HomeMy Public PortalAboutBCAG_Revision_ProposalAugust 8, 2016 Brewster Coastal Advisory Group Meeting #7 Subject: Revision of strategy document for consideration by group Submitted by: Ruth Courtnell This is a suggestion to revise sections of the draft document that address in- stitutional responsibility and contain reference to the existing, suspended town Coastal Committee. In preparation for submitting this revision for consideration, an email query to the town as to whether the recommendation outlined below is within the purview of the BCAG, Select Board chair, John Dickson answered in the affir- mative. In advance of this meeting, the text below has been provided to Mike Embury, Town Administrator, John Dickson, Chair, Brewster Board of Selectmen, and Chris Miller, Director of the Department of Natural Re- sources. Text of proposed revision: Government Structure and Implementation The town currently has a suspended Coastal Committee whose charge is to develop a management plan for Brewster's coastal resources and to under- take much of the assessment, study and identification work now accom- plished in this strategy. Going forward, the best path to insure the integra- tion of this strategy in town decision making is the establishment of a new, permanent Coastal Resource Management Board. Establishing a permanent public body to oversee coastal resource manage- ment will provide consistency of scope and authority in applying the vision, guiding principles and recommendations of this strategy. Although a perma- nent public body may be established by a vote of the Select Board or with a bylaw passed at town meeting, the importance of comprehensive coastal re- August 8, 2016 source management as outlined in this strategy is permanent and critical to the town, and seeking the approval of a bylaw by two thirds of the voters at town meeting is recommended over a vote by elected officials. Therefore, it is recommended to: Ask the Town Administrator to create a task force to develop the para- meters for a Coastal Resource Management Board. The task force will include identified stakeholders in the coastal resource management process drawn from the BCAG, town officials, town employees, and Brewster residents and will consult with professional services as neces- sary. Assign the task force these objectives: Draft a bylaw which establishes the CRMB and defines its purpose, responsibility, accountability, membership and required procedure to be recommended for inclusion on the warrant for the next town meeting Draft a set of procedural bylaws to be considered for adoption by the CRMB for governing their actions Draft a management plan based on this strategy to be considered for approval and subsequent administration by the CRMB The task force will not be a public body subject to Open Meeting Law since it will be strictly advisory and will not make jurisdiction- al decisions - 2 -