HomeMy Public PortalAbout02) 7A2 CC Regular Meeting 2016-04-191. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING APRIL 19 , 2016 AGENDA ITEM ?.A-2. Mayor Yu called the City Council Regular Meeting to order at 7:33 p .m. in the Council Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. 2 . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmember-Chavez, Fish , Man , Sternquist, Yu ABSENT : Councilmember-None ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Cook , City Attorney Va il, City Clerk Kuo , and Community Development Director Forbes 3. INVOCATION Jerry Jambazian, Temple City business owner , provided the Invocation . 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Troop 161 led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. CEREMONIAL/PRESENTATIONS A. DEPUTY AND FIREFIGHTER OF THE YEAR 2015 Mayor Yu and C ity Council presented a recognition plaque to Deputy of the year, Deputy Joe Zuniga ; and Firefighter of the year. Fire Captain James Matthews . 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA -None 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Chavez made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilmember Fish and carri ed by the follow i ng votes : AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN : Counci lmember-Fish , Man , Sternquist, Yu , Chavez Councilmember-None Councilmember-None City Council Minutes April19 , 2016 Page 2 of 10 ABSENT : Counci lmember -None A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The City Council is requested to review and approve : 1) Minutes of the Special City Counc i l Meeting of March 30 , 2016 ; 2) Minutes of the Special City Counc i l Meeting of Apri l 5 , 2016 ; and 3) Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of April 5, 2016 . Act ion : Approved . B. TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION ACTIONS - MEETING OF FEBRUARY 10 , 2016 The C ity Council is requested to re v iew the Transportation and Publi c Safety Commission actions of their meeting of February 10 , 20 16 . Action : Rece ived and f iled . C. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS-MEETING OF MARCH 29 , 2016 The City Council is requested to review the Plann ing Commiss i on actions of the i r meeting of March 29 , 2016 . Action : Rece ived and filed . D. FINAL SUBDIVION MAP APPROVAL FOR PARCEL MAP NO . 72749 , A FOUR-U NIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5218 FARAGO AVENUE Approval of the f inal map will allow the developer to f i nalize the subdivision and start the development on the property . Ac t ion : 1) Received the S ub division Improvement Agreement ; 2) Approved the f inal subd ivision map for Parcel Map No . 72749 ; 3) Authorized the City Manager to execute the Subd ivision Improvement Agreement ; and 4 ) Authorized the C ity Clerk to cert ify Parcel Map No . 72749 . City Council Minutes April19 , 2016 Page 3 of 10 E. APPROVAL OF PERMITS TO SELL FIREWORKS FOR THE 20 16 SEASON The City Council is requested to approve fireworks permits for 9 non-profit organizations/groups . City Council 's approval will allow the non-profit organizations/groups to raise funds to support the ir respective activities . Act ion : Approved 9 applications for fireworks permits for the 2016 season . F . ADOPTION OF LIVE OAK PARK AND TEMPLE CITY PARK FACILITY MASTER PLANS The Master Plans for Live Oak Pa rk and Temple C ity Park , once adopted by the C ity Counc il , will establish a strategic direction for the del ivery of public facilities and amenities that will focus on meeting the needs of the changing demographics and ensure sustainable operations of the C ity 's parks over the next 20 years . Act ion : Adopted the Live Oak Park and Temple City Park Master Plans . G. PETTY CASH AND VISA CARD REPORT The City Council is requested to review , receive and file the Petty Cash and V isa Card Report . Action : Rece ive d and filed reports . H. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 16-5161 APPROVING PAYMENT OF BILLS The City Counci l is requested to adopt Resolution No . 16-5161 authorizing the payment of bills . Action : Adopted Reso l ution No . 16 -5161 . 8. PUB LI C H EARING A. APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION 'S DECISION APPROVING A NEW WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY LOCATED AT 5319 HALIFAX ROAD The C ity Coun cil will consider the appeal of the Plann i ng Commission 's dec isi on approving a wireless communications facility located at Bethlehem City Council Minutes April19 , 2016 Page 4 of 10 Lutheran Church . City Manager Cook gave a brief overview regarding the wireless communications facilit y proposed for i nstallation at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church . Community Development Dire cto r Forbes gave a summary of the staff report and addressed the issues raised by the appellants . City Attorney Vail answered City Council questions . City Council commented and discussed regarding the wireless communications facility proposed . Mayor Yu opened public hearing . James Cleary , Temp le City residenUappellant , commented on the possible negative health effects the proposed wireless communication tower may have on the green parrots in the City . Danny Sam , Temple City residenUspeaking on behalf of appellant Josephine Chan , commented on the aesthetic and possible negative health effects of the proposed wireless communication tower . Jerry Ambrose , AT&T representative , addressed the concerns made by the appellants and answered City Counc il questions . Ruth Giese , Temple C ity resident, commented that she rarely not ices the two wireless cellular towers near her home . Michael Johnsto n , representing the Church, spoke i n favor of the proposed wireless communication facility project. Linda Candy, Denn is Biel , Burt Weiner , members of the public and Temple City residents , spoke in favor of the proposed wireless communication facility project. David Yen , Sandy Wang, Frank Liu , Philip Phan , Dipen Shah , Eric Chau , John Su , Shun Zhang , Temple City residents and members of the public, spoke against the proposed wireless communication facility and tower project. Steve Stafford , Temple City res ident, expressed concern regard i ng the distance between the proposed w ireless commun ication tower and the wireless facility . City Counc il Minutes April19 , 2016 Page 5 of 10 City Council recessed at 9 :36 p.m . and reconvened at 9:47 p .m. with all members of the C ity Council p re se nt . Matthew, Janet Wong , M ichael Applely , Temple City resident , spoke against the proposed wireless communication facility project. Jerry Ambrose , AT&T representat ive , addressed the comments made by members of the public and City Counc il. James Cleary, Temple City resident/appellant, commented on the proposed wireless communication tower and fac ility project. Danny Sam , Temple City resident/ speaking on beha lf of appellant Joseph i ne Chan , commented on th e proposed wireless commun ication tower and facil ity project. Hearing no further request to speak from the publ ic , Mayor Yu c lo sed the publ ic hearing . City Council made comments regarding the proposed project. Burt Weiner, Temple City resident/Bethlehem Church Board of D irectors President , answered City Counc il question regarding the height of the tree on the Church property. Councilmember Chavez made a motion to adopt Resolution No . 16-5 160 f ind i ng that the project is exempt from th e Cal iforn ia Env ironmental Quality Act and approved Fil e No . 13-174 subject to the conditions of approval. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Sternquist and carried by the follow in g votes : AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN : ABSENT: Counc ilmember -Chavez , Fis h , Sternquist, Yu Cou ncilmember-Man Councilmember-None Councilmember-None B. INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING FOR ORDINANCE NO. 16-1013 AMENDING THE TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE As mandated by the State , the City Council is requested to adopt Ordinance No . 16-1013 to meet the criterion of the State and be consis tent with the regulations of ne ighboring jurisdictions in the San Gabriel Valley . The essential goal of the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance is to promote water conservation . City Council M i nutes Ap ril19 , 2016 Page 6 of 10 City Manager Cook gave a brief history regarding the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance . Plann i ng Manager Re im er gave a summary of the staff report. Mayor Yu opened public comment. Hearing no request to speak , Mayor Yu closed pu blic comment. Councilmember Man made a motion to introduce, for first reading by title only , Ordinance No . 16-1013 amending Chapter 1 of T itle 9 of the Temple City Municipal Code to establish a Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance ; adopt the Guidel ines for the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance ; and schedule the second read in g of Ordinance No . 16-1013 for May 3 , 2016 . Se conde d by Mayor ProTem Sternqui st and carried by the following votes : AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN : ABSENT: Councilmember-Chavez , Fish , Man , Sternqu ist , Yu Council member -None Council member-None Councilmember -None 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None 10 . NEW BUSINESS A. ADOPTIO N OF RESOLUT ION NO . 16 -5159 REQUESTING THAT METRO DESIGNATE 2 % OF GROSS ANNUAL REVENUES OF PROPOSED MEASURE R2 FOR A GREEN COMPLETE STREETS PROGRAM TO ASSIST C ITIES IN FUND ING STORMWATER PROGRAMS AS REQUIRED BY THE MS4 PERMIT The City Council is requested to adopt Resolution No . 16-5159, to express the Cit y's support for the establishment of a green complete streets program as part of Measure R2 . City Manager Cook provided a brief introduction on the proposed resolution regarding Measure R2 . Mayor Yu opened public comment. Lili an De Loza-Gutierrez , Metro representative , spo ke briefly regard ing the proposed Measu re R2 . Hearing no further request to speak from t he pub li c , Mayor Yu closed public c omment. City Counc il M inutes April19 , 2016 Page 7 of 10 Councilmember Chavez made a motion to adopt Reso lut ion No . 16-5159 and authorize the Mayor to sign a letter requesting that Metro designate 2% of gross annual revenues of proposed Measure R2 for a green comp lete streets program to ass ist cities in funding storm water programs as requ ired by the Mun icipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4 ) Permit. Seconded by Councilmember Man and carried by the fol lowing votes : AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN : ABSENT : Councilmember-Chavez , Fish , Man , Sternqu ist , Y u Cou ncil member-None Council member-None Council member-None 11 . COMMUNICATIONS -No ne 12. UPDATE FROM CITY MANAGER Provided an update on h is meeting with Southern California Edison regard i ng the rel iab il ity of their network in Temple City. 13. UPDATE FROM CITY ATTORNEY-None 14. COUNCIL REPORTS REGARDING AD HOC OR STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS A. SCHOOL DISTRICT/CITY STANDING COMMITIEE (Councilmember Chavez and Counci lmember Fish )-Formed 1/3/2012 No report . B. CIVIC CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Yu and Co unci lmember Fish )-Formed 5/13 /2013 No report . C . STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STANDING COMMITIEE (Councilmember Chavez and Mayor Pro Tern Sternqu ist )-Formed 1/2 7/2014 No report . D. LAS TUNAS DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION STANDING COMM ITIEE (Mayor Yu and Co uncilmember Cha vez)-Formed 2/18 /2014 No report . r-------------- City Counc il Minutes April 19 , 2016 Page 8 of 10 E. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTIES STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Yu and Councilmember Man)-Formed 2/18/2014 No report . F. AUDIT STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Yu and Councilmember Chavez)-Formed 7/15/2014 No report . G . WATER CONSERVATION AD HOC (Councilmember Chavez and Counci lmember Fish ) -Formed 6/2/2015 No report . H. FACILITIES , PUBLIC WORKS , AND INFRASTRUCTURE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Mayor Yu and Councilmember Man)-Formed 2/4/2014 No report. I. DECORATIVE STREET DESIGN ELEMENT AD HOC COMMITTEE (Mayor Yu and Councilmember Man )-Formed 11/3/2015 No report . J . NEW CHILDREN 'S LIBRARY AD HOC COMMITTEE (Mayor Pro Tern Sternquist and Councilmember Fish)-Formed 12/15/15 No report. K. SPECIAL ELECTION AD HOC COMMITTEE (Mayor Yu and Councilmember Chavez)-Formed 12/15/15 No report . Mayor Yu established a City Commissioner Recruitment Ad Hoc Committee and appointed Mayor Pro Tern Sternquist and Councilmember Man to the committee . Mayor Yu established a City Budget Ad Hoc Committee and appointed Council member Man and himself to the committee. 15. COUNCIL ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE CITY MANAGER'S REGULAR AGENDA City Council Minutes April 19 , 2016 Page 9 of 10 A. COUNC ILMEMBE R CHAVEZ Congratulated staff on another successful Volunteer Appreciation Lu ncheon th is year. B . COUNC ILM EMBER FISH Commented on the Regiona l Mayor's Summit she attended . C. COUNC ILMEMBE R MAN Also spoke about the Volunteer Appreciation Lun cheon this past weekend and co ngratulated Planning Commissione r Marston for being recogn ized by Congresswomen Chu as Woman of the Year . D. MAYOR PROTEM STERNQUIST Commented on the Metro meet in g, San Gabriel Valley Counc il of Government meeti ng , and Southern California Association of Government meet ing she attended . E. MAYOR YU Commented on the Volunteer App reci at ion Luncheon . 16. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES TO CITY OFFICIALS FOR CONDUCT OF CITY BUSINESS AND FOR CITY PAYMENT OF CONFERENCE EXPENDITURES -None 17. RECESS TO SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING At 11:1 1 p.m ., the C ity Council recessed to the Successor Agency Meeting . Minutes of the Successor Agency Meeting are set forth in fu ll i n the Successor Agency 's records . RECONVENE AS CITY COUNCIL The City Council meeting was reconvened at 11 :12 p.m . with all Councilmembers present. 18. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA-No ne City Counci l Minutes April 19 , 2016 Page 10 of 10 19. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Yu adjourned the meeting at 11 :12 p .m . V i ncent Yu , Mayor ATTEST: Peggy Kuo , City Clerk