HomeMy Public PortalAbout03 March 14, 2000 TC Minutes• TOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 14, 2000 7:00 PM The following is a condensation of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is tape-recorded, and the tapes are part of the public record. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Berry called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor: Councilmembers: Jeanne Berry Leland Harris (excused) Lisa Mushel Steve Rutledge Richard Smith (excused) Andy Valaas Staff: Sue Ann Spens, Clerk -Treasurer Wayne Stewart, Town Attorney Dewey Taylor, Town Building Official Rick Cortese, Lieutenant, Clyde Hill Police Guests: Liz Newstrum Tom Upchurch, 9207 NE 38`h Street Dick Gates, 4662 —95'h Ave NE APPEARANCES: Dick Gates, 4662 — 95`h Ave NE, stated that he had submitted an application for a variance in a timely manner and learned today that the hearing for his variance will be delayed from March 15, 2000 to April 5, 2000. Clerk -Treasurer Spens outlined for the Council that she had called Mrs. Gates today, explained the mistake made by Ms. Spens in not mailing hearing notices at least 12 days prior to the hearing (creating the need for the delay), and apologized .for making it. She reiterated her apology to Mr. Gates. MINUTES: MOTION: Councilmember Rutledge moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2000 regular meeting as amended. Councilmember Mushel seconded. Vote: 3 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR: MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, including warrants numbers 12485 through 12533 in the amount of $29,102.05 Warrant 40 numbers 12517 through 12520 voided for printing errors). Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Approved 03/14/00 Council Minutes Pagel of5 0 Vote: 3 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. • STAFF REPORTS: Police Report: Lt. Cortese reported that Yarrow Point had two thefls, two arrests on warrants and two on traffic stops, but otherwise experienced a quiet month. Other Staff Reports: Building Official Taylor reported that he received a building -permit application for a S4 million residence. He then asked the Council to consider a current challenge: There are a number of residences whose roof drains empty onto the street. Some of these residents are willing to remedy the situation at their expense, but the current code requires that they post a bond to do such work — a requirement that some consider onerous. He asked the Council to consider changing the code to allow a waiver of this bond in certain circumstances. Mayor Berry asked Town Attorney Stewart for his opinion on how best to proceed. Town Attorney Stewart noted that there are several avenues available to ensure that these projects are handled appropriately. Mayor Berry stated that the issue will be discussed in detail at this month's staff meeting to determine an appropriate course of action. REGULAR BUSINESS: AB 00-011 Update on 1-405 Study Committee: Mayor Berry introduced Liz Newstrum, who (with her husband, Len) attends meetings of the 1-405 Study Committee, which is studying options for improving traffic flow along the 1-405 corridor. Ms. Newstrum gave a brief history of her involvement in this committee. She explained that the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is preparing an environmental -impact statement for regional transportation proposals and that this committee is one of several providing input to the PSRC for their statement and recommendations. She then explained the process that the study committee is using to evaluate various proposals and themes and asked Councilrnembers if they had any questions. There were none. Ms. Newstrum concluded by stating that the word needs to get out to citizens that this review is taking place in response to National EPA requirements and by suggesting that the Town become a member of the PSRC in order to have some influence on the outcome of these deliberations, particularly to protect the Town's interests among the many other disparate interests involved. She added that membership in PSRC is $350 annually. Ms. Newstrum reported that the study committee has a website (www.wsdat.gov/1-405) with a format for commenting on current proposals. She also suggested that citizens direct their comments to her email address: InewstrLim@uswest.net. Mayor Berry thanked Ms. Newstrum for her and her husband's tenacity in continuing to attend meetings, to review volumes of information (technical and otherwise), and to share the results of their efforts with the Council and the citizens of the Town. Approved 03/14/00 Council Minutes Page 2 of 5 AB 00-012 Public Comments regarding Proposal for Walkways on 92", Ave NE: Mayor Berry described the letter drafted by Councilmember Smith discussing the walkway issue and gave a brief review of the continents about this topic received in writing prior to and heard at the last Council meeting. She added that she received an additional email this past month in support of a walkway along 92"a Ave NE, Dick Gates asked the Council for a brief update on the current thinking about this walkway. Councilmember Valaas answered that the Park Board had sent up a recommendation to place a walkway of the east side of 92"d Ave NE, but that the Council had decided to explore other options. Mayor Berry added that Councilmember Smith drafted a letter to residents asking for their input on how best to proceed -- with a designed walkway or merely gravel placed over the excavation made by Bellevue Water Utility to replace their water mains. Tom Upchurch, 9207 NE 38"' Street, asked if there really is no plan at this time. Mayor Berry answered that there are three alternatives: down the east side, down the west side, or some combination thereof. Councilmember Rutledge added that the paths behind Medina Elementary are an appropriate model for consideration. Mr. Upchurch stated that he wants the Council to keep in mind the safety concerns expressed by several attendees at last month's Council meeting. Mayor Berry explained that safety is the primary reason for putting in this walkway. Councilmember Valaas noted that any design is constrained by the space available in the right-of-way. Dick Gates asked if the issue of underground wiring has been divorced from this project. Mayor Berry answered yes. lie then asked if the walkway would be financed "in house" or by additional taxes. Mayor Bent' answered "in house". Councilmember Valaas asked what would be the next step toward resolving this issue. He suggested that the Council move forward with hiring an engineer or consultant to prepare preliminary designs and cost estimates. Councilmember Rutledge asked if the Park Board has additional insight into an appropriate firm to hire. Mayor Berry interjected that she thinks Councilmember Smith wants the Council to retain control of this project and see it to completion. MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to approve an expenditure not to exceed $20,000 to obtain design proposals and cost estimates for a five-foot walkway originating at 33"' and terminating at either 40'b, 42"a, or the fountain. Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Vote: 3 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Dick Gates suggested that the Council consider doing the project in stages if the total project cost exceeds the budget capacity available for funding. AB 00-013 Public Hearing: Proposed Ordinance No. 495 amending the Town Zoning Code: Mayor Berry opened the public hearing at 8:25pm. Town Attorney Stewart briefly described the amendments to the Town Zoning Code as recommended by the Planning Commission. He noted that the language presented tonight is that same as at last month's Approved 03/14/00 Council Minutes Page 3 of 5 Council meeting, except that closed -record appeals of the hearing examiner's open -record hearing will be beard by the Council rather than moving directly to King County Superior Court. He reminded the Council that this change was made at their direction. fie also outlined two typographical errors in the copy that must be amended. Councilmember Valaas asked about language for open -record hearings and closed -record appeals, which Town Attorney Stewart answered. Mayor Berry asked if there were questions from the public. As there were none, she closed the public hearing at 8:35pm MOTION: Councilmember Rutledge moved to pass Ordinance No. 495 amending the Town Zoning Code as recommended by the Planning Commission and as amended for typographical errors. Councilmember Valaas seconded. Vote: 3 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AB 00-014 Public Hearing: Proposed Ordinance No. 496 establishing Regulatory Reform Processes for the Town: Mayor Berry opened the public hearing at 8:35pm. Town Attorney Stewart explained that this ordinance is needed to satisfy state statutes and explained that the Planning Commission has recommended passage of this ordinance. Mayor Berry asked if there were questions from the public. As there were none, she closed the public hearing at 8:40pm. MOTION: Councilmember Rutledge moved to pass Ordinance No. 496 establishing Regulatory Reform Processes for the Town as recommended by the Planning Commission. Councilmember Mushel seconded. Vote: 3 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AB 00-015 Proposed Resolution No. 213 amending Fees for Town Services, Permits, etc.: Clerk -Treasurer Spens explained that Resolution No. 213 replaces the current fees resolution to set forth the fees for plumbing and backflow-prevention-device permits and to pass on the costs of the hearing examiner to variance applicants. She explained that the authority to issue permits for plumbing and backflow-prevention devices was recently turned over to incorporated areas by King County and that the fees specified are what the county had been charging for these permit. She added that it is a common practice to pass on to the applicant the costs of the hearing examiner's review and ruling on a variance application. Neither of these changes triggers the need for a public vote under 1-695. MOTION: Councilmember Rutledge moved to adopt Resolution No. 213 specifying Fees for Various Services, Permits, and Applications within the Town. Councilmember Mushel seconded. Vote: 3 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AB 00-016 Discussion of Parking Regulations and Concerns in the Town: Mayor Berry explained that a resident has ongoing problems with missed mail deliveries caused by vehicles parking in front of his/her mailbox. She noted that the Town's current parking rules Approved 03/14/00 Council Minutes Page 4 of 5 • do not list the area in front of a mailbox as a "No Parking" zone; thus, the police have no enforcement authority. She explained that Building Official Taylor has been working to correct the problem because the parked vehicles often belong to contractor's working on nearby properties, but a change in the Town's parking zones would allow the police to enforce complaints about this type of parking. Councilmember Rutledge stated that the Town of Hunts Point has strict parking rules for contractor vehicles — no contractor vehicles may be parked on the street. He asked if the Council wants to examine rules along these lines. Mayor Berry answered that Building Official Taylor has already developed administrative policies for controlling contractor parking. Clerk -Treasurer Spens added that she and Building Official Taylor have discussed the need to review the Town Building Code and consider codifying such administrative policies. Town Attorney Stewart added that this review should take place after the Council completes its review of the Subdivision Code. It was the consensus of the Council that staff prepare a new parking resolution that prohibits parking in front of a mailbox. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS: Mayor Berry announced that she will be out-of-town from March 17 to April 1, 2000 and that Mayor ProTem Andy Valaas will be in charge. ADJOURN: MOTION. Councilmember Valaas moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 8:50pm. Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Vote: 3 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ue Ann Spens, Clerk- reasurer Approved: i Jeanne Berry, ayor Approved 03/14/00 Council Minutes Page 5 of 5