HomeMy Public PortalAbout05) 7D Adoption of Ordinance 16-1013 Amending the TCMC Water Efficient Landscape OrdinanceAGENDA ITEM 7 .0. COMMUNITY DEVELOPME NT DEPARTMENT DATE: TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM May 3, 2016 The Honorable City Council Bryan Cook , City Manager Via : Michael D. Forbes , Community Development Director~ By : Hesty Li u, Associate Pl anner SUBJECT : SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 16-1013 AMENDING THE TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE (WELO) AND GUIDELINES RECOMMENDATION: The City Counci l is request ed to waiv e further readi ng and adopt Ordinance No. 16- 101 3 amending the Muni c ipal Code for th e adoption of the Temp le City Wate r Effic ie nt Landscape Ordinance and Guidelines (Attachme nts "A " and "B"). BACKGROUND : On April 19, 2016 , th e City Council i ntroduced Ordinance No . 16-1 013 for first reading , by titl e only , ame ndi ng th e Municipa l Cod e for the adop t io n of the Te m ple City Water Efficient Landscape Ord inan ce a nd G uid e lin es. ANALYSIS: Adopting a WELO is a State statutory re quire ment. A loca l ju risdiction can adopt the State Mode l WELO (MWELO) or develop it s own vers io n if the changes to th e State MWELO wou ld not re du ce th e effective ness of th e ordinance . As detailed in the staff report for the Cou nci l meeting of April 19 , 20 16 (Attachment "C"), the proposed WELO is developed on th e reg io nal te mplate of the San Gabriel Council of Governments (COG), which is based on the MWELO and maintains the effectiveness in implementing the goals of water conservation. Many neighboring j urisd ictions in the San Gabrie l V all ey have use d the COG 's te mplate for a loca l WELO. Adopting the proposed WELO will enable t he City to regulate landscape developments in a manner cons istent with .------------~------- City Council May 3, 2016 Page 2 of 2 other cities in the region . CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: Adopting the proposed ordinance wou ld further the City Strategic Goals of Susta inable Infrastructure . FISCAL IMPACT : The proposed ordinance would have no impact on the Fiscal Year 2016-17 City Budget. ATTACHMENTS: A. Ordinance No . 16-1013 B . Temple City Water Efficient Guidelines C. City Counci l staff report dated Apri l 19, 2016 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 16 -1013 Attachment A AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY AMENDING CHAPTER 1 (ZONING CODE) OF TITLE 9 (ZONING REGULATIONS) OF THE TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH THE CITY'S WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE WHEREAS, Article X , Sectio n 2 of the California Constitu ti on specifies that the right to use water is limited to the amount reasonably required f or the beneficia l use to be served , and the right does n ot and shall not extend to waste or unreasonable method of use of water. WHEREAS , the wate rs of th e State are of limited supply and are subject to every inc reasin g demands; and WHEREAS , the cont inuation of Ca lifornia 's econom ic prosperity is dependent on the availability of adequate supplies of wate r for future uses; and WHEREAS , the State Legislature made f indings in AB 188 1, chaptered in 2006 , related to wate r use, waste , conservation and efficiency ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to AB 18 8 1, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) developed a State's Model Water Effici ent Land scape Ordinance ; and WHEREAS, Governor Brown's Drought Executive Order of Apri l 1, 2015 (EO B-29-15) directed DWR to update the State 's Model W ater Efficient Landscape Ord inance (Ordinance) through expedited regu lation . The Ca lifornia Wate r Commission approved the revised Ordinan ce on July 15 , 2015; and WHEREAS , The Executive Order (EO B-29 -15) requires that Loca l agencies (ci ties and cou nti es), by December 1, 2015 , adopt the Model Ordin ance or adopt the ir ow n ordinance which must be at least as effective in co nserving w ater as the State 's Ord ina nce . If a local agency does not take action by the specified date, the State's Ordinance becomes effective by defau lt. WHEREAS , the C ity of Temple City in tends to amend its Zon in g Code to esta blish the City's Water Efficien t Landscape Ordinance, wh ich wou ld be "at least as effective as" the 2015 updated Sta te's Model Water Efficien t Landscape O rdin ance . THE C ITY COUNCI L OF THE CITY OF TEMP LE CITY HEREBY OR DAIN S AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Based upon information prese nted in the staff reports, and based upon the public input before and duri ng the noticed public hearing , Chapter 1 (Zoning Code) of T itle 9 (Zon ing Regulations ) of the T emple C ity Munic ip al Code is amended . SECTION 2. Th e City Coun cil hereby determines t hat the Ord inance is exempt from re view under the California Environmen tal Qual ity Ac t ("CEQA") (California Public Resources Code Sect ion 21000 et seq .), because pursuant to State CEQA Regu lation 15307 (14 Cal. Code Regs .,§ 15307). The Ordinance is covered by the CEQA Categorical Exemptio n for actions take n to assure the maintenance, restoration , enhancemen t , or protection of a natura l reso u rce where the regu latory process in volves procedures for protection of the enviro n ment. The adopt io n of th is Ordinance will resu lt in th e enhancement and protec tion of wate r resources in the City, and will not re sult in cum ulative adve rse env ironment im pacts . It is therefore exempt from th e prov isions of CEQA. SECTION 3. The Mun ici pal Code sha ll be amended by addi ng Article X to Chapter 1 of T itle 9 of the Muni cipal Code whic h shall read as follows: Ordinance 16-10 13 Water Effic ient Landsca pe Ord ina nce Page 2 of 7 ARTICLE X . TEMPLE CITY WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE 9-1X-O: Purpose The purpose of th e City 's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance is to establish an alternat ive model acceptab le under Governor Brown 's April 1, 20 15 Dro ught Execu tive Order (B-19-25) as being at least as effective as the Sta te Model Water Efficient Landscape Ord inance in the context of conditions in the City in order to: Promote the benefits of cons istent la ndscape o rdinances with neighboring local and reg ion al agencies; Promote th e values and benefits of landscapes while recognizing the need to invest water and other resources as effi ciently as possible; Establish a structu re fo r pla nn ing , designing , insta ll ing , and maintaining and managi ng water effi cient la ndscapes in new construction and rehabilitated projects ; Establish pro visions for wate r management practices and water waste preven tio n fo r exis ting landscapes; Use water efficie ntly witho ut waste by setting a Maximum Applied W ate r Allowance as an upper limit for water use and reduce water use to th e lowest practical amount; and Encoura ge the use of economic in ce ntives that promote the efficient use of water, suc h as imp lementing a budget-based tiered-rate structure, providing rebate incentives and offering educational programs. [N ote: A uth ority cited : Section 65593 , Governmen t Code . Refe rence: Sections 6559 1, 65593 , 65596 , Government Code .) 9-1 X-1: Applicability New landscape projects with an aggregate landscape area equa l to or greater than 500 sq uare feet, requ irin g a building or landscape permit, plan check or design rev iew; Re habi litated landscape proj ec ts with an aggregate landscaped area equal to or greater than 2 ,500 squa re feet , requiring a building or landscape permit, pla n check or desig n review; New or reh abilitated lan dsca pe projects with a n aggregate lan dscape area of 2 ,500 square feet or less may comp ly with the performance requirements of this ordinance o r con form to the prescript ive mea sures contained in Appendix A of the Guidelines; New or rehab ilitated projects using treated or untreated graywater or rain water capture on site , any lot or parcels withi n the project that has less than 2,500 squa re feet of landscape area and meets the lo t or parcel 's landscape water requirement (Es timated Total Water Use) en t irel y with the treated or untreated graywa ter or though stored rainwater capture on site is subj ect only to Appendix A of the Guidelines . Th is Water Effi cient Landsc ape Ordinance does not apply to : ------------------- Ordinance 16-1013 Water Efficient Landscape Ord ina nce Page 3 of 7 Reg istered loca l, state , or federal historical sites ; Eco logica l restorat io n projects th at do not require a permanent irrigation system ; Mined-land reclamat io n proj ect s that do not requ ire a permanent irrig ation system ; or Plant col lections , as part of botanical gardens and arbore tums open to th e public. {Note : Authority Cited: Section 65595, Government Code . Reference : Se ction 65596, Government Code.] 9-1 X -2: Landscape Water Use Standards For app li cable la nd scape installation or rehabilitation projects subject to Section 9-1X-1 of this Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, the Estimated Total Water Use al lowed for the landscaped area shall not exceed the MAWA calculated using an ET adjustment factor of 0.55 for residentia l areas and 0.45 fo r non-residential a reas, except for special l andscaped areas where the MAWA is calc ulated using an ET adju stme nt factor of 1.0; or the design of the landscaped area shall otherwise be shown to be equivale ntl y water-efficie nt in a manner acceptable to the City ; as provided in th e Guidelines . Ir rig ation of all landscaped areas sha ll be conducted in a manner co nforming to the ru les and requirements , and shall be subj ect to penalties and ince ntives for water co n servation and water waste prevention as determined and im plemented by th e local water purveyor or as mutua ll y agreed by loca l water purveyor an d the local agency . 9 -1X-3 : Implementation Prior to insta ll ation , a Landscape Documentation Package s hall be subm itted to the Ci ty for rev iew and approva l of all landscape projects subject to t he pr ovisions of this Wate r Efficient Landscape Ordi nance . Any Landscape Documentation Package submitted to the City shall comp ly with the specifications of th e Guidelines. The Landscape Documentation Package shall include a certification by a professio nal appropriately licensed in the State of California stating that the landscape design and water use calculations have been prepared by o r under the supervision of the licensed profess ional and are certified to be in compliance w ith th e provis ions of this Water Efficient Landsca pe Ord inance and the Gu ideli nes . The f ollowing sha ll be the m inimum requirements : Landscape and ir r igation p la ns shall be submitted to the Ci ty for review and approval with appropria te water use calcu lati ons . Ve rif ication of comp li ance of th e landscape installation with the approved p lans shall be obta ined through a Certification of Completion in conjunction with a Certificate of Use and Occupa ncy or Permit Fina l process , as provided in the Guidelines. [No te : Authority Cited: Section 65595, Government Code. Reference: Section 65596, Government Code .] 9 -1 X -4: T he Guidelines The City's Water Efficie nt Landscape Guidelines are created to guide the impl ementat ion of th is ordinance . It provides specific technica l and procedural guidance for the applicant to comply wi th this Ordinance. It shall have the same power of th is ordina nce and comp liance with the Guide lin e Ordinance 16-1013 Water Efficient Landsca pe Ordinance Page 4 of 7 is required for a ll ap plicable projec ts . Th e Guidel ines is also intended for use and reference by City staff in rev iew in g and approving th e desig ns and ve r ifyi ng compliance . 9-1X-5: Delegation. The Ci ty may delegate to , or enter into a con tract with , a local agency to implement, administer, and/o r enforce any of the prov isions of th e Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance includin g t he Guidelines. 9-1X-6: Definitions The following definitions are applica ble to th is Chapte r: "Aggregate landscape areas" pertains to th e areas undergoing deve lopment as one project or for prod uction home neighborhoods or other si tu ati ons where mu ltip le parcels are undergoing development as one project, but wi ll eventua ll y be individua lly owned . "App lied water' means th e portion of wate r supplied by the irrigation system to the landscape. "Budget-based tiered-ra te structure" mea ns ti ered or bloc k rates for irrig ation accounts c harged by the retail water agency in which t he bloc k defini ti on fo r each cus tomer is derived from lo t size or ir rigated area and th e evapotranspira tio n requirements o f land scaping. "Ecological restoration proje cf' means a project w he re the site is in tentionally al tered to establ ish a defined , indigenous, his toric ecosystem . "Estimated Total Water Use" means the average annua l total amount of wate r estimated to be necessary to keep plants in a healthy state, calcula ted as provided in the Guidelines. It is based o n the reference evapotranspiration rate, the size of the land scape area , plant water use factors , and the relative irrigation efficiency of the irrig ation system . "ET adjustment factor' or "E TA F" means a factor that , when applie d to refe rence evapotra nspi ration, adjusts for plant factors and irrig ation efficie ncy, the two major influ ences upon the amount of wate r that nee ds to be applie d to the landscape. "Guidelines" refers to the Guide li nes for Implementatio n of the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance , as adopted by the Ci t y, w hi c h desc r ibes procedures, calculat ions, and requ ireme nts fo r landscape projects subject to this Water Efficient Landscape O rdin ance. "Hardscapes" means any durable materia l or feature (pervious a nd non-pervious) insta lled in or around a landscaped area, such as pavements or wa ll s. Pools and othe r water fe atures are conside red part of the landscaped area and not considered hardscapes for pu r poses of this Water Efficie nt Landscape Ordinance . "Irrigation efficiency" means the measureme nt of the amount of water beneficially used divided by the amo unt of water applied . Irrigation efficiency is derived from measurements and estimates of irr igation system characteristics a nd ma nagement practices. T he irrigation efficiency for purposes of this Water Efficient Landscape Ordinan ce are 0 .75 for overhead spray devices and 0 .. 81 fo r drip systems. "Landscaped area" mea ns al l the planting a reas , turf areas, a nd water features in a landscape design plan subject to the Max im um Applied Water Allowance and Estimated Applied Water Use calculatio ns. The landscaped area does not inc lude footpr int s of buildings or struc tures, sidewalks, driveways , parking lots , decks, patios, grave l or stone walks, other pervious or non-pervious hardscapes , and other no n- ir rigated areas designated f or non -development (e.g., open spaces and existing na tive vegetation). Ordinance 16-1013 Water Efficient Landscape Ord inance Page 5 of 7 "Landscape contractor" means a person lice ns ed by the State of California to construct , maintain, repair, ins tall , or subcontract the development of landscape systems . "Landscape Documentation Package" means th e documen ts requ ired to be provided to the City for review and app roval of landscape design projects , as describe d in the Guidelines. "Landscape projecf' means total area of land scape in a project, as provided in the defin ition of "landscaped area," meeting the requirements under Sect ion 1.1 of this Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. "Lo ca l agency'' means a city or county , including a charter city or charter county , that is authorized to im plem ent, administer, and/or enforce any of the provisions of the Water Efficient Landscape Ord inance . The local agency may be responsible for the enforcement or delegation of enforcement of this Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance in clu ding, but not limited to, design review, plan check , issuance of permits, and inspection of a landscape project. "Local water purveyor' means any entity, includ ing a public agency, ci ty , county, or priv ate water company that provides retail water se rvice. "Maximum Applied Water Allowan ce" or "MAWA " means the upper limit of annual applied wa ter for the established landscaped area as specified in Section 2.2 of the Guidelines . It is based upon the area 's reference evapotranspiration , the ET Adjustment Factor, and the siz e of the landscaped area . The Estimated Applied Water Use shall not exceed th e Maximum App lied Water Allowance. MAWA = (E Ta) (0.62) [(ETAF x LA )+ ((1-ETAF) x SLA)) "Mined-land reclamation projects" means any surface m ining operation with a reclamation plan approved in accordance with the Surface Mining and Reclamation Ac t of 1975 . "New construction" means , for the purposes of this Water Efficient Land scape Ordinance, a new building with a landscape or other new landscape such as a park , playground , or greenbelt without an associated building . "Non-pervious" means any surface or natural material that does not allow for the passage of wate r through the material and into the underlying soil. "Pervious" means any surface or material that allows the passage of water through the material and into the under lying soil. "Permif' means an authorizing document issued by local agencies for new construction or rehabilitated landscape . "Plant factor' or "plant wa ter use factor' is a factor, when mu ltiplied by ETo , that estimates the amount of water needed by plants. For purposes of this Water Effic ie nt Landscape Ord inance , th e plant factor range for very low water use plants is 0 to 0.1; the plant fa ctor ra nge f or low water use plants is 0 to 0.3; the plant factor range for moderate water use plants is 0.4 to 0.6 ; and the plant factor range for high water use plants is 0 . 7 to 1.0 . Plant factors cited in thi s Water Efficie nt Landscape Ordinance are derived from the publication "Water Use Classifica tion of Landscape Species." Plant factors may also be obta ined from horticultural resea rche rs f rom academic institutions or professiona l assoc ia tions as approved by the California Department of Wate r Resources (DWR). "Recycled water' or "reclaimed water' means treated o r recycled was te water of a quality su itable for non- potab le uses s uch as land scape ir ri gation and wate r features. Th is water is not intended for human consumption . Ordinance 16-1013 Wate r Efficien t La ndscape Ordinance Page 6 of 7 "Reference evapotranspiration" or "ETa" means a standard measu rement of environmental parameters w hic h affect th e wa ter use of plan ts . ETo is given expressed in inches pe r day, mo nth, or year as rep resen ted in Appen d ix A of the Guidelines, a nd is an estimate of the evapotranspiration of a large fie ld of fou r-to seven-inch ta ll , coo l-season grass th at is we ll watered . Reference evapotranspiration is used as the basis of determining th e Ma ximum Applied Water Allowances. "Re habilitated landscape" means any re-landscap ing project that meets the app licability criteria of this ordina nce, where the mod ified landscape area is greater than 2 ,500 square fee t. "Smart irrigation controller'' means an automa ti c irrigation contro ll ers utilizing eithe r evapotransp ira tion or soi l moisture sensor data wit h non-volatil e memory shall be required for irr igation scheduling in a ll ir riga ti o n systems, reco mmending U.S. EP A W aterSense labeled devices as app li cable. "Special landscape area" means an area of the landscape dedicated solely to edible plants such as orch ards an d vegeta bl e garde ns , areas irriga ted with recycled water, water features us ing recycled wate r, and recreational areas dedicated to active p lay such as parks, sports fields , go lf cou r ses , and where turf provides a playing surface. "Turf' means a groun d cover surface of mowed grass . Annua l blu egrass, Kentucky bluegrass, Peren n ia l ryeg rass, Red fescue , and Tall fescue are coo l-season grasses . Bermudag rass , Kikuyugrass , Seashore Pas palum , St. August ineg r ass, Zoysiagrass , and Buffalo grass are warm-seaso n grasses. "Va l ve " means a device u sed to contro l the flow of wate r in an irrigation system . "Water feature" means a design element where open water performs an aesthetic or recreational fu nction. Water features incl u de po nds, lakes , wa terfa ll s, fou ntains , artificial streams, spas, and swimm ing poo ls {wh ere water is artificia ll y supp li ed ). The surface area of water feature s is included in the high wate r use hydrazone of the landscaped area . Constructed wetlands used fo r on-si te wastewate r treatment , habitat pro tec tion or sto r m wate r best management pract ices that are not irr igated a nd used sole ly fo r wate r trea tmen t or storm wa ter retention are not wa ter features and , therefore, are not s ubject to the wate r budget calculation . (Note : Autho rity Ci ted : Section 65595 , Government Code. Refere nce: Sec tions 65592 , 65596 , Government Code .) SECTION 4 . Severability. The provisio ns of thi s Ord inance are severable, and the invalidity of any sectio n, paragraph , phrase , clause , or part of this Ordinance sha ll not affect the validity or effectiv eness of the remainder of t his Ordin ance . SECTION 5 . This Ordi nance sha ll be effective on the 31st day after adoption . SECTION 6. The City C ler k shall certify to th e passage and adop tio n of this ordinance and to its approva l by t he Mayor and sha ll cause the same to be p ublished acco rding to law. APPR OVED AND A DOPTE D TH IS TH IRD DAY OF MAY, 2016. Ordinance 16-1013 W ater Efficient Landscap e O rd inance Page 7 of 7 ATIEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATIORNEY I, City Clerk of th e City of Temple City , hereby ce rt ify t hat the f oregoing Ordinance 16-1013 was introdu ced at the regular m eetin g of the City Council of the City of Temple C ity held o n the 191h day of April , 2016 and was duly p assed, approved and adopted by said Council , approved and signed by the Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk at the reg ular meeting he ld on the 3rd day of Ma y , 2016 by t he following vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: CI T Y CLERK Councilmember- Cou nc i lmem ber- Councilmember- Attachment 8 i y f Water Efficient Landscape Guidelines TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. 1. Purpose, App li cab ili ty, and Ame n dment .......................................................... 2 1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Appli cabil ity .............................................................................................. 3 1.3 Ame ndm ent(s) .......................................................................................... 4 2. Sub mittal Requirement s for New Land scape Installatio ns or Land scape Rehabilitati o n Projects ........................................................................................ 4 2.1 El ements of the Land scape Documentation Packag e ........................ 4 2.2 W at e r Effi c ie nt Land sc ape Ca lc ulations a nd A lternatives .................. 6 2.3 Soi l a nd Sto r mwater Managem ent ....................................................... 9 2.4 La ndscape Des i g n Plan ......................................................................... ll 2.5 Irrigation De sig n Pl an ........................................................................... 15 2.6 Grad ing Design Plan .............................................................................. 2 1 2.7 Cert ifi cat io n of Comp letion .................................................................. 22 2.8 Post -In sta llation I rrigati o n Schedul ing ............................................... 23 2.9 Po st-In sta llatio n Landsca pe and Irriga tion M ainte nance ................ 24 3. Provisions for Ex isting Land sca pe s .................................................................. 24 4. Pub li c Edu ca ti o n ................................................................................................ 24 Appendix A: Pre sc ri ptive Comp li ance Optio n ....................................................... 26 Appen dix B: Cert ifi cation of Landscape Des ign .................................................... 29 Appen dix C-1: Water Effi ci ent Landscap e Worksh ee t ......................................... 30 Appendix C-2: Worksheet Equations and Compliance requireme nts ............... 3 1 Appen dix C-3: Water Efficient La nd scape Wo rks heet Pl ant and Irrigation Effi cien cy Facto rs ............................................................................................... 32 Append ix C-4 : Water Effi c i ent Land scape Worksheet Examp le .......................... 33 App end ix D: Referen ce Eva potransp iration Tab le ................................................ 34 Append ix E: Ce rtificate of Comp leti o n ................................................................... 35 Appendi x F: Definiti ons ............................................................................................ 37 Ap pend ix G: Irrigation Pla n Check li st ..................................................................... 43 1. Purpose, Applicability, and Amendment 1.1 Purpose (A) The primary purpose of these Guidel in es is to provide procedural and design g ui dance for project applicants proposing landsca pe installatio n or re hab i l itation project s that are subj ec t to the requireme nts of th e Water Efficient Landscape Ord in ance . Thi s docu m e nt is a lso intended f or use and referenc e by City sta ff in reviewing and approvi ng designs a nd ve rifying co mpliance with the Water Efficient La nd scape Ordinance . The genera l goa l of th e Water Efficient La ndscape Ordinance is to promote the design, installation, and maintena nc e of landscap i ng in a manner that conserves regio n al water resources by ensuring t hat landscaping projects are not undu ly wate r -needy and that irrigation sys t ems are app rop riat ely designed and in stalled to minimize water waste. (B) Other regul at ions affec ting landscape design and mainte n ance pract ices are potentia ll y app li cab le and sho uld be cons ulted for additiona l requ irements. Th ese reg ul at io ns in clude but m ay not be limited to: (1) State of Califo rnia Assemb ly Bill 1881; (2) Nati o nal Po llutant Di scha rge Eli m in at ion Pe rmit f or th e Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System; (3) Water Conservatio n and Droug ht Response Reg ul ations of the Local Water Purveyor; (4) Regulations of the Loca l Water Purveyor gove rni ng use of Recycled Water; (5) Zoni ng Code; (6) Building Code; (7) Specific Plans, Master Plan s, Ge nera l Plan, or simil ar land use and pl ann ing docu m ents; and (8) Conditions of ap prova l for a spec if i c project 2 1.2 Applicability {A) The Water Efficient Landscap e Ordinance and these Guide lin es app ly to all of the following landsca pe proj ects : {1) New land sca pe projects w ith an agg regate landscape area equal to or greater t han 500 squa re feet, req uirin g a building or land scape p e rm it , plan chec k o r design review; {2) Rehabi litated landscape projec t s w ith an aggregate landscape area equal t o or g re ater than 2,500 square feet, requiring a building or la nd scape permit, plan check or design review; {3) Ne w or rehab ilitated la nd scape project s w ith an aggregate land scape area o f 2,50 0 square f ee t or less may co mply w ith t he performance requirements of th is ordin ance or con form to the pre scrip tive measures contained in Appe ndi x A; {4) New or rehabi litated projects using trea t ed or untreated graywater or rainwater ca pture on si t e, a ny lot o r parce ls w ithin th e project that has less th a n 2,5 00 square feet of la nd scape area and meets the lo t o r parce l's land sca pe wate r require m ent (Estimated Tot a l W ate r Use) entire ly with the treated or untreated graywate r o r tho ugh sto red rainwater capture on site is subject only to Appendix A Section (5). {B) The requirements o f the Guidelines may be partially or w ho ll y waived, at the dis cret i on of th e City or its des ignee, f or landscape rehabi l itation projects that are limited to replace m ent pl a nting s w ith equal or lower water needs and where th e irrig atio n system is found t o be des ign ed, o pe ra bl e and programm ed consisten t w ith minimizi ng water waste in accordance w ith local water purveyor reg ul ati o ns. {C) Unless oth erwise determined by the City, the Wate r Efficient Landscape Ordinance and these Guide lin es do not apply to: {1) Reg istered loca l, sta t e, or federal hi sto ri ca l sites; {2) Ecolog ica l resto ration projects that do not require a permanent irri gatio n sys t em; {3) Mined -land re cl amati o n projects that do not req ui re a permanent irri gation sy stem; or 3 (4) Plant collectio ns, as part of botanical gardens, and arboretums open t o the public. 1.3 Amendment(s) The City ca n amend this Gu id elines from time to time for the purpose of effective ly implementing the goals of the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. An y amendment sha ll require the re view and approval of the Planning Co mmissio n at a noticed public hearing. 2. Submittal Requirements for New Landscape Installations or Landscape Rehabilitation Projects Discretiona ry approval is typicall y required for landscape projects that are subject to site plan reviews, or where a var iance or a Conditiona l Use Permit is reques ted, or other procedura l processes apply such that standard or spec ial cond itions of approval may be required by the City. Discretionary projects with co nditions o f approva l may be approved admi ni stratively by City staff, o r acted on formal ly by th e Planning Commission, City Council, or other jurisdictiona l authority. A typical stan dard condition of approval reads : "Landscaping for the project shall be designed to comply with the City 's Water Efficient Lands cape Ordinance and with the Guidelin es for Impl ementation of the Water Effi cie nt Lan dscape Ordinance ." Landscape or water features that typically require a mini st erial permit (i.e., a building, p lumbing, electrica l, o r other sim il a r permit), thereby triggering comp li ance with the Wate r Effi cient Landscape Ordinance requ irements indepe ndently of the need for discretionary app rov al include, but are not limited to, sw imming pools, fountains or ponds, reta ining wal ls, and overhead trellises. 2.1 Elemen ts of the Landscape Documentation Package A Landscap e Documentation Pa ckage is required t o be subm itted by the project applicant for review and approva l prior to the issuance of ministe ri al permits for landscape or wa ter features by the City, and prior to start of construction . Unless otherwise directed by the City, the Landscape 4 Documentation Package shall in clud e the f ollowing elements either on p lan sheets o r supplemental pag es as directed by t he City (1) Proj ec t Information, in cluding, but not lim ited to, the following : (a) Date; (b) Project name; (c) Project address, parc el , and/o r lot number(s); (d) Tota l Land scape area (s quare feet) a nd rehabi litate d Landscape area (if appli ca ble); (e) Proj ect type (e .g ., new, re ha b i litated , public, private, cemetery, homeowner-insta ll ed ); (f) Water supply t ype (e.g ., po ta ble, recycled, or well) and identificat ion of the loca l retail wa t e r purveyor if the project app licant i s not se rv ed by a private well; (g) Ch ec kl ist or i nde x of all documents in the Landsc ape Documenta tion Pac kage ; (h) Project co ntacts, including con ta ct information for the project applica nt and property owner, (i) Certification of De sign in accord ance w ith Exhibit A of these Guidelines that incl ud es a Landsca pe professional's p ro f ess iona l sta mp, as appli ca bl e, sig nature, contact information (in clu d ing e ma il and t elephone numbe r), l ic e nse number, and d at e, cert ifyi ng th e sta t e m ent t hat "Th e design of this p roject complies w ith the requirements of the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordina nce" and shall bear the signatu re of the Landscape professional as requi red by law; and (j) A ny o th e r informatio n the City deems relevan t f o r determ inin g w heth er the lands cape project complies w ith the Wate r Efficient Landscape Ordinance and these Guide lin es . 5 --------·----------------------------------------- (2) Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) and Estimated Total Water Use (E TWU ) ex pressed as annua l totals including, but not limited to, th e following : (a) Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet for the landscape project; (b) Hydrazone information table for the landscape project; and (c) Wate r b udget calc ulati o ns fo r th e la nd scape p roject. (3) A soi l management report or spec ifi ca tion s, or sp eci fi ca tion provi sion req uiring soi l tes tin g and amendment re co mmen datio ns and implementati on to b e accomp li shed during construction of the landscape project. (4) A landscape desig n plan for the landscape project. (5) An irrigation d es ign plan for the landscape project. (6) A g radin g desig n p lan, unles s gra ding information is in cl ud ed i n the landscape des ign p lan for the land sca pe project or unless the landscape project is li mited to replacement planti ng and/or irrigation to rehab ilitate an existing landscape area. [Note: Autho ri ty Cited: Section 65595, Gove rn ment Code. Reference: Sec ti o n 65596, Governme nt Code.] 2.2 Water Efficient Landscape Calculations and Alternatives (A) The project applicant shall provi d e the ca lcul ated Maximum Applied Water Allowan ce (MAWA) and Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU) for the landscape a rea as pa rt o f the Landscape Documentation Pa ckage subm ittal t o the City. The MAWA and ETWU shall be calcu lated based on co mpletin g the Water Effi cient Landscape Worksheets (in accordance with the sa mpl e worksheets in Appendix C) w hich contain informat ion on th e plant fa ctor, irrigation m eth od, irrigation effici ency an d area associate d with eac h hydrazone. Calculat ions are th en mad e to show that the evapotranspiration adjustmen t factor (E TAF) f or th e landscape project does not exceed a factor o f 0.55 for resident ial a reas and 0.45 for non- residen ti al areas, excl usive of Special Landscape Areas, w hi ch shall be ca lcu lated using an ETAF of 1.0. The ETAF for a landscape project is based on the plant factors and irri gation methods se lected. The Maximum Total 6 Water Allowance is calcu lated based on the ma xi mum ETAF allowed (0.55 for residential areas and 0.45 for non-res identia l areas) and expressed as an nu al gallons requi red. The ETWU is ca lculated based on the plants used and irrig ation method se lected for the lan d scape design. (B) Where the design of the landscape area can otherwise be shown to be equiva lently water-efficien t , the project applicant may submit alternative or abbreviat ed i nformation supporting the demonstration that the annual ETWU is less than the MAWA, at the disc retion of and for t he review and approval of the loca l agency. (C) Water budget calcu lations sha ll adhere to the followin g requirements: (1) Th e MAWA sha ll be calculated using the Water Efficient Landscape Worksheets and eq u ation presented in Appendix C. The example calculation on page 27 is a hypoth eti ca l example to demonstrate proper use of the equation. (2) Th e ETWU sha ll be ca lcul ated usi ng the Water Efficient La ndscape Workshe et and equations p rese nted in Appendix C. (3) For the calculat ion o f th e MAWA a nd ETWU, a project applicant shall use the ETo va lue of 50.2 for Temp le City as it is the closest locat io n to a refer ence city as provided in the Ref erence Evapotranspiration Tabl e i n Appendix D. (4) For calculation of the ETWU, the plant water use factor sha ll be determined as a ppropriate to the proj ect location f rom the Water Use Efficiency of Landscape Species (WUCOLS) Species Eva lu ation Li st or from horticultura l researc hers w ith aca demic in stitutions or profe ssional assoc iations as approved by the Californ ia Depart ment of water Resources (DWR). The plant factor ranges from 0 to 0.1 f o r very low wate r use plants, 0.1 to 0.3 for lo w water u se plants, 0.4 to 0.6 for moderate wa t er use plants, and 0.7 to 1.0 for high wate r u se plants. (5) For calcu lat in g th e ETWU, the plant water use factor sha ll be d etermined for eac h valve hy drazone ba se d on the hi ghest-wate r- use plant spec ies within th e zone. The plant fa ctor for each hydrazone may be required to be further refined as a "landscape coefficient," according to protocols defined in detai l in the WUCOLS 7 document, to reflect planting density and microclimate effects on water need at t he option of the project applicant or t he City. (6) For calculation of the ETWU, the area of a water feature shall be defined as a hig h water use hy drazone with a plant factor of 1.0. (7) For ca lculation of t he ETWU, a t emporari ly irriga t ed hydrazone area, such as an area of h ighly drought-tolerant native plants that are not intended to be irrigated after they are fully established, shall be defined as a very low water use hydrazone with a plant factor of 0.1 . (8) For calculation o f the MAWA, the ETAF for Sp ecia l Landscape Areas (SLA) shall be set at 1.0. For calculation of the ETWU, the ETAF for SLA shall be calcul ated as the SLA plant factor divided by the SLA i rrigation efficiency factor. (9) Irrigation efficiency (IE) of the 1rngation heads used within each hydrazone sha l l be ass umed to be as follows, un less otherwise i ndicated by the irrigat ion equipme nt ma nufacture r's specificatio n s or demonstrated by t he project appl icant: Irrigat ion Method Spray nozz les High effi ci ency spra y nozzl es Multi st rea m/Multi trajectory r ot ary (MSMT) nozzl es Stream roto r no zzl e Micros p ray Bubblers Drip emit t er Su bsu rface drip *DULH = .38 6 + (.6 14)(DULQJ **IE (s p ray) = (DU LH)(IM E) DULQ DULH* 6 5% 79% 70% 82% 75% 85% 70% 82% 75% 85 % **IE (drip) = Em ission uniformity (EU )(I M E) EU IE** 71 % 73% 76% 73% 76% 85% 77 % 90% 81 % 90 % 8 1% (D) Th e Maximum Applied Water Allowance sh all adhere to the follow ing requirement s: (1) The Max imum Applied Water Allowance shall be ca lculated using the equation presented in Appendix C. The reference evapotranspiration (ETo ) va l ue of 50.2 u sed for this calculation are 8 from the Reference Evapotran sp iration Table i n Appendix D and are for planning purposes on ly. For actual irrigatio n sc hedu l ing, automatic irrigation controllers are required and shall u se curre nt ETa data, such as from the Ca li fornia Irrigation Management I nformatio n System (CIMI S), othe r equivalent d ata, or so il moisture se n so r data. 2 .3 So il and Stormwater Managem ent (A) All p lanted land scape areas are req uired to ha ve f ria ble soil to maximize retent ion and infi ltration . On enginee red slopes, o n ly amended planti ng ho les n eed m ee t th is requirement. (B) In o rder to reduce runoff and encou rage healthy plant growth, a so il management repo rt sha ll be completed by th e project applicant, or his/her d es ig nee , as follows: (1) Submit soi l samples to a cert ifie d agronomic so ils laboratory for analysis and recomm endation s. (a) So il samp li ng shall be co ndu cte d in accordance with lab ora tory protoco l, i nclud i ng protoco ls rega rdin g adeq uate samp li ng depth fo r the inte nded plants. (b) The so i l analysis may include, bu t is not limited to: 1. soil t exture; 2 . infiltration rate d et e rmined by laboratory test or soi l texture infiltration rate table; 3. pH; 4 . tota l so luble sa lts; 5. so dium; 6. perce nt organic matter; a nd 7. reco mm end ations. (2) I n projects with multiple landscape installations (i.e. production home developments or common interest develop m ents that are i nsta lling la ndscapi ng) a soil sa mpl ing rate of 1 in 7 lots o r 9 approximately 15% will satisfy this requirement; evenly disbursed t hroughout t he deve lopment. Large landscape projects sha ll samp le at a rate equivale nt to 1 in 7 lots or approximately 15 % landscape area. The project applicant, or his/her des ignee, shall comply with one of the following: (a) If significa nt mass g rad i ng is not p lann ed, th e soi l ana lys is report shall be su bmitted to th e local agency as part of the Landscape Documentation Package; or (b) If significa nt mass g rading is plann ed, the so il analysis report shall be submitted to the City as part of the Certification of Completion. (c) The so i l analysis report sha ll be made avai lable, in a time ly manner, to th e prof essiona ls preparing th e landscape design plans a nd irrigation desig n p lans in o rder to make any necessary adju stments to the d esig n plans. (d) The projec t appl icant, o r h is/her designee, sha ll subm it document ati o n verifying i mp lementation of soil analysis report recommendations t o the local agency with the Certification of Completion. [Note: Au th or ity Cited: Section 65595, Government Code . Reference : Section 65596, Government Code.] (C) It is strongly recommen d ed that landscape areas be designed for capture an d infil trat ion capac ity t hat is su ffic ien t t o prevent runoff f rom impervio us surfaces (i .e. roof and paved areas) from add itional capacity as required by t h e Ci t y's Low Impact Development Stan dards as we ll any applicable reg io nal, state, or federa l reg u latio n. (D) It is reco mm ended th at sto rm water p roj ects i ncorpo rate any of t he f o ll owin g e lements to im prove on-site stormwater and dry weather runoff captu re and use : (1) Grade imperv ious su rfaces , such as driveways, during construction to drain into vegetated areas. (2) M inimize the area of impervious surfaces such as paved are as, roof, and concrete d riveways. 10 (3) Incorporate pervious or porous surfaces (e.g. gravel, permeable pavers or blocks, pervious or porous concrete) that minimize runoff (4) Direct runoff from paved surfaces and roof areas into planting beds or landscape areas to ma ximize site water capture and reuse . (5) Incorporate rain gardens, ciste rn s, and o th er rain harvesting or catchment systems. (6) Incorporate infiltration beds, swales, basins, and drywells to capture stormwater and dry weather runoff and in crease percolation into th e soil. (7) Consider constructed wetlands and ponds that retain water, equalize excess flow, and filter pollutants. [N ote: Authority cited : Section 65595, Government Code. Reference: Section 65596, Government Code.] 2.4 Landscape Design Plan (A) For the efficient use of water, a landscape shall be careful ly designed and planned for the intended function of the project. The following design cr iteria shall be submitted as part of the Landscape Documentation Package. (1) Plant Material (a) Any p lant may be se lected for the landscape area provided the ETWU in the landscape area does not exceed the MAWA. Methods to achieve water efficiency shall include one or more of the following : (2) Protection and p reservation of non-invasive water-co nserving plant, tree and turf spec i es; (3) Selection of wate r -conserving plant, tree and turf species; (4) Selection of plants based on loca l climate suitability, disease and pest resistance ; II {5) Se lection of t rees based on applicable City and loca l tree o rdi nances o r t ree shad in g g uid eli nes, and size at ma t urity as a p p ropri ate fo r th e p lanti ng a rea ; and {6) Se l ection of p lants from local and regiona l landsca pe program p lant list s. {7) Se lect ion of p lants f rom loca l Fue l Mod ifi ca ti on Plan Guidel i nes. {B) Eac h hydrazone sha ll have plant mate ri als wi t h sim i la r wa t e r use; with th e exce ption of hydrozo nes w ith p la nts of m ixe d wa t er use, as speci fi ed i n Sec t io n 2.5(a)(2)(D) of these Guidelines. {C) Pl an t s shall be se lec t ed and planted ap propria t ely base d upon thei r ad aptabi l ity to t h e clim at ic, geol ogic, and to pog raphi ca l co ndi tio ns o f t he p roj ec t site. Me th o d s t o ac hieve wa t er efficiency sha ll i nclud e o ne o r mo re of th e f ol lowing: (1 ) Use the Sunset W es t ern Cli m at e Zone Sys t em, o r equiva lent ge ne ral ly acce pted m o d e ls, w hi ch t akes into acco unt t e m pera ture, h u midity, e levat io n, t er rain , lati tu de, and vary ing degrees of continental and marine infl uence o n loca l climate; (2) Recogn ize th e ho rt icu ltural attri b utes of p lants (i.e., m ature pl an t size, invasive su rface roo t s) to min i mize damage t o p ro perty or i nfrastructure (e.g., bui ld ings, sidewalks, an d powe r lin es); allow fo r adequate so il vo lu me for hea lt hy roo t g rowt h and (3) Con side r the so lar orie ntat ion f o r p lant pl ace m ent t o m ax 1m1ze summer shade a nd w inter solar ga in . {D) Turf is di scou raged on slo pes greate r t han 25% whe re t he toe of the slope is adja ce nt to a n imperm ea bl e har d sca pe and w he re 2 5% mea ns 1 f oot o f vertical el evat ion change f or every 4 feet of horizonta l len gth (rise divided by run x 1 00 = slope pe rcent). {E) High water u se p lants, charac t er ize d by a pl an t factor of 0 .7 t o 1.0, a re p ro hib ited in street me dians. (F) The use of invasive p la nt spec ies plant species, such as those l isted by the Ca li fo rni a I nvasive Plat Co un ci l, is st rong ly disco uraged. 12 (G) The arch itectural guidelines o f a commo n interest development, whic h i ncl ude community apartm en t projects, con d o miniums, p lanned de ve lo pme nts, and stock cooperatives, shal l not prohib it o r include conditions that have t he effect of pro hib iting the use of water efficient plant spec ies as a group. (1) W ater Fea tures (a) Recircula ti ng wa t er systems sha ll be used fo r water features . (b) Where ava il ab le and consistent with pub li c hea lth guidelines, recycled water shal l be used as a so u rce for decorative water features. (c) The su rface area o f a water f ea ture shall be in cluded in the high water use hy drazone area of th e water budget calculation. (d) Pool and spa cove rs are hi gh ly reco mm en d ed . (2) Soi l Preparation , Mulch and Amendments (a) Prior to p lanting of any materials, compacted soils shall be transformed to a friable co nd it ion. On engine ered slopes, only am en d ed plant ing ho les need to meet this requi reme nt. (b) Soil amendments shal l be i ncorpora t ed acco rding to the reco mm end ation s of the so il report and what is appropriate f or p lan t s se lec t ed . (c) For landsc ape installations, co mpost at a rate of a minimum of four cubic yards per 1,000 sq uare feet of permeable area sha l l be incorporat ed to a depth of six i nche s into the so i l. Soils w ith greater than 6% organic matter in the top 6 inches of soi l are exempt f ro m adding compost a nd ti l li ng. (d) A minimu m t h ree in ch (3 ") laye r of mulch shall b e app lie d on all ex pose d soi l surfaces of planting areas except in turf areas , cree p i ng o r rooting groundcovers, or direct seeding applicatio n s where mulch is contraindicated. To provide habitat for ben eficia l insects and other w ildlife, up to 5% of the landscape area may be left witho ut mulch . Designated 13 insect habitat must be included in the landscape design plan as such. {e) Stabilizing mulching products shall be used on slopes that meet curre nt engineering standards such as those detailed in the USDA/USAID Low-Vo lum e Roads Engineering Best Manage m e nt Pr actices Field Guide. {f) The mu lching portion of the seed/mulch slurry in hydro- seeded applications shall meet the mulching requirement. {g) Organic mulch materials made from recycled or post- consumer shall take precedence over inorganic materials or virgin forest products unless the recycled po st-consumer organic p roducts are not locally available. Organic mulches are not requ i red where proh i b ited by local fuel Modification Plan Guide l ines or other applicable local ordinances. {H) The landscape desig n pla n, at a minimum, sha ll : {1) Del ineate and labe l each hydrazone by number, letter, or other method; {2) I dentify each hydrazone as low, moderate, high water, or mi xe d water use . Temporarily irrigated areas of the landscape area shall be included in the low water use hydrazone for the water budget calculation; {3) I dentify recreational areas; {4) I dentify areas pe rmanently and sole ly dedicated to ed ible plants; {5) Ide ntify a reas i rrigated wi th recycled water, {6) Identify type of mulch and application depth; {7) Identify soil amendments, type, and quantity; {8) Identify type and surface area of wate r features ; {9) Identify hardscapes (pervious and non-pervious); {10) Identify location and installation details, and 24-hour retention or infiltration capac ity of any app li cab le storm water best management 14 practices that encourage on-site retention and infiltration of storm water. Project applicants shal l refer to the loca l agency o r regiona l Water Quality Contro l Board for in fo rm at ion on any applicable stormwater techn i cal requirements. Storm water bes t management practices are encouraged in the landscape design plan and examples are provided in Sect ion 2.4(C)-(D). (11) I dentify any appli cable rain harvestin g or catchment technologies (e.g ., rain gardens, cisterns, etc.); (12) Contain the fo ll owin g sta t ement: "I have co m p li ed with the crite ria of the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and applied them for the efficient use of water in the lan d scape design p lan;" and (13) Bear the signature of a Califo rni a -li ce n sed landscape professional. [Note: Authority Cited : Section 65595, Reference: Section 65596, Government Code and Section 1351, Civi l Code .] 2.5 Irrigation Design Plan This sec tion applies to la ndscape areas requiring permanent irrigation, not a reas that requ i re t emporary irrigation so le ly for th e p lant establishme nt period. For the effic ie nt use of water, an irrigation syste m shall meet all the requirements l isted i n this sec ti on and the manufacturer's recom mendation s. The irrig ation system and its related components shall be p lan ned and des ig ned to all ow for proper instal latio n, management, and m aintenance. A n irrigation design p lan meeting the fo ll owing design crite ria shall be subm itted as part of the Landscape Documentation Pa ckage. (1) System (a ) Landscape wa t er meters, defi ned as either a dedicated wate r service meter or private sub meter, sha ll be installed for all non -reside nti al irrigated landscapes of 1,00 0 sq. ft. but not more than 5,000 sq. ft. (the leve l at w hich Water Code 535 applies) and residential irrigated landscapes of 5,000 sq . ft. or greater. A landscape wate r meter may be e ither: 15 1. A customer service meter dedicated to landscape use prov ide d by t he loca l wate r purveyor; o r 2. A p riva t ely owned mete r or sub meter. (b) Automat ic irrigation co ntrolle rs ut i li zin g ei th er evap otra nspirat io n o r so il m o ist u re se nso r d at a w it h no n- vo latile me m ory shall be req u i red for ir r igatio n sc hedu li ng i n all irrigation systems, recom m ending U.S. EPA Wate rSense labeled d evices as app licable. (c) Senso rs (rain, freeze , wind, et c.), either integ ra l o r aux ili ary, that suspend or alter irrigati o n operation d uri ng un f avora bl e weather co n d itions shall be required on al l i rri gation systems, as ap p ro priate f or loca l cl imatic co nd iti o ns. Irri gation shou ld be avo ided d uri ng windy o r freezi ng weathe r or d u ri ng rain. (d) If the wa t er p ressure is be low or exceeds the recommended p ressure o f th e specified irrigati on devices, the in stallation o f a press u re reg ul ating device is re q ui red t o ensure that th e dynamic p ressure at eac h e mi ssion device is wit hin th e manufactu rer 's recomme n ded pressure range for optimal perform ance. 1. If th e st ati c p ressure is above or be low th e req u ired dyna m ic p ressure of the irrigation system, pressure- reg ul atin g dev ices such as i nlin e press u re reg ul ators, bo o st er pump s, o r othe r d ev ices shall be in st a ll ed to meet t he requi red dynam ic pressure of t h e irrigation system. 2. Static wa ter pressure, d y nami c o r operating pressure, a nd fl ow rea din g of the wate r sup pl y sh all be measured at t he point o f connection. These pressure and f low meas urements shal l be co ndu cted at the d es ign stage. If t he meas urements are not avai lab le at th e d esig n stage, the meas ure m ents shal l be cond uct ed at in stalla ti on. (e) Backflow prevention devices shall be requi red t o protect t h e water supply f rom contam in at ion by t h e irriga tion system. A project ap pli cant sha l l refer t o the appli cab le City code (i.e ., 16 --------------------------------------------- public health) for additional backflow preventio n requirements . (f) A master shutoff valve sha ll be as close as possible to the point of connection and is required on all proj ec ts; w ith the exception for land scapes that make use of technologies that allow for the individual control of sprink lers that are individually pressu rized in a system eq uipped with low pressure shut down features. (g) Flow sensors that detect hig h flow conditions created by system damage or malfunction are required for all non - residentia l landscapes and re si dential landscapes of 5,000 sq. ft. or la rger. The flow sensor mu st be in co mbination with a master shut-off valve. (h) Manual iso lation valves (suc h as a gate valve, ball valve, or butterfly valve) shall be required downstream of the point of connection of the water supply to min i mi ze water loss in case of an eme rgency (s u ch as a main line break) o r routine repa1r . (i) Th e irrigation sys tem shall be designed to prevent runoff, low head dra i nage, overspray, o r other similar conditions w here irrigatio n water flows onto non -targeted areas, such as adjacen t property, non -i rr igated areas, hardscapes, roadways, or st ru cture s. (j) Re leva nt information from the so il management plan, su ch as so il type and infiltratio n rate , shall be utilized w hen des igning irrigation systems . (k) The design o f the irrigation system shall conform to the hydrozo nes of the landscape de sign plan . (I) All irrigation emission devices must m eet the require ments set in the Ameri can N at iona l Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, Ameri can Society of Agricultural and Biolog ical Engineers '/International Code Council 's (ASABE/ICC ) 802- 2014 "Landscape Irrigation Spr in kler and Emitter Standard, All Sprinkler heads insta lled in the land sca pe mu st doc um ent 17 a distribution uniformity low quarter of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defin ed in ASBE/ICC 802-2014. (m) Average irrigation efficiency (IE) for the project shall be determined in accordance w ith the ETWU calc ulation sheet in Appendix B. Unless otherwise indicated by the irrigation equipment manufacturer's specifications or demon strated by th e project appli cant, the irrigation efficiency of the irrigation heads used within each hydrazone shall as li sted in Se ction 2.3(()(9). (n) It is highly recommended t hat the project applicant o r local agency inquire with the local water purveyor about peak wa ter operating demands (on the wa ter supply system) or water restricti ons that may imp act the effectiveness of the irrigation system. (o) In mulched planting areas, th e use of low volume irrigation (d rip or low volume overhead irrigation) is required to ma xi mize water infiltration into the root zone; with the exc eptio n of areas with fuel modification requirements and/or those that require plant establis hm ent to comp ly with loca l grad in g ordinances. (p) Sprinkler heads and other em 1ss 1on devices shall have matched precipitation rates , unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer's recommendation s. (q) He ad to head coverage is recommended. However, sprinkler spacing shall be designed to achieve the highest possible distribution uniformity using the manufacturer's recommendation s. (r) Swing joint components are required on all sprinklers subject to damage that are adjacent to hardscapes or in high traffic areas of turf (s) Ch eck valves or anti -drain valves are requi red on all sprinkler heads whe re low point drainage could occur. 18 --------------------------------------------- (t) Areas less than t en (10) feet in width in any direction shall be irrigated w ith subsurface irrigation or o th er means that produces no run off or overspray. (u) Overhead irrigation sha ll not be permitted w ithin 24 inches of any non -perm eab le surface. All owab le i rrig ation w ithin the setback from non -permeab le surfaces may includ e drip, dri p line, or o ther low flow non -s pray technology. The setback area may be planted or unplanted . The surfacing of the setback may be mulch , gravel, o r other p orous materia l. These restr ictions may be modified if: 1. the landscape area is adjacent to permeab le surfacing and no run off occurs; or 2. the adjacent non -permeable surfaces are d es ig ned and cons tructed t o d rain e ntire ly to landscaping; or 3. the irrigati o n d es igner f o r th e landscape project spec ifies a n alte rn ative d esign or t echno logy, as pa rt of the Landscape Documentation Package, and clear ly demonstrates strict adherence to the irriga tion system des ign criteria in Sect ion 2.5 (a)(l)(H) h ereof. Prevention o f ove rspray and runoff mu st be co nfirm ed during a n irrigatio n audit. 4 . slopes g reater than 25 % shall not be irriga t ed with an irri gat io n sys t em w ith a application rate exceed ing 0.7 5 in ches per hour. This res triction may be modified if the landscape de signer of the landscape project spec ifies an a lte rn ative de sign or technology, as part of th e Landscape Documentation Package , and clear ly demon st rates no runoff or erosion will occur. Prevention of run off and ero sion must be confirmed during the irrigation audit. (2) Hydrazone (a) Each va lve sha ll irrigate a hydrazone with simi lar site, slope, sun ex posure, so il cond itions, and plant materials with similar wate r use. 19 (b) Sprinkler heads and other emission devices shall be selected based on what is appropriate for the plant type w ithin that hydrazone. (c) Where feasible , trees shall be p laced on separate valves from sh rubs, groun dcovers, and turf to facilitate the appropriate irrigation o f trees . Th e mature size and extent of the root zone shall be considered w hen designing irrigation for the tree. (d) Individua l hydrozones that m ix plants of moderate and low water use o r moderate and h igh water use may be allowed if: 1. The plant factor ca lcul ation is based o n the proportions of the res pec tive plant water uses and their respective plant facto rs; or 2. The plant fa ctor of the high er water using plant is used for the ca lculations . (e) Individua l hydrozones that mix high and low wa t er use plants shall not be permitted. (f) On th e land scape design pl a n and irrigation design p lan , hydrazone areas sha ll be designated by number, letter, or other designation. On the irr igation design p lan, designate the areas i rr igated by each valve and assign a number to eac h valve. (g) The irrigation design plan, at a minimum, sha ll contain: 1. the location and size of sepa rate water meters for land scape; 2. the locat ion , type, and size of all components of the irrigation system , including controllers, mai n and lateral lines, va lves , sprinkle r heads, moisture sensing devices, rain sw itches, qu ick coup lers, pressure regu lato rs, and backflow prevention devices ; 3. static water pressure at the point of co nn ection to the pub lic water supp ly; 20 4. flow rate (ga ll ons per minute}, app li cat io n rat e (i nches per hour), and d es ign operating pressure (p ress ure pe r square in ch) for eac h station; 5. irrigation sched ul e parameters necessary to prog ram smart time rs specified in th e landscape d es ign; 6. the fo ll owing stateme nt: "I ha ve comp l ie d with the criteria o f the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and applied them accordingly f o r the efficient u se of wa t e r in the irri gation d es ign plan ;" and 7 . the signature of a Ca lifo rni a-lic e nsed landscape professional. [No t e: Auth ority Cited: Sec tion 65595, Government Code. Reference: Section 65596, Government Code.] 2 .6 Grading Design Plan (A} For the efficient use of water, grading of a land scape project site sha ll be designed to minimize soi l erosion, runoff, and water was t e. Finished grading configuration of the landscape area , in cl uding p ads, slopes, drainage, post-cons truction erosion contro l, and storm wa t e r control Be st Managem ent Pract ices , as applicable, sha ll be shown on th e Landscape Pla n unless this information is fully inc luded in separate Grading Plans for th e project, or unless the project is lim ited to replacement p lanting and/or irrigation to rehabilitate an ex isting landscape area. (B) The project applicant shall submit a land sca pe grading plan that indi ca t es finished configurations and e levations o f the landscape area in cluding: (1} Height of graded slopes; (2} Dra in age patterns; (3} Pad e levations; (4} Fin is h grade; and (5} Storm wate r rete nti on improvements, if app l icable. 2 1 (C) To prevent excessive erosion and runoff, it is highly re co mmended that the project applicant: (1) Grade so that a ll i rr igation and normal rainfall remains within property lines and does not drain on to non-permeab le hardscapes; (2) Avoid di sr uption of natura l drainage patte rn s and undist urb ed so i l; and (3) Avoid soil compaction in landscape area s. (D) Th e Grading De sig n Pl an shall conta in the f o ll owing sta tement: "I have complied with the crite ri a of the ordinance and applied them accordingly f or the efficient use of water in the grading design plan " and shall bear the sig nature of the landscape professional, as required by law. [Note: Authority Cited: Section 65595, Government Code. Reference: Sect ion 65596, Government Code.] 2 . 7 Certification of Completion (A) Land scape project insta ll ation shall not proceed until th e Landscape Documentation Package has been approved by the City and any ministeria l perm its required are i ss ued. (B) The project applicant shall notify the City at the beginning of the in sta llation work an d at intervals, as necessary, for the duration of the landscape project work to sc hedu le a ll required in spec ti ons. (C) Certification of Completion of the landscape project sha ll be obtained th rough a Certificate of Use and Occupancy or a Permit Final. The requ irements for the Fina l Inspection and Permit Closure i nclude sub mittal of: (1) A Landscape Installation Certificate of Completion in the form i ncluded as Appendix D of these Guidelines, wh ich sh all include : (i) cert ifi cation by a lands cape professional that the lan dscape project has been insta ll ed per the approved Lands cape Documentation Pa ckage; and (ii) the fo ll owing statement: "The land scaping has be en installed in substantial confo rm ance to the design plans, and comp lies with the p rovisio ns of the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinan ce for the efficient use of water in the landscape ." 22 (a) Where there have been sig nificant changes (as deemed by the loca l permitting agency) made in the field during construction, these "as-bui lt" or record draw i ng s sha ll be included with the certificate (b) A diagram of the irrigation plan showing hydrozones shall be kept w it h the irrigatio n controller fo r subseq uent management purposes. (2) Documentation of the irrigation sc heduling parameters used to set th e controller(s); (3) An irrigation audit report from a local agency landscape irrigation auditor or third party certifie d lands cape irrigation auditor , documentation of enrollment in regional or local water purveyor's water conservation programs, and/or documentation that the MAWA and ETWU information for the landscape project has been submitted to the loca l water purveyor, may be required at the option of the City. (a) Landscape aud its shall not be co ndu cted by the person who designed or i nsta lled the landscape. (b) In large proj ects or projects with multiple landscape installations (i.e . production hom e developments or common interest developments) an auditing rate of 1 in 7 lots or approximate ly 15 % will sa ti sfy this req uirement. [Note: A uth ority Cited : Sect io n 65595, Government Code. Reference : Sect io n 65596, Government Code .] 2.8 Post-I nstallation Irrigation Scheduling For the efficient use of water, all irrigation schedules shall be developed, managed , and evaluated to utilize the minimum amount of water required to maintain plant health . Irrigation sc hedules sha ll meet the following cr iteria : (1) I rrigation schedu ling shall be reg ulated by automatic irrigation controllers. (2) Overhead irrigation shall be schedule d in accordance with the local water purveyo r's Water Conserva tion Ordinance or policies. 23 Operation of th e irrigation system outside the norm al watering window is all owed for auditing and system maintenance . [N ote: Authority Cited: Sectio n 65595, Government Code . Referen ce: Section 65596, Government Code .] 2.9 Post-Installation Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Landscapes shall be continu ously ma intained to ensure water use effici ency in acco rdan ce with the approved capacity at the time of project co nstruction and with th is ord in ance . 3. Provisions for Existing Landscapes (A) Irrigation of all landscape areas shal l be conducted in a manner conforming to the ru les and requirements and shall be subject to penalties and incentives for water conservation and water waste prevention, as dete rmin ed and implemented by the local water purveyor and as may be mutually agreed by the City. (B) The City and/or the regional or local wa ter purveyor may administer programs such as irrigatio n water use a nal yses, irrigation surveys and/or irriga tion audits, tiered water rate structures, water budgeting by parcel, or o th er approache s to achieve landscape water use efficiency community - wide to a level equiva lent to or le ss than would be achieved by applying a MAWA ca lculated with an ETAF of 0.8 to all landscape areas in the City over one acre i n size. (C) The architectural guidel in es of a common intere st development , including apartments, condominiums, planned developments, and stock cooperatives, shall not proh i bit or include conditions that have the effect of prohibiting the use of low-water use p lants as a group. [Note: Authority Cited: Section 65595, Government Code . Reference : Sectio n 65596, Government Code.] 4. Public Education 24 (A) Pub lica t ions. Education is a critical com ponent to promote the efficient use of wa t er in landscapes. Th e u se o f appropriate principl es of design, in st all atio n, manag em e nt, and maintena nce th at save wa ter is enco urag ed in the commun ity. (B) Mod el Homes. Al l mode l hom es that are lands ca ped sha ll use sig ns and w ritten info rmation to d em o nstrate the pri nci ple s of water efficient land sca pe s as d esc rib ed. (1) Signs shall be use d t o identify the m odel as an examp le of a wate r efficient landscape f eaturin g eleme nts such as hydrozones , i rrig ation equ ipment, and othe rs that contri bute to the overal l water efficient th eme. Signage shall include inform ation about the site water use as designed per the local ordi nan ce; specify who designed an d in stall ed the site wa ter efficien t land scape; and demonstrate low water use app roac hes to landscap in g such as u sing appropriate plants, alternative wate r sources, o r ra inwater catch men t systems. (2) Info rm atio n sha ll b e provid ed about des igning, in stal ling , m anagi ng , and maintain ing water efficie nt land sca p es. [N ote: Autho rity Cited : Sec tion 65595, Government Code. Ref erence : Section 65596, Government Code.] 25 Appendix A: Prescriptive Compliance Option PRESCRIPTIVE COMPUANCE OPTION (A) This append ix contains prescriptive requirements which may be used as a compliance option to the Ordi nance. (B) Compliance wi th the follow in g items is mandatory and must be documented in a landscape plan in order to us e the p rescriptive comp l iance opti on: (1) Submit a Landscape Documentation Package w hi ch incl udes the following elem e nts: (a) Date (b) Project applicant (c) Project address (if ava il able, parce l and/or lot number (s)) (d) To tal landsca p e area (squa re feet), including a breakdown of turf and plant material (e) Project type (e.g., new, rehabilitated, public, p ri vate, cemetery, hom eowne r -installed) (f) Water supp ly type (e.g., potable, recycled, we ll ) and identify the loca l retail water pu rveyor if the applicant is not served by a private we ll (g) Contact information for the project applicant and property owner (h) Applicant signature and date with statement, "I ag re e to comp ly wi th the requirements of the prescriptive compliance option to the MWELO " (2) I n co rporate compost at a rate of at least four cubic ya rd s pe r 1,000 squa re f eet t o a depth of six in ches in to landscape area (un less co ntra-indicated by a so il test); (3) Plan t m aterial shall comp ly with all of the following: (a) For residential areas, install climate adapted plants that require occasional, little o r no summer wa t er (average WUCOLS plan factor 26 0.3) for 75 % of th e plant area excluding edibles and areas u sing recycled water; For non -re sidential areas , in sta ll cl im ate adapted plants that require occasiona l, li ttle o r no summer water (average WUCOLS plan factor 0.3) for 100% of the plant .area exclud ing ed i b les and areas usi ng recycled wa ter; (b) A min imum three inch (3") la ye r of mulch shall be applied on all exposed soi l surfa ces of planting areas except in turf areas, creeping or rooting groundcovers, or direct seed ing appl ications w here mulch is contra indi cated . (4) Turf sh all co mply w ith a ll o f the fo ll owing : (a) Turf sha ll not exceed 25 % of t he landscape area in re si denti al areas, and turf shall not be planted in non-residential areas (b) Turf shall not be p lanted on sl oped areas w h ich exceed a slope of 1 f oot vertica l eleva ti on change for eve ry 4 feet of ho rizontal length; (c) Turf i s pro hi b ited in parkways less than 10 feet w id e, unless the parkway is adjacent to a parking strip an d u se d to ente r a nd ex it ve hi cle s. Any turf in pa r kways m ust be i rrigated by sub-surface irrigation, or by other technology that creates no overspray or runoff (5) Irrigation systems shall co mply with the follow ing : (a) Automatic i rrigat io n con tro ll ers a re req uired and mu st use evapotranspiratio n or so il moi sture sen so r data (b) I rri gation contro ll ers sha ll be of a t ype w hich does not lose programming data in th e eve nt the pri mary power source is interrupted. (c) Pressure regula t ors shall be in st alled on the irrigat ion sys tem to ensure the dynamic pre ssu re of the sy stem is w ithin the m anufa ctu rers reco mme nded pre ss ure range . (d) Manual shut-off va lves (s uch as a gate va lve , ball va lve, or butterfly valve) shall be install ed as clo se as possib le to th e po i nt of connect ion of the wate r supply. 27 (e) All irrigation em ission devices must meet the requirements set in the ANSI standard, ASABE/ICC802-2014 . "Land scape irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard." Al l Sprinkler heads in stalled in the landscape must document a distribu tion uniformity low quarter of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in ASABE/ICC 802 -2 014. (C) At the time of final inspection, the permit appl icant must provide the owner o f the property with a certifica t e of completion, certificate o f instal lati on, irrigation schedule and a schedule of landscape and irrigation maintenance. 28 City of Temple City CERT IFI CATION OF LANDSCAPE DESIGN Appendix 8: Certification of Landscape Design I hereby certify that: (1) I am a professional appropriately licensed 1n the State of California to provide professional landscape design services . (2) The landscape design and water u se calculations for the property located at ___ _ (provide street ad dress or parcel number(s)) were prepared by me or under my supervision. (3) The landscape design and wa ter us e calcu l ations for t he identified property comply with the requirements of the City of Temple City Water Efficient Land scape Ordinance and the City of Temple City Guidelines for Implementation of the City of Temple City Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. (4) The information I have provided i n this Certificate of Landscape Design is true and co rrect and is hereby submitted in compliance with the City of Temple City Guidelines for Implementation of the City of Temple City W ater Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Pri nt Name Signature Address Telephone Landscape Design Professional 's Stamp (If applicable) Date Lice nse Number E-mail Address 29 Appendix C-1: W ater Efficient landscape Worksheet WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET led out by the project appl icant and it is a requ ired item of the Landscape Documenta t ion Package . Reference Ev apotranspiration (ETo)": .sQ,1 Hy drazone #/Planting Plant Fact orb Irrigation Meth od' 30 Landscape Area Sector Type [ 1 Resident ial (se l ect one): [ 1 Non-Res id enti al Irrig ation Efficiency' ET AF ETAF x Area ETWU Total MAWA Estimated Tota l Water Used Appendix C-2 : Worksheet Equations and Compliance requirements WORKSHEET INFORMATION & EQUATIONS *ETWU is required to be below MAWA *For regular landscaped areas must be 0.55 or below for residential areas, and 0.45 or below for non-residential areas. Es ti ma te d Total Wat er Use (ETWU) is the annua l gall ons required for the landscape = (ET o) x (0.62) x (ETA F x Area) where. ETo =a nnual evapotranspiration rate in inches per year 0.62 = facto r use d to convert inches pe r year to gallon s per squa re foot ETA f.= plant factor + irrigat io n efficiency Maximum Allowed Water Allowance (MA WA) is the annua l gallons a ll owed MAWA = (ETo) x (0.62) x [(ETAF x LA)+ ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] where . ETo =annua l evapotranspiration rate in inches per year 0.62 = factor used to convert inches per yea r to gallons per square foot ETAF = 0.55 or 0.45 LA =to t a l (s ite wide) landscape a rea in sq ua re fee t S LA =tota l s peci a l landscape area Average ETA F = (ETAF x Area)/ Landscape Area (sq-fl), o r (B) (A} 3 1 Appendix C-3: Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet Plant and Irrigation Efficiency Factors The fo l lowi ng table can be used for common plant factors: Plant Factor PF Very low water use p lant 0.1 Low wate r use plant 0.2 Medium water us e plant 0.5 High water use plant 0.8 Lawn 0.8 Pool, spa, or other water 1.0 feature 'Irrigation efficiency is derived f ro m measurements and estimates of irrig ation system characteristics and m an agement practices. The minimum average irrig ation efficiency for pu rposes of t hese Guidelines is 0.71. The f ollowing irri gatio n efficiency may be obtai ned for the l isted irrigation heads with an Irrigation Manage ment Efficien cy of 90%: Irrigation Method IE Spray noules 71% High efficiency spray 73% nozzles Multi stream/Multi trajectory rotary (MSMn 76% noules Stream rotor noule 73% M i cros p ray 76% Bubblers 77 % Drip emitt er 81 % Su bsurface drip 81 % Average ETAF for Regular Landscape Areas must be 0.55 or below for residential areas, and 0.45 or below for nonresidential areas. 32 Appendix C-4: Water Efficient landscape Wor ksheet Exam pl e A hypothetical project: a new si ngle-family house wi th a tot al landscaped area of 2,600 square feet. The landscaping design shows that the landscaping includes a f ront lawn, multiple areas with water-efficient plants, and an edible garden in the rear yard. Th e worksheet shows the breakd owns of different areas and the calculation of ETWU for each area . The calculation shows that the ETWU will below the MAWA, and the Average ETAF is 0.50, w h ich is below 0.55 allowed. Hydrozone #/Planting d *ETWU = (ETo) x (0.62) x (ETAF x Area ) Plant Fa ctor> 0.8 Irrigation Method' Irrigation Efficiency< ET AF landscape 100 ETAF x Area 100 Est imated Total Water Used *ETWU 37, Total *MAWA 196 *MAWA = (ETo) x (0.62) x [(ETAF x LA)+ ((1-ETAF) x SLA)] [MAWA calcu l at ion: 50 .2 x .62 x (.5 5 x 2,500 +.45 x 100)=44,1 96) *Average ETAF = B/A [1 ,190/2,500=.48 <.55 maximum allowed I 33 Appendix D : Reference Evapotranspiration Ta ble REFERENCE EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (ETo) TABLE County and Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug City LOS ANG ELES Monrovia 2.2 2.3 3.8 4.3 5.5 5.9 6.9 6 .4 Palmdale 2 .0 2.6 4 .6 6 .2 7 .3 8.9 9 .8 9 .0 Pasadena 2.1 2.7 3.7 4.7 5 .1 6 .0 7 .1 6.7 Pearblossom 1 .7 2.4 3.7 4.7 7.3 7.7 9 .9 7 .9 Pomona 1 .7 2.0 3.4 4.5 5.0 5.8 6 .5 6 .4 Redondo 2 .2 2.4 3 .3 3.8 4.5 4 .7 5 .4 4 .8 Beach Sa n Fernando 2.0 2.7 3.5 4.6 5.5 5.9 7 .3 6 .7 Santa Cl arita 2 .8 2.8 4.1 5.6 6 .0 6 .8 7 .6 7.8 * The values in this table were derived from: 1) Cali fornia I rrigation Management Information System (OMIS); 2) Referen ce EvapoTranspiration Zones Map, UC Dept. of Lan d, Ai r & Water Res o urces and Cal i fo rn i a Dept of Water Resou rces 1999; an d 3) Re feren ce Evapotranspiration fo r Cali fornia, University o f Cali fo rnia, De p artment of Agricu lture and Natura l Resources (1987) Bu ll etin 1922 4) De termining Dai ly Reference Evapotranspirat io n, Publi cation Leaflet 214 26 Cooperat ive Extension UC Divisi on o f Agricult ure ave rages. 34 Sep 5.1 6 .5 5.6 6 .4 4 .7 4 .4 5 .3 5 .8 Oct Nov Dec Annual ETo 3.2 2.5 2 .0 50.2 4 .7 2.7 2.1 66.2 4.2 2.6 2.0 52.3 4 .0 2.6 1 .6 59.9 3 .5 2.3 1 .7 47.5 2.8 2.4 2.0 42.6 3.9 2 .6 2.0 52.0 5 .2 3.7 3.2 61.5 City of Temp l e City LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Appendix E: Certificate of Completion LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION I hereby certify that: (1) I am a profess i ona l approp ri at ely licensed in the State of Califo rni a to provide professional landscape design services for: ________ _ _____________ (project name, mailing address and telephone). (2 ) The landscape project for the property located at _____________ _ _____________________ (provide street address or parcel number(s)) was installed by me or under my superv is ion. (3) The la nd sca ping for the ide ntified property has been installed in substantial conformance with t he app roved Land scape Doc umen t at ion Package and comp lies with the requirements of t he City of Temp le Ci t y Water Efficient La ndscape Ordinance the City of Temp le City Guidelines for Implementation of the City of Temp le City Water Efficient Land scape Ordinance for the effic ient use of wate r in the land scape. (4) The following elements are attached hereto: a. Irrigation sc heduling paramete rs used to set the cont roller; b. Landscape and i rrigation ma intenance schedule ; c. Irrigation aud it report; and d. Soil analysis report, if not su bm itted with Landscape Documentation Package, and documentation verifying implementation of the soil report recommenda t ions. (5) The site in stal lation compl ies with the following : a. The required irrigation system has been in stalled according to app roved plans and specificat ions and if applicable, any prior approved irrigation system alternatives. Yes No b. Sprinklers comply with ASABE/ICC 802 -2014 Landscape Irrigation Spri nkler & Emitter Standard. Yes No 35 City of Temp le Cit y LAN OS CAPE INSTALLATION C E R T IF I CATE OF COMPLETION (6) The information I have provided in th is Lan dscape Instal lation Certificate of Completion is true and corre ct and is hereby sub mitted in compliance w ith the City of Temple City Gu id elines for Implementation of the Ci ty of Temple City Water Eff icient Landscape Ordinance . Print Name Signature Address Teleph one Land scape Design Professional 's Sta mp (If Appropriate) Date License Number E-ma il Address 3 6 Appendix F: Defin itions DEFINITIONS The terms use d in these Guide l ines have the meaning set forth below: "Aggregate " area pertains to production home neighborhoods, common interest developments, o r other situations whe re multiple parce ls are undergoing landscape developme nt as one p roject, but may even tuall y be individually owned or maintained. "Ba ckflow preventio n de vice " means a sa fety device used to prevent po llution or contamination of the wate r supply due to the re ve rse flow of water from t he irrigati o n sys t em. "Check va lve" or "anti-drain valve" means a va lve located under a sprin kler h ead, or other location in the irrigation system, to hold water in the sys tem to prevent drainage from sprinkler heads w hen the sp rinkl er is off. "Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor" m eans a person certified to perform landscape irrigation audits by an accredited academic institution, a professiona l trade organization or other program such as the US Enviro nmenta l Protection Ag ency's WaterSense irri ga t ion aud ito r certification program and Irrig atio n Association 's Certifi ed Landscape Irrigati on Auditor program. "Certification of Design" m eans th e ce rt if ica t ion incl uded as Exhibit E of th ese Guidelines that must be included in the Landscape Documentation Package pursuant to Sectio n 2.1 of these Guidelines. "City" means the City of Temple City or it s au thorized designee. "Common interest developments " mea ns community apartment projects, con d ominium projects, p lan ned deve lopment s, and stock cooperatives per Civi l Co de Sect io n 135 1 "Distribution Uniformity" or "DU" is a measure of how u niforml y an irrigation head ap plies wa t er to a specific target area and theoretica ll y range s f o rm zero to 100 percent. "Drip" irrigation means any non-s pray l ow volume irrigation system utilizing emission devices with a flow rate measured in gallons per hour. Low vo lume irrigation systems are specifically designed to apply small volumes of w at er slowly at or near t he root zone of pla nts. "Emitter" mea ns a drip i rrigat ion emissio n device that delivers water slowly from the system to the so il. "Estimated Total Water Use " or "" means t he annual total amount of wate r est imated to keep plants in a hea lthy state. It is based o n factors such as reference evapotranspiratio n rate, the size of the landscape area , plant water use factors , and the irrigation efficiency withi n each hydrazone. 37 "Evapotranspiration adjustment factor" o r "ETAF" means a fact or of 0.55 for residential areas and 0.45 for non-resident ia l areas, that, when applied to refere nce evapotranspirat ion, adjusts for plant factors and irrigation efficiency, two major in fluences upon the amou nt of water that needs to be applie d t o the landscape. The ETAF f or new and existing (non-rehab i litated) Specia l Landscape A reas sha ll not exceed 1.0. The ETAF for existing non -rehab i litat ed la ndscapes is 0.8 . "Evapotranspiration rate " means the qua ntity of water evaporated from adjacent soil and other surfaces and transpired by plants during a specified time. "Flow rate" means th e rate at whi ch wa t er f lows through pi pes, valves and emission devices, measured in gallo ns per minute, gallons per hour, or cubic feet per second. "Hardscapes" mea ns any durable material or featu re (pervious and non-pervious) in stalled in or arou nd a l andscape area , such as pave m ents or wa l ls. Pools and ot her water f ea tures are co nsi d ered part of the landscape area and not considered har dscapes for purposes of these Gu idelines. "Graywater" means a system intreated was t ewater that has not been contaminated by any toilet d i scharge, has not been affected by infectious, contaminated, or unhealthy bodily wastes , and does not present a threat from contaminati o n by unhealthy processing, manu f acturing, or operating wastes. Graywater includes, but is not limited to, wastewater from bathtu bs, showers, bath room was hbasi ns, clothes washi ng mach i nes. And l aundry tubs, but does not include w astewater from k itchen sinks or d ishwashers as per the Hea lt h an d Safe t y Code (Sect ion 17922.12). Graywater sys t ems promote t he efficient use of wa t er and are enco uraged to assist in on-site landscape irrigation. All graywater systems shall con f orm to the Californ ia Plumbing Code (Title 24, Part 5, Chapter 16) and any appl icab le local ordinance standards. "Hydrazone" means a portion of the landscape area having plants with similar water needs and typically irrigated by one valve/control ler station. A hydrazone may be irrigated or non -irrigated. "Infiltration rate " mea ns t he rate of wate r entry into t he so il exp ressed as a depth of water per un it oftime (e.g., i nches per hour). "Invasive" plants spec i es or "noxious" mea ns species of plants not historically found in Cal ifornia that spread outside cu ltivated areas and can damage environmenta l or economic resources . Invasive plant species may be regulated by co unty agricultura l agencies as noxious species. "Irrigation audit" means an in-depth eva l uation of the performance of an irri gation system co nd ucted by a Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor. An irrigation audit includes, but is not li m ited to: inspect io n, system tune -up, system test with distribution uniformity or emission un iformity, reporti ng o ve rspray o r runoff that causes over land flow, and preparation of an irri gation schedule. "Irrigation Management Efficiency" or "/ME" means the measurement used to calc ulate the irrigation efficiency of the irrigation system for a landscaped project. A 90% IME can be 38 achieved by using evaportranspiration controllers, soil moistu re sensors, and other methods that will adjust irrigation run times to meet p lant water needs. "Irrigation efficiency" or "IE" means the mea su rement of the amount of wa t er beneficially used d ivided by the amount of water applied to a lands cape area. Irrigation efficiency is derived from mea surements and es timates of irrigation system characteristics and management practices. The minimum average irrigation efficiency for purposes of these Guidelines is 0.71. Greater irrigation efficiency can be expected from well des igned and maintained systems. The foll owing irrigation efficiency may be obtained for the listed irrigation heads with an IME of 90%: Irrigation Method DUtq Spray nozzles 65% High efficiency spray 70% nozz l es Multi stream/Multi trajectory rotary (MSMD 75% nozzles Stream rotor nozzle 70% Microspray 75% Bubblers Drip em itter Subsurface drip *DU LH = .386 + (.614)(DU LQ) **IE (spray) = (DULH)(IME) DUt H EU * 79% 82% 85 % 82% 85% 85 % 90% 90% **IE (d rip) = Emission uniformity (EU)(IME) IE ** 71 % 73% 76% 73% 76% 77% 81% 81% "Landscape coefficient" (KL ) is the product of a plant factor multiplied by a density factor and a microclimate factor. The landscape coefficient is derived to estimate water loss from irrigated landscape areas and special landscape areas. "Landscape Documentation Package " means the package of docum en t s that a project applicant is required to submit to the City pursuant to Section 2.1 of these Guidelines. "Landscape Installation Certificate of Completion " means the certificate included as Exhi bit F of these Guidelines that must be submitted to the City pursua nt to Section 2.7(a)(1) of hereof. "Landscape professional" means a l ice nsed landscape architect, licensed landscape contractor, or any other person authorized to design a landscape pursua nt to Sect ions 5500.1, 5615, 5641, 5641.1, 5641.2, 564 1.3, 5641.4, 5641.5, 5641.6, 6701, 7027.5 of the California Business and Profes sions Code, Section 832 .27 of Title16 of the California Code of Regulations, and Section 6721 of the California Food and Agriculture Code. "Landscape area" means all the p lanting areas, turf areas, an d water features in a landscape design plan subject to th e Maximum Applied Water Allowance and Estimated Applied Water Use 39 calculations. The lan d scape area does not include footprints of buildings or structures, sidewalks, driveways, parki ng lot s, decks, patios, grave l or stone wa l ks , other pervious or non -pervious hardscapes , an d ot her non-irrigated areas designated for non-development (e.g., open spaces and ex ist ing na tive ve g et ation). "La teral line" means th e water de l ivery pipelin e that supp lies wa t er to the emitters or sprinklers from the valve. "Low volume irriga t io n" means the applica t ion of irrigation wa t er at low pressure through a sys t em of tubing or lateral lines and low vo l ume emitters such as drip, drip l ines, and bubblers . Low volume irrigation systems are spec if ical ly designed to apply small volumes of water slowly at or near t he root zo ne of p lants. "Low volume overhead irrigation " means ab oveground irrigation heads with an upper flow l imit o f 0.5 GPM. "Main line" means the pressurized pipe line that delivers wate r from the water source to the valve o r outlet. "Manual Isolation Valve" means a valve such as a gate valve, ball valve, or butterfly valve installed downst rea m o f t he point of co nnect i on of the wate r supply to shutdown water f l ow t hrough m ain li ne piping for routine ma intenance and emerge ncy repair. "Mas t er shut-off va l ve" an electronic va lve suc h as a solenoid va lve insta l led as close as possible to the point of co nnect io n and is used in conjunction with a flow sensor and fl ow monitoring co ntroller technology t o automatically shutdown system wide water flow in the event of high flow conditions suc h as mainline pipe break. "Maximum Applied Water Allowance" o r "MAWA" means the upper limit of ann ual applied wate r fo r the established lan dscape area, as specified in Sectio n 2.2 of these Guidelines. It is based upon the area 's refer ence evapotranspiration , the ETAF, an d t he size of t he l andscape area. The Es timated Applied Wa te r Use sha ll not excee d the Max imum Applied Water Allowance. "Microclimate" mea ns th e climate of a small, specific area that may contrast with the climate of the overall landscape area due to factors such as wind, sun exposure, plant densi t y, or proximity to reflective surfaces. "Mulch " means any o rganic material such as leaves, bark, straw or compost, or inorganic mineral ma t eria ls such as roc ks, gravel, or decom posed granite left loose and applied to t he soil surface fo r t he b enefi cia l p urposes of reduc in g evaporation, su ppressing weeds, moderating soi l tem perat u re, an d preven t ing soil erosion. "Non-pervious " means any surface or natural materia l that does not all ow for t he passage of wa t er through the mat erial and into the underlying soil. "Operating pressure" mean s the pressure at which the parts of an irrigation system of sprinklers are designed to operate at by the manufacturer 40 ------------------~--------------------------------- "Ove r spray'' means the i rrigation water w hi ch is delivered beyond the target area . "Person " means any natura l person, fi rm , joint ve nture, joint stock company, pa rtn ership, public or p rivate associatio n, club, company, corporat ion, business trust, o rg anizati o n, publi c o r private agency, governm ent agency or institutio n, sc hool di strict, co ll ege, un ive r sity, any o ther user of water provided by the City o r t he local water purveyor, o r t he manag er, lessee, agent, servant, officer, or employee of any of them or any other entity w hi ch is re cogn ized by law as the subject of r ights or duties. "Pervious " means any su rface o r material that all ows the pass age of water th rough the material and into the u nderl y ing soil. "Pla nt {odor" or "plant wa t er use foetor" is a f ac t o r , w hen mu lti plied by ETo , that es timates t he amount of wa t er needed by plants. For pu rposes of this Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, the plan t fo et or rang e for low wa t e r use plants is 0 to 0.3; the plant {o dor range for moderate wa t er use plants is 0.4 to 0.6; and the plant foetor r ange for high wa ter use plants is 0.7 to 1.0. Plant fact ors cited in these Gu id elines are derived from the Department of Water Reso u rces 2000 publication "Water Use Class ification of Land scape Species." "Precipitation rote" mean s the rate o f app l ication o f water measured in inches p er hour. "Project applicant" mean s the perso n submitting a Landscape Documentation Package req uired under Sectio n 2.1 to request a per mit, pla n check, or d esi gn re view fro m th e local agency. A projec t applicant may be t he property owner or his or her designee. "Property owner" o r "owner" means the record owner of rea l property as shown o n the most recently issued equal iz ed assessment ro ll. "Reference evapotranspiration" or "ETo" mean s a standard measu rement of environm enta l parameters whic h affect the water use of pl ants. ETo is give n expressed i n inches per day, month, or yea r as repre se nted in Appendix C of these Guidelines, and is an est i mate of the evapot ranspirat io n of a large fiel d of four t o seve n-inch tal l, cool-season g ra ss that is we ll wate r ed. Reference evapo t ranspiration is used as the basis of determ ining t he Max imum Applied Water Allowances . "Recycled water" o r "reclaimed water" means treated or recycled waste water of a qua lity suitable for non-potable uses such as landscape i rrigation and wa ter features. This water is not intended for human consump tion. "Runoff' means wa ter which is not abso rb ed by the soil o r landscape to whic h it is applied and flows from the la ndscape area. For examp le, runoff ma y result from wat er that is app li ed at too great a rate (ap pli ca ti o n rat e exceeds infiltration rote) o r whe n there is a slope. "Special Landscape Areas" or "SLA " means an area of the l andscape dedicated so lely to edible plants such as orchards and vegetab le gardens, areas irrigated with recycled water, water features using recycled water, and areas dedica t ed to active play such as community pools and spas , park s, sports fields, golf courses, and w here turf provides a playing surface . 4 1 "Sprinkler head" means a device which delivers water through a nozzle. "Static water pressure" means the pipeline or municipal wate r supply pressure when water is not f lowing. "S tation" means an area served by one valve or by a set of valves that operate simultaneously. "Swing joint" means an irrigation component that provides a leak -free co nnectio n between the emission device and lateral pipeline to al low movement in any direction and to prevent equipment damage. "Turf' means a ground cover surface of mowed grass. Annua l bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, Red fescue, and Ta ll fescue are cool-season grasses. Bermudagrass, Kikuyugrass , Seashore Paspalum, St. Augustinegrass, Zoysiagrass, and Buffalo grass are warm- season grasses. "Va lve" means a device used to control the flow of water in an irrigation system. "Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance" means Ordinance No.------~ adopted by the City Council on 2009, and codified in the Municipal Code in [chapter/title/division/sections "Water Efficient Landscape Worksheets" mean s the worksheets required to be completed pursuant to Section 2.2 of the se Guidelines and which are included in Appendix B hereof. "Water feature " means a design elemen t where open water performs an aesthetic or recreational f u nction. Water features include ponds, lakes, waterfalls, fountains, artificial streams, spas, and sw i mming pools (where water is artificially supplied). The surface area of water features is included in the high water use hydrazone of the landscape area. Constructed wetlands used for on-site wastewate r treatment, habitat protection, or storm water best management practices that are not irrigated and used solely for water treatment or storm water retention are not water features and, therefore, are not subject to the water budget calc ulati o n. "Watering window" means the time of day irrigation is al lowed. "WUCOLS" means t he Water Use Classification of Land scape published by the Un iversity of Ca lifornia Cooperative Extension, the Department of Water Resources, and the Bureau of Recl amation, 20 00. www.owue.water.ca.gov/docs/wucolsOO 42 Appendix G: Irrigation Plan Checklist This is a volun tary com plianc e tool templa te deve loped by the Irrigation Association . IRRIGATION PLAN CHECKUST Ple ase complete the fo llowi ng checklist by checking all appropriate categories under APPLI CANT co lumn, indica ting comp lia nce w ith these content r equire m ents. All submitted plan s shall con t ai n th e following infor mation: LA N DSC APE PLAN N UM BER: ______________ _ NAME OF PROJECT:---------------- Applicant [ ] 1. Prevai l ing winds [ ] 2 . Slope aspect and degree of slope [ ] 3. Soil type and infiltration rate [ ] 4. Vegetation type [] 5. M icroclimates [ ] 6. Ex pansive o r hazardous soi l conditions [ ] 7. Wa t er harvesting pot en ti al [ ] 8. Avai labl e wa t er supply, incl uding non -pot ab le and recycled wate r All pertinent system i nformat ion is ind icated, includ i ng: [ ] 9. Irrigati o n zones substantia ll y corresponding to hydrozones on the landscape p lan and labeled by precip ita ti on rates and method of application [ ] 10. Wate r meters [ ] 11. Tap -in location [ ] 12. Static water pressure at t he point of con nectio n [ ] 13. Syste m controller [ ] 14. Rai n se nsor/shut-off devi ce [ ] 15. Backf low preventers [ ] 16. Shut-off val ves and zo ne co ntrol valves [] 17. Main line and lateral pipi ng [ ] 18. Spr in k ler heads [ ] 19. Bubb lers and dri p irrigation t ubing runs [ ] 20. Type and size of ma i n irri gati o n system compo nen t s [ ] 21. Tota l re quired operati ng press ure for each contro l va lve/zone [ ] 22. Graph ic depiction of the locations of irrigation system co mponents [ ] 23. Tota l req u ired opera ting pressure for each control valve/zone [ ] 24. Any supplementa l stormwat er and/or runoff harvesting System design is in conf o rmance with the following st anda rd s: [ l 25. Certification of Professiona l Qualifications, attached [ ] 26 . Pedes t ri an surfaces located on plan [ l 27. Eq u ipment installed f lush with grade for sa f ety [ ] 28. Compli ance with local co des [] 29. Overspray onto imperv io us areas minimized 43 Planner [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [] [ ] [ l [ l [ l [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Attachment C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: April19, 2016 TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Bryan Cook , City Manager By: Michael D. Forbes, Community Development Director Hesty Liu , Associate Planner SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING FOR ORDINANCE NO. 16-1013 AMENDING THE TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE (WELO) RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to : 1. Introduce , for first reading by title only, Ordinance No . 16-1013 (Attachment "A ") amending Chapter 1 (Zoning code) of Title 9 (Zoning Regulation) of the Temple City Municipal Code (TCMC) to establish a Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance ; 2. Adopt the Guidelines for the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (Attachment "B"); and 3. Schedule the second reading of Ordinance No. 16-1013 for May 3, 2016 . BACKGROUND: 1. In 2006 , the State passed AB 1881 , known as the Water Conservation in Landscaping Act of 2006 , which requires that a local agency adopt a WELO by January 1, 2010, or institute the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) by default. 2 . On February 11, 2010, city staff sent a letter to the Department of Water Resource indicating that the City would institute the State MWELO while maintaining the intention of developing a local WELO at a later time . City Council April19 , 2016 Page 2 of 4 3. On April 1, 2015 , Governor Brown issued the Drought Executive Order directing th e Department of Water Resources to update its 2009 MWELO to help the State with the growing water crisis . 4 . On April 28 , 2015, staff presented the draft Temple City WELO to the Plann ing Commission . The draft WELO was developed based on AB 1881 . Afte r the Planning Commission meeting, staff suspended th e processing of the WELO due to the Governor's Executive Order and to await the update to the State MWELO so th at it cou ld be incorporated into the WELO . 5. On July 15, 2015, the California Water Commission approved the updated State MWELO . A local agency was required to rev ise or adopt a lo cal WELO by December 1, 2015 . Or, a local agency could comply with the updated State MWELO , if no action was taken . 6 . In October of 2015 , the WELO subcommittee of the San Gabriel Valley Counci l of Government's (COG) Planners Technical Advisory Committee re le ased a regio nal WELO template . The subcommittee was tasked with developing a regional template for member cities with th e goal of i ncreasing effi c ie nci es across the San Gabriel Va l ley and looking at best practi ces throughout the region. 7 . On J anuary 26, 2016 , staff presented to the Plan ning Commission the Temple City WELO and Guidelines based on the COG 's template . A fter hearing the staff report (Attachment "C"), th e Planning Commission opened the public hea ring and voted unanimously to re commend that the City Council adopt the W ELO and the Guidelines. 8 . On Februa ry 9 , 201 6 , the City Council Water Ad Hoc Committee reviewed the Templ e City WELO and Guidel in es . Th e Ad Hoc Committee did not recommend any c han ges and directed staff to proceed to the City Council. 9 . On April 5 , 2016, the City Council continued th e introduction and the first readi ng for Ordinance No . 16 -101 3 to April19 , 2016 . ANALYSIS: Ado pt ing a WE LO is a State statutory requirement. A jurisdiction can adopt the State MWELO or develop its own version . Any changes to the State MWELO must be "at least as effective " as th e State MWELO . The propose d WELO is based on the COG 's template which differs from the State MWELO in the following ways : City Coun ci l April 19 , 2016 Page 3 of 4 • Instead of including detailed calculat ions and factors (such as the evapotranspiration adjustment factor) in the Ordinance , these components are placed in the WELO Guidelines . From time to time as the State makes further refinements to the MWELO , staff will be able to administratively modify the Guidelines. The Guidelines require staff to notify the Planning Commission regarding changes to the Guidelines ; • An allowance for landscape architects to self-certify that a plan meets the WELO and that the installation of the landscaping meets the approved plans . Th is will reduce project expenses by l imiting the need for landscape and irrigation plans to go through a separate landscape plan check procedure ; • An Irri gation Audit wou ld be come an optional requirement; and • For existing landscape projects that will be rehabilitated with lower water use plants , a landscape documentation package would be optional , not required . The above distinctions will not compromise the effectiveness of the proposed WELO , and will be at least as effective as the State MWELO (a detailed explanation regarding effectiveness can be found in Attachment "C", the Planning Commission Staff Report). The essential goal of the MWELO is to promote water conservation . In light of such a goal , the changes made by the COG subcommittee will provide an ordinance with enhanced c larity, streamline the review and approval process , enable the quality of the projects to be controlled by i ndustry standards and landscaping professionals , and encourage the existing landscapes to be converted to low water use through exempting the requirement of providing the Landscape Documentation Package for small projects . The proposed ordinance , if adopted , will meet the "effectiveness " criterion of the State and be consistent with the regulations of many neighboring jurisdictions in the San Gabriel Va lley . Findings TCMC Section 9 -1 G-0 provides that the Zoning Code may be "amende d wh e ne ver the public in te rest and necessity so requ ire." There are no specific f i ndings required to am e nd th e Zoning Code or oth e r t itles of the Mun icipal Code . T[le proposed Ordinance is consiste nt with the exi stin g and propo sed Ge ne ral Plan . City Council April19 , 2016 Page 4 of 4 Environmental Review The proposed ordinance is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15307 of the CEQA Guidelines because it is an action of "regulatory agencies for protection of natural resources ". CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: Adopting the proposed ordinance would further the City Strategic Goals of Sustainable Infrastructure. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed ordinance would have no impact on the Fiscal Year 2016-17 City Budget. ATTACHMENTS: A. Ordinance No . 16-101 3 B. Temple City Water Efficient Ordinance Guidelines C. Planning Commission Staff Report and Resolution