HomeMy Public PortalAbout20081007 - Select Board - Agenda ../../../../lib/styles.css Town of Hopkinton - Meetings ../../../../gov/index.htm ../../../../community/index.htm ../../../../business/index.htm ../../../../schools/index.htm #FPMap0 ../../../images/header.gif ../../../../index.html ../../../../gov/library/images/nav-hopk.gif ../../index.htm ../../../../gov/images/nav_buttons/agendas.gif TOWN OF HOPKINTON http://www.hcam.tv/series/selectmen/video.shtml ../../../images/streamingVideo.jpg Board of Selectmen Tuesday, October 7, 2008 AGENDA 6:30 p.m.       1.   Open Public meeting 6:30 p.m.       2.   State Election Warrant: Ann Click, Town Clerk 6:35 p.m.       3.   Accept gift into the beFREE! Account 6:37 p.m.       4.   Use of Town Hall Lower Level: BeFree! Project (Friday, Dec. 5th; 7-10:00 p.m.) 6:40 p.m.       5.   One-Day Wine/Beer License request: Hopkinton Historical Society (Fri., 11/7; 6 p.m.-9 p.m., St. John’s Hall) 6:43 p.m.       6.   Use of Town Hall’s Foyer Request: Just Because Christmas Tree Project (November 3- December 24) 6:45 p.m.       7.   Sustainable Green Committee Resignation: Amy Frederick 6:47 p.m.       8.   Notice of Taking - McFarland-Sanger House (recorded on 9/25/08 at the Middlesex County Registry of Deeds) 6:50 p.m.       9.   Borrego Solar Systems Agreement 7:00 p.m.       10.  Re-open the Public Meeting/Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance (Room 215; live TV coverage by HCAM) 7:00 p.m.       11.  Public Forum 7:05 p.m.       12.  Open Public Hearing: Community Development Action Grant (CDAG) ( Elm St , & Wood St. Public Way ) 7:30 p.m.       13. Re-open Public Hearing: Mobil Exxon Corporation (amend license for flammable storage - 92 W. Main St .) 7:45 p.m.       14.  License Issue: Police Chief Thomas Irvin 8:00 p.m.       15. Board of Appeals (Associate) Interviews (2 vacancies: terms to ’12 & 10): 1.) David Barnes; 2.) Michael Peirce 8:15 p.m.       16.  2nd Annual Hopkinton Community Spelling Bee (Friday, Nov. 4; 6-8 p.m.; Hopkins School ) 8:20 p.m.       17.  E. L. Harvey Exit Ramp        8:40 p.m.       18.  Town Manager Interim/Permanent Discussion 9:10 p.m.       19.  Budget Message Discussion 9:30 p.m.       20.  Public Meeting Policy 9:45 p.m.       21.  Readout mail 9:50 p.m.       22.  Future Agenda Items 9:55 p.m.       23.  Liaison Reports 10:00 p.m.     24. Adjourn Meeting ../../../images/bottom.gif      Updated: webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%m/%d/%y" startspan 01/23/09 webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="13422" ©Copyright Hopkinton, MA