HomeMy Public PortalAbout07) 7B Transportation and Public Safety Commission Actions October 14, 2015. AGENDA ITEM 7.8. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: N ove mbe r 3 , 20 15 TO: The H on o rable City Coun cil FROM : Brya n Cook, C ity M a n age r Via: Mi c hael D. Fo rbes, AI C P , Commun ity Deve lopment Director By : A n d rew J . Coyne, Ma nagement Ana lyst SUBJECT: TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SAF ETY COMMISSION ACTIONS- MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: T he City Council is requested to receive and fi le the T ransportation and Public Safety Co mmi ssion (Commission) actions fro m t he ir meeting of October 14, 2015 . BACKGROUND: On Octobe r 14 , 20 15, the Comm ission he ld th eir reg u la rly scheduled meeting . ANALYSIS: F o llow ing is a s umm ary of actions take n at th e October 14, 201 5 meeting : 1 . RO L L CALL : P resent: Comm issioner-Bl att, C h a i rman Clift, V ice C h airman Ni mri, Redmond , S t ratis Absent: Com m issioner-None Excused : Commissioner-No n e 2 . A P P RO V A L OF MINUTES The Comm iss io n approved the min utes of their September 9 , 2015 meeting . City Council November 3, 2015 Page 2 of 2 3. PARKING CITATION HEARINGS The Comm ission held six hearings in person , upheld three citations, dismissed two citations , and continued one citation in order to gather more information about the case . The Commission held one hearing requested by written declaration and upheld the citation . CITY STRATEGIC GOALS : Approval of the Commiss ion actions of October 14 , 2015 furthers the City's Strateg ic Goals of Citizen Education and Communication . FISCAL IMPACT: This item does not have an impact on the Fiscal Year 2015-16 City Budget.