HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 1983-08-02 - CC~ : {. REGULAR MEETING RUGUST 2, 1983 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a regular session in the City-Hall, 11330 Bullis Road, on above date at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Thompson in the chair. Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, and Thompson answered the roll call. Also present were City Manager Gomez and City Attorney Feldman. It was moved 6y Councilman Byork, seconded by Councilman Green and carried, that the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of June 30, 1983; the regular meetings of July 5 and July 19, 1983, be approved as written. The Mayor stated the proclamation for City Treasurer will be continued until August 16, 1983. COMMENDATION The Mayor read a resolution of commendation for Dr. Lavoneia Dr. L. Steele Steele of the Lynwood Unified School District. It was moved by Councilman Byork, seconded by Councilman Green, and carried, that the commendation be authorized. COMMENDATION Mayor Pro Tem Morris presented a commendation to Mrs. Ida Honorof I. Honorof on receiving the "Rachel Carson Memorial Award" on behalf of the City Council. Congratulations were extended to Mrs. Honorof by Councilmembers. SCHEDULED MATTERS PUBLIC HEARING The Mayor announced the time had arrived to conduct a public HMD zoNES hearing on the amendment to zoning ordinance regarding set- backs in Hospital-Medical-Dental (H-M-D) Zones. In January, 1981, the City adopted an ordinance which established a H-M-D Zoning classification. One of the development standards of this zone requires that building be set back at least 20 feet from all property lines. Staff feels this requirement is overly restrictive in that the majority of the City's H-M-D lots are only 50 feet wide. These lots would be rendered useless if the required setbacks were adhered to. A 10 foot front yard setback is reasonable and that no side or rear setback require- ments are necessary for the H-M-D Zoning. The Mayor inquired if anyone present wished to speak for or in opposition to the proposed ordinance. There was no response and the public hearing was closed. FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD oN ABOVE AMENDING CHAPTER 25 OF THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, REGARDING SETBACKS IN1HE HOSPITAL-MEDICAL-DENTAL (H-M-D) ZONE." was presented. It was moved by Councilman Byork, seconded by Councilman Green, and carried, to waive reading and introduce for first reading. CONSENT CALENDAR The Mayor stated that all matters listed under the Consent Calendar would be acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended on the Agenda. There is no separate discussion on these items prior to voting unless members of the Council or staff request specific items to be withdrawn for separate action. RES No. s3-loo RESOLUTION N0. 83-100 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY SEDAN PURCHASE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, FINDING THAT THE PURCHASE OF A SEDAN CAN BE MORE ECONOMICALLY AND EFFICIENTLY EFFECTED THROUGH THE PRICE NEGOTIATION PROCEDURE." was presented. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman AMSULANCE Morris, that the Council award a contract to the apparent AWARD TO ADAP low bidder, Adams Ambulance Service, Inc., based on its $0.00 bid. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byorl~ Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION N0. 83-101 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ALLOWING APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND ORDERING WARRANTS DRAWN THEREFOR." was presented. It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Morris, that the foregoing resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: yes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None CITY CLERK'S AGENDA ORDINANCE N0. 1205 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AT^EP4DING CHAPTER 12 OF THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE - 1982 EDITION WITH AMENDMENTS." was presented for second reading. It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Morris, that the ordinance be adopted. RES NO 83-10. DEMANDS 8-2-83 ORD NO. 1208 UNIFORM FIRE CODE ADOPTIO] ROLL CALL: yes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None ORDINANCE N0. 120E entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE .CITY ORD NO. 1206 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. .1026 COUNCILMENS' ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR THE CITY COUNCILMEN." was pre- sALARIEs sented for second reading. It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Rowe, that the ordinance be adopted. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: Councilmen Byork Absent: None AN Ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ORDINANCE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 1103 AUTO ALLOW- PROVIDING FOR AN AUTO ALLOWANCE FOR COUNCILMEMBERS." The ANCE * second reading on this ordinance was continued to August 16, 1983. RESOLUTION N0. 83-102 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY RES. No. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 83-69A." s3-1o2 was presented. It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded Amending by Councilman Morris, that the resolution be adopted. 83-69A ROLL CALL: dyes: Councilmen Green, Byork, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None * See Pg. 11 Ord No. 120; Out of se- quence ~~. RES No. 83-103 RESOLUTION N0. 83-103 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE APPROP. FOR CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE LEGAL ANALYSIS APPROPRIATION OF ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1 ,000) FROM THE As 377 GENERAL FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF HAVING A LEGAL ANALYSIS DONE OF AB 377." was presented. It was moved by Council- man Green, seconded by Councilman Morris, that the resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: -Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None REPORT ON The City Clerk gave a report on the Dog Clinics held in JUNE AND JULY June and July. Approximately 1 ,000 dogs were vaccinated; DOG CLINICS 1 31 l i censes were sol d i n June, and 62 l i censes i n July. The total revenue for both clinics was. $3,256. The normal licensing period is from June 1 to August 1 of each year. To date, 2097 dogs have been licensed for a total revenue of $30,782. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS The City Manager requested an executive session be held after Council and Oral Communications. D. Richman Mr. D. Richman questi oned i f the City Treasurer was being Expenditures excluded from the discussion regarding expenditure of City monies for car allowance. The City Attorney stated this was not open to the public and there was no discussion at this time. COUNCIL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS c. sYORx Councilman Byork gave a report on the Corridor Cities meet- corridor cities i ng . The bids wi 1 1 begi n soon for the pouring of cement at State and Fernwood on the I-105 Freeway project. Caltrans stated that as of June 30, all contracts had expired, and the State Police would patrol the corridor. The Caltrans new contracts will not be ready for signature until October; the monetary figures will be the same as on previous contracts so the State Police will continue to patrol until the new contract is available for execution. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS s. Sibley Ms. S. Sibley, 12028 Gertrude, stated she needed clarifica- Water sill tion of her water bill. Stated that for the past ten years people received red and white delinquent notices and this time they were not properly notified--the final notice was the same as the regular bill, and a number of citizens had their water turned off. It looked like the City ran out of red and white notices and thus sent the others and the new one showed a $10 charge to have the water turned back on. The City Manager stated it was his understanding the red and white notices have been only used past year and a half and there is a 30 day period before this notice is received, and then another 15 days before water is shut off for a total of 45 days from the first notice. After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Rowe, seconded by Councilman Morris, to return or credit $10 to all the people who had paid the delinquent July water bill because of improper notification. It was moved by 3~ Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Rowe, to amend the motion to continue with the red notices. Amendment vote: ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None Vote on mot ion: ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None Ms. I. Honorof, 2901 Los Flores, reminded the public about I. Honorof her radio program on August 8, 1983, regarding underground various storage tanks throughout Los Angeles County. Stated that by the City Treasurer's request, County Supervisors issued a proclamation for Municipal Treasurer's Association Week -- August 7 - 13, 1983. Ms. F. Navratil, 3686 Cedar, questioned a note on her door F. Navratil regarding curb numbering and whether Council had approved a various license; increase in trash collection fees. Rev. R. Hi 11 , stated he needed a bui 1 di ng to minister to Rev. R. xill young people and prostitutes in Lynwood, and would like to Bldg. for know the zoning requirements of the City. The City Manager ministering advised him to attend the Planning Commission meeting on August 9, 1983. Mr. D. Richman, 11106 Benwell, stated he had requested the n. Richman proclamation for the Municipal Treasurer's Association Week, various !^ but if it was to be continued to the meeting of August 16, it would be too late. Stated several Council meetings ago he had requested information on automobile allowance. The City Attorney stated he would contact him. Mr. W. Steck, commented about the children playing football w, steck in the front of City Hall, and were destroying the beautiful Flowerbeds flowers in the flower beds around the premises. It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Morris, and carried, to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Council re- convened at 9:09 p.m. It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Green, and carried, to adjourn to executive session at 9:10 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:22 p.m. and no action was taken. It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Rowe, and carried, that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting of August 16, 1983. C~ ANDREA L. HOOPER, City C1 rk City of Lynwood APPROVED AUGUST 16, 1983 ,:- OUIS A. THOMPS N, May r City of Lynwood