HomeMy Public PortalAbout20090223 - Personnel Committee - Meeting MinutesPersonnel Committee Minutes 6:30 P.M., Tuesday, February 23, 2009 Room 211 Town Hall Attendees: Kathy Laflash- Chair, Tom Sheridan-Vice Chair, Ezat Parnia, Molly Lukason, Maryrose DeGroot, Absent: Bob Levenson Other Attendees: Interim Fire Chief Ken Clark Issue 1: Minutes from October, December, and January Meeting Discussion ensued October Meeting: Tom Sheridan Moves to Accept, Molly Lukason 2nd. Vote: Unanimous December Meeting: Kathy Laflash moves to accept with changes, Molly Lukason 2nd. Vote: Unanimous January Meeting: Kathy Laflash moves to accept, Tom Sheridan Seconds. Vote: Unanimous Issue 2: Mary Carver Reclassification Interim Chief Clark requested to have Administrative Assistant Mary Carver reclassified to Administrative Manager to be level with her counterparts in Police and DPW. Motion to Reclassify: Tom Sheridan, 2nd Molly Lukason. Vote: Unanimous. Issue 3: Updates on Personnel Bylaws Discussion ensued. Changes were approved for the following articles; 33-13: Workers Compensation, 33-14: Holiday Pay, 33-16: Vacation Time; 33-17 Personal Leave of Absence; 33-18 FMLA, 33-20: Sick Time, 33-33: Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, 33-39: Technology Usage, 33-46 Americans with Disabilities Act. Motion: Kathy Laflash, 2nd Tom Sheridan, Vote: Unanimous. Issue 4: Town Manager Search Committee Maryrose provided updates on the progress of the Town Manager Search Committee. No Vote Taken Issue 6: Adjournment: Tom Sheridan motioned to vote, Ezat Parnia 2nd, Vote-Unanimous to adjourn Respectfully submitted by Maryrose DeGroot, Human Resources Director on March 31, 2009