HomeMy Public PortalAbout2018-10-23 MattingChangePlanMATTING CHANGE Crochet • Community • Commitment Contact: Audrey Lin, Organizer audrey.maur.lin@gmail.com 781 - 999 - 1889 Matting Change organizes crafters in the Boston area to remake plastic bags into crocheted sleeping mats for homeless residents. In addition to reducing the environmental impact of plastic waste and protecting public health, Matting Change seeks community involvement and hopes to bridge connection with homeless youth. Goals To make and distribute 60 plastic sleeping mats by May 2019 Partner with Y2Y Homeless Shelter in Harvard Square Facilitate 5 Community Workshops between October and April to teach and crochet together Education about Boston's homeless population Connect communities through crochet Pros of Plastic Crocheted Mats: - Lightweight, waterproof, and non attractive to lice/insects - Provides a layer between a person sleeping and the cold damp ground, preventing cold borne illness such as frostbite - Resuses 600 plastic bags which usually end up in landfills, threaten wildlife and damage local ecosystems Timeline August - Mid October Bag collection drives, coalition building October 10/16: WORKSHOP I Mid October - Mid December Social Media campaign + raising awareness Bag collection drives, WORKSHOP II and III Mat making events Early December Mat distribution: 20 Mats Mid December - Mid April Social Media Campaign + Raising Awareness Bag collection drives WORKSHOP IV and V Mat Making events Final Distribution: 40 Mats Culminating event May 2019 III PI II �1v 11'11 nn Matti change