HomeMy Public PortalAboutOES 2015-06-15 e £PPIThVELII1 Ii ORLEANS SCHOOL COMMITTEE Regular Meeting,June 15, 2015, Orleans Town Hall Present for the Committee:Josh Stewart, Gail Briere, David Abel ORLEANS TOWN CLERK For the Administration: Richard Hoffmann, Supt., Elaine Pender, Giovanna Venditti '15 AUG 2? 2:50P1 Others in Attendance: Keith Gauley, Barbara Lavoine, Tom Conrad, citizens, and interested parties REORGANIZATION Dr. Hoffmann called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. He called for nominations for chairman. Mr. Stewart was nominated by Mr. Abel. There were no further nominations. Mr. Stewart was unanimously elected and assumed the chair. The following individuals were unanimously elected to the positions indicated: Vice Chair: Gail Briere; Secretary: Marcia Templeton; Payroll Authorizer: Ginger Marks; Payroll Authorizer Alternate: Hank Schumacher. Selected for the following subcommittees were: Policy-Josh Stewart; Central Office Budget-Gail Briere; Negotiations-David Abel; Transportation-Ginger Marks. Committee representative to the Cape Cod Collaborative is Hank Schumacher, and the PTA liaison is Ginger Marks. Union No. 54 voting members are Josh Stewart, Gail Briere, and Ginger Marks. Alternates are Hank Schumacher and David Abel. CALL TO ORDER/AGENDA CHANGES CITIZENS SPEAK - No one wished to speak. RECOGNITIONS Ms. Pender's Principal's Report contained several recognitions. The talent show was amazing. There were 40 acts. She commended the OES staff for happily adding this event to their busy agendas. The PTC was thanked for sponsoring the Spring Fair - a quality family event. Other kudos were given to Flag Day, Cape Cod Five for funding the bus that took students to the Historical Society, and Mr. Hollander-Essig's work with the chorus. PRIORITY BUSINESS K-S Technology Blueprint Committee members received a copy of the Nauset Public Schools Technology K to 5 Blueprint. A technology committee was formed to specifically address grades K to 5. Technology committee members, Noah Campbell-Halley and Chelsea Van Ness, reviewed the blueprint highlighting the benchmarks, goals, and implementation schedule that will begin in the next school year. Ms. Dawn Steber, OES Technology teacher, demo'd some of the programs in use by the students. An additional handout listed the summer technology opportunities that will be available for all staff. Goal 3C talked about creating an Educational Technology Committee. The Committee wondered what the composition would be. Ms. Lavoine said every elementary school would be represented, but the number of members on the committee had not been determined. It is hoped that more classroom time with the technology teacher can be arranged as well as tech time across the district can be increased. Ms. Briere asked about grade 2. Ms. Lavoine said plans are to have a six week technology integration for second grade in the spring prior to entering grade 3. She noted that PARCC is a huge discussion nation-wide. Mr. Abel requested that another meeting be arranged to fully understand the blueprint. Ms. Briere concurred saying it was important to understand where OES fit into the plan based on where the school was in regard to technology. Mr. Stewart noted that, for the committee, there are many topics still needing discussion (i.e., World Language instruction, building and grounds, access and drop off), topics needing definitions, and some goal setting needs to occur. It was decided that the Committee will meet in July. Mr. Stewart asked that any technology questions the Committee had be emailed to him prior to the meeting in order that answers may be obtained. Administrators' Report Principal's Report: Ms. Pender said Amber Camelio, School Psychologist/Adjustment Counselor, had resigned from her position. Replacing her will be difficult. Teacher, Nancy Waldron, has been reassigned from grade 1 to grade 2 due to the large class moving to second grade. Building update status was in Ms. Pender's report. Kindergarten orientation was a huge success. Grade five is looking forward to their visit to the Captain Linnell House. Written reports by Dr. Hoffmann and Mr. Gauley were contained in the packet. FY15 Budget Update Ms. Venditti noted there was a balance of $38,699.33. The plan for end-of-year spend down and pre- purchasing materials from the FY16 budget is being accomplished. She reviewed the many accounts that have been encumbered or transferred. Ms. Pender said meticulous records are being kept showing where the money would have been applied in the FY16 budget. The purchase of a new stage curtain is being discussed. OTHER REPORTS AND INFORMATION Preschool Enrollment report was in the packet. Cape Cod Collaborative - No report. Playground Subcommittee - Mr. Stewart said the presentation on natural playgrounds has reenergized the committee to enhance play space. Transportation Subcommittee - No report. Policy Subcommittee - No report. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The approval of the minutes of May 18, 2015 was postponed until the July meeting. PAYMENT OF BILLS ADJOURNMENT- It was moved, seconded, and voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marcia M. Templeton, Secretary Orleans School Committee