HomeMy Public PortalAbout20090609 - Select Board - Agenda 1 TOWN OF HOPKINTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES OF MEETING June 9, 2009 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at Town Hall, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Brian Herr, Matthew Zettek, RJ Dourney, Michelle Gates and Todd Cestari. Administrative personnel in attendance: Clayton Carlisle, Interim Town Manager, Norman Khumalo and Geri Holland, Assistant to the Town Manager. Other local officials present: Police Chief Tom Irvin. CALL TO ORDER/EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM in Room 211. Chairman Herr entertained a motion to move into Executive Session for the sole purpose of accepting executive session minutes and to discuss pending litigation and non-union employee contract negotiations. So MOVED by Mr. Zettek and SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. ROLL CALL: Chairman Herr-Yes, Mr. Zettek-Yes, Mr. Dourney-Yes, Mr. Cestari-Yes, Mrs. Gates-Yes. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. PUBLIC MEETING CONTINUED: Chairman Herr reopened the public meeting at 6:30PM in Room 215. APPROVAL OF PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES: March 30, April 14, April 21, April 28, May 12 and May 19, 2009. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to approve Public Session minutes as listed above SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve Minutes from 3/30, 4/14, 4/21, and 4/28: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained – 2. VOTE to Approve Minutes from 5/12 and 5/19: Unanimous. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS: MOTION by Mr. Zettek to accept a $100.00 gift for the Hopkinton Law Enforcement Trust Fund from John and Susan Evans and to thank Mr. and Mrs. Evans in writing SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. APPROVAL OF PROCLAMATION: MOTION by Mr. Zettek to approve the proclamation in recognition of Assistant Town Clerk Maxine E. Adams SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. RESIGNATION: MOTION by Mr. Dourney to accept the resignation of Molly Myers from the ADA Oversight Committee (term expires in 2010) SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. AUTHORIZATION REQUEST: MOTION by Mr. Zettek to authorize Chairman Herr to enter into a contract with NStar for the acquisition of existing street lights (Article 1 of the 5/6/09 Special Town Meeting) subject to the resolution of outstanding matters SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. DISCUSSION: A borrowing of $100,000.00 was approved at Special Town Meeting to purchase 563 street lights, traffic lights, spot lights 2 and school zone lights. The Town will enter into this contract with the Health and Education Facility Authority, which was able to get Hopkinton a lower rate for electricity and can renegotiate the rate if it falls. Mr. Carlisle anticipates an annual savings of $50,000.00 through this action. In response to Mr. Cestari, Mr. Carlisle said the Town is insured for liability, but not for property damage as street lights depreciate and the deductible would exceed the cost for the light. By FY2011, Mr. Carlisle expects this budget line item to be about $27,000.00. Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Khumalo will provide the Board with a list of sources for paying off the debt. Town Counsel does not “specifically caution the Town against executing” the agreement, but listed several items for Board members to consider. Mr. Khumalo suggested the specifications for bids address maintenance issues. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. PUBLIC MEETING: Chairman Herr welcomed the viewing audience and invited everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Herr welcomed Hopkinton’s new Town Manager, Mr. Norman Khumalo. Mr. Khumalo said he looks forward to working with the Board on the challenges facing the Town. Mr. Clayton Carlisle was also recognized by the Board for his efforts as Interim Town Manager. Chairman Herr said the Board and citizens of Hopkinton appreciate Mr. Carlisle’s service to the Town. Mr. Zettek also acknowledged Mr. Carlisle’s service and his input in finding the best candidate for permanent Town Manager. Mr. Dourney said he learned a lot about financial planning from Mr. Carlisle and said Hopkinton is in better fiscal shape than it was prior to Mr. Carlisle’s arrival. Mrs. Gates and Mr. Cestari offered their thanks as well. Mr. Carlisle said it’s been a pleasure working with the local officials and citizens of Hopkinton. PUBLIC FORUM: Police Chief Thomas Irvin tendered his letter of resignation, effective January 22, 2010. Chief Irvin said the timing of his announcement is intended to avoid any impression that his resignation reflects an inability to work with the new Town Manager and Board of Selectmen. He said his resignation has been months in the planning and that it’s been a pleasure working in Hopkinton for 31+ years because of the support he’s enjoyed from the community, the Board of Selectmen and all other Town departments. Chief Irvin said he has always been proud to be a Hopkinton police officer, adding that he’s worked with the best professionals in the business. Chairman Herr reluctantly accepted the Chief’s resignation letter. Mr. Zettek called Chief Irvin’s service exemplary and acknowledged the sacrifice his family has made over the years so that the Chief could ensure the safety of the community. Mr. Dourney said he is happy for Chief Irvin as a friend, but unhappy to see him leave the HPD as a selectman and citizen. Mr. Cestari acknowledged the great relationship the Chief has established between the Town and the HPD. Mrs. Gates added her appreciation and said the Chief will be missed. Chief Irvin agreed to help with the search for his replacement and was applauded as he left the meeting. PROCLAMATIONS/RECOGNITIONS: Eagle Scout Matthew Dry and Girl Scout Gold Award recipients Rachel Gately, Maureen Regan and Camilla Kulig were recognized for their achievements. For his Eagle Scout project, Mr. Dry built a 3 memorial/meditation area at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. He said the project was completed with the help of family and fellow Boy Scouts after 200 hours of labor. Chairman Herr called the project a great addition to the Town and St. Paul’s. Mr. Zettek said Mr. Dry’s ability to galvanize others to help with the project is a sign of leadership and read the proclamation in his honor. Scout Master Tom Dawson presented Mr. Dry with the new Knox Trail Council badge. Rachel Gately earned the GSA Gold Award for establishing a tutoring program for students at the Hopkins Elementary School using High School students. She said the academic scores of those tutored showed marked improvement as a result. Mr. Cestari stated that fewer than 5.5% of Girl Scouts achieve the Gold Award before he read the proclamation in Miss Gately’s honor. Maureen Regan earned the Gold Award for her environmental film documentary highlighting the trail system in Hopkinton. Mr. Dourney read the proclamation in her honor. Camille Kulig could not be present due to illness, but her mother accepted the citation in her place. Miss Kulig earned the Gold Award for coordinating art therapy classes at the Senior Center and setting up a curriculum that can be used in the future. Mrs. Gates read the proclamation in her honor. Chairman Herr suggested that Miss Kulig attend a future Board of Selectmen meeting to be recognized in person. APPOINTMENTS: Board of Appeals: Associate Member – June Correia Clark MOTION by Mr. Zettek to appoint June Clark as an associate member of the Board of Appeals for a two year term ending June 30, 2011 SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. PRESENTATIONS/DISCUSSIONS: Legacy Farms Community Host Agreement Mr. Zettek stepped off the Board for this discussion. Boulder Capital is requesting that the Community Host Agreement with Hopkinton be amended to incorporate an extension to complete traffic mitigation at the intersection of Routes 85 and 135. Mr. Steven Zieff of Boulder Capital explained that the Legacy Farms project and related traffic mitigation efforts have slowed so that an agreement can be worked out with Boulder’s lender for the project, Wells Fargo. He explained that Boulder Capital hadn’t received approval for the intersection improvements from the Town’s traffic engineering consultants until the spring, which didn’t allow adequate time for the bidding process to be completed before the deadline. Mitigation at the intersection should be completed within one year. He said he expects a proposal from the bank within the week. Mr. Zieff said about $120,000.00 in back taxes and penalties is owed on the property. Mr. Cestari asked if the fact that the Legacy Farms property is bundled with other Boulder projects in the same mortgage transaction will slow things down further. Mr. Zieff responded that Roy MacDowell, President of Boulder Capital, will do what is necessary to move forward, even if it means a financial loss. Apart from the delay, Mr. Zieff said Boulder will proceed on course with completion of the Master Plan Special Permit and then the site plan review. The Board won’t vote on the extension request until in can be reviewed by Town Counsel. Mr. Zieff was asked to provide an update at the next Board of Selectmen meeting. FY2010 TOWN COMMITTEE REAPPOINTMENTS: The Board tabled the Appropriations Committee reappointment until June 30. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Miyares and Harrington as Town Counsel for the fiscal year ending June 30, 4 2010 SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. DISCUSSION: Mr. Dourney confirmed with Mr. Carlisle that the Town does not have a contract with Mr. Miyares and suggested that the Board request a rate reduction in light of the economy. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Dale Danahy to the ADA Oversight Committee for a term ending June 30, 2010 SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Tina Rose to the Board of Appeals for a five- year term SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous The motion by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Mark J. Furber to the Community Preservation Committee for a three-year term was not seconded. Mrs. Gates confirmed with Mrs. Holland that there are two other candidates for this seat; Mr. Al Rogers and Mr. Alex Brown. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to appoint Al Rogers to the Community Preservation Committee for a three-year term SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. DISCUSSION: Mr. Zettek said the Board had received many letters from citizens in support of Mr. Furber, noted his regular attendance at CPC meetings and stated that he was unaware of any lack of performance in his capacity on the Committee. Mr. Dourney said that Mr. Rogers is the better candidate given the recent Town Meeting vote with respect to the CPA. Mrs. Gates noted that there have been no CPC meeting minutes filed, even though Mr. Furber said he’s been the Committee’s secretary. She added that Mr. Rogers has expertise in active recreation, open space and other related areas and would be the best qualified for the seat. Chairman Herr said the Town voted overwhelmingly in favor of removing the word “passive” from the CPA language and that it is the Board’s role to uphold the will of the voters. He said Mr. Rogers represents a more flexible view of the CPA bylaw passed by voters. Mr. Zettek stated that his support of Mr. Furber should not suggest that he finds either Mr. Rogers or Mr. Brown to be unqualified, but suggested that not reappointing Mr. Furber is an unusual step. Chairman Herr responded that he’d received a lot of public input on the matter and commended Mr. Furber’s work on the Committee. He said the CPA bylaw is a contentious issue and repeated his assertion that Mr. Rogers is the more flexible candidate. Mr. Zettek countered that Mr. Furber should be given the chance to act on the will of the voters. Chairman Herr said Mr. Furber has been very outspoken regarding his “open space only” position. Mr. Roger Mezitt of 72 East Main Street said the Board of Selectmen would serve the Town poorly if it rejects a successful member of the committee for political reasons. He said there should have been more public hearings on the CPA ballot question prior to the election. Mr. Mezitt said people will be discouraged from volunteering if they see volunteers rejected for political reasons. Mr. Michael Kennedy of 21 Eastview Road concurred, noting that there are 16 open committee seats in Hopkinton which may be hard to fill in light of this action. He said no one had a negative word to say about Mr. Furber in his three years on the CPC. Mr. David Goldman of 20 Fruit Street asked if a Town employee like Mr. Rogers can legally serve on an appointed committee. Mr. Carlisle said the state Attorney General set a precedent that municipal employees can 5 serve on boards and committees as long as they didn’t participate in discussions or votes that would impact their employment or benefit them directly. Mrs. Nancy Peters of 258 Wood Street said there would be a conflict with Mr. Rogers serving on the CPC because he will oversee the athletic fields being proposed for the Fruit Street property. Chairman Herr said it’s not a conflict because Mr. Rogers will not benefit financially from his seat on the Committee. Mr. Goldman said the vote on this appointment should wait until questions are answered. VOTE to Approve Al Rogers for appointment on the Community Preservation Committee for a three-year term: Yes-4, No-1 (Mr. Zettek). MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Craig Nation to the Conservation Committee for a three-year term SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. DISCUSSION: Mr. Goldman said he submitted a letter to the Board of Selectmen requesting a delay on this reappointment as the Open Space Committee believes legal action is pending relative to the applicant and Town conservation land. Mr. Zettek abstained from the discussion. Mr. Dourney said conflicts can be addressed when they arise. Mr. Cestari said he did not receive the letter referenced by Mr. Goldman. Mrs. Peters said that Mr. Nation had stated before the Open Space Committee that he had intentionally extended a drain over Town property which discharged in violation of the rules and regulations the Conservation Commission is charged with upholding. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-1. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Robert Murphy to the Conservation Commission for a three-year term SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. NO ACTION was taken by the Board on the reappointment of Darin Kamins as Special Constable. Mr. Kamins was suspended on May 12, 2009. Mrs. Holland confirmed that there has been no contact between the Town Manager/Board of Selectmen and Mr. Kamins. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint John T. McInerney and David Nelson to the Council on Aging for three year terms SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Daniel Garner and Pasquale Baratta as associate members to the Council on Aging for one-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Peter LaGoy and Kathleen Dragin to the Downtown Revitalization Committee for three-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Robert McGuire to the Economic Development Committee for a five-year term SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. 6 MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Thomas Towle to the Elementary School Building Committee for a three-year term SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Thomas Gaston to the Elementary School Building Committee for a three-year term SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Beth Kelly, Jeanette Thomson and Melanie Smith to the Historic District Commission for three-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Meg Tyler to the Hopkinton Cultural Council for a two-year term SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Teresa Rice and John Palmer to the Hopkinton Tax Relief Committee for one-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Richard Odell to the Housing Committee for a three-year term SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Jane Marie Goodman and Judith Pitasi to the Marathon Committee for three-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Colleen Charleston and Carole Nathan to the Marathon Fund Committee for one-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Kathleen Laflash to the Personnel Committee for a three-year term SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Katrina Glidden, Barry Rosenbloom and Jacqueline Potenzone to the Recycling Committee for three-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Paul Prior as representative to the South Middlesex County Council for Children of the Commonwealth of MA (SMOC) for a one-year term SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint John Carroll, Shawn Collins, Richard Duggan, Nancy Dourney, Francis D’Urso, Thomas Dawson and Gretchen Govoni to the Sustainable Green Committee for one-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. DISCUSSION: MOTION by Mr. Zettek to make friendly amendment removing Nancy 7 Dourney’s name from this list and vote on her separately SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Nancy Dourney to the Sustainable Green Committee for a one-year term SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: So voted. Mr. Dourney abstained from the vote. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Ria McNamara, John Mosher, Christiane Perrin, Michele Piane, Ann Randall, Scott Richardson, Gino Spinelli, Aubrey Doyle and Margo Roman as members of the Sustainable Green Committee for one-year terms. SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. DISCUSSION: Mr. Mosher will make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen at a later date on changing the number of voting committee members. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to reappoint Colleen Charleston and Della Miles to the Veterans Celebration Committee for three-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to reappoint Cheryl Perreault, Kim Harvey, Ronald Foisy, Taru Kinnunen and Kenneth Johnson to the Youth Commission for three-year terms SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to designate Mr. Zettek as the Board’s representative on the Open Space Preservation Committee for a one-year term SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-1. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to designate Mrs. Gates as the Board’s representative on the Housing Committee for a one-year term SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5. Unanimous. Chairman Herr announced openings on the Board of Appeals, the Cable Committee, the Downtown Revitalization Committee, the Economic Development Committee, the Housing Committee, the Regional Vocational Technical School Committee, the Hopkinton Cultural Council and the Hopkinton Tax Relief Committee. In addition, an alternate is needed for the Metropolitan Area Planning Council. There will be additional vacancies effective July 1, 2009, including; the Personnel Committee, Registrar of Voters, Veterans Committee and the Woodville Historic District. Mr. Dourney suggested that the chairs of these committees submit descriptions of the responsibilities of each committee to media outlets and reach out to younger residents (18 to 25 years old) who may be interested in serving the Town on a committee. LIAISON REPORT: Selectmen Liaison Assignments Liaisons to municipal departments and committees were assigned as follows: Accounting Department – Mr. Khumalo; Appropriations Committee – Chairman Herr and Mr. Khumalo; Assessing Department – Chairman Herr; Treasurer/Collector – Mr. Khumalo; Financial Working Group – Mr. Dourney; Capital Improvements – Mr. Cestari; Cable Committee – Mr. Zettek; Animal Control Officer – Mr. Khumalo; Fire Department – Mrs. Gates; Police Department – Mr. Dourney; Board of Appeals – Mr. Cestari; 8 Conservation Commission – Mr. Dourney; Planning Board – Mrs. Gates; Inspectional Services – Mr. Cestari; School Committee – Chairman Herr; Elementary School Building Committee – Mr. Cestari; Facilities Department – Mr. Khumalo; DPW/DPW Board – Mr. Khumalo; Cemetery Commission – Mr. Zettek; Sustainable Green Committee – Mr. Zettek; Town Clerk’s Office – Mr. Khumalo; Board of Health – Mr. Dourney; Personnel Committee – Chairman Herr and Mr. Khumalo; Council on Aging – Mr. Zettek; Recycling Committee – Mr. Zettek; Veterans Services – Mr. Cestari; ADA Oversight Committee – Mr. Zettek; Veterans Celebration Committee – Mr. Zettek; Tax Relief Committee – Mr. Zettek; CAA Building Committee – Chairman Herr; Hopkinton Cultural Council – Mrs. Gates; Marathon Committee – Mr. Cestari; Marathon Fund Committee – Mr. Dourney; Public Library – Mr. Dourney; Parks & Recreation – Mrs. Gates; Youth Commission – Mr. Cestari; Community Preservation Committee – Mrs. Gates; Woodville Historic District Committee – Mr. Zettek; Historical Commission – Mr. Zettek; Historic District Committee – Mrs. Gates; Lake Maspenock Dam Preservation Committee – Mrs. Gates; Open Space Preservation Committee – Mrs. Gates; Downtown Revitalization Committee – Mr. Dourney; Housing Committee – Mrs. Gates; Commissioners of Trust Funds – Mrs. Gates; Economic Development Commission – Chairman Herr; Fruit Street – Mr. Khumalo. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Tabled. READOUT MAIL: Mr. Zettek read a letter from Veterans Celebration Committee Chairman Jim Mirabile thanking the Board of Selectmen for its support and participation in Memorial Day observances on May 25. Mr. Zettek said he’d been contacted by many citizens who commented on the event’s success and urged more people to attend next year. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: At Mr. Carlisle’s request, the Board voted to conduct three public hearings on June 30, 2009. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to conduct a public hearing pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 138 to review the liquor license of Doyle’s Star Package Store located at 68 Main Street in Hopkinton on June 30, 2009 at 7:30PM in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Hopkinton Town Hall SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Zettek to conduct a public hearing pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 138 to review the common victualer’s and restaurant pouring license issued to Maria C. Forte, dba Catering Con Classe – Maria’s Café Italiano on the premises located at 25 Hayward Street in Hopkinton; and to consider if the license should be transferred, modified, suspended, cancelled, revoked or declared forfeited on June 30, 2009 at 7:45PM in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Hopkinton Town Hall SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. DISCUSSION: Mr. Dourney requested clarification on how a failed business’s remaining inventory is managed. Mr. Carlisle agreed to consult the Town Counsel. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to conduct a public hearing pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 138 to review the application by Michael Tobin, dba the Marathon Restaurant at North Pond (to 9 be located at 25 Hayward Street in Hopkinton) for a liquor license on June 30, 2009 at 8:00PM in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Hopkinton Town Hall SECONDED by Mrs. Gates. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Mr. Carlisle presented Agenda Items 7a, 7b, 7c and 7d, which had been tabled earlier, for the Board’s consideration. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to confirm the Designation of Budget Account Signatory Authority by the Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. DISCUSSION: Mr. Carlisle said this measure is intended to facilitate, clarify and formalize the process of departmental spending. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to make a friendly amendment to move “miscellaneous insurance” from the oversight of the Human Resources Director to that of the Town Manager as suggested by Mr. Khumalo SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve Amendment: Unanimous. VOTE to Approve Confirmation as Amended: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to confirm the Designation of Property Management Authority SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. DISCUSSION: Mr. Carlisle explained that this action will establish a list of Town owned property that falls outside the category of capital structures (such as traffic lights) and which department is responsible for each one. MOTION by Mr. Dourney to make a friendly amendment to move items listed in accounts 910 and 940 from the oversight of the Treasurer/Collector to that of the Town Manager. SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. VOTE to Approve Amendment: Unanimous. VOTE to Approve Confirmation as Amended: Unanimous. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to confirm the Insurance Management Standard Operating Procedure as recommended by the Interim Town Manager SECONDED by Mr. Zettek. DISCUSSION: Mr. Carlisle said the Insurance Management SOP would assign responsibility to departments for filing documents with the Town Manager or the Human Resources Office for submission to the insurance carrier. He said the SOP documents the current procedure, but does not change it. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Consideration of item 7d was tabled to allow time for further review by the Board. SELECTMEN COMMENTS: ►Mrs. Gates said the Board should contact Hopkinton’s State legislative delegation and urge its members to vote against a senate budget amendment on municipal health care coverage. If municipalities don’t comply with proposed state requirements, they may lose other state funding. Mr. Khumalo added that the chairs of the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees should be contacted as well. ►Mr. Zettek advised residents that they will be able to dispose of hazardous household waste on Saturday, July 11, 2009 from 9:00 AM to 1:00PM. A list of such items will be included in the Hopkinton Independent and posted on the Town website. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Zettek to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Dourney. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 10:12PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, Recording Secretary Approved: June 30, 2009