HomeMy Public PortalAbout08) 10A Matching Funding with County Library to Expand and Renovate TC Library--------~ ---~ ---~ A G-E~D A I ITE M 10 .A. MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 3, 2016 TO: The Honorable City Council FRO M: Bryan Cook, City Manager SUBJEC T : MATCH ING FUND ING OPPORTUNITY WI TH COUNTY LIBRARY TO EXPAN D FAM ILY AND C HILDRE N'S FACILITIES AND RENOVATE THE EXISTI NG TEMPLE C ITY LIBRARY RECOM M END AT ION : 1. The City Council is requested to approve the recommendation of the City Council Library Ad Hoc Committee, the City Council is requested to designate $1.95 million of unassigned General Fund -Fund Balance contingent on the County of Los Angeles (County) matching $1 .95 million to ex pand and renovate the existing Temple City Library; and 2 . Direct staff to bring back an agreement between the County and the City on the expansion and renovation of the existing Temple City Library, stating and defining the total commitment and obligations by both parties for City Council approva l. BAC K GROUND: 1. In 2013, Mayor Pro Tempore Sternquist was appointed to the County Library Commis sion. 2 . Mayor Pro Tempore Sternquist conducted meetings w ith Supervisor Antonovich 's office and County Library Staff to discuss the County's ability to fund major renovations to the existing Temple City Lib rary . Discussions evolved to where the County would be interested in partnering with the City on identifying sites for a Children's library . 3. On December 15 , 2015 , Mayor Pro Tempore Sternquist reported out to the City Council discussions with County, where Mayor Chavez then created the City Council Library Ad Hoc Committe e (Ad Hoc Committee) and a ppointed Mayor Pro Tempore Sternquist and Councilmember Fish to continue di scussion s with the City Council May 3, 2016 Page 2 of 4 County concerning a new satellite library. 4. On March 1, 2016 , the Ad Hoc Committee and staff updated the City Council on efforts to find a suitable off-site facility to house a Children's library. Potential sites where identified including uses at neighboring Church facilities and locations within the City's Civic Center. 5. After an exhaustive search for potential satellite sites , the County Library proposed expanding and renovating the current Temple City Library to accommodate a new family and children's area and renovate the remaining interior of the existing library facility . 6. Basic architectural drawings were completed, which would propose a 1,416 expansion of the current library to accommodate new Family and Children's facilities, along with a renovation of the remaining library. The proposed cost would be $3.9 million. 7. The Ad Hoc Committee worked with the County to find funding to complete the project, with the County looking toward a 50/50 financial partnership to fund the project. ANALYSIS: The current Temple City library is a highly used and popular resource in the City's downtown core and civic center. Unfortunately, the interior and useful life of the existing facility makes current and expanded programming very challenging. Additionally, the existing building does not meet the needs of modern library facilities which have become much broader in scope than the traditional library. The children's area is very compact and is not conducive to programming. The current shelving arrangement and space does not allow for expanded collections to better accommodate the needs of all patrons. County Library staff and the Ad Hoc committee exhaustively toured off-site facilities in effort to conduct a due diligence review of all site locations options. Five sites were explored, including church facilities and existing City facilities, none of which could meet the need to maintain operating costs at current levels or created structural and programming challenges that made the sites unsuitable. After the exploration of off-site facilities was exhausted, County staff recommended a new review of the existing library site, with the concept that the additional space must be close or equal to that which would have be achieved at an off-site facility. A draft plan was developed by architect Erik Mar, who has completed both new and renovated libraries for the County Library system, including new libraries in Pica Rivera , unincorporated Compton , and renovations in Altadena. City Council May 3 , 2016 Page 3 of 4 ----- The proposed expansion and renovation would reorient the interior library layout to accommodate and allow for a greater and broader use for facility . The expansion would include the following: A total of 1 ,416 square feet of new additional space , which will allow for: • A repurposed space of 1,150 sq ft. for Family facilities; • A repurposed space of 1,350 sq ft. for a dedicated Children's library; • A new Family restroom; • A new 760 sq ft. meeting room with a kitchen and sliding doors for new and expanded uses like performances and educational activities ; • Additional shelving for Children, Teen , Adult , and cultural collections; • A new Marketplace shelving center for use by "Friends of the Library "; • More seating and work stations for computers and study space; • Renovation of the entire interior with new furniture and fixtures; • Renovation to incorporate energy savings measures and architectural features, with the goal of having the building "LEED" certified ; and • If additional funding is available , enhancements to the outdoor patio will be made to create an outdoor reading garden . The existing building area is 9 ,982 sq. ft.; this expansion would create an 11 ,398 square foot library. Some parking adjustments would be required, with the loss of five parking spaces on the west side of the library parking lot due to the expansion. This loss of five spaces could be substituted by having an agreement with the School District to use a portion of their existing lot for both library patrons and City staff parking, along with the current lot across from City Hall be used and repurposed for Library staff and patron parking. The larger idea behind an expansion and renovation to accommodate all of these changes is to avoid the large costs of demolishing the existing library and building from the ground up, at costs many times more than the proposed $3 .9 million , likely $15 million or more. It is recommended that the City designate this funding from unassigned General Fund - Fund Balance, whereas unassigned fund balance is funding not currently programmed for one-time expenditures. Once a formal agreement between the County and City is reached and approved by the City Council, the City Council would authorize the use of designated funding . The appropriation of this funding commitment would be contingent upon a final set of plans for the expansion and renovation, and an agreement between the County and City as to the total commitment and obligations of both parties. City Council May 3, 2016 Page 4 of 4 CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: Partnering with the County's matching funding to expand and renovate the existing Temple City Library furthers the City Councils Strategic Goals of Quality of Life. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval for designation of $1 .95 million from undesignated General Fund -Fund Balance would adjust current unassigned fund balance from $3 .18 mill ion to $1 .23 million . The proposed Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget anticipates that an increase over $1 million in undesignated General Fund -Fund Balance , with overall anticipated reserves remaining above $17 million in FY 16-17 . ATTACHMENT: A. Draft Temple City Library Expansion and Remodel Plan ~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~~~--~--~--~~--~--~ATTACHMENT A ~ 0---i j i r1 i h i i :::~~or::· [ I I . ~ MEN ' 4 ~ j~ LOU~~,·~·~ . r-r-1 rr I FE ~ I ~~~~~ I I ' II :AIY ': ' r ' " ~: ffi ' G 0 WOM!N : ' 0 IPJ ~~ \ustoo~( 1--: ... 0 If Th ' MC R ~ ~ ' ' I"-······;,' I :Oi l ' -' = ! I = ' .. , "t.''M ~-:x . ,.._ g ____ , ~-(::1 I 0 ------~ --~~ ... ~,JS -r ~... -!·-~; ~ ~ . \~~~ ·~~ ~~ ---=.~ .. ~ ... 88TW: (~,~)· ,[fl -·ftl ~ , ..,.. CH'\-DREN'SIH!LYING , , 'lJ . ~ .:.-:_ EE:J Q I W I w I ffi:i.t ... ;~ a a (~; J 1 . ADULTSEAmo ~ I ;ul ~ ••• REVISIONS © I " , ""·.n, ~·I ~~ ~~~ .f cJ_.~.r!;J . 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