HomeMy Public PortalAbout10) 7F Adoption of Live Oak Park and Temple City Park Facility Master Plans - CopyAGENDA ITEM 7 .F . PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: April 19,2016 TO : The Honorable City Council FROM: Bryan Cook , City Manager By: Cathy Burroughs, Dire ctor of Parks and Recreation W SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF LIVE OAK PARK AND TEMPLE CITY PARK FACILITY MASTER PLANS RECOMMENDATI O N: The City Counc il is requested to adopt the Li ve Oak Park and Temple City Park Master Plans. BACKGROUND: 1. On April 2, 2014 , the City Council adopted a Parks and Open Space Master Plan (POSMP ), prepared by RHA Landscape Architects Planners , Inc. 2. On June 3, 2014, the City Council reviewed the priorit ies established by the Parks and Recreation Commission for the Action Plan Matrix from the POSMP and approved the priority list. The highest priority item on the list was the preparation of Facility Master Plans for Live Oak Park and Temple City Park . 3. On September 16 , 2014, the City Council approved a Design Profess ional Services Agreement with CWDG for development of Facili ty Master Plans for Live Oak Park and Temple City Park in an amount not to exceed $34 ,530 . 4 . On November 6, 2014, City staff met with CWDG to review the project and discuss recommendations from the POSMP . Also on that date , CWDG met with representatives from the various tai chi , exercise , and dance groups that meet in the parks to determine what types of facilities or amenities would best meet their needs . 5 . On December 17 , 2014, CWDG met with representatives from the local youth sports organizations that use the facilities at Live Oak Park to discuss their future needs . City Council April 19, 2016 Page 2 of 3 6. On January 21 , 2015 , the Parks and Recreation Commiss ion establ ishe d an ad hoc committee to review and provide input into the prel iminary Master Plans. Commissioners Georgina and Lopez were appointed to the Committee . 7 . On January 28, 2015 , CWDG presented the preliminary Master Plans to staff and the Commission 's ad hoc committee . Feedback and recommendations were provided. 8 . On March 18, 2015, the pre liminary Master Plans were presented to t he Parks and Recreation Commission . The Commission approved , in concept , the Master Pl an for Temple City Park , but tabled further discussion on the Live Oak Park Master Plan requesting revisions to the proposed plan . 9. On April 15 , 2015 , a revised Master Plan for Live Oak Park was presented to the public and the Commiss ion ad hoc committee . 10 . On June 17, 2015, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the Live Oak Park Master Plan -Option 7, with minor revisions . 11 . On August 4 , 2015 , the City Council received a presentation from CWDG relative to the Master Plans , provided comments , and requested revisions to the p lans . 12 . On October 20 , 2015, the C ity Council approved , in concept, the Master Plans for Live Oak Park and Temple City Park as presented . ANALYSIS: Since November 2014, CWDG has been working with City staff and specific f ocus groups to develop Master Plans for both Live Oak Park and Temple C ity Park , consistent with recommendat ions in the POSMP adopted by the City Council in 2014. The purpose of the Master Plans is to provide a guiding document for improvements and renovations to the City's existing parks for the next 20 years . The consu ltant was directed to utilize the information contained in the POSMP , in particular in regards to facilities and amenities desired by the commun ity . The City Council reviewed the draft Master Plans for Live Oak Park and Temple City Park at its regular meeting of August 4 , 2015 . The City Council provided comments and recommendations on the plans . Those comments were incorporated into the final draft Master Plan which was presented to the City Council on October 20 , 2015 . The document before the Council at this time is consistent with the Master Plan presented in October. Other than the rubberized walking/jogging path at Live Oak Park and the Ve teran 's Memorial in Temple City Park, none of the improvements ident ified in the Master Plans City Council April 19 , 2016 Page 3 of 3 are funded . However, staff w i ll utilize the Master Plan document to apply for various grants and other funding opportunities when they arise . Adoption of the Facility Master Plans is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 of the State CEQA Guidelines pertaining to alterations and additions to existing facilities . CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: Adoption of the Live Oak Park and Temple City Park Master Plans furthers the City's Strategic Goals of Quality of Life and Public Health and Safety . FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the Master Plans presents no fiscal impact to the FY 2015-16 City Budget. Master Plan implementation will res ult in fiscal impact , with all funding appropriations to be considered as part of the annual City Budget process . ATTACHMENT: A Live Oak Park and Temple City Park Master Plans-April 2016 TEMPLE CITY ATTACHMENT A LIVE OAK PARK AND TEMPLE CITY PARK MASTER PLANS APRIL2016 T ABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND I NFO RMATION-SITE FEATURES ANALYSIS ...... 1 SITE PHOTOS-LIVE OAK PARK (2 ) TEMPLE C ITY PARK (3 ) ...... 2 COMMUNITY I NVOLVEMENT . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TEMPLE C ITY PARK MASTER PLAN.......................... 5 LIVE OAK PARK MASTER PLAN .............................. 6 LIVE OAK PARK PHASING PLAN .............................. 7 LIVE OAK PARK COST ESTI MATE .............................. 8 TEMPLE C ITY PARK COST ESTIM ATE ......................... 13 APPENDI X-PARK AND RECREATION COMM ISS ION M I NUTES- C ITY COUN C IL M INUTES BACKGROUND INFORMATIO N This report begins where th e Parks a nd Open Space Mas ter Pla n prepared in 2013 and 2014 left off. Ba ed o n City, State, and National ta n dard , Temple C ity Park and Live Oak Pa rk arc de ig- n ated a a 'land use cl e m ent' a we ll as a n 'open pace e lement' of th e Gen e r al P lan for a neigh - borhood park. Temple City Park is 2 .2 acres and L ive Oak Park is 16 acres. Ba se info rm atio n a nd a se smenr s from the Ma ter Plan were t aken into con id e ration rega rding th i n ex t rep of th e development of the Mas t e r Plans for Li ve Oak and Temple City park . SITE FEATURES/SITE A ALYS IS Both parks contain passive a nd acti ve areas. Fo r b oth parks, pa r k in g is a c hall e n ge. Yet at the sa me time, as th e C ity h as only eighteen total ac re:. of parkla n d to wo rk wi th, so raking ad- ditiona l park land for parking doe not seem t o be a good approach. With th at in mind the a sessmcnt and pla nnin g of the exi ring park for future use were revi e wed with "re-u e/re - appropriation" of the existing land and faciliti e . PARK LOCATIONS/VICINITY MAP \ . \ t ........ .,. .. J r-.. \ \ -· \ \ ,-~ .._ ... ,~ ... .... \ ._ ... -... l ! ' _ .. --·-.. ............... .. .. ,_,_ ... .............. ........ ' r • ... i .. ..-... I f ( J r I { f ' -_ . ....., ' . ' \ '_ .. ' \ -· -.. t \ r i \ f-... I t ·-· ... _. i .. ......... to ( v ·-f ... _.__.1'\JG .. !IV"" ... _. I '· f, '" t 4 r ... ~ .. \ ,. \ \ . ! ; t ; l f -~ t r ........ - ~ MASTER PLANNING OF lm!!!ll TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK lliiiJI APRIL 2016 ·-t a ..... ~ : .,. ..... . .... .-.. .... ... \IIL_,CI-• r LIVE OAK ~ARK c t \ \ l ; " c t I ' ...... ...... ,.. ..... l . " ,. .... • • ; ..... . """" _.... \ -· -~\ I_ .. _ .. ' t ..... -· .. \_ \-" f l -·· ..... LIV E O AK PARK PHOTOS pgra de an d re-ligh t for grea te r MASTER PLANNING OF TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK 2 TEMPLE C ITY PARK PHOTOS Park m a n u m e nta t io n is good ~MASTER PLANNING OF m TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -l COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Co mmunity Meetin gs, Commi ion Meet ings ami Works h ops were he ld fro m October 20 14 thr u October 20 15 to gain communi t y in put and !>uppo rt for c reating a !>t rategic direction for deliver)' of public rec reation facilitie a n d amcnitic that will focu on meeting th e n eech of the changing demog r aph ic The Mast e r p lam will a l o providc a ba i for ubmitral of g rant applicatio ns a n d w il l ens ure susta in able ope ratio n · of t h e C ity'· parks over t h e n ex t 20 yea rs o r more. From thc!>e meeti n g , the following items were includ ed in the final ma~ter pla n for: Li ve Oak Park Expand a nd re-o ricnr the Com m u ni ty e nter to a ll ow th e facility to open to the pa rk Add a cove red picn ic !>hel tcr west o f th e expanded center facing the playg rounds Provide new playgrou nd a reas w ith shade ail Provide additi o n al outdoo r Ba ketball ou rt Providt: a m aintenance ya rd ad jace nt to th e mainten a n ce building Provid e per viou pavement in parking lot Provide LED li g hting ro all tenni courts Provide add ition a l G roup Pic ni c a rea a lo n g t:a!>t s ide of park Providt: add iti o n a l p lay arcas w ith s h ade sa i ls at cast s id e of park Prov ide tai-c h i/mu lti -use p laza a rea with ·h ade a il s Provide angle parking along G racewood Avenue Provide wa lkin g/jogging trail around ·port field · Futu re to rm \XIater ba in and leach field can be i nco r porated into th e park s ite turf a rea n car the bas ke tba ll court ·. Ten1pl e Ci t y Park Add a cove red picn ic h c lter n ca r the n o r th end of th e p a r k adjacent t o p a rking. Provide n ew p la)'g round a reas w ith !>h ade sail s G roup exist ing m o nume nts at major park ent ra nces Revi ew wa t e r recharge area Provide plaza a rea ncar Libra r y e nt rance Prov ide t a i-chi /m ulti-u e plaza a reas wi th h ade sail s Pr ov ide a dditi o n a l view corrido r s for o n cc rts in t h e Park Pr ov ide e ntr y a r bor and ca r ing a maj o r e ntr y poi nt . MA TER PLA D EVELOPME T Live Oak Pa r k a nd T emple City Park M ast e r Pl an were d eve loped follow in g community in put. From t he com munity meetings, th e request of c ity s t aff, the ma t c r p la n developed in accordan ce with t h e si re a nal y is a nd community input. ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 4 ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 5 LNE OAK PARK-OPTION 7 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY LIVE OAKPARK PHASING PLAN CITY OF TEMPLE CITY HfAS1 1 .... .UI J ,.,, ... o, •tuCM...-"'-..,"""-" .,_,.,_ i41l....,Af ( .... tt.O,VU.,._..tollt-"§ • tu...--ca.~"M':• tttnn:-' WM.i.lOti.Q!Il L0U o...CC "llO ·1"4~K'r.UtU .............. """lt-Ooii •U._....,., -tu ~~~n~ .. urt•autou~rr U l ~ U .t •fttt A\.\ ..-..J (9Wl ji.JIO)(.,..... liR CO.-U CI"&U_fl ....... l"t..oQ,, ..... ~· ,..._...~ ...... UUI .... t-.o.•fltM.It UM.,.......I .. ••-.w"~'""' MAU • ltlf~IOf....,.I I .... UGI!oloii.Uoi"I ..... U I lllt-..._. I'\ A• Ut• wtl>o 'tlliO'Itt ~fWrtol M..Ct -.ooo ._101 .-....ot u .•s•tco.>IW.I1....,_..t • •••,•~••-' ,,, ..... ~~, .. u u , .... ~ .. --·lftU'I· •114)"'"""'1.\:.UH ~llt -U.t~tM .... tiii(IIIIOti'OOWIIM ..... uP • ~..ool lltrrMteC ~AHIIfloS .... ,IIOVIWIWTI _._.__ PMASI J "'., .. ~ ... Wfw.-.K I .,.-_.,. """•" ......... ,.,..,. • ., ... u. .. , .... ..... R.TtJIIIfftliK lll tiTtNG TO UMAtfl COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GROUP PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE DATE : 07/20/15 PROJECT: LI VE OAK PARK PROJECT# 141032 PHASE 1 DESCRIPTION MOBILI ZATION DEMOLITION AND CLEARING CLEAR AND GRUB HARDSCAPE MOW STRIP-6"X 6" RUBBERIZED WALK MISCEL LANEOUS PAINT STRIPING-RUBBERIZED WALK SUBTOTAL 10.00% CONTINGENCY GRAND TOTAL -PHASE 1 PHASE 2 DESCRIPTION MOBILIZAT ION DEMOLI T ION AND CLEARING ESTIMATE BY : DIEGO L OPEZ UNIT QTY. UNIT COS T L.S . $19,105.00 8,350 S .F. $0.25 2 ,900 L.F . $15.00 8,350 S.F. $25 268 L.F. $1.50 UN IT QTY. UN IT COST L.S . $162,785.00 REMOVE EX ISTING CONCRETE 4" 21,500 S.F. $1.75 REMOV E EX ISTING ASPHALT 1,870 S.F. $0 .75 REMOVE HANDBALL CONCRETE WAL L 25 S.F. $25.00 REMOVE CONCRETE PLANTERS 190 S.F. $3.00 REMOVE EXIST ING PLAY EQUIPMENT 1 L.S. $10,000.00 REMOVE EXISIT NG PLAY MATTING 12,650 S .F. $2.50 REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB 820 L.F. $5.00 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT POLE 10 EACH $500.00 SHADE SHELTER REMOVAL 2 ,565 S.F . $5.00 REMOVE CONCRETE UNDER SHELTER 2 ,565 S.F . $1 .75 REMOVE TRASH ENCLOSURE 40 L.F . $40.00 TREE REMOVAL 12 EACH $500.00 PALM REMOVA L 1 EACH $250.00 ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 TOTAL COST $19,105 $2 ,088 $43 ,500 $208,750 $402 $273,845 $27,384 $301,229 T OTAL COST $162,785 $37,625 $1,403 $625 $570 $10,000 $31 ,625 $4 ,100 $5,000 $12,825 $4,489 $1 ,600 $6,000 $250 8 DATE: 07/20/15 ESTIMATE BY: DIEGO LOPEZ Page:2 PROJECT: LIVE OAK PARK PROJECT# 141032 CLEAR AND GRUB 106,900 S .F. $0.25 $26,725 GRADINGfDRAINAGEfSEWER/WATER DRAINAGE SEWER L.S. $10,000.00 $10,000 GRADING L.S. $20,000.00 $20,000 CONSTRUCTION PLAY GROUND *PLAY EQUIPMENT-TOT LOT 2 ALLOW $100,000 $200,000 *PLAY EQUIPMENT-CH ILD PLAY 2 ALLOW $100,000 $200,000 CONCRETE CURB-12" 665 L.F . $50.00 $33 ,250 RUBBER MATTING 8,800 S.F. $17 $149,600 3" CONCRETE BASE 8 ,800 S.F . $5 $44 ,000 3 ' TUBE STEEL FENCING 165 L.F . $150.00 $24 ,750 SITE FEATURES PICNIC TABLE-6' 17 EACH $1 ,2 50.00 $21 ,2 50 BENCH -W/BACK -METAL (6') 3 EACH $725.00 $2 ,175 TREE WELL D .G . 20 EAC H $250.00 $5 ,000 HARDSCAPE ASPHALT PAVING (3 " W/4" BASE) W /SEAL COAT 3,500 S.F. $4.00 $14 ,000 CONCRETE CURB -6" 890 L.F. $18.00 $16 ,020 CONCRETE PAVING-4 " 52 ,000 S.F . $5.50 $286 ,000 LANDSCAPIN G SOIL PREP I FINE GRADING 61 ,270 S.F. $0.45 $27,572 WEED ABATEMENT 61 ,270 S.F . $0.05 $3 ,064 90 DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD 61 ,270 S.F . $0.15 $9 ,191 LANDSCAPE AREAS 61 ,270 S.F . $1 .50 $91 ,905 TREES (PALMS) 12 EACH $3 ,000.00 $36 ,000 TREES (24 " BOX) 20 EAC H $275.00 $5 ,500 TREES (36" BOX) 9 EACH $750.00 $6 ,7 50 WOOD MULCH-3" 509 C.Y. $50 .00 $25 ,450 D .G .-3 " 29 C.Y. $130.00 $3 ,770 IRRIGATION AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM HARDLINE DRIP AREAS 24,508 S .F. $1 .20 $29,410 DRIP AREAS 36.762 S .F. $1 .30 $47,791 CONTROLLER 2 EACH $15,000.00 $30,000 FLOWMETER 1 L.S . $650.00 $650 BACKFLOW PREVENTER 1 L.S. $4,000.00 $4,000 MASTER VALVE 1 L.S. $1 ,500.00 $1 ,500 MAINTENANCE YARD 6" AGGREGATE BASE 184 C .Y. $45.00 $8,280 6 ' HIGH WALL 220 L.F. $100.00 $22,000 TUBULAR STEEL SWING GATE 1 EACH $2,500.00 $2,500 TRASH ENCLOSURE & GATES 1 EACH $17,500 .00 $17,500 ARCHITECTURE FABRIC SHADE SAIL -PLAY AREAS 3,145 S .F . $50 .00 $157 ,250 FABRIC SHADE SAIL -TAl CHI AREAS 1,885 S.F . $50.00 $94,250 PICNIC SHELTER -40' HEX 2 EACH $47 ,000.00 $94,000 ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE C ITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 9 DATE: 07/20/15 PROJECT: LIVE OAK PARK PROJECT# 141032 PICNIC SHELTER -36' HEX BASKETBALL POLE I 2 BAC KBOARD I 2 HOOPS I 2 NETS LI GHT POLE BAS KETBALL SURFACE PAINT & STR IPING TENNIS RESURFACE/RESTRIP MISCELLANEOUS STRIPI NG-SINGLE LINE STALLS STRIPING-CENTERLINE ON GRACEWOOD TRAFFIC CONTROL SUBTOTAL 10.00% CONTINGENCY GRAND TOTAL -PHASE 2 PHASE 3 DESCRIPTION MOBILIZATION DEMOLITION AND CLEARING REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT REM OVE EXISTING CONCRET E 4" REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB TREE REMOVAL PALM REMOVAL C LEAR AND GRUB COMMUNITY BUILDING D EMO REMOVE STAIRS-COMMUNITY BLDG GRADIN G/DRAINAG E/SEWER/WATER CURB & GUTTER-FRONT SOUTH PARKING SITE FEATURES TREE WELL D .G. HARDSCAPE ASPHALT PAVING (3 " W /4" BASE) W/SEALCOAT CONCRETE CURB -6" CONCRETE PAVING -4" COLORED CONCRETE PAVING-4" CONCRETE STAIRS-Community Cent er ESTIMATE BY: DIEGO LOPEZ 2 EACH $37 ,500 .00 2 EACH $3 ,500 3 EACH $7,500 6 ,560 S.F. $2 .5 51,050 S.F. $3.00 43 EACH $15.00 710 L.F . $1.50 1 L.S. $7,500.00 UNIT QTY. UNIT COST L.S. $802 ,900.00 2 ,500 S .F . $0 75 16 ,500 S.F. $1 .75 580 L.F . $5 .00 12 EACH $500 .00 5 EACH $250 .00 20,300 S.F. $0 .2 5 15,400 S.F . $25.00 375 S.F . $2 .50 475 L.F. $20 .00 4 EACH $250 .00 1,650 S.F. $4 .00 240 L.F. $18.00 6,530 S.F. $8 .00 850 S.F . $5.50 205 L.F. $25 .00 ~ MASTERPLANNINGOF ~TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 Page :3 $75 ,000 $7 ,000 $22 ,500 $16 ,400 $153 ,150 $645 $1 ,065 $7,500 $2 ,333 ,257 $233 ,326 $2,566 ,583 TOTAL COST $802 ,900 $1 ,875 $28 ,875 $2,900 $6,000 $1,250 $5,075 $385,000 $938 $9,500 $1 ,000 $6,600 $4,320 $52 ,240 $4 ,675 $5 ,125 10 DATE: 07/20/15 ESTIM ATE BY: DIEG O LOPEZ Page:4 PROJECT : LI VE OAK PARK PR OJECT# 141032 CONCRETE RAMPS -Community Cen ter 1 L.S $10,000.00 $10,000 ASPHALT RESURFACING -COLD PLAN ING 42 ,220 S .F. $3.00 $126,660 LANDSCAPING SOIL PREP I FINE GRADIN G 14,390 S .F. $0.45 $6,476 WEED ABATEMENT 14,390 S.F. $0 .05 $720 90 DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD 14,390 S .F. $0 .15 $2 ,1 59 LANDSCAPE AREAS 14,390 S.F. $1 .50 $21 ,585 TREES (PALMS) 2 EACH $3,000.00 $6 ,000 WOOD MULCH-3" 133 C.Y. $50 .00 $6 ,650 IRRIGATION AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM HARDLINE DRIP AREAS 5,7 55 S.F. $1 .20 $6 ,906 DRIP AREAS 8,635 S .F. $1.30 $11,226 ARCHITECTURE COMMUNITY CENTER BUI LDING 33 .300 S.F. $300.00 $9,990,000 MISCELLANEOUS STRIPING-SINGLE LINE STALLS 105 EACH $15.00 $1 ,575 SUBTOTAL $1 1,508,228 10 .00% CONTINGENCY $1 '150,823 GRAND TOTAL-PHASE 3 $12,659,050 PHASE 4 UN IT TOTAL D ESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT CO ST COST MOBILIZATION L.S. $96,132.00 $96,132 DEMOLITION AND CLEARING CLEAR AND G RU B 1,620 S .F. $0.25 $405 S ITE FEATURES 6 ' HIGH FENCE AT SOCCER FIELD 450 L.F. $65 $29,250 LANDSCAPING TREES (24" BOX) 12 EACH $275.00 $3 ,300 TREES (3 6" BOX) 5 EACH $750.00 $3,750 TURF HYDROSEED 262,670 S.F. $0.25 $65,668 SU BSURFACE DRAIN 262,670 S .F. $2.50 $656,675 D .G .-3" 15 C .Y. $130.00 $1 ,950 FRENCH DRAIN 165 L.F. $25 $4,125 IRRIGATION AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM ~ MASTER P LANN I NG OF ~ TEM P LE C ITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL20 16 11 DATE: 07120115 PROJECT : LIV E OAK PARK PROJECT# 141 032 ROTO R AREA S PUMP LI GHTING I ELECT RIC AL PLAY AREA LIGHTS SECURI TY WALKWAY I LI GHTS CONDUIT, CONDU CTOR & MI SC. IT EM S SU BTOTAL 10 .00% CONTI NGENCY GRAND TOTAL -PH ASE 4 GRAND TOTAL-ALL PHASES ESTIMATE BY: DIEGO LOPEZ 262 .670 S.F. $0 .80 1 L.S $20,000.00 8 EACH $3 ,000 .00 25 EACH $4 ,500.00 1 L.S . $150,000 *Site specific equipment, obtain a quote from the manufacturer **Rough estimate cost Obtain a specific quote from th e s pecific water district Pag e:5 $210,136 $20,000 $24 ,000 $112,500 $150,000 $1,377 ,891 $137,789 $1,515,680 $17,042 ,541 Pha s in g Pl a n a nd associate Cost Es tim a t es provid ed a bove h a ve b een d e ve lo p ed from c urrent (2016) project ed cos ts of cons truc ti o n. Phas in g ca n b e va r ie d as require d . A nnu a l con stru ction cos t s sh o uld b e a djus ted upwa rd a p p r ox imate ly 5 % p e r year. ~ MASTER PLANN IN G OF ~ TEMPLE C ITY P ARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRiL20 16 12 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GROUP PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE DAT E : 10/07/15 ESTIMATE B Y : ALLISON R USH PROJECT : TE MPLE C ITY PARK PROJECT# 141032 UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT COST COST MOBI LI ZATION L.S . $81 ,000.00 $81 ,000 DEMOLI T ION AND CLEARING RE MOVE EXISTING CONCRETE 14500 S.F. $0 .90 $13,050 REMOV E EXISTING PLAY EQUIP L.S . $5,000.00 $5,000 REMOVE EXISTING TRELLIS 1 L.S . $5,000.00 $5,000 CLEA R AND GRUB 53000 S.F. $0.25 $13,250 TREE REMOVAL 5 EACH $300.00 $1 ,500 CONSTRUCTI ON PLAY GRO UN D ·PLAY EQUI P MENT 1 ALLOW $100,000.00 $100,000 PLAY AR EA CONC CU RB 12" x 18" 100 L.F. $50.00 $5,000 DRA IN AG E IMPROVEME NTS 2 EACH $1,000.00 $2,000 RUBBER MATTING 2550 S.F. $15 .00 $38,250 3" CONCRETE B ASE 2550 S.F. $5.00 $12,750 SITE FE ATURES BEN C H -W /BACK-METAL (6') 22 EACH $725.00 $15,950 BIKE RACK LOOP (5BIKES) 1 EACH $750.00 $750 T RE E W ELL D.G . 2 EACH $250.00 $500 HARDSCA PE CONCRETE CURB -6 " 1335 L.F . $18.00 $24 ,030 CONCRETE PAVING-4 " 27450 S.F. $5.50 $150,975 PAVE RS ON SAND 2590 S .F. $15.00 $38,850 ARC H ITECTU RE ENT RY T REL LI SES 4 ,530 S.F. $95 $430,350 F AB RIC S HADE SAILS 2,170 S .F. $50 $108,500 RE FURB IS H BAND STAND 1,325 S.F. $25 $33,125 G RO UP PIC NIC SHELTER 1,750 S.F. $75 $131 ,250 LAND SCAP ING SO IL PREP I FINE GRADING 48645 S .F. $0 .45 $21 ,890 WEED ABATEMENT 48645 S.F . $0.05 $2,432 90 DA Y MAINTENANCE P ER IO D 48645 S .F. $0 .15 $7,297 S HRUBS (1 GAL) 240 EACH $7 .50 $1 ,800 S HRU BS (5 GA L) 735 EACH $16 .50 $12,128 S HR UBS (5 GAL) -Camellias 314 EA CH $45 .00 $14,130 S HRU BS (5 GAL) -Vines 16 EACH $16 .50 $264 PALM TREES EACH $3,000 $3,000 ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK ~~~~ APRIL2016 13 DATE: 10/07/15 ESTIMATE BY: ALLISON RUSH PROJECT: TEMPLE CITY PARK PROJECT# 141032 UNIT DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT COST WOOD MULCH-3" 133 C.Y. $50.00 TURF HYDROSEED 36,700 S.F. $0.25 IRRIGATION AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM ROTOR AREAS 27,525 S.F. $0.80 ROTARY SPRAY AR EAS 9,175 S.F. $1 .25 CONVENTIO NAL DRIP AREAS 13,530 S.F. $1.10 CONTROLLER 1 EACH $15,000.00 FLOW METER 1 L.S . $650.00 BACKFLOW PREVE NTER 1 L.S. $4,000.00 MASTER VALVE 1 L.S . $1 ,500.00 PUMP L.S . $15,000.00 LIGHTING I ELECTRICAL RELOCATE EXISTING WALKWAY LIGHTING 4 EACH $1,000.00 PLAY AREA LIGHTS 6 EACH $3,000.00 SUBTOTAL 10.00% CONTINGENCY GRAND TOTAL •site specific equipment, obtain a quote from the manufacturer .. Rough estimate cost. Obta in a specific quote from the specific water district. Page:2 TOTAL COST $6,650 $9,175 $22,020 $11,469 $14,883 $15,000 $650 $4,000 $1 .500 $15 ,000 $4,000 $18,000 $1,396,368 $139 ,637 $1 ,536,004 Cos t Es tim ates provided above have b een d eveloped from cu r re nt (2016 ) projected co ts of con tr ue- cion. Annua l cons truc tion costs s ho uld b e a dju sted upwa rd a pprox im a tely 5 % pe r year. ~ M ASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK A ND LIVE OAK P A RK -APRIL2016 14 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGU LAR MEETING MINU TES MARCH 18, 20 15 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Haddad called the Parks and Recreation Commission Regu lar Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Counci l Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue , Temple City . 2. ROLL CALL PRES E NT: Commissioner-Georgina, Rosso, Haddad ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs Parks and Recreation Superviso r Koski ABSEN T : Commissio ner Lopez Vice -Chairman Ro sso moved to excuse Comm iss ioner Lopez for cause , seconded by Commissioner Georgina a nd unan imously ca rried. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Hadd ad led th ose present in the Pledge of All egiance to the Flag. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Comm issio ner Georg ina moved to approve the Consent Calendar , second ed by Vi ce -Cha irman Rosso and unani mo usly carried . A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES-MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 2015 Recomm ended Action : Approved B. ATTENDANCE/ACTIV ITY REPORTS -FEBR UARY Recommended Action : Receive and file 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None 7. NEW BUSINESS A . REVIEW OF LIVE OAK PARK AND TEMPLE CITY PARK FAC ILITY MASTER PLANS ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 15 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSI ON MINUTES March 18 , 2015 Pag e 2 Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs presented th e staff report. Tim Ma loney, Comm unity Works Design Group provided background information and a s lid e show of th e Facility Ma s ter Pl ans for Live Oak Park and Temple Ci ty Park . Points of the discussion on th e Live Oak Park Pl an by th e Commission included close proxim ity of handicap pa rk ing spaces to th e Community Center and Annex , amenities of parking structure, overall increased parking spaces , re stroom s, and addi tio nal picnic she lters and play stru ctures. Commissioner Georgina provided comment on the functionality problems with the parking structure including the location of th e eleva tor with limited s upervision by staff and maintenance costs. She s tat ed the covered picnic plazas above th e parking lot are not a good use of space and sugges ted el imin ating a minimal amount of parking stalls at the south e nd of th e park to give room for a small picn ic area at that end of th e park . Chaiman Haddad concurred wi th Comm is sioner Georgina regarding the loca tion of the picnic plazas and sa fety. Chairman Ha ddad sta ted a letter from Nate Slaymaker was received and reviewed by the Commission . Charle s Ko. tennis court supporter spoke on behalf of keeping th e 7 courts at Live Oak Park due to full capacity of use. Joshu a Tran, tennis court supporter state d th e 7 courts are used da ily and asked the Commission to conside r the tennis community when considering the proposed plans for th e courts . Dickson Hong, tennis court supporter sta ted the City held public meetings with o th er grou ps for input , howeve r the tennis and basketball groups were not met with . He asked for considera tion to not remove th e courts as shown i n the proposed plan. Roger Hsu , tennis court supporter s tated he is a long tim e tenni s player and appreciates th e 7 tennis courts provided by th e City . He is not supportive of ro of top tennis courts. John Yamaguchi , tenni s court supporter concurs with the previous speakers. ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 16 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISS ION MINUTES March 18 , 2015 Page 3 Daniel Zhou . tennis court supporter stated other groups are gaining space and tennis is losing. He is not supportive of the current plan for location of the courts and would lik e t o have lig hts for a ll courts. Vincent Su, resident stated as a parent of small c hildren , he does not support splitting up the playground areas. Chelsea Hu. Temple City T ennis Club stated tennis provides good exer cise for senior citizens and is not supportive of having courts on top of the parking structure. Gim No. tennis court supporter stated he does not want to have split playground areas for chi ldren by age. Yu Zhao . tennis court supporter would lik e to see all courts lit. He indicated that staff would be needed to supervise the roof top activity and asked about additional security such as cameras . He encouraged the City to look at locations for pocket parks . Clyda Bernasconi , resident said she is opposed to the parking structure building and wou ld like Live Oak Park to remain just a park. Mr. Maloney provid ed options that could increase the number of tennis courts. Commissioner Georgina would li ke to have staff and Commissioners visit facilities that have tennis courts located on parking structures to more accurat e ly access if the option wou ld work for Temple City. Cha irman Haddad moved to table the Live Oak Park Plan for further discuss io n to review the tennis court and child /tot areas , seconded by Commissioner Rosso and unan imously carried. Mr. Maloney reviewed the recommendations for Temple City Park . Discussion by Commission included a possible water feature, vet eran 's area with a water feature , lo cation of picnic s helte r tabl es , tai chi areas and need for additional parking . Commissioner Georgina stated she was glad to see camellia bushes included in the park landscape. Vice-Chairman Rosso recommended approval in concept the Master Plan for Temple City Park with further cost analysis and phasing options to be provided, seconded by Commissioner Georgina and unanimously carried. ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 17 PARKS & RECREATION COMM ISS ION MINUTES March 18, 2015 8 . COMMUNICATIONS-Non e Page 4 9. ADDITIONAL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE-None 1 0. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT Parks and Recreation Directo r B urro ugh s provided a bri ef overview of Council actions as well as recen t and up coming even t s. Th e Commi ss ion has a v aca ncy due to th e election of Nanette Fi sh to the City Coun cil. Th e vacan cy wi ll be fi ll ed th ro ug h the normal proce ss . Commissioner Georgina moved to re ce ive and file the Directo r's Report, seco nd ed by V ice -Ch a irm an Rosso an d un animously ca rri ed. 11. COMMISSION ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE REGULAR AGENDA A . COMMISSIONER GEORGINO p rov id ed a brief overview of sessions at th e CPRS Confere nce. S he requested consideration of a Sen ior Mast er Plan. B. COMMISSIONER LOPE Z C . COMMISSIONER ROSSO D. CHAIRMAN HADDAD 12. ADJOURNMENT Th e Park s and Recreation Comm ission Mee ting was adjourned at 9 :15 p.m. to the Park s and Recrea tion Regular Commiss ion Meeting of Wednesday , Apri l 15, 20 15 at 7 :3 0p.m . in the Co un ci l Chamber at 5938 Kauffman Ave nu e. Chairman ATTEST: Administrative Coordinator ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 18 PARKS & RE CREATI ON COMM ISSION TEMPLE C ITY, CA LI FOR NIA REGULAR MEETI NG M IN UTES JUN E 17 , 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER Cha irman Haddad called the Parks and Re creation Commissi o n Regular Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambe rs located at 59 38 Ka uffma n Avenu e , Temple City. 2 . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissione r-Georgine , Lopez, Rosso , Haddad ALSO PRESENT: Parks a nd Recreation Di re cto r Burroughs Parks and Recreation Supervisor Koski 3 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chai rman Haddad led those pres ent in the Pledge of All egiance to the Fla g. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA -None 5. CONSENTCALENDAR Commiss io ner Georgine moved to approve th e Consen t Calenda r , seconded by Vice-Cha irman Rosso and un animously ca rri ed. A . APPROVAL OF MINUTES -MEETING OF APRIL 15,2015 Recomm ended Action : Approved B . MON T HLY ATIENDANCE/ACT IV ITY RE PORT S -APR IL AND MAY 2015 Re commended Actio n: Rece ive and filed 6. UNFINISHED BUSI NE SS A. CONTI NUED REVI EW OF LI VE OAK PARK MASTER PLAN Parks a nd Recreation Directo r Burroughs p rese nted the sta ff report . Commiss ioner Hadda d opened public com ments. Co nnie Brege . Temp le C ity residen t , t hanked Commissioners for their service an d req ue ste d th ey consider th e fo ll owing : partner in joint-use of ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 19 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES June 17 , 2015 Page 2 faci liti es with T emple City Unifi ed School District (TC USD), incorpora te sustainable development into th e Live Oak Park Maste r Plan and red uction of building foo tpri n t. Mary Kokayko, Temple City resident sa id she is not in favor of the co nstruction of th e multi-use buildi ng or elevated parking and would like the Commission to co n sider developing plans that incl udes a Senior Ce nter. Ruth Giese. Temple City res id ent asked to consider angled parking on Gracewood Avenue and a walki ng path in the Parks Master Pla n. Parks and Recreat io n Director Burroughs stated the City currently uses both Oak Avenue and Temple City High Schoo l gymnasiums for youth basketb all programs. However regular use of school facilities have been a cha llen ge for the City because of their own us e. Commissioner Georgina concurred with Parks and Recreation Director Burrough s. She asked to have the baske tba ll courts identified in the proposed mu lti-u se build ing removed from the plan to preve nt co nfusion . She also co mm ented tha t th e multi-u se bu ild i ng would be used for various acti v ities suc h as sports, cl asses and se nior activiti es . Ch airman Haddad ques ti oned the size of the proposed rec reati on bui lding in both options and sta t ed she would like to see additio nal parking on Gracewood Avenue included in the Live Oak Park Master Plan . She requested information regarding the fence surrounding th e basketball cou rt in cluded in Option 8 and asked if fencing should be incorporated on Option 7 . She also asked if addi tional square footage would be added to the maintenance yard o n Option 7 . Pa r ks and Recreation Direc to r Burroughs clarified the questions by Ch airman Had dad . Commissioner Georgina was n ot in favor of t he fences surro unding the b as ketb all courts. Comm issioner Lopez req uested informa tio n regarding th e amount of space tha t will be added to th e proposed multi-use bu il ding . Parks and Recreation Direc to r Bu rrough s prov ided additio nal i nformation regardin g th e addi ti on of a multi-u se bu ilding . Commissioner Georgi na moved to recomme nd Option 7 for the Live Oak Park Master Plan wit h th e removal of the basketball court drawing on the expans ion of the Commu n ity Center and inclusion of additional parking on ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEM PLE CITY PARK A ND LIVE OAK PARK -APR I L2016 20 PARKS & RECR EATION COMMISS ION MINUTES June 17, 2 015 Page 3 Gracewood to the City Co uncil , seco nded by Vice-Chairman Ro sso and un animously carried by the follow ing vote: AYES : NOES: ABSTAIN : Georg in a, Lopez, Ro sso , Haddad None None ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 21 1. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 4 , 2015 Mayor C havez ca ll ed the Regular Ci ty Council meeting to order at 7:35p.m . 2 . ROLL CALL PRESE NT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: 3. INVOCATION Council member-Fish, Man, Sternqu ist, Yu , Chavez Council member-Non e City Manager Cook, City Atto rney Vail, C ity Clerk Kuo, and Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs Pastor Sam Hodson, First Baptist Church, provided the invocation. 4 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Boy Scou t T roop #161 provided a flag ceremony and led th ose p resent in the Pledge of Allegiance . 5. CEREMONIAL/PRESENTATIONS A . REVIEW OF LIVE OAK PARK AND TEMPLE CITY PARK FACILITY MASTER PLANS Representat ives will present the Master Plans for Li ve Oak Park and Temple City Park as recommended by t he Parks an d Recreation Comm i ssion. The purpose of the Master Plans is to provide a guidi ng document for improvements and renovatio ns to the City 's existi ng parks for the next 20 years . Parks and Recreat ion Director Burrough s p rovided a su mmary of the staff re port. Tim Malo ney, Comm un ity W ork s De s ign Group, gave a brief overview of the Parks Faci li ty Master Plan . City Coun ci l d iscussed and provided comments regard ing the Live Oak Park and Temple City Pa rk Facili ty Mast er Pl ans. Mayor Chavez opened pub lic com men t. Steve Stafford. Temple C ity resid ent, spo ke i n fa vor of mo re lighti ng for Li ve Oak Pa rk and com mented that Tem pl e City Park may be affected if the County should remodel the l ibrary . Jerry Jambaz ian , Temple City business owne r, commen ted on more pa rking for Live Oak Park . Hearing no fu rt her request to speak , Mayor Cha vez cl osed public comment. ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 22 1. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL T EMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 20 , 20 15 Mayor Chavez called the Regu lar City Council meetin g to order at 7 :3 0 p.m. 2. RO L L CALL PRESENT: ABSENT : ALSO PRESENT: 3. INVOCATION Councilme mber -Fish , Man , Sternquist, Yu , Chavez Counci lmember -None City Ma nager Cook, City Attorney Vail , City Clerk Kuo , Parks and Recreation Director Burrough s , Administrative Services Director Hau se , Community Devel opmen t Director Forbes , Planning Manager Reimers and Executive Assistant to th e Ci ty Manager Corella Lynne Best, We stmin ster Pre sb yterian Church , provided the Inv oca ti on. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANC E Boy S co ut T roop #161 prov ided a flag ceremo ny and led those present in the Pledge of All egiance. 9 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. REVIEW OF REVISED LIVE OAK PARK AND TEMPLE CITY PARK FACILITY MASTER PLANS Once th e Live Oak Pa rk and T emple City Park Fa cil ities Maste r Plans are a dopted by the Ci ty Counci l , it will es tablis h a str ateg ic d irecti on fo r delivery of publ ic f aci lities and ameni t ies and all ow staff to apply for va r ious grants and othe r fun ding opp ortuni t ies. Parks and Recreatio n Di re ctor Burroughs gave a summary of th e staff report. City Coun ci l com me nted and discussed regard in g the revised Liv e Oak Park and Temple City Park Faci lity Master Plans . Mayo r Ch avez opened p u bli c comment. ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK -APRIL2016 23 Jerry Jambazia n , Temple Ci ty business owne r, asked questions about th e revised T emple Ci ty Park Master Plan . Mike Winte rco m b , City of Arcad ia resident , spoke in f avo r of add in g some kind of coverin g over t he dugouts a t Live O ak Park. H ea rin g no addi tional reques t to speak , Mayor Cha ve z closed publi c comme nt. Cou ncilm embe r Man made a motion to schedule adoption of th e Ma ste r Pl ans for De cem b er 15 , 20 15. Seconded by Councilmember Sternquist and a pproved by th e following votes: AYES: ABSTA IN ED : NO ES: ABSENT: Coun c ilme mber: Fi s h , Man , St ernqui st , Yu , Chavez Coun cilmember: None Councilmember: No ne Cou n ci lmember: No ne ~ MASTER PLANNING OF ~ TEMPLE CITY PARK AND LIVE OAK PARK ~~~~ APRIL2016 24