HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 1986-01-07 - CC97 REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 7, 1986 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a regular session in the City Ha11, 11330 Bullis Road, on the above date at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Henning in the chair. Councilpersons Byork, Morris, Thompson, Wells, and Henning ` answered the roll call. f Also present were City Manager Gomez and Assistant City Attorney Feldman. It was moved by Councilperson Byork, seconded by Councilperson Morris, and carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of December 3, 1985 be approved as written. Mayor Henning read a commendation for Dr. Edison Jackson. COMMENDATION It was moved by Councilperson Morris, seconded by Council- Dr. E Jacksot person Thompson, and carried, that the commendation be approved. Council recessed to the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency meeting at 7:40 p.m. Council reconvened at 7:48 p.m. SCHEDULED MATTERS The Mayor announced that the time had arrived to conduct a public hearing on the proposed zoning ordinance amendment, Antennas. Acting Community Development Director Mas ex- plained and read changes in Paragraph 13 and 17 on Page 4. He indicated the satellite dishes will only be allowed in the rear yard, must be screened and the maximum height will be regulated to 15 feet. Councilperson Wells asked how the antennas could be screened for 15 feet when fence height maximum is only 6 feet. Mr. Mas explained that they will try to ensure maximum screening capability through the site plan review process. The Mayor inquired if anyone wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the ordi- nance. PUBLIC HEARIP Satellite Dishes Mr. A. Bramlett, 11365 Louise, addressed Council as to what DISCUSSION brought this type of ordinance to Council's attention and the need for one; also, did this include roof antennas. The Mayor explained there had been a number of requests to erect dish antennas and presently, there are no zoning regula- tions to control these devices and that regular antennas are still allowed on roof tops. Mr. Bramlett thought this matter should be thoroughly researched. The City Attorney explained the definition of "Antenna" be changed to mean only "Dish" antennas and devices. Mr. R. Wright, 11634 Virginia, inquired if all utility lines in the City will be going underground; a statement was made that TV cable lines are underground. Director Mas stated that only on new construction is it required they be under- ground. Mr. L. Joy, 11512 Virginia, questioned if the laws regarding antennas are really necessary. He thought development is already over-regulated and further laws hold back progress. Mr. G. Martini, 17060 Alexander, thought the dispute was on the definition of antennas. He thought getting rid of tele- phone poles would do more to serve the aesthetic goals of the City. There was no further response, and the public hearing was closed. 98 After Council discussion, 1st Reading AN ORDINANCE entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Antennas OF THE CITY. OF LYNWOOD AMENDING CHAPTER 25, THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDINANCE, OF THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE REGULATION OF ANTENNAS WITHIN THE CITY." was presented for first reading. It was moved by Councilperson Byork, seconded by Council- person Thompson, to waive reading and introduce ordinance with changes for first reading. ROLL CALL: yes: Councilpersons Byork, Morris, Thompson, Wells, Henning Noes: None Absent: None CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the consent calendar were acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended on the agenda, unless members of the Council or staff requested specific items removed for separate action. Councilperson Wells requested Item No. 9, Changes in Re- stricted Parking, Imperial Highway. The following action was taken. BID AWARD - Side- Council award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, walk Const. Proj White Construction Company, based on its bid of $77,625, for Sidewalk Reconstruction Project, was presented. Council approve the specifications and authorize staff to advertise for bids, Brenton Avenue Reconstruction Project, was presented. RES No. 86-1 RESOLUTION N0. 86-1 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY DEMANDS 1-7-86 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND ORDERING WARRANTS DRAWN THEREFOR." was pre- sented. It was moved by Councilperson Byork, seconded by Council- person Morris, that the foregoing items be approved and resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilperson Byork, Morris, Thompson, Wells, Henning Noes: None Absent: None Councilperson Wells requested Item No. 9, Changes in Restricted Parking, Imperial Highway and asked if the parking restrictions could be extended the full length of Imperial Highway for the purpose of being consistent. The City Manager stated this plan would allow parking except during the peek hours. Public Works Director/ City Engineer Wang explained that in an attempt to improve traffic flow they can either increase to a three lane highway or restrict parking. Some of the businesses do not have adequate parking, so there have been complaints when parking is restricted all day. Councilperson Morris thought the third lane would create more problems than it is worth. Director Wang informed Council the reason all of Imperial was not brought to them is that the Parking and Traffic Commission had not fully studied it from Bullis to Atlantic (Wright Road). The City Manager stated that no solution will solve all the problems. Either the traffic flow throughout the City can be helped, or concern can be shown to the businesses along the way. He suggested 99 there be an amnesty on this while staff studies it further. Councilperson Thompson did not think it was fair to make improvements at the expense of businesses that have been in the City for years. Director Wang explained that is why they are trying to temporarily resolve each case separately depending on whether there is a hardship or not. It was moved by Councilperson Morris, seconded by Council- , person Byork, to return this item to Traffic and Parking Commission to be included in the total concept for parking restrictions, east and west from Bullis Road to the City border, and that the former "No Parking" restrictions be rescinded. Mr. D. Gilbert, Traffic and Parking Commissioner, explained that the request is only a temporary measure to help B ~, C Liquor until the whole length of Imperial can be studied. He thought the full study would be done by February. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilperson Byork, Dorris, Thompson, Wells, Henning Noes: None Absent: None CITY CLERK'S AGENDA It was moved by Councilperson Byork, seconded by Council- SOLICITATION person Morris, and carried, to approve the solicitation Purple xeart permit for the calendar .year to Purple Heart Veterans Rehabilitation Services, Inc. It was moved by Councilperson Morris, seconded by Council- Lyn Exchange ~, person Byork, and carried, to approve the charitable Club solicitation permit for the Lynwood Exchange Club, March 1, 't 1986 and October 4, 1986. It was moved by Councilperson Thompson, .seconded by Council- ~x~ater person Wells, and carried, to approve the charitable solicita-Shiloh Chrc tion permit for the Greater Shiloh Church of God in Christ for three months, 1986. The City Clerk. read for information only, the one (1) vacancy VACANCY on the Community Affairs Commission vacated by Edna Kinney. Comm Affai Nominations will be made at the regular meeting of January 21, E. Kinney 1986. It was moved by Councilperson Thompson, seconded by Mayor Henning, as a joint item for Council and Lynwood Redevel- opment Agency, to approve the use of the redevelopment prop- erties on Long Beach Boulevard for a carnival on January 27, through February 3, 1986 for the Lynwood Chamber of Commerce request. ROLL CALL: (CITY COUNCIL) Ayes: Councilperson Byork, Morris, Thompson, Wells, Henning Noes: None Absent: None ~""" ROLL CALL: ( L R A ) ~ Ayes: Members Byork, Morris, Thompson, Wells, Henning Noes: None Absent: None It was moved by Councilperson Byork, seconded by Councilperson PERMIT Morris, and carried, to approve the solicitation permit for Gospel Army the calendar year for the Gospel Army Rehabilitation Program. It was moved by Councilperson Wells, seconded by Councilperson Goodwill Byork, and carried, to approve the renewal of fee exempt Industries license for the Year of 1986 for Goodwill Industries of Southern California. 100 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS APPROVE WILLDAN The City Manager stated Council needed to take the same CONTRACT action as the Agency in regards to the temporary help for Director Mas while the Planning Technician assumes duties of research and coordination in the zoning amendment program. It was moved by Councilperson Morris, seconded by Councilperson Wells, that the Council authorize the contract with Willdan and Associates for temporary services. ROLL CALL Ayes: Councilperson Byork, Morris, Thompson, Wells, Henning Noes: None Absent: None REISSUING VENDOR The City Clerk stated that on January 2, 1986, business LICENSES licenses began to be issued regarding vendors because the new State law does nod allow total prohibition of vendors. Some restrictions can be imposed, and an urgency ordinance would be required. The Mayor suggested that vendors should have insurance and a health certificate. The City Clerk stated that a health certificate and background check are currently being required. Council considered requirements and restrictions of certain streets, hours, schools, parks insurance, etc., be studied. The City Attorney indicated he would write the requirements for insurance into the urgency ordinance. The City Clerk stated that those who ' have already purchased a license will still be subject to the requirements imposed by the ordinance. It was agreed the ordinance would be presented at the meeting of January 21, 1986. COUNCIL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS C. WELLS- Councilperson Wells stated she would like staff to provide Curfews information to Council regarding curfews as it could help the Sheriff's Department regarding gangs. She was informed curfews already exist in Lynwood, however, there is a problem with enforcement. Councilperson Wells asked when would the City entrance markers be installed. Public Works Director Wang stated they would be installed in February. "Buckle Up" Councilperson Byork reminded everyone to "Buckle Up." The Law - 1-I-86 law began January 1, 1986. Councilman Morris, wished everyone a Happy, Healthful New Year. Bus sY-STEM The Mayor wanted to know the status of the bus system Status studies. Public Works Director Wang stated they are concerned with moving the old PE Station and money to acquire property for it. Also they want to integrate the City's bus system with the Caltrans Interchange. The RFP will go out in February and it takes two months to award the contract. The Mayor stated he was anxious to get something tangible ~-s, done on this project. After Council discussion, It was moved by Mayor Henning, seconded by Councilperson Wells, to allow staff to negotiate the purchase price for buses. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilperson Byork, Morris, Thompson, Byork Henning Noes: None Absent: None 101 PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. J. Lucas, 11638 Louise, wanted to know what the City is J. Lucas going to do with the old PE Station. He thought Caltrans PE station was going to move it for the City without charge. He was informed they agreed to move it, but not refurbish it. Mr. W. Horn, 3528 Agnes, referred to Item No. 9, Parking. He asked what the current restrictions were on Imperia ~~ Highway. Public Works Director Wang explained it is only I restricted near the intersections, and explained that resurfacing of Long Beach Boulevard must wait until the freeway interchange is completed. Mr. W. Cunningham, 10821 Cornish, thought the trash condi- tions along the major highways should be cleaned up. Further he would like to see the entire code enforcement system re- vised with a single department head over the Code Enforcement officers and a logging system used to keep. track of their time. He challenged Council to put these items high on their agenda for the year. Also, he would like the City to take another look at the Paramedic Program. W. Horn Parking Restriction; W. Cunningh~ Various Ms. F. Navatril, 3686 Cedar, stated that even when the street F Navatril sweeper goes around twice, it still leaves the pine needles st Sweeper behind. Councilman Byork suggested he may not be dumping often enough. Public Works Director Wang stated he would take care of it. Mr. G. Martini, 10760 Alexander, referred to .Item No. 10, G. Martini Sidewalk Reconstruction Project, and asked how much sidewalk Sidewalk is involved for the money. Public Works Director Wang in- reconstr. formed him that out of all the locations needing work, the top 65 are chosen for tree removal and repair of sidewalks. Mr. R. Rauch, 3935 LeSage, wondered if the restrictions on R. Rauch vendors were referring to push carts rather than trucks. He vendors was told it referred only to "vehicles" and did not specify. The Mayor asked the City Attorney to investigate the meaning of vehicles and report back to Council. There was no further business, and it was moved by Council- person Morris, seconded by Councilperson Byork, and carried, to adjourn to the Workshop Meeting on January 13, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. in Bateman Hall. ANDREA L. HOOPER, Clty Cl r City of Lynwood APPROVED FEBRUARY 18, 1986 R NNING, Ma or City of Lynwood