HomeMy Public PortalAboutPlanning Bd 2015-09-15 PAS Mnssq�hGS ORLEANS TOWN CLERK _9 stssi l 40 /Ab,„ 49, 'i5 SEP 33 8:43M • ORLEANS PLANNING BOARD SEPTEMBER 15,2015-Minutes A meeting of the Orleans Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Nauset Meeting Room at the Orleans Town Hall. Present: Chairman: Steve Bornemeier; Vice-Chairman: Charles Bechtold; Regular Members: Chet Crabtree and Paul McNulty.Associates: John Ingwersen and Thomas Johnson. Planning Department Staff: George Meservey; and Secretary:Karen Sharpless. Also Present: Board of Selectmen Liaison: Jon Fuller; and Todd Thayer. Absent: Clerk: Andrea Reed. Chairman Bornemeier requested that John Ingwersen vote in the absence of Andrea Reed 2016 POTENTIAL ZONING AMENDMENTS • Meservey described the process of potential zoning bylaw changes as they progress from initial review to a vote at town meeting as guided by State Law. Meservey noted that anyone can petition for a zoning bylaw change through the Planning Board and Zoning Bylaw Task Force,or potential bylaws can be initiated by the Planning Board or Building Commissioner. LARGE HOMES Planning Board members discussed the issue of very large homes built on undersized lots resulting in complaints from neighbors about the loss of community character, an issue that has been raised previously in the Nauset Heights area. During the discussion,members agreed that this issue will not go away and the importance of an acceptable regulatory approach to the problem. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to continue discussion on this matter. LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT ZONING Planning Board members agreed to wait for the final Cape Cod Commission RESET Study report regarding recommendations for appropriate zoning to manage growth in Orleans. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to continue discussion on this matter. • ACCESSORY APARTMENTS Planning Board members discussed existing regulations for accessory apartments such as the 800 square feet limitation and that they must be attached to the main dwelling. Meservey commented that the reason that people haven't been taking advantage of this option may be due to the limitations which could be amended. Meservey noted that buildout figures will be affected if zoning changes Planning Board Minutes—September 15, 2015 Page 1 of 5 All information discussed at Planning Board meetings is kept on file in the Planning Department. are made, but it would allow more young people to live in town. Planning Board members agreed N that housing is an important issue and should be encouraged due to the demand. Ingwersen noted that this option could be useful for elderly residents who could provide housing for someone who can help them. George Meservey noted that the options could be handled in incremental steps, not all at once. Planning Board members agreed with the need for more low income housing,but noted the need to be cautious of unforeseen consequences such as an increase in summer rentals, rather than the intended goal of providing year-round housing. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to continue discussion on this matter. APARTMENTS IN THE VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT Planning Board members discussed the use of zoning to provide for apartments over shops in the Village Center resulting in increased density. Meservey noted there are lots in the Village Center that are currently being underutilized. Planning Board members acknowledged that residents have indicated they want to encourage housing options in the downtown. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to continue discussion on this matter. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN FOR MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Planning Board members discussed possible zoning changes that could incorporate ideas for environmental designs for municipal buildings as voted at the Annual Town Meeting in May 2015 through Article 57. Meservey noted there will be a workshop on October 13, 2015 that will deal with this issue. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to continue discussion on this matter. OUTDOOR DISPLAY OF GOODS Meservey reported that the Building Commissioner has received complaints regarding outdoor displays at some retail stores in town. Planning Board members noted the difficulty in regulating outdoor displays as it could be considered as a matter of"taste". Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to not to take any further action • at this time. • • ALLOW TRAILERS IN OTHER BUSINESS DISTRICTS Planning Board members noted that trailers are now allowed in the Industrial District for commercial storage and agreed that allowing trailers in other districts in town does not appear to be necessary at this time. Meservey stated that the Building Commissioner has dealt with the issue of enforcing the removal of trailers from the Residential District. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to not to take any further action at this time. Planning Board Minutes-September 15, 2015 Page 2 of 5 All information discussed at Planning Board meetings is kept on We in the Planning Department. DEFINITION OF TRAILER Planning Board members noted that a zoning proposal regarding the definition of trailers was indefmitely postponed at a previous town meeting and indicated that further discussion does not seem to be warranted. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to not to take any further action at this time. SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS Planning Board members discussed the question of permitting offsite sandwich board signs which are currently prohibited. Meservey noted that if there was a zoning change to allow the signs, approval would have to be obtained from the property owner. Meservey stated that the issue would have to be coordinated with the Board of Selectmen, especially on town land, since there is a lot of controversy regarding the issue of offsite signs. Crabtree stated for the record that he would vote against this proposal and declared that he feels extra signs in town are offensive. Planning Board members discussed the question of providing information regarding town businesses along the bike trail which goes through the middle of Orleans. Crabtree stated his opinion that there are already many commercial signs in town. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to not to take any further action at this time. _ WAYFINDING SIGNS Planning Board members discussed the issue of wayfmding signs to encourage walking in the downtown area and agreed to the idea of gaining input from town businesses. Planning Board members agreed that any signage should be tastefully done as referenced in the streetscape plan by the Cape Cod Commission. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to not to take any further action at this time. PARKING REGULATIONS Planning Board members noted that the RESET presentation encourages shared parking and agreed to request a parking needs assessment from the Cape Cod Commission before making any zoning changes. Consensus: There was a consensus of the Planning Board to not to take any further action at this time. RESET—Zoning Amendment Recommendations Planning Board members reviewed a list of zoning recommendations based on a presentation of the Route 6A RESET Study by the Cape Cod Commission. The zoning amendments included a simplification of the • Schedule of Uses Regulation, adding definitions and purposes, removing the allowance for light industry in the Village Center, adding a use category for medical offices, alter zoning for dwellings in commercial Planning Board Minutes-September 15, 2015 Page 3 of 5 All information discussed at Planning Board meetings is kept on We in the Planning Department. structures, change desirable uses to `By Right"rather than requiring a Special Permit, altering or removal of the Special Permit requirement for construction over 2,500 square feet, alterations to parking requirements, revising current zoning districts,and revise apat Linent development restrictions. Planning Board members discussed issues such as sewering resulting in more density in the downtown. Planning Board members • noted the importance of not exceeding the threshold for appropriate growth in town to avoid unintended consequences. Meservey noted that the Special Permit process through the Zoning Board of Appeals is an added expense for a proposed business, but it has worked well in Orleans as it deals with concerns such traffic generation. Planning Board members discussed commercial parking issues and how they affect the town. Regarding a change in zoning districts,Meservey warned against infringement on property rights and noted the town should move forward cautiously with zoning changes. Bornemeier noted the need to encourage commercial development which serves the community,without being overly restrictive. Crabtree requested that the issue of formula retail remain on the Planning Board discussion list. Consensus; There was a consensus of the Planning Board to wait for receipt of the final Cape Cod Commission report APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 28, 2015 MOTION: On a motion by Chip Bechtold, seconded by Paul McNulty,the Board voted to approve the Planning Board minutes of July 28, 2015. VOTE: 5-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 11, 2015 MOTION: On a motion by Paul McNulty, seconded by Chet Crabtree,the Board voted to approve the Planning Board minutes of August 11,2015. VOTE: 5-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 1, 2015 MOTION: On a motion by John Ingwersen, seconded by Chip Bechtold,the Board voted to approve the Planning Board minutes of September 1,2015. VOTE: 5-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. PARTIAL RELEASE OF COVENANT — WHITE CEDAR LANE Meservey reported that a request was received from an engineer and developer for a Partial Release of Covenant for Lot 3 on White Cedar Lane(off Portanimicut Road) in order for the lot to be conveyed. MOTION: On a motion by Charles Bechtold, seconded by Paul McNulty,the Board voted to authorize the Planning Board Chairman to sign the Partial Release of Covenant for Lot 3 on White Cedar Lane. VOTE: 4-0-1 The motion passed by a majority. (Chet Crabtree abstained). Planning Board Minutes—September 15, 2015 Page 4 of 5 All information discussed at Planning Board meetings is kept on file in the Planning Department. • • VILLAGE CENTER PRESENTATION (Todd Thayer) Todd Thayer stated that he owns 15 acres in downtown Orleans and his goal is to work with the Planning Board to determine the best ways to develop a walkable town consistent with town studies and plans and would result in positive zoning changes that will pass at town meeting. Thayer noted there are consultants who can help with downtown zoning changes. Thayer stated there is a need for quality elderly and worker housing which could make the downtown more vibrant. Thayer stated that two of his properties have an overabundance of parking spaces which could be better utilized. Thayer noted the importance of allowing retail chains if they are managed properly since Mom and Pop stores are unable to make use of larger retail spaces. Planning Board agreed to hold a Planning Board meeting to preview a presentation by Todd Thayer. MOTION: On a motion by Chet Crabtree, seconded by John Ingwersen,the Board voted to hold a special Planning Board meeting on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. VOTE: 5-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. • ADJOURNMENT MOTION: On a motion by Paul McNulty, seconded by Chet Crabtree, the Board voted to adjourn the Planning Board meeting at 8:25 p.m. VOTE: 5-0-0 The motion passed unanimously. SIGNEICOk AI DATE: 7"ZI I (Andrea Reed, Clerk) • LIST OF HANDOUTS FOR SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 PLANNING BOARD MEETING: 2016 POTENTIAL ZONING AMENDMENTS • 2016 Potential Zoning Amendments RESET—ZONING AMENDMENT RECOMMENDATIONS • Route 6A RESET Study—Zoning Amendment Recommendations • E-mail to Leslie Richardson(Cape Cod Commission), dated August 12,2015 APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Planning Board minutes for July 28,2015 • Planning Board minutes for August 11,2015 • Planning Board minutes for September 1,2015 Planning Board Minutes—September 15, 2015 Page 5 of 5 All information discussed at Planning Board meetings is kept on file in the Planning Department.