Cal ifornia C it ies). City Counci l Minutes October 20 , 2015 Page 5 of 12 Action: 8. PUBLIC HEARING Received and filed report with the admin istrative correction . A. APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION 'S DECISION APPROVING A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, A SITE PLAN REVIEW, AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED AT 10034, 1 0044 LA ROSA DRIVE The City Council is requested to consider adoption of Resolution No . 15-5123 approving File No . 15 -29 , subject to conditions of approval. Planning Manager Reimers gave a summary of the staff report . City Council asked questions regarding the proposed project. Staff answered City Council questions . Mayor Chavez opened public hearing. Steve Stafford , Temple City resident , commented regarding homeowner's association and parking restriction for the proposed project. Robert Sparnicht, Temple City resident , commented regarding trees currently on the proposed project sites . Jennifer Guard , Temple C ity resident , expressed traffic and safety concerns that may be created by the proposed project. Andrea Tran, Temple City resident , asked for further modification to the set- back for the proposed project. Steven Chan , Temple City resident, expressed concerns regarding increase of density in housing and populat ion that will be created by the proposed project. V ivian Harris , Temple City resident, expressed concerns regarding increase of density and parking that will be created by the proposed project. Eve lyn Li n, Temple City resident , expressed concerns that the zoning for the properties in the ir neighborhood would be changed to R3. They are not in favor of a zone change . Gary Hart, Temp le C ity resident , expressed concern about possible drainage City Council Minutes October 20 , 2015 Page 6 of 12 problem that may be caused by the wall that is being bu ilt between the exi sting wall on h is property and the proposed project. Garry Friesen , Temple City resident , commented on the proposed proj ect and suggests building the 2-story homes in the back of the project property. Beverly Guan, Temple City resident , spoke in favor of the proposed proj ect. James Coane , Architect for the proposed project, commented on the proposed project and answered some questions raised by the publ ic and City Council. Gary Hart, Temple City resident , made additional comments regard ing t he wall that will be built between the wall already on h is property and the wall that will be built on the proposed project properties . Robert Sparnicht, Temple City resident , commented regarding a proj ect on Ol ive Avenue . Hearing no further request to speak , Mayor Chavez closed pub lic hea ring . City Council d iscussed and commented on the proposed proj ect at 10034, 10044 La Rosa Drive . Mayor Pro Tern Yu made a motion to adopt Resolution No . 1 5-5123 , removing condition 15 , finding that the project is exempt from the Ca l iforn ia Envi ronmental Qual ity Acts and approving File No . 15-29 subject to the condit ions of approval. Seconded by Councilmember Sternqu ist and approved by the follow ing votes : AYES : ABSTAINED : NOES: ABSENT: Councilmember: Fish , Man , Sternquist , Yu , Chavez Councilmember: None Councilmember: None Councilmember: None C ity Council meeting recessed at 9 :37 p .m . and reconvened at 9 :48 p .m . w ith all members present. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. REVIEW OF REVISED LIVE OAK PARK AND TEMPLE CITY PARK FACILITY MASTER PLANS Once the Live Oak Park and Temple City Park Facilities Master Plans are City Council Minutes October 20 , 2015 Page 7 of 12 adopted by the C ity Council , it will establi sh a strateg ic d i rection for deli very of public facil ities and amenities and allow staff to apply for various g rants and other fund i ng opportunities . Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs gave a summary of the staff report. City Cou nc il commented and discussed regarding the rev ised Live Oak Park and T emp le City Park Faci lity Mast er Plans . Mayor Chavez opened public comment. Jerry Jam bazian , Temple City business owner, asked questions about the revised Temple City Park Master Plan . M ike Wintercomb , City of Arcadia res ident, spoke in favor of add ing some kind of covering over the d ugouts at Live Oak Park. Hearing no add it ional request to speak , Mayor Chavez closed public comment. Cou nc il mem ber Man made a motion t o schedu le adoption of the Master Plans for December 15, 2015 . Seconded by Councilmember Sternqu ist a nd approved by the foll owing votes : AYES : ABSTAINED : NOES : ABSENT: 10 . NEW BUSIN ESS Councilmember: Fish , Man , Sternquist, Yu , Chavez Councilmember: None Councilmember: None Cou ncilmember: None A. PROGRESS UPDATE ON PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Since 2013 , the Safe Routes to Schoo l Project and Bike Transportation Account projects , along with the Rosemead Bou levard Beaut if ication Project, have rehabilitated approximately 2 m illion square f eet of pavement, representing about 15 percent of the City 's total 13.6 million square feet of pavement surface area . Community Deve lopment Director Forbes and C ity Manager Cook gave an overview on the implementation of the Pavement Management Program . Al i Cayir, Transtech , reported on the pavement projects that have been City Council Minutes October 20 , 2015 Page 8 of 12 completed and shared upcoming pavement projects . Staff answered City Council questions . Mayor Chavez opened public comment. Jerry Jambazian , Temple City business owner, asked about the pavement condition of Kauffman Avenue . Carl Blum , Temple City resident , spoke regarding the need to establish a funding mechanism t o fund the implementation of the Pavement Management Prog ram . Hea ring no further request to speak , Mayor Chavez closed public comment. City Council discussed and comm e nted regarding the update on the Pavement Management Program Imp lementation . Councilmember Sternquist made a motion to receive and file the progress update on implementation of the Pavement Management Prog ram and provide comments and direction to staff as appropriate . Seconded by Councilmember Fish and approved by the following votes : AYES : ABSTAINED : NOES : ABSENT: Counci lmember: Fish , Man, Sternqu ist, Yu , Cha vez Counc ilmember : None Counc ilmember : None Counc ilmember: None 11 . COMMUNICATIONS-None 12. UPDATE FROM CITY MANAGER A. Water Conservation -None B . Community Events Ci ty Manager Cook reported on the "Business Wal k " Mayor Chavez and staff conducted Monday this week . He also shared that he and Councilmember Yu will be attending a meeting hosted by Supervisor Solis where t he City 's Rosemead Boulevard will be used as an example of "Complete Street". Lastly, City Manager Cook invited the public to partic ipate in t he City 's Halloween even t on Saturday , Octobe r 3 1, at the Live Oak Pa rk . 13. UPDATE FROM CITY ATTORNEY C ity Council M i nutes October 20 , 2015 Page 9 of 12 A. Drone Legislation City Attorney Vail updated City Council regarding drone bills the Governor veto and s igned . 14. COUNCIL REPORTS REGARDING AD HOC OR STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS A. SCHOOL DISTRICT/CITY STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Chavez and Councilmember F ish )-Formed 1/3/2012 No report . B. CITY CODE REVIEW STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Chavez and Councilmember Man )-Formed 11 /6/2012 No report . C . CIVIC CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor ProTem Yu and Councilmember Fish)-Formed 5/13/2013 No report. D. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Chavez and Councilmember Sternquist)-Formed 1/27/2014 No report . E. LAS TUNAS DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Chavez and Mayor ProTem Yu )-Formed 2/18/2014 No report. F. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTIES STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor ProTem Yu and Councilmember Man)-Formed 2/18/2014 No report . G . AUDIT STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Chavez and Mayor ProTem Yu )-Formed 7/15/2014 No report . H. WATER CONSERVATION AD HOC City Counci l Minutes October 20 , 2015 Page 10 of 12 (Mayor Chavez and Counc ilmember Fish ) -Formed 6/2/2015 No report . I. FACILITIES , PUBLIC WORKS , AND INFRASTRUCTURE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Mayor Pro Tem Yu and Councilmember Man) -Formed 2/4/2014 No report . J . VETERANS DAY CELEBRATION AD HOC COMMITTEE (Councilmember Sternquist and Councilmember Fish)-Formed 4/21/2015 Councilmember Fish invited the public to attend the Veteran 's Day Celebration on Wednesday , November 11 , from 10 :30 a .m . to 12 :00 p.m . i n the Temple City Park . K . CITY FEES AD HOC (Mayor ProTem Yu and Councilmember Man)-Formed 7/7/2015 No report . 15. COUNCIL ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE CITY MANAGER 'S REGULAR AGENDA A. COUNCILMEMBER FISH Thanked the commun ity for coming out to speak on the La Rosa Deve lopment Project and shared that the school d istrict will host a Parent/Commun ity Forum on Thursday , October 29 , in the Temple City High School Media Room , 7 p.m . B . COUNCILMEMBER MAN Commented on the successful Fall Fest ival. He reported briefly about the Historical Soc iety 's general meetin g on October 18 . C . COUNCILMEMBER STERNQUIST Shared that the San Gabriel Valley Energy Wise will partner with San Gabriel Valley Council of Government and Southern California Edison to host a holiday LED light exchange . More i nformation can be obtained f rom the Southern Californ ia Ed ison webs ite . D. MAYOR PROTEM YU-None City Counci l M i nutes O ctober 20 , 2015 Page 11 of 12 E. MAYO R CHAVEZ Announced that City Council wil l meet on December 1. He also reported on the Business V is itation he co ndu cted with staff. 16. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES TO CITY OFFICIALS FOR CONDUCT OF CITY BUSINESS AND FOR CITY PAYMENT OF CONFERENCE EXPENDITURES A. COUNCILMEMBER FISH Reimbursement of $102.56 for meals and transportation to attend California Jo int Powers Insurance Authority R isk Management Forum : September 22- 25 , 2015 . B . COUNCILMEMBER MAN-Non e C . COUNCILMEMBER STERNQUIST Reimbursement of $3 46 .37 for mea ls , transportation , and parking to attend California Joint Powers Insuran ce Authority Risk Manag ement Forum : September 22-25 , 2015 . D. MAYOR PRO TEM YU-Non e E . MAYOR CHAVEZ Re imbursement of $48 .00 for transportation to attend League of California Cities 2015 An nual Confe rence : October 1-2 , 2015 . 17. RECESS TO SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING At 11 :10 p.m ., the City Council recessed to the Succes sor Agency Meet ing . Minutes of the Successor Agency Meeting are set forth in full in the Successor Agency's records . RECONVENE AS CITY COUNCIL The City Council meeting was reconvened at 11 :11 p .m. w ith all Council members p resent. 18. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA -None C ity Council Minutes October 20 , 2015 Page 12 of 12 19. ADJOURNMENT The C ity Council Regu lar Meeting was adjourned at 11 :11 p.m . Tom Chavez, Mayor ATIEST: Peggy Kuo , C ity C lerk