HomeMy Public PortalAbout09 September 12, 2000 TC MinutesTOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 7:00 PM The following is a condensation of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is tape-recorded, and the tapes are part of the public record. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Berry called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor: Councilmernbers: Jeanne Berry Leland Harris (Excused) Lisa Mushel Steve Rutledge Richard Smith Andy Valaas Staff. J. P. Camveau, Summer Intern Sissel Calhoun, Deputy Clerk -Treasurer Wayne Stewart, Town Attorney 40 Dewey Taylor, Town Building Official Rick Cortese, Lieutenant, Clyde Hill Police Allan Newbill, Town Engineer Guests: Lynn Rotholtz, 4000 — 92;'d Ave NE Ed Green, 9073 NE 41" St Bob Trimble, 4640 951h Ave NE Dennis Chinn, 9001 NE 37th Pl APPEARANCES: Ed Green, 9073 41" Pl, spoke regarding the stop sign petition. He indicated he is still receiving signatures and phone calls regarding the stop signs on 92Id Ave NE and 401h Street. He passed around a bulletin from the City of Bellevue regarding stop signs. He pointed out that there are alternatives to stop signs. MINUTES: MOTION. Councilmember Valaas moved to approve the minutes of the August S, 2000 regular meeting, as written. Councilmember Mushel seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR: MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, including warrants numbers 12740 through 12770 in the amount of $37,909.90. Councilmember Mushel seconded. Approved 09/12/00 Council Minutes Page 1 of 7 Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. STAFF REPORTS - Police Report: Lt. Cortese reported that August was a quiet month. Most traffic infractions were issued for speed violations and parking violations. Councilmember Valaas asked for clarification on the non -criminal notation in the Police Report. Lieutenant Cortese reported that the particular instance was an error. Mayor Berry asked Lieutenant Cortese to report on the 80 Ave ramp meters. Lt, Cortese responded that the first few days were very busy and then things quieted down a lot. He stated that he believes the real effects will be clearer after the rest of the meters along SR-520 westbound are activated. Other Staff Reports: Town Engineer Newbill reported that a meeting will be set for September 27"' between the Town and the property owners on the northwest corner of Points Drive and 92n0 Ave NE to discuss the laurel hedge which is limiting vehicle sight distance at that intersection. fie noted that a "Right Turn Only" sign has been ordered for the intersection of 92nd Ave NE and NE 32"d St. Town Engineer Newbill stated that Stripe Rite will be restriping the crosswalks on Points Drive because Clyde Hill determined that it was too costly for their Public Works Department to do the striping. Stripe Rite will also paint "No Parking" striping down the north side of Points Drive near 88th Ave NE. Town Engineer Newbill related that Ed Lagergren's traffic report on the intersection of 92nd Ave NE and NE 40`' Street is still in draft form and will be forwarded to the Council when it is complete. Town Engineer Newbill reported that the Bellevue Water Utility water -main project is still delayed. Councilmember Smith asked if the community will be notified about the water project before it occurs. Town Engineer Newbill said that he will find out. Councilmember Rutledge mentioned that he had recently noticed a sinkhole in the road on the east side of 95th in the 4600 block. Councilmember Valaas commented that he had seen the same sinkhole. Town Engineer Newbill indicated that he will investigate. Building Official Taylor reported that he would like to see an improvement in the Town's zoning code with regards to the lighting restrictions because he feels that the wording is difficult to enforce. Councilmember Valaas suggested that Building Official Taylor discuss the issue with the National Electric Manufacturers Association, since they create the standard for lighting that the Town has adopted. 0 Approved 09/12/00 Council Minutes Page 2 of 7 Building Official Taylor informed the Council that he would also like the building -height restrictions reviewed. He indicated that a resident recently excavated their property so they could build a taller house and still fit the current 25-foot height restriction. He explained that the neighbors of such buildings may object to the exterior appearance of such a residence. Town Engineer Newbill stated that he believes the ordinance was so written because the Council wanted neighbors to be assured that people could not build up higher than 25 feet from original grade. Councilmember Valaas indicated that he feels the current wording works fine since people still cannot build higher than 25 feet from the original grade. Councilmember Valaas inquired about a fence on 95'h Ave NE, just south of Town Hall. Summer Intern Carriveau reported that a letter was being drafted to the Autens who own the property asking them to fix the problem. Deputy Clerk -Treasurer Calhoun reported that the fall newsletter is at the copiers and will be mailed shortly. ]P Carriveau, Webmaster, reported that the website and email have both returned to full service. He also reported that Building Department permit applications are now available for download online. REGULAR BUSINESS: AB 00-046 Review of Bonding Requirements For Work On Public ROWS: Building Official Taylor presented his suggestions to the Council for the change of the current bonding requirements for diversion of water draining from roofs into catch basins instead of onto the street. Town Engineer Newbill asked if Building Official Taylor had made any changes pursuant to his (Newbill's) written suggestions. Building Official Taylor responded that he had made one change but did not have a revised copy ready at this time. Councilmember Smith asked what the problem is with the current wording, which gives the Town Engineer discretion with regard to the cash -bond requirement. Building Official Taylor deferred to Town Engineer Newbill, who reported that the Town used to require paper bonds but found that such bonds cost more in attorney fees to pursue in cases of default, so the Town changed to requiring a cash bond. He explained that, although Building Official Taylor's changes would affect only excavations in the unpaved portion of the right of way, this type of work can still result in problems with the roadway later. Town Engineer Newbill indicated that the ordinance as currently written allows the decision to require a cash bond to be made by policy rather than ordinance. Councilmember Smith said that he prefers to leave discretion with the Town Engineer, since it allowed him to make a professional decision. Town Engineer Newbill noted that he requires smaller bonds when there are no open cuts of the roadway, larger bonds when cuts are made. He added that most jobs of this nature require cuts of the paved portions of the roadway. Councilmember Smith stated that he feels the flexibility of the existing ordinance is good, since it leaves the decision in the hands of the Town's professional engineer. Approved 09/12/00 Council Minutes page 3 of 7 Building Official Taylor indicated that his concern is the few instances where roof drains are discharging directly onto the roadway, which creates a potential ice hazard in cold weather. He explained that residents with such roof drains have indicated that they would be willing to remedy the situation if they did not have to put up a cash bond. Town Engineer Newbill indicated that the bonds for this type of work tend to be fairly small, so as not to pose a financial hardship. Councilmember Smith asked if a $300 bond was a problem for the residents to whom Building Official Taylor has spoken. Building Official Taylor responded that it may be a burden for some homeowners. He added that he feels the current wording may discourage people from correcting the problem. Town Attorney Stewart asked about the "provided" wording in Building Official Taylor's suggested change. Town Engineer Newbill answered that if there is no catch basin, that he allows people to tap into the: storm drain system. Building Official Taylor reported that he has removed that wording. Town Engineer Newbill commented that he would be open to a Council request to not require a bond for such work. Councilmember Smith asked for Town Engineer Newbill's suggestions. Town Engineer Newbill suggested that the wording remain as written. Councilmember Valaas asked if Town Engineer Newbill can ask for a paper bond. Town Engineer Newbill answered that under the current code he cannot. MOTION: Councilmember Smith moved to table this action until next month so Building Official Taylor can revise his proposal and so the Mayor and staff can consider these revisions. Councilmember Valaas seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AB 00-047 Public Hearing: Final reading of Proposed Ordinance No. 499 granting a Non -Exclusive Electric Franchise to Puget Sound Energy (PSE): Mayor Berry opened the public hearing for discussion of the new PSE franchise at 7:58pm and explained that the changes suggested by Councilmember Valaas have been incorporated into the agreement. Councilmember Valaas pointed out that Section 2.1.1 should be changed to read "electricity" instead of "energy". Councilmember Rutledge asked Town Engineer Newbill for clarification about Section 4.1.3 regarding the relocation of utility poles in five years. Town Engineer Newbill answered that the wording means that if the Town widened a roadway, Puget Sound Energy would pay for the cost of moving the utility poles. He added that if the Town requires the movement of the same poles within five years of the previous work, the Town will have to pay the cost of moving the utility poles. Mayor Berry opened the floor to public discussion. As there was none, she closed the public hearing at 7:59 prn. Approved 09/12/00 Council Minutes Page 4 of 7 MOTION: Councilmember Valaas moved to pass Ordinance No. 499 granting Puget Sound Energy a non-exclusive franchise to distribute electricity within the Town, as amended to insert the word "electricity" in place of "energy" in section 2.1.1. Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. AB 00-048 Review of RFP for Walkways on 92ud Avenue NE: Town Engineer Newbill presented his scope of work for the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Walkways along 92"6 Avenue NE. He noted that he plans to issue the RFP soon and asked for input from the Mayor, Council, and/or staff. Councilmember Rutledge asked if the Town should set a limit on the number of alternatives returned. Town Engineer Newbill answered that he would be open to any limit the council wished to place. Councilmember Smith stated that he would like Town Engineer Newbill to ensure that all of the work be done within the existing right of way and to take the Park Board's list of recommendations into consideration. It was the consensus of the Council to have Town Engineer Newbill do so. Councilmember Smith asked if the unusual sloping on the west side of 92nd Ave NE will be considered. Town Engineer Newbill responded that the design firms responding will be likely to take issues of topography into consideration, possibly by doing a walk through before preparing drawings. He added that some alternatives may utilize fill to achieve a level path. Councilmember Rutledge asked if we should ask the design firm to take parking into consideration. Town Engineer Newbill answered yes if the Council wishes. It was the consensus of the Council that Town Engineer Newbill include parking in the RFP. Councilmember Rutledge asked if the drawings that the Town has already can help with this project. Town Engineer Newbill indicated that he feels they may be helpful. AB 00.049 Proposals For Increasing Citizen Awareness of Town Meetings and Issues: Summer Intern Carriveau explained the alternatives that he prepared for increasing citizen awareness of Town meetings and issues. He noted that the costs shown are estimates only and that the estimated cost to enact more than one of the alternatives is be cumulative. Councilmember Smith asked what the staff recommended. Sumner Intern Carriveau indicated that he feels kiosks offer the Town the best coverage for its dollar. Councilmember Smith asked why email was not recommended. Summer Intern Carriveau answered that the effort to maintain an email database of this size could become burdensome on the staff and detract from other staff business. He indicated that the website will definitely include a "What's New" section, so people can go online for up-to-date information. Approved 09/12/00 Council Minutes Page 5 of 7 Mayor Berry noted that the staff had developed a potentially inexpensive and effective proposal for posting notices on the end of mailbox pagodas using clipboards with plastic covers. Councilmember Valaas pointed out that clipboards could also be used for more localized notices, such as variance notifications and other such official Town business. He then asked whether bath sides of the pagodas would have notices on them or only one. Carriveau responded that the staff would need to make a pagoda -by -pagoda determination of which side would most likely be approached, since only one notice board per pagoda would be installed. It was the consensus of the Council to include the cost of implementing Alternative 92 Mailbox Pagodas into next year's budget. AB 00.050 Changes in Parking Restrictions At Bus Stop On NE 33d Street and 92°a Avenue NE: Deputy Clerk -Treasurer Calhoun presented her recommendation for changing the parking restrictions at the former bus stop on NE 33�d Street. She pointed out that the Council may wish to exclude certain hours so that people who use the freeway bus station would still have a place to loadfunload. It was the consensus of the Council that staff draft a new parking resolution allowing 3-hour parking at the bus stop anytime, i.e. with no time -of -day restrictions. AB 00.051 Review of Long -Load Restrictions in the City of Clyde Hill: Mayor Berry reported that she had gathered the information used by the City of Clyde Hill in enacting its long -load restrictions. Councilmember Smith asked if moving trucks over 40' would need to get a special permit. Mayor Berry answered that under the Clyde Hill ordinance, people simply call City Hall to obtain permission to bring the truck into the city. Mayor Berry added that she had spokes with a moving truck driver who stated that his company is very familiar with the procedures of breaking down large loads onto smaller trucks and that moving companies are able to do that without much difficulty. It was the consensus of the Council not to pursue this type of legislation, at this time. AB 00-052 Budget 2001: First Call for Input from Council and Staff: Mayor Berry reported that Clerk -Treasurer Spens is currently preparing the Town's Budget for 2001. She asked members of the Council and staff to recommend parameters and/or projects for preparing the 2001 Budget. She reported that she recently received the cost increases for the fire contract and that those increases will be built into the budget, as will other known contract -cost increases. She explained that she would like the Council to consider the purchase of a new copy machine for Town Hall. Councilmember Valaas asked that staff consider the cost to purchase vs. lease such equipment. She added that staff is researching the cost of minor improvements to the front office area, which would allow that part of Town Hall to be locked up, as needed. She explained that this Approved 09/12/00 Council Minutes Page 6 of 7 IS additional security would allow more community groups to use Town Hall during non -office hours. Councilmember Rutledge reported that he was working with staff to develop an estimate for this work. LJ Mayor Berry also noted that the Website development and maintenance work was not specifically included in this year's budget, and she would like to include such costs in the next budget. She also noted that she would like to budget for code enforcement separately in order to allow the Building Official to concentrate on the increasing number of building projects in the Town. Councilmember Valaas pointed out that the 92"d Ave walkway should be included in a budget as information becomes available. Mayor Berry noted that Council/staff retreats will also be included in the next year's budget. She announced that plans are underway for this year's retreat, involving only the staff, on October 14°", and that next year she hopes to gather the Council and staff together in a joint retreat. It was the consensus of the Council to include these items in the preliminary budget. AB 00-053 Translake EIS Committee Field Trip: Mayor Berry reported that she will be taking a field trip to the Wetherill Nature Preserve and the 47 h Road End Beach with the Translake HIS committee on October 71h, 2000. Deputy Clerk -Treasurer Calhoun added that two members of the Wetherill Nature Preserve Commission will attend as well. Councitmember Smith indicated that he is willing to attend the field trip. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Mushel asked if all five Councilmembers were planning to attend the next scheduled meeting of the Town Council. The Councilmembers in attendance indicated that they planned to attend. ADJOURN - MOTION: Councilmember Smith moved to adjourn the Council meeting at 8:52 pm. Councilmember Rutledge seconded. Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, 6?�� �-: P. Carriveau, Summer Intern Approved: Jeanne Berry, M Approved 09/ 12/00 Council Minutes Page 7 of 7