HomeMy Public PortalAbout03 March 10, 1998 TC MinutesTOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 10, 1998 7:00 PM The following is a condensation of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is tape-recorded, and the tapes are part of the public record. Mayor Berry called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. PRESENT: Mayor: Jeanne Berry Councilmembers: Susan Castle Leland Harris Alan McEwan Steve Rutledge Andy Valaas Staff: Gary Christenson, Acting Asst, Treasurer Linda Longmire, Acting Clerk Wayne Stewart, Town Attorney Allan Newbill, Town Engineer Guests: Amy Curtis, Park Board member Dave Tyler, Waterfront Construction Mr. Dan Pinnick Mr. and Mrs. Terry Moss APPEARANCES: None. Since the Council Retreat was not on this meeting's agenda, Mayor Berry took an opportunity to discuss with the Council her plans for hiring one or more facilitators for the Council retreat and about possible dates for the retreat. It was the consensus of the Council that Mayor Berry should continue to interview facilitators for the event and then choose a date that the facilitators and meeting facilities are available. FEBRUARY 10, 1998 MINUTES: MOTION: Councilmember Castle moved to approve the minutes of the February 10, 1998 meeting, as amended. Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Vote: S Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. POLICE REPORT: Acting Chief Bill Archer reported: • a recent rash of car vandalism by juveniles, mainly in Clyde Hill, but also affecting Yarrow Point, in which loose changes was stolen from cars. Approved 03/10/98 Council Minutes Page 1 of 6 • a car with keys in the ignition stolen from a Yarrow Point residence. The vehicle was recovered. « mailboxes blown up, that are listed on the report under arson. • a response to a call from Mayor Berry about speeding on the north end of the Point, in which an unmarked car was dispatched to investigate. Mayor Berry interjected that at a recent Park Board meeting, 57 citizens of Yarrow Point shared their concerns about speeding cars and pedestrian safety. Councilmember Valaas asked if there has been a change in police status. Acting Chief Archer answered that the recent retirements of the Police Chiefs of Medina and Clyde Hill have prompted the City of Medina and the Towns of Clyde Hill, Hunts Point, and Yarrow Point to hire a consultant to review the police -staffing needs of these municipalities. He added that the consultant will prepare a report outlining their findings and recommendations. Councilmember Harris asked if Lt. Archer is acting chief, to which Acting Chief Archer responded yes. CONSENT CALENDAR: Voucher List: It was the consensus of the Council to discuss the following warrants during Executive Session: • Warrant No. H 499 representing severance pay to the former Assistant Treasurer, and • Warrant No. 11505 representing employee taxes related to that severance pay. MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to approve the March 10, 1998 Voucher List, excluding No. 11499 and 11505. Councilmember Harris seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. Consent Calendar: Councilmember Castle moved to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar as presented. Councilmember McEwan seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98-017 Proposed Resolution No. 128 re: End -of -Month Payroll Checks: Town Attorney Stewart explained that this resolution would allow the two regular employees of the Town - the Clerk -Treasurer and the Public Works Employee - to be paid at the end of the month rather than waiting two weeks until the Voucher List is seen and approved by the Town Council, Councilmember Valaas stated that the policy change sounds reasonable. MOTION: Councilmember McEwan moved to adopt Resolution No. 128 as written. Councilmember Valaas seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98-018 Proposed Resolution No. 129 re: Employee Dependent Health Coverage: Councilmember Valaas asked if all eligible employees must purchase dependent coverage for medical and dental. Mayor Berry explained that both employees had agreed voluntarily to 40 purchase medical and dental coverage for their dependents at no cost to the Town, Approved 03/10/98 Council Minutes Page 2 of 6 L� MOTION: Councilmember Harris moved to adopt Resolution No. 129 as written. Councilmember Castle seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98-019 Public Hearing: Substantial Development Permit #105 - Pinnick, 4680 - 951h Ave NE: Mayor Berry opened the public hearing for comments on the SDP #105 at 7:45 pm. Town Attorney Stewart presented the application for Town Building Official Lund and noted that Building Official Lund's report states that the application meets all code requirements and recommends that the Council approve it. Dave Tyler of Waterfront Construction stated he would be happy to answer questions. Ward Bushnell, 4638 - 95`h Ave NE asked if there is a limitation to the length of the dock. Building Official Lund answered that Zoning Ordinance No. 453 limits dock lengths to 150 feet. Councilmember McEwan noted that 150 feet from shore the lake can be as shallow as four feet deep. Councilmember Harris added that west -side residents try to align the lengths of their docks. Mr. Pinnick stated that at 4680 - 95th the lake is only seven feet deep at the end of a 150- foot dock. Councilmember Harris asked if the proposed project includes a boat cover. Mr. Tyler answered no. Councilmerriber Valaas expressed concern that no dimensions are shown on the drawings to verify compliance with setbacks and stated that dimensions should be included on the drawings. Councilmember Harris asked about the size of the boat lift. There is no record of an answer to either question. As there were no other questions, Mayor Berry closed the public hearing for SDP #105 at 7:55 pm. MOTION: Councilmember Harris moved to approve SDP #105. Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98-020 Public Hearing: Substantial Development Permit 4106 Moss, 4616 - 95`h Ave NE: Mayor Berry opened the public hearing for comments on SDP # 106 at 7:55 pm. Town Engineer Newbill noted that the drawings show the removal of an existing pier and replacement with a new 120-foot dock. Mr. Moss introduced himself and his wife stating that they are prepared to answer questions. Dave Tyler, Project Manager for Waterfront Construction, stated that the project is scheduled to be completed by August. Approved 03/10198 Council Minutes Page 3 of 6 Councilmember Valaas questioned the application's address, which is stated to be 4616. He noted that 4616 no longer has waterftont because of a lot -line adjustment and added that 4620 now contains the entire 100 feet of waterfront. There is no record of an answer to this question. As there were no other questions, Mayor Berry closed the public hearing for SDP #106 at 8:00 pm. MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to approve SDP #106. Councilmember Castle seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98-021 Public Hearing: Substantial Development Permit 4107 Burns, 4224 - 95`h Ave NE) Mayor Berry opened the public hearing for comments on SDP # 107 at 8:00 pm. Dave Tyler of Waterfront Construction noted that the length of the proposed dock. is 150 feet, the water depth at 150 feet is four feet, and the dock is next to a dock shared by Witt, Yule, Granberg, Anderson and Bolan. He added that there is an old concrete float that will be removed. As there were no other questions, Mayor Berry closed the public hearing for SDP 4107 at 8:05 pm. MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to approve SDP #107. Councilmember Harris seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA BILL 98.022 Information re: Inner Harbor Line for Western Waterfront: Town Attorney Stewart presented the question relating to the Inner Harbor Line on the western waterfront of Yarrow Point on behalf of Town Building Official Lund. He noted that Building Official Lund's report states: (1) that a similar harbor line was established for a portion of the eastern waterfront, (2) that the cost to the Town would be substantial yet the To -.AM would receive no direct benefit while the waterfront owners derived a great benefit from the work, (3) that he (Lund) feels their is value in establishing this harbor line, and (4) that he (Lund) suggests that the Town send a letter to the affected waterfront property owners explaining that the estimated cost for the project is approximately $ 10,000. Councilmember Harris noted that several years ago the state wanted to charge him for use of the waterfront along his property by claiming that no inner harbor line had been established. He added that there are four lots that have potential boundary -line problems in Cozy Cove, which is part of the western waterfront. Mayor Berry would like to discuss this matter again at the April meeting with Building; Official Lund present. It was the consensus of the Council that further discussion be tabled until April. Executive Session: Approved 03/10/98 Council Minutes Page 4 of 6 Mayor Berry temporarily adjourned the regular meeting and reconvened the Council in Executive Session at 8:20 pm. Council and Town Attorney Stewart remained in chambers to discuss personnel issues. Others in attendance left chambers during this closed session. At 8:55 pm, Mayor Berry announced that the Executive Session was adjourned and reconvened the regular public meeting. WARRANT VOUCHER NOS. 11499 Severance Pay and 11505 Employee Taxes; It was the consensus of the Council that Warrant Voucher No. 11499 not be paid. This warrant represents severance pay to the former Assistant Treasurer. Warrant Voucher No. 11505, which represents employee taxes related to this payment, will also be voided. AGENDA BILL 98-016 Ordinance No. 474 Setting the Salary for the Clerk -Treasurer and Repealing Ord. No. 459: Town Attorney Stewart stated that it was the consensus of the Council in Executive Session to set the Clerk -Treasurer's salary at $42,500 and directed that Ordinance No. 474 should reflect that decision. He recommended that Section 2, which allows the Mayor to grant merit increases based upon performance, stand as written. He further noted that Section 3,which provides for cost -of -living adjustments (COLA) and which he considers reasonable, be deleted as the issue of COLA increases should be covered in the Employee Handbook. MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to pass Ordinance No. 474 as written with provisions for both merit increases (which are based on performance reviews and may or may not be granted) and COLA increases. Councilmember Harris seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Raitz Request For Boundary -Line Adjustment, Case No. 54: Town Engineer Newbill reported that the Raitz request for boundary -line adjustment was omitted from the Council agenda. He added that this request has been reviewed by the Planning Commission and that they recommended approving it. He then provided drawings for the Council to review. He described the request for the Council noting that: • The proposal is for moving the lot line between Lots 14 and 15 as shown on the drawing, with the Raitz's retaining control of the "canyon". • All utilities for the lots will come from Points Drive. • The City of Bellevue has certified that water and sewer are available. • There is a spring on NE 26" St. MOTION: Councilman Harris moved to approve the Raitz request for a lot -line adjustment as presented by the applicant. Councilmember Valaas seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. Town Engineer Newbill reminded the Mayor that she and the Town Clerk -Treasurer need to indicate that the project is approved by signing the mylar copy of the proposal. Approved 03/10/98 Council Minutes Page 5 of 6 is 0 Park Board: Park Board member Amy Curtis reported that sixty-five people turned out for the Park Board's recent public meeting about Pedestrian Improvements and Utilities Undergrounding held at Town Hall on February 23, 1998 with many divergent opinions about the project She suggested that a financing committee be formed to study the proposed undergrounding of utilities. Councilmember Rutledge stated that he has the name of someone who would be willing to work with such a committee. Library: Councilmember Valaas stated that over the past four years we have seen a number of families with younger children move into Yarrow Point and suggested that perhaps it is time to reconsider the library. Mayor Berry recommended that a library commission be appointed since no one came forward and there is lead time to put the question on the ballot. Councilmember Harris recommended that any such measure be considered in light of the money to be spent on sidewalk improvements and other pending projects. Councilmember Valaas agreed but reiterated that the question must be discussed. Councilmember Harris stated that it is prudent of the Council to study the money situation because of the cost of projects already "promised". He added that if a library assessment were not based on property value, he would consider it. Councilmember McEwan interjected that the way the County presents the library assessment issue is different for different areas. Mayor Berry will arrange for a notice in the Town newsletter asking if anyone is interested in serving on the library commission. Traffic Problem on Points Drive: Councilmember McEwan reported ongoing traffic problems along Points Drive and suggested that if two-lane portion were built extending back from Tully's, traveling through this area would be easier. Mayor Berry reported that today she signed an lnterlocal Agreement for a Traffic Study by the Point Communities to address these traffic problems. It was the consensus of the Council that they be kept informed. ADJOURN: MOTION: Councilmember McEwan moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 9:30 pm. Councilmember Castle seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ``Sue Ann Spens, CI rk-Treasurer Approved: Jeanne Berry, M12,4r (Original minutes recorded by Linda Longmire, Acting Clerk; draft transcribed by Dottie Elwell; final prepared by Sue Ann Spens.) Approved 03/10/98 Council Minutes Page 6 of 6