HomeMy Public PortalAboutBoard of Health -- 2018-02-07 Minutes pE . TOWN OF BREWSTER OFFICE OF o� a S` ' •��9 HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2198 MAIN STREET BREWSTER, MA 02631 ° = a PHONE : (508) 896-3701 EXT 1120 o a FAx : (508) 896-4538 AVOW BRHEALTH (7 BREWSTER-MA. GOV 11 rPRI i �j ; j '; t BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7 , 2018 AT 7v00PM ERRISTER N4 I CLERK TOWN HALL, ROOM B Board members present: Carmen Scherzo, DVM, Chairman; Joe Ford, Vice Chairman; Mary Chaffee, RN, PhD, JD; Annette Graczewski, MT (ASCP) and Anne Bittner, M . S . P. H Others present: Nancy Ellis Ice, CHO, RS, MPH, Health Director and Tammi Mason, Senior Department Assistant 1 . Chairman's announcements Welcome to Anne Bittner. The VNA in conjunction with BOH will hold a child immunization and lead screening on February 12 , 2018 from 9 : 30 - 11 * 00AM at their Dennis office at 434 Route 134 . Appointments are required. Residents can call 508 - 957 - 7423 It was announced that Ferretti' s Market would not be selling cigarettes from February 51h thru February 11th to satisfy their license suspension from selling to a minor. Conservation day is July 14th, Dr. Scherzo asked the Board to volunteer. The senior tax relief person has started in the office helping out with converting septic files over to the new map and lot numbers. 2 . Ryder & Wilcox - Local variance request for 577 Crowell's Bog Road Judy Bersin presented. The following variances are being requested : 1 . To allow the existing SAS to be approximately 239 ' and 227' from the pond 2 . To allow the proposed reserve area to be approximately 256 ' from the pond The approved capacity of this system is 660 gallons per day. The property is for sale. Groundwater does flow away from the pond. Groundwater is 16 feet below bottom of pits . There are additions proposed but no additional bedrooms. Mr. Ford asked about the additions. Ms. Bersin stated that it is only a few decks, a breakfast nook, and a bump out of the living room. Mrs . Ice asked who was proposing the additions. Ms . Bersin believes it' s the current owners doing the additions. Dr. Chaffee questioned the number of bedrooms and asked about the proposed office in the basement. Mrs. Ice stated that she had counted 5 bedrooms and the house is sized for 6. Dr. Scherzo asked about the leaching being H2O . Mrs. Ice stated that both the leaching and the tank are rated H2O . Motion : Finding that the depth to groundwater is 16', groundwater flow is away from the pond and the septic system passed an inspection, approve the variances (to allow the existing SAS to be approximately 239 ' and 227 ' from the pond and to allow the proposed reserve area to be approximately 256' from the pond) as requested. Motion : Mary Chaffee Second: Annette Graczewski Vote : 5 - 0 - 0 Action : Motion carried WWW .BREWSTER-MA . GOV BOH 2 / 7/ 18 Minutes Page 2 3 . VNA- discuss and accept the VNA quote for 2018- 2020 Dr. Scherzo spoke about the procurement rules and what that meant for the board. The contract will now be signed by the Town Administrator and would be effective July 1, 2018 and would be valid for 2 years. Meg Paine, public health and wellness administrator for the VNA was present. She went over what services the VNA provided for the town under this contract. This year a few more COA programs were introduced. She noted that there has been a clinic at the Brewster Ladies Library (free to town) for the last 8 years. They do screenings for blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol as well allow residents to meet with a nurse. Ms. Paine noted that the cost to the town has increased by 10 % for this contract. Motion : Accept the quote from the VNA for 2018 - 2020 Motion : Joe Ford Second : Mary Chaffee Vote : 5 - 0 - 0 Action : Motion carried 4. Horsley Witten Group - Kings Landing annual report Joe Henderson from Horsley Witten was present. This is a Bioclere system which is approved for 24, 000 gallons per day. They are currently seeing half of that flow. They are having problems with Quaternary Ammonium. They have been battling this for a while now. In 2016 the owners installed an aeration system, but it is still not enough to get it to where it should be. He noted that they have done a program for the tenants with regards to what products they should use to help this get to where it should be. They are working on the GWDP renewal. It is due next week. Mrs. Graczewski asked how old this system was and if it had ever been in compliance . Mr. Henderson stated that it was installed in 2014. It replaced single septic systems. It has not worked properly since its installation, Mrs . Bittner asked if any other areas that were going to connect to this system. Mr. Henderson stated that there would not be any other areas hooking up to this system . Mr. Ford stated that leaving it up to the residents clearly wasn't working. Mrs. Graczewski stated that she is surprised that this has been going on so long and that there hasn't been a better effort to fix it. Mr. Ford stated that he believes this type of technology seems to have an issue. Motion : Have Mr. Henderson raise awareness with the owners about the boards concern with the system not working properly. Have them come back in 6 months for another meeting. Inform DEP of the Boards concerns. Motion : Annette Graczewski Second : Joe Ford Vote : 5 - 0 - 0 Action : Motion carried 5 . Bennett Environmental Associates, Inc. - Pleasant Bay Health & Living Centers annual report Joe Smith, Chief operator of Pleasant Bay Health & Living Centers was present. He stated that they had met the limitations 100 % of the time. Total nitrogen has remained under 5ppm. Regularly scheduled maintenance was done. There were two overflows . The pool leaked into system and then they had a spill. DEP was notified as well as the town. The second overflow was a clog. Again, DEP was notified as well as town. All has been resolved. 6 . Whitewater - Wingate annual report No comments. BOH 2 /7/ 18 Minutes Page 3 7 . J.M . O' Reilly & Associates, Inc. - White Rock Commons annual report John O ' Reilly and Mark Zippo were present. It was noted that the nitrogen is above the allowed limit. Mr. O 'Reilly feels it's because of the lack of flow. It is only getting flow from 3 out of 14 houses currently (which is about 20 % of the design flow) . They did do some modification of the circulation of the septi tech and they did hit 19ppm on last inspection. He doesn't believe it will be in compliance until all the homes are lived in. Dr. Chaffee asked if they thought having flow from 2 or 3 more homes would help . Mr. O ' Reilly believes any flow will help. 8 . Coastal Engineering - Brewster Landing annual report Dr. Scherzo stated that when this came before the board a few years ago, the board waived the SWWTF regulations, which means that they don't have to provide an annual report to the Board. He thinks they should be required to meet the DEP requirements and that the Board should also ask them to monitor total nitrogen. He feels that the Board should let them know they need to meet the DEP require. Mrs. Ice stated that she would talk with them and get back to the Board. 9. Weston and Sampson Services - Ocean Edge annual report Scott Kraihanzel was present. He stated that they had a few hiccups this past year. System was above allowed limit of total nitrogen for 2 months over summer. In October and December there was an issue with a float. It was repaired and things were back to normal . The system is basically worked the way it was supposed to. 10. Jane Johnson - request to reduce septic testing for Bioclere system at 1597 Long Pond Road Jane Johnson was present. She has been the owner since October. The Bioclere system was installed in 2003 . Testing has been done 4 times a year every year. She would like to change testing to 2 times per year. She has permission from Aqua Point (system manufacturer) and the DEP allows for the local Board to approve this. Motion : Finding that Aqua Point has documented that the system meets the requirements to reduce testing, approve the request to reduce the frequency of testing to twice per year. Motion : Mary Chaffee Second : Annette Graczewski Vote : 5 - 0- 0 Action : Motion carried 11 . J.M . O' Reilly & Associates Inc. - discuss the monitoring well fence at the Villages (Ocean Edge) In January of 2017 the BOH received a report from Coastal Engineering stating that one of the monitoring wells over at the Villages Drive in Ocean Edge was missing (presumed broken) . Ocean Edge has asked Mr. O ' Reilly to get involved with this. Mr. O' Reilly told the Board that the reason the wells were required originally was because they exceeded a Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency threshold ( in regards to a curb cut) requirement and it was required to have an Environmental Notification (where the project is outline) . MEPA required Ocean Edge to develop a monitoring well fence. 3 wells are to the south of the bike trail and 2 wells are to the north of the bike trail. They are monitored twice a year and have been since 1995 . At some point the courts got involved and overturned the MEPA decision but for some reason, the monitoring continued. In January when the Board got that letter from Coastal, they requested that the well be replaced. That got Ocean Edge looking into why they were still doing the monitoring. John Mostyn, Counsel for Ocean Edge checked with DEP and they are not monitoring the well testing information. Mr. O' Reilly stated that this is why he is before the Board, to see if Ocean Edge can abandon the monitoring of the wells . He did state that he found the missing well. Mrs. Ice stated that she had a letter from Ocean Edge from 1993 that talks about why they had installed the monitoring wells. Mr. O 'Reilly stated that Mr. Mostyn would be happy to attend a March Board of Health to discuss this if the Board would like him to , The Board agreed to ask Mr. Mostyn to come into the March meeting. 12 . Cumberland Farms - Food Establishment permit application BOH 2 /7 / 18 Minutes Page 4 Matt Brook, Engineer for Cumberland Farms and Rick Boyle, District Manager for Cape Cod (Cumberland Farms) were present. Mr. Boyle gave the Board an overview of what they will be doing as well as information about temperature control and food handling. Mrs. Ice asked if the Dennis and Brewster stores would be basically the same. Mr. Boyle said they would but with a few enhancements. Mr. Ford thought it was nice that the Brewster employees were in other stores getting training for the new store. Motion : Approve the Food Establishment Permit application for Cumberland Farms, pending completion of the Assistant Health Director's recommendations. Motion : Joe Ford Second : Annette Graczewski Vote : 5 - 0- 0 Action : Motion carried 13 . Discuss Marijuana for adult use Dr. Chaffee questioned what the role of the Board of Health was and asked if they needed to take a look at our local smoking regulations to include cannabis. Dr. Scherzo talked about some dates with regards to meetings. 14. Review the Water Quality Report Regulation At a previous meeting it was agreed to change the amount of nitrogen per person (in pounds in the guidelines) . Dr. Scherzo stated that if the Board was going to go over the regulation, they would need professional help . The Board will take a look at it and bring it back to the March meeting. 15 . Discuss and possibly approve the revised Small Wastewater Treatment Facilities regulation Mrs. Graczewski asked if this would give the Board the authority to issue a penalty. Mrs. Bittner spoke about "consent orders". Mrs . Graczewski would like to see a penalty section added to this regulation. She will work on this for the March 7th meeting. 16. Topics the Chairman did not anticipate Mr. Ford talked about some dog park news. The Town of Brewster has been awarded a $ 25, 000 grant for the dog park design. The Town will be hiring an architect (Town Administrator is the sole contact for this) . It was decided that Dr. Chaffee will take over for Mr. Ford as the BOH liaison. Motion : Mary Chaffee will be the BOH liaison to the Dog Park Committee Motion : Joe Ford Second : Annette Graczewski Vote : 5 - 0 - 0 Action : Motion carried Dr. Scherzo talked about the Cape Cod Water Protection Trust Legislation and about the funds. He suggested having George Heufelder come to a meeting to discuss " Layer Cake" technology. The Board agreed. Mrs. Ice will ask him to attend a March meeting. Mrs. Graczewski spoke about the Tracking" letter that the Massachusetts Boards of Health Association had asked the local Boards to sign. Informational items were noted. Meeting adjourned at 9 : 15PM