HomeMy Public PortalAbout06) 7B TPSC Actions 2016-02-10 - CopyAGENDA ITEM 7.8. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: April 19, 2016 TO : T he Honorab le City Cou nci l FROM: Brya n Co ok, City Ma nage r Via: M ichae l D. Forbes , AICP , Communi ty Development Director ~ By : A ndrew J . Coyne , Management Analyst SUBJECT: TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION ACTIONS - MEETING OF FEBRUARY 10 , 2016 RECOMMENDATION: T he Ci ty Co u ncil is requested to recei ve a nd file the Transportation and Public Safety Comm ission (Comm is s io n) actions fro m t he ir m eet ing of Februa ry 10 , 20 16 . BACKGROUND : On February 10 , 2016 , the Comm iss ion held the ir regu la rly scheduled meeting . ANALYSIS : Fo llowing is a su mmary of actions take n at th e Feb ruary 10 , 20 16 meetin g : 1. ROLL CA LL: Prese nt: Com m ission er-Blatt, Redmond , Stratis , V ice Chairman N imri A bsent: Com mi ssi o ne r-No ne Excused : Commissione r-Chai rman Cl ift 2 . CO NSE NT CALENDA R: Th e Commissi on approved the m in utes of their Ja nuary 16 , 2016 me eting . Ci ty Co unci l April19 , 2016 Page 2 of 2 3 . PARKI NG C ITATI O N HEARI NGS : The Com m issio n held nine heari ngs in person, upheld eight citations , and dismissed one c it ation . CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: This item furt hers t he Ci ty 's Strategic Goa l of Citizen Education and Commun icat ion . FISCAL IMPACT: T his item does no t have an impact on t he Fisca l Year 2015-16 City Budget.