HomeMy Public PortalAbout01 January 11, 2000 TC MinutesTOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 11, 2000 7:00 PM The following is a condensation of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is tape-recorded, and the tapes are part of the public record. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Berry called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor: Jeanne Berry Councilmembers: Leland Harris Steve Rutledge Richard Smith Andy Valaas Staff: Sue Ann Spens, Clerk -Treasurer Wayne Stewart, Town Attorney Dewey Taylor, Town Building Official Rick Cortese, Lieutenant, Clyde Hill Police Guests: J.P. Carrivcau SWEARING IN OF NEWLY ELECTED COUNCILMEMBERS LISA MUSHEL AND RICH SMITH: Town Attorney Stewart administered the Oath of Office to newly elected Councilmembers Lisa Mushel and Rich Smith. Mayor Berry welcomed Counedmembers Mushel and Smith to their new posts. APPEARANCES: None. MINUTES: MOTION: Councilmember Harris moved to approve the minutes of the December 14, 1999 regular meeting, as amended. Councilmember Valaas seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR: MOTION: Councilmernber Valaas moved to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, including December warrant numbers 12404 through 12438 in the amount of $29,112.14, noting that warrant no. 12413 was voided for duplicate printing and January warrants numbers 12439 through 12449 in the amount of $64,326.17. Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. Approved 0 1 / I 1100 Council Minutes Page i of 5 STAFF REPORTS: Police Report: Lt. Cortese reported that the month was relatively quiet for crimes but not so for traffic offenses with 10 DUIs (though he mentioned that this number is not out of line for the holiday season). He added that Nathan Gregory, the newest Clyde Hill police officer, is off to the academy. Councilmember Smith congratulated the Clyde Hill Police Department for their effort on issuing warnings as well as citations. fie then asked about the category "Questionable Actions". Lt. Cortese answered that activities which do not fit clearly into any other category, such as suspicious door-to-door sales, suspicious vehicles in the area, etc. are reported in this category. Councilmember Valaas asked about contractors' parking indefinitely on Town ROWs -- in particular, a large piece of equipment parked at the end of the Point for an unusual length of time. Lt. Cortese answered that the vehicle in question has no plate and was difficult to trace, though the situation has been handled. Other Staff Reports: Building Official Taylor reported that the mail pagoda at 92" NE and NE 40`h has been moved in anticipation of the installation of the crosswalks. Mayor Berry explained that Deputy Clerk Calhoun and Public Works employee lstvan Lovas will be performing an inventory of all of the mail pagodas throughout Town and assessing the condition of each. She noted that repairs to these pagodas will be limited as the Town does not own them. `Councilmember Smith noted that the need to repair pagodas could be an excellent opportunity for community involvement. Councilmember Rutledge volunteered his services for any groups needing some additional help. Town Attorney Stewart reported that the Planning Commission has made great progress in completing Title 16 and developing regulatory reform ordinances for the Town. He noted that they will hold a public hearing in January and will probably forward language and recommendations to the Council for action in the next two months. REGULAR BUSINESS: AB 00-001 Election of Mayor ProTempore: Mayor Berry opened nominations for the position of Mayor ProTempore. MOTION: Councilmember Harris nominated Councilmember Valaas. Councilmember Smith seconded the nomination. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Berry congratulated Councilmember Valaas on his election. Approved 01/11/00 Council Minutes Page 2 of 5 AB 00-002 Proposed Resolution No. 211 ARCH Work Program and Budget for 2000: Mayor Berry introduced Art Sullivan, Program Manager for ARCH. Mr. Sullivan expressed, excitement about the Points Communities joining ARCH, on behalf of himself and all of ARCH's member cities. He then explained how ARCH operates, how they build affordable housing, and how they ensure its continued affordability. He also outlined the participation requirements for each member city, including annual reviews of the Proposed Work Program and Administrative Budget. Councilmember Harris asked if ARCH was created in response to federal or state regulations. Mr. Sullivan answered that ARCH is a totally voluntary organization and thus is not subject to federal or state mandates. Mayor Berry commented that the Council should be proud of its participation in this organization as a means of helping provide affordable housing in the greater region since creating such housing within Yarrow Point itself is nearly impossible given the housing market on the Eastside. Mr. Sullivan introduced a video outlining the affordability problem and ARCH's solutions. He then added to the list of projects presented in the video by describing some recent project approvals. Mayor Berry added that Rosemary Ives, Mayor of Redmond, has said that many of the projects underway in Redmond would not have happened without ARCH. Councilmember Valaas asked about working with cities to develop accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and the effectiveness of providing such housing. Mr. Sullivan answered that his personal experience with such units has been very positive and that it can be one means of meeting the affordability issue. He added that it usually works best as part of a multi - pronged approach to providing affordable housing since ADUs cannot answer all housing needs. Councilmember Smith asked how many living, units ARCH develops annually. Mr. Sullivan answered that 1100 units have been created in seven years and added that ARCH's goal is 75 units per year minimum. He noted that ARCH also tracks how well the private market is meeting the affordability needs of the community. MOTION: Councilmember Smith moved to adopt Resolution No. 211 approving the ARCH Work Program and Administrative Budget for2000. Councilmember Valaas seconded. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AB 00-003 Proposed Resolution No. 212 Regarding SR-520 Mitigation: Clerk -Treasurer Spens reminded the Council that they had authorized staff to prepare a resolution similar to Medina's regarding mitigation of SR-520. Councilmember Valaas asked about the differences between our resolution and Medina's. Clerk -Treasurer Spens answered that Medina's resolution states that SR-520 designs may not include light -rail facilities and specifies that WSDOT will reimburse Medina for legal expenses, provide technical support, etc. She explained that our resolution do not include is these requirements for two reasons: Approved 01 /11/00 Council Minutes Page 3 of 5 • At a recent Council meeting in which bus -route changes were discussed, it was clear that public support and use of transit is exceptionally strong in Yarrow Point. • Medina's demand for reimbursement seems to set up an adversarial relationship rather than a climate of cooperation. Councilmember Harris asked why we omit reference to reimbursement for legal expenses for ourselves. Town Attorney Stewart answered that no resolution has the force of law to compel WSDOT to reimburse any legal expenses. Councilmember Valaas asked about requiring a lid. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to leave the requirement in the resolution because the community supports design solution similar to I-90. MOTION: Councilmember Smith moved to adopt Resolution No. 212 regarding a mitigation agreement for proposed expansion of SR-520. Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AB 00-004 Planning Commission request for Additional Funds to Complete Title 16 and Regulatory Reform: Clerk -Treasurer Spens explained the Planning Commission's request for additional funding to complete Title 16 and Regulatory reform. MOTION: Councilmember Rutledge moved to authorize the Planning Commission to spend additional monies to complete their review of Title 16 and the writing of a developmental - regulations ordinance at an additional cost not to exceed $1,500 and a total project cost not to exceed $2,500. Councilmember Mushel seconded. Vote: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Valaas asked what progress has been made on the Park Board's request for walkways on 92"d Ave NE. Clerk -Treasurer Spens answered that Deputy Clerk Calhoun provides staff support to the Park Board. In Deputy Clerk Calhoun's absence, Clerk - Treasurer Spens was not able to answer the question. Councilmembers Harris and Smith expressed concern about the apparent lack of progress by the Park Board on this issue. Councilmember Smith offered to prepare the materials needed to generate feedback from the public about what should be clone and how much should be spent. Councilmember Valaas stated that he would like to see a walkway constructed along the west side of 92nd Ave NE and he would like the Town Engineer to comment on that proposal and the possibility of undergrounding at some future date after the walkway is installed. ADJOURN: MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 8:30 pm. Councilmember Smith seconded. Vote: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. Approved 01/11/00 Council Minutes Page 4 of 5 ! Respectfully submitted, Approved: • J J-•Q)A Sue Ann Spens, Cl -Treasurer Jeanne Berry, Mayor Approved 01/11/00 Council Minutes Page 5 of 5