HomeMy Public PortalAboutMIN-CC-2015-02-10MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 10, 2015 The Moab City Council held its Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers at the Moab City Center, located at 217 East Center Street, Moab, Utah. Mayor David L. Sakrison called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 PM. In attendance were Councilmembers Heila Ershadi, Gregg Stucki, Kyle Bailey, Doug McElhaney and Kirstin Peterson. Also in attendance were City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder/Assistant City Manager Rachel Stenta, Deputy City Recorder Danielle Guerrero, City Treasurer Jennie Ross, Police Chief Mike Navarre and Public Works Director Jeff Foster. Mayor Sakrison called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:05 PM and led the pledge of allegiance. Ten (10) members of the audience and media were present. There were no minutes to approve. Citizens to be heard Bryan Walston spoke representing Chad Clifford and Ben Cahoun regarding the Entrada development. Mr. Walston requested negotiations with the City regarding the Ombudsman's opinion and stated that he would like to avoid litigation. Ben Cahoun stated that he is a part owner of the Entrada development and that the issues can be summarized as signing the development agreement before final approval and being asked to pay for a bond before the approval of the final plat which he considers to be contrary to code. Mr. Cahoun stated that he wished the attorneys weren't talking and that he wished the project could be on an agenda. Mr. Cahoun stated that he doesn't see a way forward. Floyd Dean stated that he has sent a letter concerning a proposed water tank location and that he wanted to express his disappointment of how everything had taken place. Mr. Dean stated that his first indication was when a drilling rig showed up to take coring samples and he was alarmed. Mr. Dean stated that he had spoken to City Manager Metzler and he was concerned that the waterline in the water easement was in jeopardy as the coring team was unaware of the location of the waterline. Mr. Dean also stated that the cemetery district had not been informed of the proposed water tank placement. February 10, 2015 REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE PRE -COUNCIL WORKSHOP REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Page 1 of 3 Mr. Dean requested that notice of the consideration of the project be posted on the property. Mr. Dean stated that he appreciated the City Council. A Community Development Department Update was not given. An Under Engineering Department Update was not given. A Planning Department Update was not given. A Police Department Update was not given. A Public Works Department Update Public Works Director Foster stated that the 500 West Waterline had been charged prematurely by the contractor and that staff was not happy but it had been resolved and the pressure test had passed successfully. Public Works Director Foster stated that a pre -construction meeting for the 500 West Road project would be held and that the Lions Park bid would close on the 12th of the month. Public Works Director Foster then stated that staff was trying to keep the Center Street Gym dry from the roof leak and that he expected to have plans soon from the architect for the roof project. Councilmember Ershadi asked if the new roof would be solar capable. Public Works Director Foster stated that it would. Mayor Sakrison opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance #2015-01 — An Ordinance amending the City of Moab Classified Hourly Pay Rate Schedule and Exempt and Elected Officials' Salaries at 7:20 PM. There was no public comment. Mayor Sakrison closed the Public Hearing at 7:38 PM. Councilmember Ershadi moved to approve a Special Events License, Special Use of Swanny City Park and a Fee Waiver not to exceed $875.00 for Moab Farmer's Market located at Swanny City Park to be conducted various dates beginning April 16 to October 17, 2015. Councilmember Peterson seconded the motion. The motion carried by roll -call vote 4-1 aye with Councilmember Stucki voting nay. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT UPDATE ENGINEERING UPDATE PLANNING UPDATE POLICE UPDATE PUBLIC WORKS UPDATE PUBLIC HEARING OPENED PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED APPROVAL OF MOAB FARMERS MARKET SPECIAL EVENT, SPECIAL USE OF SWANNY PARK AND A FEE WAIVER NOT TO EXCEED $875.00 Councilmember Stucki moved to approve Proposed Resolution #07-2015 APPROVAL OF PROPOSED — A Resolution of the Governing Body of The City of Moab authorizing RESOL.UTION #07-2015 February 10, 2015 Page 2 of 3 delinquent terminated utility accounts to be written off of the accounting system and Request to Send Proposed Resolution #08-2015 — A Resolution amending the fiscal year 2014-2015 budget to Public Hearing. Councilmember McElhaney seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There was no Correspondence to be Read. Under Mayor And Council Reports, Councilmember Ershadi stated that she had attended a Conservation District meeting and there would be a greywater presentation soon. Under Administrative Report, City Manager Metzler stated that the information presented at Citizens to be Heard regarding the Entrada development was not quite right and asked the Council to talk to staff for clarification. City Manager Metzler stated that the budget opening would be on the next City Council agenda. No Report was given on City/County Cooperation. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $508,552.14. Councilmember McElhaney seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Mayor Sakrison adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 7:51 PM. APPROVED: ATTEST: David L. Sakrison Rachel E. Stenta Mayor City Recorder February 10, 2015 READING OF CORRESPONDENCE MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT REPORT ON CITY/COUNTY COOPERATION APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 3