HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 2006/06/06 - Regular1 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 6, 2006 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Capra called the Community Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting to order at 8:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Member - Gillanders, Wong, Wilson, Capra Member - Arrighi ALSO PRESENT: Executive Director /Agency Counsel Martin, Acting Assistant Executive Director Lambert, Agency Secretary Flandrick Mr. Gillanders moved to excuse Mr. Arrighi for cause, seconded by Vice Chairman Wilson and unanimously carried. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Ms. Wong moved to approve the Consent Calendar, seconded by Vice Chairman Wilson and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Member - Gillanders, Wong, Wilson, Capra NOES: Member -None ABSENT: • Member - Arrighi ABSTAIN: Member -None A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 2006, as presented. B. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. CRA 06 -886 — APPROVAL OF INVESTMENT POLICY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 Adopted Resolution No. CRA 06 -886, a RESOLUTION OF THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACKNOWLEDGING THE RECEIPT AND FILING OF THE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007. C. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. CRA 06 -888 — APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF BILLS Adopted Resolution No. CRA 06 -888, a RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY ALLOWING CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $52,525.00 DEMAND NOS. 3305 THROUGH 3307. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — None 5. NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 06 -887 — ADOPTION OF FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 BUDGET Executive Director Martin presented the Agency's annual budget for 2006 -2007, stating the Agency has started to make a profit and build reserves for the various programs it has embarked upon. There are no changes from the proposed budget. Pursuant to Section 901 of the City Charter, a public hearing is held prior to the adoption of the budget to allow testimony by any interested person. The Agency is Agency Minutes June 6, 2006 Page 2 then requested to review and adopt the proposed revenues and expenditures for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007. Chairman Capra opened the public hearing. Hearing no requests to speak, either for or against this item, the public hearing was closed. Vice Chairman Wilson moved to adopt Resolution No. CRA 06 -887, a RESOLUTION OF THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 2006 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2007, seconded by Mr. Gillanders and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Member - Gillanders, Wong, Wilson, Capra NOES: Member -None ABSENT: Member - Arrighi ABSTAIN: Member -None 6. COMMUNICATIONS — None 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Rachel Barbosa, 9132 Hermosa Drive, referring to a referendum petition, asked for an exact number of the 10% of registered voters and if the referendum were required to be published in the 3 languages besides English. Agency Secretary Flandrick estimated 10% of the registered voters of the City to be about 1,500 and stated the exact number should be obtained through the County Elections Division. Executive Director Martin stated the language issue is very difficult to answer right now. In Orange County, the Padilla case was decided by not only the District Court, but the Ninth Circuit Court as well, and held that any kind of election process had to be in multi languages or it would be void. That case stood for awhile and under that case the Rosemead case was decided and a case in Monterey was decided and another case decided, all saying that the Padilla case controls, so all materials had to be in multi languages. Then the court in the Padilla case suddenly withdrew its opinion and said would hear it en banc, which means 11 justices instead of 3. It is now being heard, and as a result of that, the Rosemead case was reversed and the recall back on the ballot. The other 2 have not been reversed. So, at this moment 2 District Courts are saying the Voting Rights Act does require multi languages. The Padilla case is being re -heard by 11 new judges and we have no idea when it will be decided or what the decision will be. And in the Rosemead case, the judge reversed himself and said it did not have to be in multi languages. Executive Director Martin said his best guess is that the Voting Rights Act will prevail but will not be retroactive. As this can't be relied upon, it may be best to do in all languages, but he cannot give advice in this matter. Rachel Barbosa said she appreciated our legal process and that residents have the opportunity and right to petition just as the 5 Councilmembers had when they campaigned. She didn't think it was right or fair to have Council constituents bully members of her group who have been petitioning and trying to collect signatures in a legal manner. She hoped that those who approached members of her group very angrily will refrain and allow them to continue with the legal process of collecting signatures. Mary Kokayko, 6149 N. Camellia Avenue, said she has been in front of Ralph's for the last two weeks and two people have been giving her a bad time — one was a school board member standing near her and spying on her and listening to her and taking pictures of her table. He got the manager of Ralph's who came to her and said the law is that she had to be 15 feet from the door and she moved her table. And Scott treated her terribly and would 1 1 1 1 Agency Minutes June 6, 2006 Page 3 come by every day and distract her. The manager of Ralph's said they were telling a lot of lies about her but he was not buying it. Scott Carwile, 5112 Kauffman Avenue, said he bought groceries at Ralph's and talked to Ms. Kokayko and did not get mad. He appreciated what they were doing and never asked the manager of Ralph's to chase her away or took any pictures. He shopped there twice and offered her a drink and was nice and encouraged them. 8. UPDATE FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR — None 9. MATTERS FROM AGENCY MEMBERS — None 10. CLOSED SESSION — None 11. ADJOURNMENT The Regular Meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency adjourned at 8:49 p.m. ATTEST: Agency Se etary