HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 1989-04-06 - CC_sp3 SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING APRIL 6, 1989 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a special session in Bateman Hall on the above date at 5:30 p.m. Chairman Wells in the chair. Councilmembers Heine, Morris, Wells, Richards answered the roll call. Councilmember Henning was absent. ~" Also present were City Manager Gomez, and City Clerk Hooper. City Clerk Hooper announced the agenda had been duly posted in accordance with The Brown Act. Mayor Wells introduced General Plan Committee Chairman, (;ener Rev. Paul Bradshaw, who in turn introduced members of the committee flan as follows: chaiY Vice Chairman - Amen Omar Members: Edward Pacheco, Patrice Bell Community Development Director Mas discussed completion of the firstV. A4~ step in the revision of the General Plan. Stated the Committee and 1st staff had met for a series of meetings in the last few weeks. Genet Stated the committee is now compiling the findings for presenta- Plan tion to City Council before going to the next step. Representatives of KDG, Inc . , Lydia Kennard and Bernice Taylor, Rep c discussed the community guidelines put together by the committee. KDG, Reviewed objectives and goals Council would prefer including in goal General Plan Revisement. Discussion and question and answer objet period followed. ~..., After disussion and input from Council and residents, It was agreed to consider Council input and considerations at the next committee meeting and return to Council with the results. There was no further business and it was moved by Councilmember Morris, seconded by Councilmember Heine to adjourn. Mayor APPROVED City Clerk