HomeMy Public PortalAbout09) 7E Approval of Permits to Sell Fireworks for the 2016 Season - Copy.-------------------- AGENDA ITEM ?.E. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM April19, 2016 The Honorable City Council Bryan Cook, City Manager Via: Michael D. Forbes , Community Development Director~ By : Jennifer Venters , Planning Secretary SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PERMITS TO SELL FIREWORKS FOR THE 2016 SEASON RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to approve nine applications for fireworks permits for the 2016 season . BACKGROUND: 1. On March 27, 1961 , the City Council adopted Ordinance No . 61-37 amending the Temple City Municipa l Code to allow the sales and use of safe and sane fireworks within the City of Temple City and to require a permit to sell fireworks , subject to approval by the City Council (Attachment "A "). 2 . On March 15, 2011 , the City Council adopted Ordinance No . 11 -943 amending the fireworks permit procedure to address the order in which fireworks permits are issued and giving priority to organizations seeking a repeat permit (Attachment "B "). 3. On March 30 , 2016 , staff received nine permit applications by this season 's deadline from organizations that met the permit requirements . Of the applications received , eight perm it applicants are repeats from the previous year, and one appli cant is from a new organization . ANALYSIS: For the 2016 fireworks season , staff received nine applications , including eight applications from organizations that were approved during the 2015 season , and one from a new organization (First Methodist Church of the San Gabriel Valley). As set City Council Ap ril 19 , 2016 Page 2 of 3 forth in Municipal Code Section 3-1-13 no more than 12 fireworks stand permits are issued per season to non-profit associations or corporations organized primarily for veteran , patriotic , welfare , civic betterment or cha ritable purpose . The code also regulates permit application procedures , qualifications of perm ittees , and operation of stands . Listed below are the organizations that have submitted applications and the location of each organiza tion 's proposed stand: Organ izat io n Organization Address Stand Location Stand Address Temple City Aquatics Foundation 5901 Lemon Ave. Super A Parking Lot 5585 Rosemead Blvd . Temple City Immanuel Church 9953 La s Tunas Dr. Church Parking Lot 99 45 La s T unas Dr. Knights Of Columbus 5605 Cloverly Ave. K-Mart Parking Lot 5665 Rosemead Blvd. First Meth od ist Church of San Gabriel Valley 5957 Golden West Ralph 's Par king Lot 9470 Las Tunas Dr. Temple City H igh NEC Las T u nas Dr. And Sc hool Band 9501 Lemon Ave. Oak Ave. 9441 Las Tunas Dr. Temple City Grad Nite 9501 Lemon Ave . Auto Zone Pa rking Lot 6328 Rosemead Blvd . Temple City Ramrodders 950 1 Lemon Ave. Student Parking Lot 9501 Lemon Ave. Temple Station Sheriff Explorers Post #250 8838 Las Tunas Dr. 7 -Eveven Par king Lot 4800 Temple C ity Blvd . SGV Family Dentist Temple City AYSO 10144 Bogue St. Parking Lot 6503 Rosemead Blvd . City Council approva l of th is request will allow the non -profit organ izations/groups to raise funds to support th eir respective activities . FISCAL IMPACT: This item will not have an impa ct on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 City Bu dget. CITY STRATEGIC GOALS : Approval of permits to sell fireworks for the 2016 season wi ll furthe r the City 's Strategic Goal of Economic Development. City Council April19 , 2016 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENTS: A. Ord inance No . 61-37 B. Ordinance No . 11-943 I I I ATTACHMENT A ORD I NANCE NO , 6 1-3 7 AN ORD I NANCE OF THE CI TY COUNCIL OF TH E CI TY OF TEM PLE CITY AMEN DI NG THE TEMPLE CITY MUN I- CIPA L CO DE RE LATI VE TO THE SA LE AND US E OF FIRE WO RKS WITHI N THE CI TY OF TEMPLE CITY , AND RE PEALI NG ALL OTHER ORDI NANCES OR PA RTS OF ORDI NANCES IN CON FL IC T THERE WI TH THE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CI TY OF TEMP LE CIT Y DOES ORDA I N AS FO LL OWS: SECTI ON 1 . The Municipal Cod e o f th e Ci t y of Temp l e Ci t y is her e by amen de d by add i ng Sec t ion 31 10 t hrough an d i ncl ud- in g Sec t ion 31 20, said s e cti o ns t o r e ad as f o l l ows: 11 311 0 . No t wi t h s tand i ng t he pr o v isions o f secti on s 12.0 1 t o 12 ,06 or-the Fir e Prevent i on Co de , be i ng Ord i na nce No •. 2547 o f the Co un t y o f l o s Ang e l es, ad o pt e d by refe r e nc e as t he Temp l e Cit y Fire Preve nti o n Co de by Se cti o n 3 100 of t he Temp l e City Mun - ici pa l Co d e , s afe and ·s a ne firewo r ks as de fin e d by Se ct i o n 12504· o f the Hea lth an d Sa f e t y Co de o f th e S tate o f Ca l tfo r n i a , ma y be so l d and dischar ge d wi thin th e City of Temp l e City d u r ing t he pe ri od beginning a t 12:0 0 o 'cl o c k noo n o n the 30th da y of June and endi ng at 12:00 noo n on the 5th of Ju l y o f eac h yea r pu rsuant t o the p r o v i si o ns of th i s ord i nanc e and not othe r wi s e . "3 111 . No f i rew o r k s shall be s o l d o r offe r e d fo r s al e o r dischargea-w i thin t he Cit y which ar e c l ass i fi ed as dange r ous fi r ewo r ks, as that t e rm is de f i ne d by t he He al th a nd Saf e t y Code of the St ate o f Ca l ifo r ni a . Safe and sane fir ewo r k s s hall i n - c l ud e o n l y t ho se fi r ew or k s th a t hav e be e n cl ass i fi e d and r egi s - t ered as saf e and s an e ' by th e State Fir e MarG h al . "311 2. No pe rson shall sell f irewo r ks with in t he City without first'na vi ng a ppl i e d f o r a nd r ece i ved a permi t t he r e f or In compliance with t he t e r ms of t h i s o r din an ce. "3113 . Upo n r e ceip t o f writte n a pp li c ati on f o r a pe r mit pur s uan t t o-rh!s o rd i nance, t he Ci t y Manag e r shal l ma ke an in - vest i ga t ion and ·subm i t t o t he Cit y Co un ci l a r epor t o f hi s find - ings a nd hi s r e c omme ndat i ons f o r o r a gainst th e is s ua nce of a pe rm i t , t oge t he r wit h h i s r e ason s the r e f o r. Aft e r re c eipt of such r ec ommen dati ons and r e po rt , t he City Co uncil s ha l l ha ve t he powe r, i n its discreti on , t o g r ant o r de ny t he a pp l i ca t i on . Any perm it g r ant e d b y the Cit y Co unc i 1 ma y be sub j ec t t o such r e a son - a b l e c o nd i t ions a nd re st r icti o ns as may be Imposed by the C i t ~· Co unc i l a nd s uc h cond itions an d r es tricti ons s ha ll be comp l ied with by the permi ttee . Th e Co un c il sh al l r e quire a c ash deposit wi t h t he Ci t y Cl e r k i n th e sum o f $100 .00 fo r e ac h 24 feet in l e ngth o r po r t ion the r eof , o f th e f irewo r ks stand t o be used by t he a pp l icant, as a c ondi ti o n o f grantin g a permit . Such de po sit sha ll be refunded t o th e permi ttee up on comp l i a nce with Sub- Sec ti on 311 8 (l) he r eof, but su c h depos i t shal l be fo r fei t ed a nd re ta i ne d by the Ci ty In the e ve nt of no n-compliance wi t h such s ubs e cti on. "3 11 4 . No pe r mi t sha ll be I s s ued t o any pe rso n exc ept non-p r o f it associ at i ons o r c o r po rati ons o r gan i ze d primar i l y f o r ve t e r an, patr io t ic , we l f a r e , c i vic be t t erme n t o r cha r i tabl e pu r - -1- 89 I I po ses. Each such o r ga n izati o n mu s t h a v e its principal and pe rma- nent meeting place In the City o f Temple City and must have b een o r ganized and establishe d in the are a that is wit hi n t he Cit y o f Tem ple Cit y f o r a mini mum o f t wo ye a rs continuousl y p recedi ng the fi I ing o f the a pp lication f o r the permit and must have a bo na fide membership of at least twenty (20} members. "1l!.i· Applicati o ns f o r such a permit: (a) Shall b e made in writing. (b) Shall be filed with the City Mana ge r o n o r p r io r t o May 1 o f each year . (c) Shall set forth the pr o po sed l ocati o n o f any and all firewo rks stands a p plied for, and the len g th there o f. (d) Shall be accomplished b y an assurance that if t he permit is issued t o ap p licant, appl i cant shall , at the ti me o f receipt o f such permit, delive r t o the City a $25/$50,000 public liability a nd a $5 ,000.00 pr opert y damage insurance po licy , with a r i de r at• tached t o the policy , designating the City as an additi o nal assured there under. (e) Shall be accompanied by a fee o f Twe nt y-Five Do llars. ($25 .00) Applicants f o r any such pe r mits shall be no tified b y the Cit y Manager of the granting o r r e jec tion o f their a p plicat i on f o r permit o~ or befo re the first day o f June o f each cal e ndar year. "311 6 . Each such applicati o n shall show t he f o ll ow i ng : (a) Name and address o f a pp licant. (b) Th e a pp llcant 1 s statu s as a n on-pro f i t o r gani z at ion . (c) Th e name and addre sse s o f th e o ff i c e rs , if a ny , o f the app l icant. (d) The l ocati on whe r e the a pp lican t wi ll se ll f i rewo r k s. (e) When the applicant was o r g ani zed and es ta b lished . (f) Th e l ocation o f the a pp licant 1 s princi pa l a nd pe r mane nt me e tin g place . (g) Th e appllcant 1 s State Board of Equalizati on Sales Ta x Permit Numb e r. "311 7. Th e fo ll owing regulati o ns s hall be c omp li e d with ,In the operat1on o f fireworks stands. (a} No pe r son othe r than t he lice nsee organ i zati on shall o pe rat e the stand f o r which the li ce ns e i s is sued, o r share o r o therw i se participa t e in the p r o fi t s o f such s tand. (b) No pe r s o n o th e r than the indi v iduals who are mem bers o f t he l i cens ee o rg an i z ati o n, o r t he spo us e s o r adult chi l dren o f suc h me mbers, shal 1 se ll o r o th e r- wi se participate in th e sale o f fi r ew o rks at suc h s tand . -2- 90 I I I (c) No oe r son shall be Qaid consideration fo r se ll ing o r otherwise pa rt ic i oating i n the sale of fi re works at such s tand . (d) Ea ch oe r son , grouo o r o r gan i zat i on shal 1 be 1 imited to one pe r mit oe r year and each oermit shall be 1 imi ted to one stand . "ll.l..§.. All r etai 1 sales of 'safe and sane' fi reworks shal l be pe r mit ted only from within a temporary f irewo r ks stand, and the sale from any othe r bui !ding or st r ucture is hereby pro - hibited. Such temporary stands shall be subject to the fo ll ow - i ng prov i sions. (a) Fireworks stands need not comply with the provisions of the Building Code of the Ci ty p r ovided, howeve r , that all stan ds shall be e r ected unde r the supe r- v i sion of the in spec tor wh o shal 1 require that stands be con st r ucted in a manner which wi 11 r easonably i nsure the safety of attendants and pat r ons, a n d any stands constructed shall o b tain an electrica l permit f r om the City of Temple City. (b) If, in t he j udgment of the F i r e Department o r the building inspecto r of the Ci ty of Temple City, the const r uction of the stands or the cond u ct of the ope r ato rs the r ein do not conform to the p r ovisions of this ordinance, such office r s, or e ither of them, may order the stands immediately closed. (c) No person sha ll be allowed in the inter io r of the stands except those directly employed in the sale of fireworks. (d) There shal 1 be at least one supervisor, twenty-one (2 1) yea r s of age or olde r, on duty at all t im es . No pe r son under eighteen (18) yea r s of age sha ll be a llowed in side the booth at any time. (e) No fi rewo r ks shall remain unattended at any t i me r egardless of whethe r the f ireworks stand is open for bus i ness o r no t . (f) No stand shal l be placed close r than twenty (20) feet to any othe r building . (g ) •·NO SMOKING" s i gns shall be p r om inent l y disp l ayed both inside and outside the stand. No smoking shall be pe r mitted within the stand, or within five (5) feet of the stand. (h) Al 1 weeks and combust i ble materia l sha l l be clea r ed from the location of the stand. No rubbish shal 1 be allowed to accumulate in or a r ound any fi r e - works sta nd , n o r shal 1 a fl r e nu i sance be pe r mitted to exist . ( i ) ( j ) No stand sha l 1 be erected befo r e June 15th of any year. The premises on wh i ch the stand i s erected sha l 1 be cleared of al 1 st r uctu r es and debris not later than noon of the 12th of J uly fo l lowi n g. Al 1 stan ds mu st be equipped with at l east on e fire extinguishe r fo r each exit in the stand, which fire -3- 91 I I I extinguishers must be approved as to efficiency and safety by the Fire Depa r tment. (k) Each stand i n excess o f twent y -four feet in l ength must have at least t wo exi ts, and each stand in ex · cess of for ty feet in length must ha ve at l east three ex its space d approx i mate l y equidistant apart, pro - vided, however, that in no case sha ll the di stance between exits exceed t wenty feet. (1) No stand shal l be constructed wi th a depth o f more than t we lve (1 2) feet. 11 3 11 9 . Section 3 100 o f the Tem ple Cit y Municipal Co de a nd sections-T!.Ol and 12.06, inclus i v e, o f the Temp l e Cit y Fire Prevention Co de are hereby amended i ns o far. as the same are incon - si stent with Sections 3110 and 3120 he reo f. 11 3120 . An y pe rs o n vio l ating any of the prov isi o ns of t h is o rd i n a nce shall be deeme d guilty of a misdemeanor, and up o n c on viction th e r eof sha ll be punishable b y a fine of no t more than five hund r ed do llars ($50 0.00 ) or b y imp riso nme nt in the Ci ty Jail or Count y Jail of Los Angeles Co unt y for a period o f no t m r e than six (6 ) months or b y bo th such fin e and i mprisonment.•• PASSED AND ADOPTED b y t he City Cou nci 1 of the City of Temple City at a re gular mee tin g the r eof held th is 27th day of March 19 6 1 , by the following c all ed vote: ATTE ST: AYES : NOES: Counc ilmen-Buchan, Dickason, Merritt, & F i tzj ohn Counc i !men · Tyre l I ABSENT : Councilmen- STATE OF CA LIF ORNIA COUN TY OF LOS ANGELES s s CI TY OF TEMPLE CITY I , Marjorie A. Woodruff, do hereby certify t hat I have been du ly appointed Deputy City Clerk of the Ci ty of Temple City, Cal i fo r nia, and that the fo r egoing Ordi na nce No. 61-37 was introduced at a regular meeting of the Cit y Councl 1 he l d on Fe bruary 27, 1961, and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on March 27, 1961 , by the fol l owing r o ll call vote : AYES: Councilmen -Buchan, Dic kason, Merritt, Fltzjohn NOES: Cou ncll man -T yrel 1 ABSENT: Councilmen-None Dated : Ma r ch 27, 1961 92 I I I ATTACHMENT B ORDINANCE NO . 11 -943 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, CALIF ORNIA, AMENDIN G SE CTION 3114{C) OF T H E TEM P LE CITY MUN ICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FIREWORKS PERMITS WHEREAS , Section 3114(C) of the Temple City Municipal Code limits the number of fireworks pe r mits that may be grant ed an nually to twelve perm its ; and , WHEREAS, orga nizations tha t have rece ived an annu al f ire works permi t a re entitled to obtai n a fireworks perm it for the subsequent year, provided that the organization meets all of the qualifications and requirements ofTemple City Munici pal Code Sections 3106 through 3118 ; and , WHEREAS, in th e event that less tha n twe lv e previously pe rm itted organizations seek an annual fireworks permit in any given year, the Code provides th at applications from new organizations will be considered on a first come, first serve basis ; and , W HEREAS , the City Council desires to change the process of granting a fi reworks perm it in the event of a vacancy to a lottery system . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY HE REBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: Section 3114(C) of the Temple City Mun icipal Code is hereby amended to read in its ent irety as follows : "C . No more t han twelve ( 12) fireworks permits shall be issued in any year. Fireworks permits shall be issued first to those qualified persons who held a fireworks permit during the previous year. If there are any remaining available fireworks perm its after those seeking a repeat perm it have been considered , the r emain ing permits shall be distributed by lottery." SECTION 2 : The C ity Counc il hereby declares that, should any provis ion , section, subsection , paragraph, sentence , clause , phrase , or word of th is Ordinance or any part thereof, be rendered or declared invalid or unconstitutional by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction or by reason of any preempt ive le gislation , such decision or action shall not affect the validity of the remaining section or portions of the Ord inance or part th ereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have independently adopted the remain ing provi sions, sections, subsections , paragraphs, sentences , clauses, phrases, or words of th is Ordinance irrespective o f the fact that any one or more provisio ns, sections, su bsections , parag ra phs , sen tences, clauses , phrases , or words may be dec lared inva lid or unconstitutio nal. SECTION 3 : The City C lerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of th is Ord inance and to its approval by the Mayor a nd shall cause the same to be publ ished according to law. RIV #4848-8543-8984 vl DRAFT -1 - PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 15th day of March, 2011 . AITEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM : ~e:U~ City Attorney I, Mary Flandrick, City C lerk of the City of Temple City, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 11- 943 was introduced at the regular meeting of the City Council of the C ity of Temple City held on the 151 day March 2011 , and was duly passed, approved and adopted by said Council at the regular meeting held on the 15th day of March 2011 by the following vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT. ABSTAIN : Councilmember-Bium , Sternquist, Yu , Chavez Councilmember -None Cou ncilmember-Vizcarra Councilmember-None [btu-( /R .. ?t~~ City Ciefko RIV #4848·8543·891!4 v l DRAF'I' I I I