HomeMy Public PortalAbout11) 7G Resolution 17-5244 Amending the Citys Records Retention ScheduleDATE: TO: FROM: MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT April4, 2017 The Honorable City Council Bryan Cook, City Manager By : Peggy Kuo , City Clerk MEMORANDUM AGENDA ITEM 7.G. SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 17-5244 AMENDING THE CITY'S RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to adopt Resolution No. 17-5244 (Attachment "A ") adopting the City 's amended Records Retention Schedule (Exhibit 1). BACKGROUND: 1. On March 6 , 2012, City Council adopted Resolution No . 12-4800 updating the City 's Records Retention Schedule . 2. On January 17 , 2017 , City entered into a contract with Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc . (GGS) to assist the City Clerk with the review of citywide records and annual records destruction . 3 . On January 31 , 2017 , GGS reviewed citywide records with staff and updated the City's Record Retention Schedule for Community Development Department , City Clerk, and Administrative Services Department. ANALYSIS: The City 's Records Retent ion Schedule is a written policy which governs the period records are retained in the City . It provides the legal authority for the disposition of city reco rds and demonstrates compliance with governmental regulations. Regular review and update of the City 's Record Retention Schedule is necessary to ensure the City is in compliance with changes in State law and guidelines issued by the California Secretary of State . City Council April 4 , 2017 Page 2 of 2 The C ity contracted with GGS to conduct a citywide review of records for the ir retention in January 2017 . As a result of the review , GGS recommended that the C ity amend its retention schedules for Community Development , City Clerk , and Adm inist rat ive Services . The proposed changes (i.e ., addition of records that were previous ly not identified with retention dates, update to certain legal citations , and clarif ied records descriptions) to the retention schedule are shown in blue and red in Exhib it 1 of Attachment A . The Record Retention Schedule for Management Services and Parks and Recreation departments remains unchanged . Having an updated record retent ion schedule is crucial and ca n he lp reduce current and future records storage costs , eliminate duplication of records , increase effic iency and take advantage of current technology and changes in law . The adopt ion of the amended Records Retention Schedule will better ensure proper prot ection and management of city records . CITY'S STRATEGIC GOALS: City Council approval of the amended Records Retention Schedule will further promote City 's Strategic Goals of Good Governance . FISCAL IMPACT: This item does not have an impact on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 City Budget. ATTACHMENT: A. Resolution No . 17-5244 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO . 17-5244 A RESO LUT ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T HE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY AM EN DING THE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE WHEREAS , a records retention schedule provides for the efficient and prope r management and protection of the City records, facilitates document retrieval , an d provides for the removal of obsolete records ; WHEREAS , Section 34090 of t he Government Code of the State of California provides a procedu re whereby any Ci ty reco rd which has served its pu r pose and is no longer requ ired may be destroyed ; WHEREAS , the State of California has adopted guidelines for retention periods for vario us government records; an d WHEREAS, the City Clerk is recommending certai n changes to the C ity's record retention schedule as marked in Exhibit 1. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1. The City 's amended rete nt io n schedule reflecting the change is attached as Exhibi t 1 . SECTION 2. T he City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this reso lution and enter it i nto th e book of origin al resolutions . SECTION 3. T his resolution shall become effective imm ed iatel y upon its passage and adoption . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on this 4th day of April , 2017 . Cynthia Sternqu ist , Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS T O FORM : Peggy Kuo , City Clerk Eric Vail, C ity Attorney I, City Clerk of the City of Temple City, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution , Resolution No . 17-5244, was adopted by the City Counci l of th e City of Temp le City at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of April , 2017 , by the following vote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT: ABSTAIN : Councilmember- Councilmember- Councilmember- Councilmember- Peggy Kuo , City Clerk EXHIBIT 1 UPDATED RETENTION SCHEDULE Ver. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P age CD-1 Office of J . Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference R d Retention No. ~~ \ Med ia Image: Destroy Active Inacti ve Tota l l=l mport Paper (OFR) (in office) (In Storage) Rete ntion Vi tal? I Opti ons M=Mfr afte r Imaged & S =Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.g. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file fo lder. Litiaation complaints claims. public r ecords act requests audits and/or inves tigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). BUILDING & SAFETY Comm . I Develop I Bu ilding Permit Applications Building & CD-001 where the Perm it was Never 2 years Issued Safety Comm . Develop I Building & CD-002 Bu ilding Pe rmit Database Indefinite Safety Comm . Develop / Life of the Building & CD-003 Building Pe rm it s (All) Structure Safety Comm . Bu il din g Plans and Construction Develop I Docum ents -Fi naled -"TRADE Build ing & CD-004 PLANS" -Title 24 En ergy 180 days Safety Cales, St ruct u ral Cal es , etc. I TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-20 11 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 2 years Indefinite Life of the Structure 180 days I I 1 Departmen t preference ; Prel iminary drafts not retained Mag , Ppr in the ord inary course of bus iness; CBC §104 .7; H&S§19850 , GC §34090 Department Prefere nce -Data Yes (all) Mag is interre lated ; GC §34090, H&S §19850 Mag , y Aft Statewide gu idelines propose Yes (a ll) Mfr, OD, s es~C e r permanent; GC §34090, H&S Ppr §19850 Law does not require plans to be fi led fo r dwell ings less than 2 stori es, ga rages & appurtena nces , farms/ranches , Mag , Ppr 1-story with bearing walls less than 25'; esc requires 180 days from completion date; lese 104.7 & 107.5, H&S§19850, GC §34090 Revis ion Ad opted : 7 /0 7/20 15 Ver. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retenti on I Disposition Comments I Reference Record I I Media Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total l=lmport Paper (OFR) (in office) I (In Storage) Retention Vital ? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 vears), since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records a ct reauests audits and/or investiaations suspend normal retention periods I Comm . Bu ilding Plans and Construction Develop / Documents -Finalled -SINGLE Bu ilding & CD-005 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL -SFR 180 days Safety and APPURTENANCES I Bu ilding Plans and Construction Documents-Finalled - INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL, MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS , Comm . PLACES OF PUBLIC Develop I CD-006 ACCOMMODATION , TENANT Life of the Building & IMPROVEMENTS, Stru cture Safety PRODUCTION HOMES (includes commercial structural plans , Hazardous Materia ls lo , ire. etc.) Comm . De velop/ Life of the CD-007 Certificates of Occupancy Building & I Bu ilding I Safety Comm . I I Develop / CD-008 Compla ints 2 years Bui lding & Safety TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 180 days Yes (all) Life of the Yes (a ll ) Structure -- Life of the Yes (all ) Bu ilding 2 years retention resumes after settlement or completion). I Law does not require plans to be filed fo r dwellings less t han 2 stories , garages & Mag , Yes: appurtenances, farms/ranches , Mfr, OD , s Finalled + 1-story with bearing walls less Ppr 1 year than 25'; CBC requires 180 days from completion date; I I CBC 104.7 & 107.5, H&S§19850 GC §34090 I Departm ent Preferen ce; Law requ ires for the life of the Mag, building for commercial and Mfr. OD, s Yes : After common interest dwellings QC only ; Statewide gu idelines Ppr propose 2 years for blueprints & specifications; CBC 104.7 & 107.5 , H&S§19850, GC §34090 Yeso Aft.J Department Prefecence ; GC Mag , Mfr. OD , s acL o9o I Ppr I Mag , Ppr l GC §34090 Revision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Pag e CD-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Dispos ition Comments I Reference r--B.ecord I 1 1 1 Destroy mage: P (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media !=Import ';fe r (in office) I (In Storage) Retention Opti ons M=Mf r l lm:g:~ & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e. a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed b'{file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations susoend normal retention p_eriods retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). Comm . Constructi on Notices I When No When No Develop I Inspection Noti ces Bu i ld i ng & CD-009 (correction notices, compliance Longer Longer Safety orders stop work notices etc.) Required Required Comm . Develop I Grading File: Soil Compaction Bu i ld i ng & I CD-010 I Tests, Soils Reports, etc. p p Safety Comm. Insurance Certificates: When No When No Develop I CD-011 Contractors Proof of Insurance Longer Longer Bu i lding & Safety (Worker's Compensation , etc.) Required Required Comm. Performance Bonds, Security Building Building Develop I CD -012 Bo nds, Surety Bonds, Grading Finalled + 2 Fin alled + 2 Building & Safety Bonds and Similar Bonds years Comm. Develop I Reports: Buildi ng Activity CD-013 p Bu ilding & (Annual) Safety Comm. When No Develop I Reports : Bui ld i ng Activity Bu ilding & CD-014 (Monthly) Longer Safety Required TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 years p When No Longer Required I Preliminary drafts not retai ned Mag, Ppr l in the ordinary course of business; GC §34090 et seq. Mag, I Yes : After Department Preference; GC Yes (all) Mfr, 00, s QC §34090 Ppr I Preliminary drafts not retained Mag, Ppr in the ordinary course of -I busi ness; GC §34090 et seq. I Securities (Performance Bonds, Letters of Credit, CO's , Mag, etc.) are released after the Mfr, OD, s No Notice of Completion is issued Ppr and replaced with the Warranty Bond, which is released 1 year after the Notice of Completion -_Q_ate . GC §26202 Mag, Yes: 1 Department Preference; GC Mfr, 00, s Ppr 1 year §34090 Preliminary drafts not retained Mag, Ppr in the ordinary course of business; GC §34090 et seq. Revision Adopted: 7/07/2015 Ver. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page C D-4 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Dispos ition Comments I Reference Record -- Image: Destroy Activ e Inactive Total Med ia l=lmport Pape r (OF R) I (in o ffice) (In Storage) Retention Vi ta l? Opti ons M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e .g . last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods Comm . Requests & Permissions to Develop I CD-015 Receive Copies of Plans 2 years 2 years Bu ild ing & (Correspondence to and from Safetv Architects) Comm . When When Develop I CD-016 Uniform Building Codes I Su(2erseded Su(2erseded Bu ild ing & Californ ia Building Codes Safety E. TEMPLE CITY , CA . ©1995-201 1 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or d istribute without prior written permiss ion from GGS (909) 337 -3516 p retention resumes after settlement or completion) . .I Mag , Ppr l GC §34090 et seq . I Mag , Ppr l GC §50022 .6 Re v is ion Ado pted: 7/07/2015 Ver. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page C D-5 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retent ion I Disposition I Comments I Reference Record I Image: Destro y Paper (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media l=lmport after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Opti ons I M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed and impl y a full file folde r (e .g. last document + 2 years), since destruction is norm ally p erformed by file folder. Litigation complaints claims pu blic records act requests audits and/or investigations suspend normal re tention periods (retention r esumes after settlement or completion ). COMMUNITY PRESERVATION Comm . I Code Enforcement I Abatement wnen No wnen No Develop./ Case Files (Includes appeals Longer Longer Comm . CD-017 and Code Enforcement Requ ired-Required- Preservation Compla int Letters) Min imum 2 l Minimum 2 yea rs year s Comm . When No 1 Develop./ Longer CD-018 Liens Required-p p Comm . I Min imum 2 Preservation yea rs TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written penm ission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Department preference; Case Yes : Until is open until satisfactorily Resolution Mag , Ppr resolved (some cases are not resolved); CFC §104.3.4, GC I 1§34090 Yes : Until Mag, Yes : 1 Mfr, OD , S/1 GC §34090 Resolution Ppr year Revisi on A d o pted : 710 7/2015 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page C D-6 Offi c e of Retenti on No.I Reco r ds Descri ption Retention I Di spositio n Comments I Reference Re cor d Image: Destro y Active Inac tive Tota l Media l=lmport Pa per (OFR) (in offic e) (I n Storage) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after ·I Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here. refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and implv a full file folder (e. a. last docume nt+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv pe rformed bv file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiaations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). ENGINEERING Comm . Abandonments I Vacations Develop./ CD-019 (Streets) -Private Development p p Eng ineering_ Proje c ts Assessment I Maintenance I Comm. Landscape & Lighting I Street Develop ./ CD-020 Improvement D istrict Projects I p p Engineering Community Faciliti es Districts !(FOR MATION BOUNDARIES) Assessment I Maintenance I Comm . Landscape & Lighting I Street Improvement District Projects I Develop./ CD-021 Community Facilities Districts 5 years 5 years Engi ne ering (ASSESSMENT ROLLS I TAX ROLL I ENGINEER'S REPORT) Bonds : Subdivision Bonds, Comm . Logs and Correspondence Release of Release of Develop./ CD-022 Bond I Bond I City Clerk holds these and Security+ 2 Security+ 2 Engineering provides to Engineering upon years years I request I TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or dis tribute without prior written perm ission from GGS (909 ) 337-3516 Mag , Yes : After Yes (all) Mfr, OD , s 2 years GC §34090 et seq. Ppr Department Preference; Statute Yes: Until Mag , Yes : 1 of Limitations is 4-10 years Completed Mfr. 00, S/1 (for Errors & Omissions); CCP Pp r year §§337 . 337.1(a). 337.15, 343; GC §34090.7 Yes: Until Department Preference (meets Submitted Mag , Pp r auditing standards); GC to County §34090.7 Securities (Performance Bonds, Letters of Credit, CO's , Mag , etc.) are released after the Mfr. OD, s No Notice of Completion is issued and replaced with the Warranty Ppr Bond , which is released 1 year I after the Notice of Completion date. GC §34090 Revision Adopted: 7/07/20 15 Ver. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page C D-7 Office of Re cord Retention No. Records Description Ret ention I Disposition Comments I Reference (O FR ) A c tive (in o ffice) Inactive (In Storage) Total Rete ntion r-- V it al ? Med ia Optio n s I Destroy m ag e: !=Import Pap er M=Mfr after S-s I Imaged & -c an QC'd? If the re cord is not listed here refer to the Retention fo r Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder {e.g. last d ocument+ 2 years), since destruction is n ormally performed by file folder. Litiaation comolain ts claims oublic records act re_quests audits and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion). Comm . Develop./ Enginee ring Comm . Develop./ Engineering Comm . Develop./ Engineering Comm . Develop./ Engineering Capital Improvement Projects 1 1 Some grant funding agencies {CIP)-Where Engineering is the require audits; Statute of Lead : Administration File Completion+ Limitations for Errors & CD-023 Project Administrat ion , Certified Payrolls , Construction Manager's Logs , Daily Inspectio ns, Project Schedu les , Progress meetings , Real Estate Appraisal s, RFis & Responses , etc . lndudes All Slurry Seal , Painting or Maintenance Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)-Where Engineering is t he Lead : Permanent File Plans , Specifications, Ag reement I Con tract, Success ful Proposal , C D-024 Change Orders , EIRs , Negative Dedarations , Categorical Exemptions , Materials Testing Reports , Grading Permits, Insurance Certificates , Hazard ous Materials Plans , Notice of Completion , Photos , !Soils Reports , Stud ies , Submittals , Survevs etc . I CD-025 Deve loper Payment I Trusts ~ntractor's Trusts) CD-026 I Encroachment Permits 1 years or 10 years or Omissions is 10 years; After Funding After Funding Pub lished Audit Standards=4-7 Upon Agency Aud it , Agency Yes : Until years ; Statute of Limitations: Completion if required , Audit, if Completed Mag , Ppr Contracts & Spec's=4 years , Upon Completion whichever is required , Wrongful Death=comp. + 5 longer whichever is years, Developers=comp. + 10 p longer years; Statewide guidelines p I propose termination + 5 years; l ----1---+----+---~P §337 et. seq ., GC §34090 I Yes : Until Mag , Completed Mfr, OD, Ppr S/1 Department preference; reta in ed for disaster Yes: C 1 t preparedness purposes; + ~;Pe:~s Statewide guidelines propose Y Permanent for Infrastructure plans ; GC §34090 Project Close ·s:··r-Project Close + 5 years p ~·-P_p-tr -----+ Mag, I Mfr, OD. Ppr s Census Bureau is OFR; GC J §34090 et seq. Yes : 1 Department Preference; GC year §34090 TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governme ntal Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or di stribute without prior written permis sion from GGS (909) 337-3516 Rev isio n Adopted: 7/07/2015 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P age CD-8 Offi ce of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record r--I I Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media l=lmport Pape r (OFR) (in office) I (In Storage) Retention Vital ? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e. a. last document + 2 vears!. since destruction is normaflv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations susoend normal retention oeriods retention resumes after settlement or comoletion!. Comm . Engi n eering Comments: I Develop ./ Plann ing or CD-027 Planning & Building Projects I 5 years 5 years Plan Check Comments ~i ng Comm. Develop./ CD-028 I Geotechnical and Soils Reports p p Eng ineering Comm. Develop./ CD-029 Grading Permits & Plans p p Eng ineering_ ----Comm . De velop./ CD-030 Improvement Plans p p Eng ineering Comm . Plans, Studies, Reports : Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Develop./ CD-097 Eng ineering_ Miscellaneous years years Comm . Pe rmits -Regulatory Agency Expiration + Expiration + 2 Develop./ I CD-098 Eng ineering Permits (EPA, etc.) 2 years years Comm. I Permits : Excavation Perm its I De velop./ CD-031 Heavy Hau l Permits I Street Use Ex piration + Expiration + 2 Eng ineering Permits I Transportat ion Permits 2 years years I W ide Load Permits Comm. Private Development Develop./ CD-032 Construction Inspections p p Eng ineering City Clerk CD-033 R ights of Way, Easements p p TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplica te or distribute without prior written permissi on from GG S (909) 337-3516 Department Preferen ce ; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 -Mag , Yes : 1 Department Preference; GC Mfr, OD, s Ppr year §34090 Mag , I Mfr, OD, I s Yes : 1 Department Preference; GC Ppr year §34090 -Mag , Yes : 1 Department Preference; GC Mfr, OD, s Ppr year §34090 - Department preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Mag , Yes : 1 Department Preference; GC Mfr, OD , s Ppr year §34090 Mag , Mfr, OD, s Yes: After GC §34090 I Ppr QC I Mag , Yes : 1 Department Preference; GC Mfr. OD, s year J §34090 Ppr Mag , Yes: After Department Preference Yes (all) Mfr. OD, s 2 years (copies); GC §34090.7 Por Re vision Adopte d : 710 712 015 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-9 Office of Retenti on No. Records Des c ription Rete nt ion I Dispos ition Comments I Reference Reco rd 1 I Destroy m age: (OFR) Activ e I nactive Total V it al ? Med ia !=Import Paper (in offi ce) (In Storage) Retenti on Options M=Mfr after S S Imaged & = can QC 'd ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention fo r City-Wide Standards Rete ntions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.a. last document + 2 yea rs). since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiaations suspend normal retention periods Comm . I I Develop ./ CD-034 Subd ivisions p Engineering TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwe ll Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 p retention resumes after settleme nt or completion). Mag , \ Yes : 1 Department Preference ; GC Mfr , 00, s §34090 Ppr year Revision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ve r. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-10 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image : Destroy Paper (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media l=lmport after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here. refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oublic records act requests audits and/or investiaations susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). HOUSING Comm . Applications for Loans: Rejected Develop./ CD-089 (First T ime Home Buyers , 2 years 2 years Housing Life/Safety , etc.) Comm . Expiration of Expiration of Develop./ CD-090 Consol idated Action Pla n Pla n+ 5 Plan + 5 Housinq ye ars years Comm. Housing Projects & Services - NO RECAPTURE I RESALE Develop./ CD -091 RESTR ICTIONS (Compliance 2 years 3 years 5 years Housi ng Monitoring) TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©199 5-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute wi thout prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Consolidated Plan Mag , Ppr Requireme nt; GC §34090 HUD requ ires 5 years after the project completion ; documents imposing recapture I resale restrictions are 5 years after the Mag , affordability period terminates ; Yes : Until Yes: 1 Uniform Admin . Requirements Paid Mfr , OD , S/1 for Grants to Local Ppr year Governments is 3 years from expenditure report; statewide guidelines propose 4 years ; 24 CFR 85.42, 92.508(a)&(c) & 570.502(a)(16), 29 CFR 97.42 , GC §34090 Revision A dopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHE D ULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-11 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media !=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (In Storage) Retention Vita l? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S =Scan OC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a fu ll file folder (e .a. la st document+ 2 vearsJ . since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oub/ic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations susoend normal retention oeriods 5 years After 5 years After the the Affordab ility Affordability Housing Projects & Services -Period Period Comm. WITH RECAPTURE I RESALE Terminates, Terminates, Develop. I CD-092 RESTRICTIONS (Compliance 2 years or the Written or the Written Housing Mon itoring). Agreement Agreement Terminates , Terminates, Whichever is Whichever is Longer Longer PLANNING Comm. Develop I Annexat ions I Boundaries I Planning CD-035 Consolidations I LAFCO 5 years p p AND C ity C lerk Comm . Business Li cense Applications, Close+ 5 Close+ 5 Deve lo p I CD-036 Floor Plans , St atement of years Planning Intended use etc. years Comm. Develop I CD-037 Business License Renewals 5 years 5 years Planning Comm . When No When No Develop I CD-038 Census, Demographics Longer Longer Planning Required Requ ired TEMPLE CITY , CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplica te or distribute with out prior written perm ission from GGS (909) 337-351 6 Yes: Unti l Paid retention r esumes after settlement or comoletion). HUD requires 5 years after the project completion; documents imposing recapture I resale restrict ions are 5 years after the affordability period terminates ; Mag , Yes : 1 Un iform Admin. Requirements Mfr. OD, S /1 for Grants to Local Ppr year Governments is 3 y ears from expenditure report; statewide guidelines propose 4 years; 24 CFR 85.42, 92 .508(a )&(c) & 5 70 .502(a)(1 6), 29 CFR 97 .42, GC §34090 Mag , Mfr. OD, S /1 Yes Land Records ; GC §34090 Ppr Meets Audit ing Requirements ; Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Meets Au diti ng Requirements ; Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Department preference (Non- Mag , Ppr Reco rds -Census Bureau is O FR); GC &34090 et seq . Revision Adopted: 7/07/2015 Ver. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-12 Office of I Retention No. Records Descri ption Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media !=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (In Storage) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan OC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims. oublic records act reauests audits and/or investioations susoend norma l retention oeriods Environmental Determinations: Comm. Environmental Impact Reports (E IRs), Negative Declarations, Develop I CD-039 etc.) p p Pl an nin g Inside City boundar ies Environmental Determ inations: Comm. Environmental Impact Reports When No When No Develop I CD-040 (EIRs), Negative Declarations, Longer Longer etc.) Planning Required Requ ired Outside City boundaries Comm. Develop./ CD-041 Garage Sale Permits 2 years 2 years Engineering Comm . General Plan, Elements and Develop I CD-042 Amendmen ts p p Planning Comm . Master Plans , Specific Plans, Develop I CD-043 Bike way Plans, etc. p p Planni n q . "'' "'' [}, ' ... ... Gemfl:r.-et&: 9e·~elef'l l 2-yeafs 2-yeafs Planning Includes Insurance Certificates c . ol-+. •M h " When No When No Comm . Longer Longer Develop I CD-044 Planning Commission Agenda Required-Required- Planning Packets, Agendas Minimum 2 Minimum 2 years years TEMPLE CITY , CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Y es (all) v. "'"'" ·~ Befere- Expiration Yes (all) retention r esumes after settlement or comoletion). Usually filed in the project file; Mag , Final environmental Yes: After determinations are required to Mfr. OD , s 10 years be kept a "reasonable period of Pp r time"; 14 CCR §15095(c); GC 1§34090 Non-records; E IRs and Ppr N egative Declarations within the City Boundaries are with the project file Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Mag, Yes : After Mfr. OD , S/1 Amended GC §34090 Ppr Mag, Yes : After Department Preference; GC Mfr, OD, S/1 Amended §34090 Ppr Mag , Ppr GG §34090 I Department Preference -Mag , Mfr, OD, s Yes : After copies (the Staff Reports are Ppr 1 yea r fi led in the Ent itlement Folder); I GC §34090.7 Revision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-13 Office of Ret ention No.I Records Descri ption Retenti on I Disposit i on I Comments I Reference Record c- Image : Destroy Active Inactive Total Media !=Import Paper (OFR) (i n office) (In Storage) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr afte r Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2vearif since destruction is normally performed bv file folder. Litiaation complaints claims oublic records act requests audits and/or investioations suSi:iend normal retention oeriods retention resumes after settlement or comoletionJ. Comm . Planning Commission Audio De velop/ CD-045 2 years Pla nninq Recordings Copies- C ity Clerk CD-046 Planning Commission Minutes When No & Bylaws Longer I Required I Copies- C ity Clerk CD-047 Planning Commission When No Resol utions Longer -Pl anning Project Files - R~ired Approved & Denied Pe r manent Entitlements (Includes Associated CEQA Noticing , Conditions of Approval , Public Noticing , Environmental Comm . Determinations, Staff Reports , Develop I CD-048 Plans & Maps -whether 5 years p Planning withdrawn or expired or not) Examples: Conditional Use Permits (CUPs), Design Review , Lot Line Adjustments , Parcel Maps , Planned Unit Developments (PU D), Site Plans , Tentative Subdivisions , I IV"ri"nl'P<: 7nnP r.h,.nnP<: .,,,.. TEMPLE CITY , CA . ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Tape Department preference; State 2 years law only requires for 30 days; (Mag) GC §54953.5(b) Originals are sent to the C ity Copies-Mag , Clerk; Notes taken to facilitate When No Yes Mfr, OD , s No the writing of the minutes can Longer Ppr be destroyed after minutes Required have been adopted ; GC &34090 et seq. Copies-Mag, When No Yes Mfr, OD, s Yes : After Originals are sent to the City Longer Ppr 10 years Clerk; GC §34090 et seq. Required Projects have a 2 year vesting (applicant must pull permit within 2 years)--those applications in which the applicant does not follow through with permit may be Mag , Yes: destroyed after the vesting p Yes Mfr, OD, s When period has expired . Ppr Inactive Department maintains complete files for administrative purposes; Final environmental determinations are required to be kept a "reasonable period of time"; 14 CCR §15095(c); GC§§34090, 34090.7 Revision Adopted : 7107/2015 Ver. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-14 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media !=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (In Storage) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here. refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and im plv a full file folder (e.g . last document+ 2 yearsl since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiqation, complaints claims oub/ic records act requests audits and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods Planning Project Files - Approved & Unapproved Temporary Entitlements : Comm . Christmas Tree Lots , Film Develop I CD-049 Perm its, Fire work s Perm its , 2 years 2 years Plann ing Temporary Barricades with Artwork , Debris Boxes , Pumpkin Lots , Temporary Sign s , etc. Includes Insurance Certificates, whe re required. When No When No Comm . Longer Longer Develop I CD-050 Preliminary Review File Required-Required- Planning Minimum 2 Minimum 2 years years Comm . Project Log Index I Spreadsheet Develop I CD-051 p p Planning I Binders of Historic Actions Comm . I Public Art Committee (not Develop I CD -052 2 years 2 years Plann inQ appointed by the City Council) When No When No Comm . Longer Longer Develop I CD -053 Special Studies Requ ired -Requi red - Planning Minimum 2 Minimum 2 years years TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-201 1 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Yes: During Event Yes retention resumes after settlement or completionJ Temporary uses; Department Mag, Ppr maintains complete files for administrative purposes ; GC§§34090 Department preference ; Mag, Mfr, OD , s /I Yes: After Prel iminary Documents (no Ppr 1 year application submitted); GC §34090 Mag , Yes : After Department Preference; GC Mfr. OD , S /I Ppr 1 year §34090 Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Mag , Yes : After Department Preference ; GC Mfr. OD , s /I 1 year §34090 Ppr Revis ion Adopted: 7/07/2015 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-15 Office of I Retention No. Records Descri ption Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Recor d --- Image : Destroy Active Inactive Total Media !=Import Paper (OFR) Vital? after I (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comple ted and impl y a full file folder (e .a. last document+ 2 years). since destruction is normally p erformed by file folder. Litiaation complaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations suspend normal rete ntion p eriods Comm . When No De velop I CD-054 State Board of Equalization Longer Reports Plann ing Required Zoning Amendments, Zoning City Clerk CD-055 Text Amendments p Comm . Develop/ CD-056 Zoning Maps p Planning TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 When No Longer Required p Yes p Yes (all) retention r esumes after settle ment or completion). I Departmen t preference (Non- Mag , Ppr Records -California State Board of Equalization is OFR); GC_§34090 et seq . Mag , Yes : After Department Preference Mfr. OD, S/1 1 year (copies); GC §34090.7 Ppr Mag , Department Preference ; City Clerk Maintains originals of all Mfr. OD, s No documents that were presented Ppr to Council· GC §34090.7 Rev ision Ado pted: 7/07/2 01 5 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-16 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media l=lmport Paper (OFR) (in office) (In Storage) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e .a. last document + 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations suso end normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). PUBLIC SAFETY Comm . AB 939 Compliance I Solid Develop I CD-099 10 years 10 years Publi c Safety Waste Management Comm . Develop I CD-100 Ba ckflow Reports 3 years 3 years Public Safety Comm. Develop I CD-057 Citation Database Indefinite Indefinite Publ ic Safety Finance CD-058 Citation Payments 2 years 2 years Com m. Citations: Contested I Hearing Final Fi nal Deve lop I CD-059 Commission or Hearing Officer I Decision+ 2 De ci sion + Publ ic Safety Administrat ive Review years 2 years Comm. Citations: Administ ra tive , De velop / CD -060 2 yea rs 2 years Publ ic Safety Parking , (paper) Finance CD-061 Court Remittance I Payments 2 years 2 years Copies -Copies- County CD-062 Crime Reports When No When No Sheriff Longer Longer Requ ired Required Comm . Emergency Plans I Hazard Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Develop I CD-101 Publ ic Safety Mitigation Plans years years Comm . Exp iration + Exp iration + 2 De velop I CD-102 FCC Licenses Publ ic Safety 2 years years TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Department preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 17 CCR 7605 (f); GC §34090 Department preference ; GC Yes Mag , Ppr §34090 Mag, Pp r Summaries are sent to Finance; GC §34090 Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Mag, Pp r GC §34090 Mag, Ppr Summaries are sent to Finance; GC §34090 Yes (all) Mag , Ppr The Sheriff is the lead agency ; GC §34090 et seq . Depa rtm e nt preference; GC Mag , Pp r §34090 Department preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Revision A dopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 12.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P ag e C D -1 7 Office of Retention No.I Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record I Destroy ,...-- Image : Active Inactive Total Media !=Import Paper (OF R) (in office) (In Storage) Rete ntion Vital? Opti ons M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is co moleted and imo l v a full file folder re .a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed by file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oublic re cords act reauests audits and/or investiaations susoend normal retention oeriods re ten tion resumes after settlement or completion). Comm. J Field Logs {Incl udes minor Develop I CD-063 10 years 10 years Pub lic Safety sidewalk repair, other repairs) Comm. 1 NPDES (National Pollution Minimum 3 Min imum 3 Develop / CD-103 Discharge El imination System) I Publ ic Safety Stormwater Monitoring years years Comm. NPDE S (National Pollution Superseded Superseded Develop / CD-104 Discharg e Elimination System) I Pub lic Safety I Stormwater Permits + 3 years + 3 years Finance I CD-064 Overn ight Parking Payments 2 years 2 years --Comm . De velop / CD-065 Overnight Parking Permits 2 years 2 years Public Safety Pre-T rip Inspections I DOT Comm . Program I CHP Inspections I Develop I CD -066 Vehicl e Safety Checks I Dail y 2 years 2 years Public Safety Vehicle Inspections I Daily Equ ipment Checks -- Comm . Publ ic Safety Comm iss ion Develop I CD-067 Agenda Packets , Synopsis, 2 years 2 years Publ ic Safety Agendas Comm . Publ ic Safety Commission Audio Develop / CD-068 2 years 2 years Publ ic Safe_n. Recordings TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all righ ts reserved Do not duplicate or di stribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Department Pre ference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Monitoring records required for Mag, Ppr 3 years ; 40 CFR §§122 .21 , 122.41 , 122.44 Monitoring records required for Mag , Ppr 3 years ; 40 CFR §§122 .2 1, I 122.41 , 122.44 Mag , Ppr Summaries are sent to Fmance; GC §34090 I Department preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Ppr 13 CC R 1234 (e); GC §34090 Mag, Department Preference - Yes (all) Mfr, OD , s Yes: After cop ies {the Staff Reports are 1 year I filed in the Entitlement Folder); Pp r GC §34090.7 Tape I Department preference; State law on ly requires for 30 days; (Mag ) GC §54953.5{b) Rev ision A dopte d : 7/07/2015 .I Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P age CD-18 Office of Retention No. Records Descri ption Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media !=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (In Storage) Retention V ital? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder leg last document+ 2 vears!. since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litigation complaints. claims public records act requests audits and/or investigations susoend normal retention periods Copies-Copies- Publ ic Safety Commission When No When No City Clerk CD-069 Minutes & Bylaws Longer Longer Required Required Comm. Sanita!Y Sgills and Overflows Develog I CD-105 (S SOs) Quarter!¥ Regorts 5 ¥ears 5 :tears Public Safe!¥ Comm. Sewer S:tstem Management Develog I CD-106 5 ¥ears 5 ¥ears Plans (SSM P) and Audits Public Safe!¥ Comm . SWITRS-Statewide Integrated When No When No Develop I CD -070 Longer Long er Pub li c Safetv Traffic Records System Required Required When No When No Sheriff CD-071 Traffic Accident Reports Longer Longe r Required Required Comm. Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Develop I CD-072 Tra ffic Complaints Public Safety years Comm. Develop / CD -073 Traffic Speed Surveys 10 years Publ ic Safety TEMPLE CITY , CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permiss ion from GGS (909) 337-3516 years 10 years Yes retention resumes after settlement or completion). Send originals to the City Clerk; Mag , Notes taken to facilitate the writing of the minutes can be Mfr , OD, s No destroyed after minutes have Ppr been adopted ; GC §34090 et seq . Reguired for a minimum of 5 :tears; 40 CFR 122.41 (j)(2}; Mag, Pg r SWRCB Order 2006-03; 40 CFR 122.41li)l2): GC &34090 Degartment greference; glans must be uodated everv 5 vears audits are reguired eve!Y 2 Mag . Pgr :tears; SWRCB Order 2006-03; 40 CFR 122.41(j)(2); GC §.34090 Mag Ppr Non-Records (Sheriff) Not city records ; GC §34090 et Mag , Ppr seq . Department preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Mag , Department preference Mfr, OD , s Yes: After (required every 5 yea rs , but can QC&OD be extended to 7 or 10 years); Ppr GC &34090 Revision A dopted : 7/07/20 15 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P age C D-19 Office of I Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record I I Image: Destroy Paper (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vita l? Media l=l mport afte r (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Utiaation comolaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations suso end normal retention oeriods Comm . Traffic Studies I Traffic Counts I Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Develop/ I CD-074 Traffic Calm ing Requests years years Public Safe!Y . Comm . Transportation Permits I Wide Develop / CD-075 Load Permits (when issued by 2 years 2 years Public Safety the City) Comm . Vehicle I Equipment History Files Disposal of Disposal of Develop I CD-076 Vehicle or Vehicle or Publ ic Safety Maintenance, CHP tickets , Smog Equ ipment+ Equipment+ Certificates , Registrations 2 years 2 years TEMPLE CITY , CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 retention r esumes after settlement or comoletionJ. Mag , lves: After Department preference; GC Mfr, OD , s Ppr 10 years §34090 Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Department Pre ference; If a motor carri er, required for 18 months after vehicle is sold ; Mag , Ppr CH P requ ires life of veh icle; OSHA requires 1 year; 8 CCR I § 3203(b)(1); 49 CFR ~~96.21 (b)(1 ); 49 CFR 396.3(c); CCP §337 et. Seq . GC §34090 Revision Adopted: 7/07/20 15 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-20 Office of Retenti on No.J Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record I I I Image: Destroy I Pa per (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media l=lmport after (in offi ce) 1 (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refe r to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.q. last document + 2 years), since de s tru ction is normally performed by file folder. Litiqation complaints claims public re cords act requests audits and/or investiqa tions suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or comple tion). PUBLIC SAFETY I ANIMAL CONTROL Comm. I Develop . /Spec. Ops I CD-077 Administrative Citations 2 years 2 years Animal I Shelter I I Comm . I Develop . Indefinite Ind efinite /Spec. Op s I CD-078 Animal Registrat ion Database (Min imum 3 (Minimum 3 An imal I years) Shelter Comm . I Develop . When No /Spec. Ops I CD-079 Animal Registration Report Longer Animal Requ ired Shelter Comm . Develop. /Spec. Ops I CD-080 Animal Trap Agreements 3 years An imal Shelter Comm . Develop. Bite Reports I Rabies Control /Spec. Ops I CD-081 Records 3 years An imal Shelter I Comm . I Deve lop. Complaints I SeMce Requests-~ /Spec. Ops I CD-082 Rega rding Animals 3 years Animal Shelter I TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental SeNices, Inc.-all rights reseNed Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 years) When No Longe r Required 3 years 3 years 3 years Yes I I Ppr GC §34090 et seq . I Department preference; Data is Mag interrelated; GC §§12946, I 34090 I Considered transitory I I Mag , Ppr preliminary draft (the database is the origi na l); GC §34090, GC §6252 Department Preference; GC Ppr I §34090 et seq . I I Department Preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 et seq . I I Department Preference; GC I Ppr 1§34090 et seq . I Revision A dopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 12 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-21 Offi ce of Ret en t ion No.I Records Description Retention I D isposition I Comme nts I Reference Record I I I Media Image : Destroy 1 Activ e Inactiv e Tota l !=Import Pap er (OFR) (in office) I (I n Storage) Retentio n Vital? I Options M=Mfr after S=Scan Imaged & QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Ci ty-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.g . last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation. co mplaints claims public records act requests. audits and/or investiqations suspend normal retention periods re tention resum es after settlement or completion). Comm . I Impound Records I Develop. /Spec. Ops I CD-083 3 years 3 yea rs Animal "Re linquishments" Shelter I Comm . Develop. Investigations I Problem Files Reso lution + Resolution + /Spec. Ops I CD-084 (barking, loose dogs, dangerous Animal dog reports, etc.) 4 years 4 years Shelter I Comm. I . c . Deve lop. /Spec . Ops I CD-085 Not1ces to amply, Warmng 3 years 3 years An imal Letters I Notices (Off leash, etc.) Shelter --Comm. Develop. When No When No /Spec . Ops I CD-086 Officer's Da ily Log Longer Longer Animal Requ ired Requ ired Shelter Finance CD-087 Payments I Receipts for 2 yea rs 2 years Payment (An imal Licenses , etc .) Comm. Develop. /Spec. Ops I C D-0 88 Rabies Vaccination Clinics 3 years 3 years Yes An imal Shelter I I I REDEVELOPMENT I SUCCESSOR AGENCY TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 3 years is requ ired ; FA Mag , Pp r §32003(e), PC §597.1 (d); CCP §§336(a), 337 et. seq., GC §34090 I Mag , Ppr Department Preference; GC §34090 et seq. I I Department preference ; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Considered transitory I Mag , Ppr preliminary drafts. GC §34090, GC §6252 - - Mag, Pp r Summaries are sent to Finance; GC §34090 3 years is required for animal trea tment records ; FA Mag §32003(e), PC §597.1(d); CCP §§336(a), 337 et. seq., GC I G34090 Revision Adopt ed : 7/07/2015 Ver. 12.0 R ECORDS RETENTI O N SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-22 Office of Retention No.I Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media !=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (In Storage) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e. a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oublic records act requests audits and/or investiaa tions susoend normal retention oeriods Comm . Proj ect Fi les: Includes De velop ./ Environmental Assessments, Project Redev I CRA CD-093 Planning Documents , Phases , Completion p I Successor Condemnations I Property Agency Acquisitions , etc. Comm. Develop./ Real Estate Appraisal Reports : Redev I CRA CD-094 Property NOT purchased 2 years I Successor Agency Comm . Develo p./ Redev/ CRA CD-095 Real Estate Appraisal Report s: 2 years 3 years I Successor Purchased Property Ag en cy Comm . Develop./ Settle+ 1 Settle + 4 Redev I CRA CD-096 Relocat ion Files I Successor year years Aqencv TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc. -all rig hts reserved Do not duplicate or distribute wit hout prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Yes : p Before Completion 2 ye ars Yes: 5 years Before Pu rchas e Settle+ 5 Yes : Until years Settlement retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). Mag , Yes : After Department Preference ; GC Mfr, OD , s Inactive §34090 Pp r Not accessible to th e public; Mag , Pp r Statewide Guidelines show 2 yea rs ; GC §§34090 , 6254(h) Not accessible to the public until purchase has been Mag, completed; Auditing standards Mfr, OD, s Yes : After are 7 year s after audit ; t ime is Pp r Inactive sufficient to establ ish tax increment; Statewide Guidel ines show 2 years ; GC 1&&34090 6254(h) Mag, Yes : After Consistent with Claims; CCP Mfr, OD, s §§ 337 et seq.; GC §§ 945, Pp r Inactive 34090, 34090.6 ; PC §832.5 Revision Adopt ed : 7/07/2015 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-1 Office of I Retention No .. Records Descripti on Retention I Dispos ition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media l=lmport Paper after (in offi ce) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Image d & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here. refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e .a. last document + 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litigation complaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations sus end normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). 1095-C (Emglo~er-Provided Human HR-019 Health Insurance Offer and 5 ~ears 5 ~ears Resources Coverage) t---r- Human Benefit Plans -Dental , Medical, Plan Plan HR-018 Termination Termination Resources etc. + 2 years + 2 years CaiPERS Be nefit Information When No When No Human HR-001 Longer Longer Resources (annual employee listing , circular letters, etc.) Requ ired Requ ired -- Human Superseded Superseded HR-002 Classification Specifications Resources + 3 years + 3 years I Hum an Resources HR-003 Compensation Surveys & Studies 2 years 2 y ears I TEMPLE CITY , CA ©1995-20 11 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or d istribute without prior written permission Degartment Preferen ce; IRS: 4 ~ears after tax is due or gaid; 6 Mag , Pgr CFR ~1 .60Q1-1 (e)(2); GC §34090 Department Preference; State Mag , Ppr Law requires 2 years after I action; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); 29 USC 1027; GC §§12946, 34090 Mag , Ppr Prelim inary Drafts; GC §34090 Department preference; EEOC/FLSAIADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion , Mag, Mfr. Yes : After 1 demotion, transfer, selection, or s /I discharge; State Law requires 2 -OD, Pp r yea r 3 years ; retirement benefits is 6 years from last action; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(ii), GC §§12946, 34090; 29 usc 1113 Bureau of National Affairs recommends 2 years for all supplementary Personnel Mag , Ppr records; Wage rate tables are 1 or 2 years ; State requ ires 2 years ; 29 CFR 516 .6(2), 29 CFR 1602.14, GC §§12946, 34090 Revision Adopted : 7/07/2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------, Ver. 7 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-2 Office o f Retention No. Records Description Ret e ntion I Disposition Comments I Reference R ecord Image: Destroy (OFR) A ctive Inactive Total Vital? Medi a l=lmport Pape r after (in office) (In Storage) R etent i on Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to th e Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and implv a full file folder (e .q. last document+ 2 vears), since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litiqation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiqations sus end normal r etention periods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletionL Department of Fair Employment Final Final Human HR-004 & Housing (DFEH or EEOC) Disposition + D isposition + Resources Clai ms 3 years 3 years Human HR-005 Grievances and Informal p p Yes: Befo re Resources Complaints (all ) Dispositi on H uman HR-006 l-9s Separation + Separation + Resources 3 years 3 years TEMPLE CITY , CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-35 16 -all rights reserved Do not dupl icate or distribute without prior written permission All State and Federal laws req ui re retention until final Mag , ~pr disposition o f formal complaint; State requires 2 years after "full y and finally disposed"; 2 CCR 11013(c); GC §§1294 6 , 34090 Department preference; All State and Federal laws require rete ntion until final disposition of Mag , Ppr formal complaint; State requires 2 years after action is taken; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3 (b)(1 ); GC §§12946, 12960, 34090; 29 USC 1113, LC 1174 Non-citi zens must re-certify periodically; RICA recommen ds 1 year from termination o r 3 years from hiring , whichever is l ater; EEOC I FLSA I ADEA M ag , Ppr (Age) requires 3 years for "any othe r fo rms of employment inquiry"; State Law re q uires 2 -3 y ears; 29 C F R 1627.3(b)(i), GC §§12946, 34090 ; INA 274A (b )(3); INS Rule 27 4a.1 (b)(2 ) Revision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 7 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RE S OURCES Page HR-3 Office of Retent ion No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media !=Import Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normally performed bv file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act reauests audits and/or investiaations sus end normal retention pe riods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Human Separation + Separati on + Resources HR-007 Personnel Files -Employees 1 yea r 29 years 30 years Human Personnel Files -Medical File (all Separation + Separation + Yes : Until Resources HR-008 employees) Includes Drug 1 year 29 years 30 years Separation Testing Results TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-201 1 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute wit hout prior written permission Mag, Mfr, OD , Ppr Mag , Mfr, OD , Ppr Department Preference; statute of limitations for retirement benefits is 6 years from last action ; EEOC/FLSA/ADEA (Age) Yes : After requires 3 years for promotion, s Separation + demotion, transfer, select ion , or 1 year d ischarg e ; State La w requi res 2 - 3 years; 29 CFR 1602 .1 4 . 1602.3 1 & 1627.3(b)(ii), GC §§12946, 60201 ; 29 usc 1113.;_ GC §3105 Department preference ; Files maintained separately; Claims can be mad e for 30 yea rs for toxic substance exposure; 8 Yes : A fter CCR §3204 (d )(1) et seq., 29 s Separation + CFR 1910.1020(d)(1)(i), GC 1 year §§12946, 34090; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(1)(v), GC §§12946, 34090; 49 CFR 655.7 1 et seq.; 49 CFR 382.401 et seq . 49 CFR 653.7 1 Revision Adopted: 7/07/2015 Ver. 7 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page H R-4 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive T otal Vita l? Medi a l=lmport Pape r after (in o ffice) (I n Storage) R etent i on Opti ons M=Mfr Im aged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder re.a. last document+ 2 vearsl. since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litiqation, complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiqations sus?end normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Recru itment a nd T esting File (Includes Advertisements, Applications (U nsuccessful), Job Brochures, Interview Notes, T est Human HR-009 Data, Testing Analysis & 3 years 3 years Resources statistical Metric, Job Analysis, Rating Sheets, Scantrons, Rater's Profile & Confidentiality Agreement, Flowchart, E ligible Lists , etc.) When No When No Human Studies & Surveys Conducted on Longer Longer HR-0 10 Behalf of the City (Sick Leave, Required-Required - Resources Attrition , Benefits, etc.) Minimum 2 Minimum 2 years years Human HR-01 1 Training Database Indefinite Indefinite Resources TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Department preference; EEOC I FLSA I ADEA (Age) requires 1-3 Mag, Ppr years ; State Law requires 2 -3 years ; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(i), 29 CFR 1602.14 et seq . GC §§12946,34090 Department preference ; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Mag , Ppr Data is interrelated; GC §34090 Revision Adopted: 7/07/2015 Ver. 7 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-5 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I D isposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (O FR ) Active Inactive Tota l Vital? Media l=lmport Pape r afte r (in office) (In Sto rage) Retenti on Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and implv a full file folder (e .a . last document + 2 vears). since destruction is normallv performed by file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiaations suspend normal retention period s (retention resumes after settlement or completion). R ISK MANAGEMENT H uman Accident, Incident , Injury reports I Resources HR-012 Potential Claims: PUBLIC OR 2 years 2 years I Risk CITY PROPERTY (N ot resulting Manag . in a claim) Human Resources Final Final Yes: Until I Risk HR-013 Claims I Litigation Resolution 5 years Resolution + Resolution Man ag . 5 yea rs & Finance Human When W hen R esources Superseded Superseded I Risk HR-014 DMV Pull Notices or Upon or Upon Manag . Separation Separation Human Resources HR-01 5 Insurance Po licies (City owned ), p p Yes: Before I Risk Certificates of Self-Insured Expiration Manag . Human Resources Workers Compensation Claim I Risk HR-016 Runs 5 years 5 years Manag . TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior w ritten permission Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Department preference; Claim must be filed within 1 yea r, lawsuit within 2 years; complaints against pe ace Mag, Mfr, Yes: After officers within 5 years; Statute of OD, Ppr s Settled Limitations for contract s is 4 years ; wrongful death fo r construction is completion + 5 years; CCP §§ 337 et seq.; GC §§ 911 .2 , 945.6 , 34090, 34090.6 ; PC §832.5(b) T ransitory or source records not retained in the ordinary course of business; CH P audits every 2 Mag Ppr years; Bureau of National Affairs recommends 2 years for all supplementary Personn el records ; GC §34090 Mag, Mfr, s Yes: Afte r Departme nt preference; GC O D, Ppr Expiration §34090 Department preference (meets Mag, Ppr auditing standards and allocation formul as); GC §34090 Revi sio n Adopte d : 7/07 /2015 Ver. 7 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-6 Office of I Retention No. Recor ds Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record I Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vita l? Med ia l=lmport Paper afte r (in office) (In Storage) Retenti on Options M=Mfr Imaged & I S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e .a. last document+ 2 vears), since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litigation comolaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations sus end normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). Workers Compensation or Separa tion + Human Disability Claims I Employee 25 years o r 30 years or Resources Accident Reports Separation + Termination T ermination HR-017 of Benefits, I Risk Includes all Accident, Incident, or 5 years whichever is of Benefits, Manag . Injury Reports and associated longer wh icheve r is MSDS longer TEMPLE CITY , CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all ri ghts reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permis sion Department preference; Claims can be made for 30 years for Mag , Mfr. Yes : W hen toxic substance exposu re ; 8 s CCR 10102; 8 CCR 15400.2 , 8 OD , Ppr Inactive CCR §3204(d)(1) et seq ., 29 CFR 1910.1020, GC §§12946, 34090; CCP §337 et seq . Revision Adopted: 7/07/20 15 Ver . 8 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK P age CC-1 Office of Retention Records D escr iptio n Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. Image: 1 Destroy (OFR) A ctive Inactive Total Vital? Media !=Import Paper after (i n office) (I n Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e.a. last document + 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation. comolain ts claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaa tions susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). Ag e naa t-'a cKets 1 :starr Keports: City Council, Community Development & Housing Authority , Community ' Redevelopment Agency, When No When N o Successor Agency, Oversight Board, Financing Authority Longer Longer City Clerk CC -001 Required-Required- NOT RELATED TO LAND Minimum 2 Minimum 2 USE, CAPITAL years years IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROPERTY OR INFRASTRUCTURE; --AGENDAS r-AgendaPackets I Staff ReportS: City Council, Community D evelopment & Housing Authority, Community R edevelopment Agency, Successor Agency, Oversight City Clerk CC-002 Board , Financing Authority p p RELATED T O LAND USE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROPERTY OR I ~NFRASTRUCTURE ; IMAGED RECORDS City Clerk CC-003 !Agendas -Posted 2 years 2 years TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Yes : Until Department Preference (The After Meeti ng Mag, Ppr minutes are the permanent record); GC §34090 et seq. - Yes : Until Mag, Mfr. Yes: After 2 Department Preference; GC s After Meeting OD, Ppr years §34090 et seq . I I Yes : Until I The minutes a re the Mag, Ppr permanent record; GC After Meeting §34090 et seq. Revision Adopte d : 71071201 5 Ver. 8 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK P age CC-2 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Dispos ition Comments I Reference Record No. Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total V ital? Media l=lmport Paperafter J (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations s usoend normal retention oeriods (reten tion resumes after settlement or comoletion). Agreements o r Contracts -ALL Non-Infrastructure Agreement or Contract includes all contractual o bligations (e.g . Amendments, Scope of Completion+ City Clerk CC-004 Work or Successful Completion 10 years Proposa~ Insurance 10 years Certificates) Examples of NON-Infrastructure: Consulting , disposal , City Manager employment contracts , housing, leases, loans, mutual aid , orofessional services . services etc. TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc .-all rights reserve d Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written perm ission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Department preference; Covers E&O Statute of Limitations; Pub lished Audit Standards=4-7 years; Statute of Limitat io ns: Yes : Be fore Mag, Mfr, Yes: Upon Contracts & Spec's=4 years, S/1 Wrongful Death=comp. + 5 Completion OD , Ppr Completion years , Developers=comp. + I 10 years ; Statewide guidelines propose termination + 5 years; CCP §§336(a), 337 et. seq., GC §34090 Revision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 8 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page C C-3 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. -I Image: Destroy (OFR) I Active Inactive Total Vital ? Media l=lmport Paper after (in offi c e) (In Storage) Retention Options I M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder i_e.g. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation comolaints. claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investigations susp end normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Ag reemen ts or Con t racts -If Imaged, Infrastructure, DDAs , OPAs, MOUs, MOAs Agreement or Contract includes all contractual obligations (e.g. Amendments, Scope of C ity Clerk CC-005 Work or Successful Completion p p Proposal, Insurance Certificates) Exam p les of Infrastruct ure: Architects , CaiPERS, franchise agreements, subdivision improvement agreements , development, Joint Powers , MOUs, ---settlement water riahts . etc . C ity Clerk CC-006 Annexations I Boundaries I 5 years p p Consolidations I LAFCO - -Applications for Boards, C ity CI +C-007 Commissions or Committees 2 years 2 years (Successful or Unsuccessful) Boards , Commissions, & Committees : All C ity Council City Clerk CC-008 Advisory Bodies p p MINUTES & BYLAWS TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all rights reserved Do not dupl icate or distribute without prior written perm ission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Department Preference; All infrastructure, JPAs, & Mutual Aid contracts should be permanent for emergency preparedness; Statute of Yes: Before Mag , Mfr. Yes: Upon Limitations is 4 years; 10 Completion OD, Ppr s Completion years for Errors & Omissions; land records are permanent by law; CCP §§337. 337 .1 (a), 337.15, 343; GC §34090, Contractor has retention requirements in 48 CFR 4 .703 -1- Mag , Mfr. I S I I Yes Land Records; GC §34090 O D, Ppr I -1---- Mag , Ppr l GC §34090 Notes taken to facilitate the Mag , Mfr, Yes: After writing of the minutes can be Yes OD, Ppr s 10 years destroyed after minutes have been adopted; GC §34090 et seq . Revis ion Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 8 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : CITY CLERK Page CC-4 Office of Retention Records Descri ption Retention I Disposition Comments I Referen ce Record No. Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media !=Import Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions begin whe n the act is completed and im ply a full file folder (e.g . last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation complaints claims public re cords act requests audits and/or investig ations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Boards, Commissions, & Committees: All City Council City Clerk CC-061 Advisory Bod ies 8 years 8 years OATHS OF OFFICE I Certificates , Commendations , City Clerk CC-062 2 years 2 years Memoriums, Proclamations When No When No Longer Longer City Clerk CC-009 City Clerk Filing System Requ ired-Required- Mi nimum 2 Minimum 2 -_years years City Clerk CC-010 Committee Rosters I Maddy Act 2 years 2 years List Economic Interest Fili ngs (FPPC 700 Series Forms -City Clerk CC-011 Statement of Economic 2 years 5 years 7 years Interests): ALL I I TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute wit hout prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Degartment greference; GC Mag , Pgr §34090 et seg . Degartment greference; Statute of Limitations: Public official misconduct is discove[Y of offense + 4 Yes : Until years, retirement benefits is Mag , Pgr 6 years from last action; After Meeting statewide guidelines grogose Term ination+ 6 ye2rs; GC §§36507, 34090; PC &&801 .5 803(c): 29 USC 1113 Yes: Until Department Preference (The After Meeting Mag , Ppr minutes are t he permanent record); GC §34090 et seq . Mag, Ppr GC §34090 City maintains original statements ; GC Mag , Ppr §81009(e)&(g); GC §81009(f)&(g); 2 CCR I 18615(d) Revision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 8 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-5 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. I I l lmage: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Med ia !=Import Paper after I (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & I S=S ca n QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e .a. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion), Film Perm its I Banner Permits, etc. Yes: While City Clerk CC-012 2 years 2 years Before Includes Insurance Certificates Expiration Submitted bv the Applicant City Clerk CC-013 FPPC Form 801 (Gift to Agency L 4 years L 4 years Report) City Clerk CC-014 FPPC Form 802 (Tickets 7 years 7 years Provided by Agency Report) City Clerk CC-055 FPPC Form 803 (Behested p p Payment Report) City Clerk CC-058 FPPC Form 804 (Agenda p p Report of New Pos it ions) City Clerk CC-059 FPPC Form 805 (Agency 7 years 7 years Report of Consultants) FPPC Form 806 (Agency City Clerk CC-056 Report of Public Official 7 years 7 years Appointments) ELECTIONS -CONSOLIDATED Campaign Filings (FP PC 400 City Clerk CC-015 Series Forms & Form 501): 2 years p p SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES {Elected Officials) Campaign Fi lings {FPPC 400 City Clerk CC-016 Series Forms & Form 501): 5 years 5 years UNSUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Campaign Filings (FPPC 400 Series Forms): THOSE NOT City Clerk CC-017 !:REQUIRED TO FILE 4 years 4 years ORIGINAL WITH CITY CLERK l <copies) I TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Mag , Ppr Must post on website ; 2 CCR 18944.*)(3)(G) Mag , Ppr Must post on website for 4 years; GC ~81009(e) Mag , Ppr FPPC Regulation 18734(c); GC §81009e Mag , Ppr FPPC Regulation 18734(c); GC §81009e Mag , Ppr GC §34090; GC §81009(e) -I- Must post on website ; 2 Mag , Ppr CCR 18702.5.{!;ll.Ql; GC G34090· GC G810091e) I Mag, Mfr. I Paper must be retained for s Yes : After 2 at least 2 years; GC OD, Ppr years §81009(b)&(g) Paper must be retained for Mag , Mfr, s Yes : After 2 at least 2 years; GC OD, Ppr yea rs §81009{b)&{g) Paper must be retained for Mag , Ppr at least 2 years ; GC §81 009{f)&{g) Revision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 8 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : CITY CLERK P age CC-6 Office of Retention I Records Description Retention I D isposition Comments I Reference Record No. Image: I Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vita l? Media l=lmport Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Ret ention Options M=Mfr I Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e . a. last document+ 2 vearsJ. since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation. comolaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or com_f)/etion). Campaign Filings (FPPC 400 Series Forms): OTHER City Clerk CC-018 COMMITIEES (PACS-not 7 years 7 years candidate-controlled) Cand idate File: Nomination Papers, Cand idate Statements, Term of Term of City Clerk CC-019 etc. -SUCCESSFUL Office+ 4 Office+ 4 CANDIDATES years years Candidate File : Nomination City Clerk CC-020 Papers , Cand idate Statements, Election + 4 Electio n+ 4 etc. -UNSUCCESSFUL years years CANDIDATES Elections -HISTORICAL (Sample ballot, copies of City Clerk CC-021 resolutio ns , final results ; 2 years p p Certificate of Election, Oath of I Office} I TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Paper must be retained for Mag , Ppr at least 2 yea rs; GC §81 009( c)&(g) Department Preference; Statewide guidelines proposes 4 years for successful cand idates, 2 Mag , Ppr years for unsuccessful; CA law states term of office and 4 years after the expiration of term and does not del ineate between the two · Statewide guidelines proposes 4 years for successful candidates, 2 Mag, Ppr years for unsuccessful; CA law states term of office and 4 years after the expiration of term and does not --delineate between the two ; Mag , Mfr, Retained for Historical OD , Ppr s No Value , GC §34090 Revision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC -7 Office of Retention I Records Description Retenti on I Disposition Comments I Ref erence Rec ord No. Image: Destroy (O FR) Active Inactive Tot al Vital ? Media l=lmport Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imoly a full file folder (e .a . last document+ 2 years). since destruction is normally oerformed by file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oublic records act requests audits and/or investiaations susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). Elections -GENERAL, WORKING or ADMINISTRAT ION Files (Correspondence , Precinct City Clerk CC-022 Maps , County Election 2 years 2 years Services, Candidate Statements to be printed in the Sample Bal lot, Polling Locations and Precinct Board Members , Notices Postinqs etc.) Results or Resu lts or Elections -Petitions (In itiative, Final Final City Clerk CC-023 Recall or Referendum) Examination Examination if No Election if No Election +8 mo . +8 mo . TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distri bute wi thout prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3 516 Mag , Ppr GC §34090 I I I Not accessible to the public; The 8 month retention applies after election results , Ppr or final examination if no election , unless there is a legal or FPPC proceeding. EC §§17200 17400 Re vision Adopted : 7/07/20 15 Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK P age CC-8 Office of Retention I Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media l=lmport Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e . a . last document+ 2 years). since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiaations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). ELECTIONS-STAND-ALONE (use in conjunction with Consolidated elections ... records se ries a r e not reoeated) City Clerk CC -060 Applications to View Voter 5 years 5 years Registration Information Assessment District Ballots , City Clerk CC-024 Protest Letters , & Envelopes -2 years 2 years Prop. 218 proceedings City Clerk CC-025 Ballots -After Election 6mo. 6mo. City Clerk CC-026 Ballots -After Recount 6mo. 6mo. City Clerk CC-027 Challenged & Assisted Voters 6mo. 6mo. List City Clerk CC-028 In spector Receipts for Ballots 6mo. 6mo. City Clerk CC-029 Prec inct Officer Appointments 6mo. 6mo. City Clerk CC-030 Roster of Voters 5 years 5 years City Clerk CC -031 Tally Sheets, Lo gic & Accuracy 6mo. 6mo. Test Certifications City Clerk CC -032 Vote-by-Mail Appl ications, 6mo. 6mo. Roster of Absentee Applications City Clerk CC-033 Vote-by-Ma il Identification 6mo. 6mo. Envelopes City Clerk CC-034 Voter Index Cop ies used as the 6mo. 6mo. Voting Record at Polling Places Citv Clerk CC -035 Voter Index Oriainal 5 vears 5 vears (End of Elect ions Section) City Clerk CC-036 Ethics Training -Certi fi cates 2 years 3 years 5 years TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not dup licate or distribute wi thout prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Ppr EC §2188(f) Ppr GC §53753 (e)(2) Ppr EC §17302 Ppr EC §17306 Ppr If uncontested , EC §17304 Ppr EC 17302, 17306 Ppr EC §17503 Mag , Mfr, EC §17300 00, Ppr Ppr EC §17304 Ppr EC §17505 Ppr EC §17302 Ppr EC §17304 Ppr EC &17001 Mag , Mfr , s Yes: When GC §§34090 , 53235.2(b) 00, Ppr Inactive Revision Adopted: 7/07/2015 --------~----------~-·---·~--- Ver . 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK P age CC-9 Office of Retention I Records Descri ption Retention I Dispositi on Comments I Reference Record No. Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total V ital? Media !=Import Paper after (i n office) (I n Storage) Retention Opti ons M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd ? If the re cord is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e .q. last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiqation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiqations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). H istorical Records (e .g. Incorporation , City Seal , Awards City Clerk CC-037 of significant historical interest, p p etc.) Insurance Certificates (for Contracts, Vendors , and City- City Clerk CC-038 issued Certificates etc.) 11 years 11 years That cannot be matched to an aoreement or contract Minutes -City Council , Community Dev elopment & City Clerk CC-039 Housing Authority , Community p p Redevelopment Agency , Successor Agency, Oversight Board Fin ancinq Authority Minutes -Planning City Clerk CC-040 Commission , Parks & p p Recreation Commission , Advisory Bodies Appointed by Minutes Highlights (Action City Clerk CC-041 2 years 2 years Agendas) Municipal Code Administration, When No When No City Clerk CC-042 Longer Longer Distribu tion , etc. Reou ired Required TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gl adwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all ri gh ts reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 City Clerk determi nes historical significance; reco rd s can address a Mag , Mfr, variety of subjects and OD, Ppr s No media . Some media (e .g . audio and video tape) may be limited because of the media's life expectancy; GC §34090 I Department preference to Yes : Before Mag , Mfr, accommodate the expiration Completion OD, Ppr s Yes : 2 years of all statute of limitations; CCP §337 et seq.; GC §34090 Yes (all) Mag , Mfr, s No GC §34090 OD, Ppr Yes (all) Mag , Mfr. s No GC §34090 OD, Ppr Department preference Mag, Ppr (preliminary record); GC §34090 et seq. Prelimi nary drafts; GC § Mag, Ppr 34090 Revision Adopted : 710712015 Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK P age C C -10 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disp osition Comments I Reference Record No . Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media !=Import Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e . a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litigation comQiaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaa tions susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). City Clerk CC -043 Municipal Code and History File I (always retain 1 supplement) p p City Clerk CC-044 Ord ina nces (City Council) p p City Clerk CC-045 Proof of Publication I Public 2 years 2 years Notices I Certificate of Posting Real Property -Records that Affect the Title to Real Property City Clerk CC-046 (Deeds , Easements, Title 2 years p p Insurance, Final Order of Condemnation etc.) Recordings I Tapes of City City Clerk CC-047 Council Meetings -Audio 2 years 2 years Recordings I Tapes or DVDs- Recordings of City Council City Clerk CC-048 Meetings-V ideo Recordings I p p DVD -R or VCR (ALL) Records Destruction Lists I City Clerk CC-049 Certificates of Records 10 years 10 years Destruction Records Retention Schedules I City Clerk CC-050 Amendments to Records 10 years p p Retention Schedules City Clerk CC-057 Statement of Facts 2 years 2 years City Clerk CC-051 Request for Public Records 2 years 2 years TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Mag , Mfr, s No GC §34090 OD , Ppr Yes (all) Mag , Mfr, s No GC §34090 et. seq. OD, Ppr Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Mag , Mfr, OD , Ppr S I I No GC §34090 Tape Department preference; State law only requires for (Mag ) 30 days; GC §54953.5(b) Department preference ; Tape Video recording of meetings (Mag) are only requ ired for 90 days; GC §§34090.7 60201 Mag , Mfr, Department Preference ; GC s Yes: 2 years OD , Ppr §34090 et. seq . Mag, Mfr, I GC §34090 et. seq. OD, Ppr Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Revi si on Adopted : 710712015 Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK P age CC-11 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Ref erence Record No. I J l lmage : Dest roy Active Inactive Total Media l=lmport Pap er after (OFR) I (in office) (In Storage) Retention Vital? 1 Options I M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiqation comolaints claims oublic records act reauests audits and/or investiaations susoend normal rete ntion oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). Resolutions -City Council , Community Development & Hous ing Authority , Community City Clerk CC-052 Redevelopment Agency , p p Successor Agency , Oversight Board , Financing Authority, Planning Commission Roster of City Council Members City Clerk CC-053 (Historical List of City Council p p Members) City Clerk CC-054 Vehicle Titles ("Pink Slips") Sale or Sale or Disposal Disposal TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Mag , Mfr. Yes (a ll) s No GC §34090 et. seq . OD , Ppr Mag , Mfr, Department preference; GC s II Yes OD , Ppr §34090 Ppr Given to Auction House I New Owner · GC ~34090 Revision Adopted: 710712015 Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : FINANCE Page FIN-1 Office of I Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record I Media Image: Destroy (OFR) I Active Inactive Total Vital? !=Import Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e . a . last document + 2 vears), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litig_ation comolaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiaations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). FINANCE I ADMINISTRATION Finance I I Audit Reports I CAFR - FN-001 Comprehens ive Annual Financial p p Adm;~ Reports and related Aud it Opinions ·- Finance I FN-040 Audit Work Papers 2 years 3 years 5 years Adm in . I Finance I Yes: FN-002 Budgets-Adopted I Final p p Current Admin . Fiscal Year --- Human Resources Final Final Yes: Until I Risk FN-039 Claims I Litigation Resolution 5 years Resolution + Resolution Manag . 5 years & Finance I Finance I Budgets-Preliminary , Backup Yes: FN-003 2 years 2 years Current Adm in. Documents Fiscal Year Cash Bonds I Refundable Proj ect .I Project Finance I FN -004 Deposits I Refunds (for Finialled + 3 Finiall ed + 3 Adm in . I De v eloper Proj ects) years years Fin ance I I Lease Lease FN -005 Property Management Expiration + Expi rati on + Admin . 2 years 2 years TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Mag , Mfr. S/1 Yes: After 1 Department Preference (copies ); OD, Pp r year GC §34090.7 r-- Department Preference (meets I Mag , Ppr I I mu nicipal governm ent auditing I standards); GC §34090 Mag , Mfr , y . Aft 1 Department Preference; Must be S /1 es. e r I fil ed with County Aud itor; GC OD, Pp r year 1§34090.7, 40802, 53901 !Department preference; Claim must be fil ed within 1 year, lawsuit with in 2 years; com plaints against peace Mag , Mf r, Yes : After officers wi t hin 5 years; Statute of OD, Ppr s Settled Limitations for contracts is 4 years; wrongful death for construct ion is completion + 5 years ; CCP §§ 337 et seq.; GC §§ 911 .2, 945.6, 34090, 34090.6; PC §832 .5(b) Depart ment Preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Securities (Performance Bonds, Mag , Mfr, I Letters of Credit, CO's , etc.) a re s I No OD, Ppr usu ally rel eased after complet ion; G C §34090 Depart ment Preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Revision A dopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 6 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-2 Office of .1 . Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference R d Ret e ntaon No. ecor . Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media l=lmport Paper after I (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Image d & S=S c an QC 'd ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for C itv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e . a . last document+ 2 vears), since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation comolaints claims oublic records act rea uests audits and/or investiaations sus end normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion). Finance I Single Aud it s I Transportation FN-006 5 years 5 years Admin. Audits I PERS Aud it , et. FINANCE I ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE I Accounts Rece ivable I Revenue -~ Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT), Finance I Busin ess Licenses, Fa lse Alarms , Accounts FN-007 Franchise Income . Parking 2 years 3 y ea rs 5 years Receivable Cit ation s. Damage to Pub li c Property, Invoices to Outside Entities , etc Daily Cash Reports I Da ily Finance I Envelopes I Cash Receipts I Accounts FN-008 Receagt Journals I Petty Cash I 2 years 3 years 5 years Yes: Un til Receivable Revenue Da il y Rece ipt Books, Paid etc. Finance I Miscellaneous Billing (Damage to Close+ 2 Close+ 5 Accounts FN-009 3 years Receivable City Property . etc. years years 1- Finance I Revenue: Postin g L ogs I Accounts FN-010 Spreadsheets 5 years 5 years Receivable I I TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute wi thout prior written permission Mag , Mfr . Yes: After 1 Depart ment Preference (meet s s I I municipal government auditi ng OD. Ppr yea r standards): GC &34090 I I Mag , Ppr Meets auditing standards; GC §34090 et seq . Department Preference ; (m eets municipal government auditing Mag , Ppr standards); Statewide guidelines propose audit + 4 years; Publis hed articles show 3 -7 years ; GC §34090 Department preference ; Meets Mag , Ppr audit ing standards; GC §34090 _ et seq . Transi tory records not retained in the ordinary course of business Financial system Mag , Ppr qualifies as a trusted system and can re-create reports accurately ; I statewide guidelines propose 2 years ; GC §34090 Revision Adopted: 7/07/2 015 Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retenti on I Di sposition Comments I Reference Record I I Image: D estroy Active Inactive Total Media l l=lmport Pape r afte r (OFR) (in office) I (In Storage) Retention Vital ? Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.g. last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiqations s uspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). FINANCE I GENERAL ACCOUNTING Finance I General FN-011 1099's, 1096's I W -9s 5 years 5 years Accounting Accounts Payable /Invoices and Backup I Expenditures Finance I Yes : Until General FN-012 (Includes Invoices, Travel 2 years 3 years 5 years Pa id A ccoun ting Expense Re imbursements, Warrant Request , copies of warrants etc.) Bank Statements, Trustee Statements, Investment Finance I Statements, Fiscal Agent General FN -013 Statements, Outstanding Check 2 years 3 years 5 yea rs Lists , Daily Cash Summaries, Accounting Bank Deposits , Bank Transmittal Advice , Cashier's Reports; Bank Reconciliations, etc. TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permissi on I Department Preference; IRS: 4 years after tax is due or paid Mag, Ppr (longer for auditing & contractor deli nquency); Ca . FTB: 3 yea rs; I IRS Reg §31.6001-1 (e)(2), R&T §19530, GC §34090 I Department Preference (meets municipal government auditing Mag, Mfr. Yes: After1 stan dards); Statewide guidelines S /1 OD, Ppr y ea r propose audit + 4 years ; Publ ished articles show 3 -7 years ; GC §340 90 ·-- Department Preference; Mag , Ppr Published articles show 3 -4 years ; GC §34090, 26 CFR I 31 .600 1-1 Revision Adopted: 7/07/20 15 Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Office of I Retenti on No. Record ~---------------------+--------.--------, Active ! I Inactive (i n office) (In Storage) Retenti on Retention I D isposition Records Descripti on Media Total Vital? Options (OFR ) If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Image: l=l mport M=Mfr S=Scan I Destroy I Pape r afte r Imaged & l QC 'd ? Page FIN-4 Comments I Reference Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e .g. last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Fi nance I Bond Official Statements I Fully General FN-014 Certificates of Participations Fully 10 years Defeased + Yes : Until (CO Ps) See Bank Statements for Defeased Maturity Accounting statement retention . 10 years Finance I Checks I Warrant Register General FN-015 Report I Exgenditure Regorts 2 years 3 years 5 years Accounting_ I t: ,.j\ -- Finance I General FN-016 Checks 1 Warrants (Cashed) 2 years 3 years 5 years Account ing Finance I Close+ 5 Close+ 5 General FN-016 Developer Trust Accounts Accounting_ years years Finance I Escheat (Unclaimed money I General FN-01 7 uncashed checks) 3 years 3 years Accounting F1nance I General FN -018 Financial Services Dat abase Indefinite Indefinite Yes AccountinQ TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Department Preference; Statute of Limitations for bonds, mortgages, trust deeds, notes or debentures is 6 years ; Bonds Mag, Ppr issued by loca l governments are 10 years ; There are specific requirements for disposal of unused bonds; CCP §§336 et seq . 337 .5 (a); 26 CFR 1.6001- .ll&.GC §43900 et seq . Mag , Mfr, Yes: After Department Preference; GC s OD, Ppr QC §34090 Department Preference; meets Mag , Mfr . s Yes : After municipal government auditing OD , Ppr QC standards; GC §34090, CC P § 337 Mag , Mfr , Yes : After 1 Department Preference (m eets s I I municipal government auditing OD , Ppr year sta ndards}; GC §34090 - Department preference; All tangib le property held by government agencies escheats Mag , Ppr after 3 years ; Statute of Limitations is 1 year for seized property ; CCP §§340(d), GC §34090 Data Fields I Records are Mag interrelated; GC §34090 Re v ision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-5 Office of Retention No . Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image : Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital ? Media !=Import Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer t o the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e .a. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiqations sus end normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Finance I General FN-0 19 Fixed Assets -Annual Listing 5 years p p (Source Documents) Accounting Finance I General Ledger: Final year-end General FN-020 AND Chart of Accounts I 5 years p p Organization Structure (Prior to Accounting Pentamation Conversion) Finance I Investments I Arbitrage I Bonds General FN-021 (Receipts I Advisor Reports I 5 years 5 years Yes : Until Accounting Trade Tickets I LAIF (Local Paid Agency Investment Fund)) Finance I General FN-022 Journal Entries I Journal 2 years 8 years 10 years Account ing Vouchers I Budget Adjustments When No When No Finance I Financial Report -2000 Longer Longer General FN-023 Conversion {l ast report prior to Required -Required - Accounting chang ing to Pentamation) Min imum 20 Min imum 20 years years TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Department preference; Includes Mag , Mfr, S I I Yes : After permanent assets (for OD, Ppr QC compliance with GASB 34); GC §34090 Mag , Mfr, S I I Yes : After Department preference; GC OD, Ppr QC §34090 Department Preference; Meets auditing standards; Publ ished articles show disposal + 7 years Mag , Ppr for security brokerage slips; statewide guidelines propose permanent; FTC Reg 's rely on ''self-enforcement"; GC§§34090,43900 D epartment Preference; meets municipal government auditing Mag , Mfr, S I I Yes : After standards; Statute of Limi tations OD, Ppr QC is 4 years ; statewide guidelines propose Audit + 5 years ; GC §34090, CCP § 337 Transitory records not retained in the ordinary course of business Financial system Mag , Ppr qualifies as a trusted system and can re-create reports accurately ; statewide guidelines propose 2 years ; GC §34090 Revision Adopted: 7/07/2015 Ver. 6 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-6 Office of J . Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Re f erenc e R d Retent1on No. ecor Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vit al? Med i a l=lmport Pa per after (i n office) {In Storage) Retention Opti ons M=Mfr Imaged & I S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 vears). since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litigation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiaations sus end normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Financial Reports , Reconciliations . Registers . Transaction Histories, Balance Finance I Sheets , etc. (MONTHLY OR When No When No General FN-024 Longer Longer Accounting PERIODIC) Required Required Does NOT include pre- I Pentamation Financial Reports Reports: Annual State or Federal : State Controller's Report, Street Report , Local Government Compensation Finance I Report, Property Management General FN-025 Plan , Obligation Payment 5 years 5 years Schedules, Due Diligence Accounting Reviews , Gas Tax, MOE (Maintenance of Effort) Report, Fixed Charge Special Assessment Report , Public Self Insurer Report (S IP Report). etc. Finance I Treasurer's Reports I Treasurer's General FN-026 Receipts /Investment Policies 2 years 8 years 10 years Quarterly Budget Reports (to Accounting Council -Copies) I I FINANCE I PAYROLL Finance I FN-027 1 Bank Statements -Payroll Only 2 years 3 years 5 years Payroll TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplica te or distribute without prior written permission Department preference; Prel iminary drafts I Transitory records not retained in the ord inary course of business Mag, Ppr Financial system qualifies as a trusted system and can re- create reports accurately; statewide guideli nes propose 2 years ; GC §34090 Mag , Ppr Department Preference ; Meets audit ing standards; GC §34090 Department Preference; meets Mag , Mfr . s I I Yes : After municipal government auditing OD . Ppr 1 QC standards; GC §34090, CCP § I 337 Department Preference; Mag , Ppr Publ ished articles show 3 -4 years ; GC §34090, 26 CFR 31 .6001-1 Revision Adopt ed : 7/07/2015 Ver. 6 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-7 Office of Retention No., Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media !=Import Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and implv a full file folder (e .a. last document + 2 vearsJ . since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litigation comolaints claims public records act reauests. audits and/or investiaations sus end normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Finance I FN -028 CaiPERS Reports 2 years 3 years 5 years Payroll Finance I FN -029 Checks I Warrant Register 2 years 3 years 5 years Payroll Report -Payroll Only Finance I FN-030 Checks I Warrants -Cancelled -2 years 3 years 5 yea rs Payroll Payroll Only DE-6 , DE-7 , DE-9 DE-43, W -3 , & DE-166 , 941 Forms , IRS 5500 Finance I Forms (Employee Benefit Plans), Payroll FN-031 PERS I FICA & Medicare 2 years 3 years 5 years Adjustments -Quarterly Payroll Tax Returns I OASD I, Federal Tax Deposits , Adjustments, etc. Finance I FN-032 Deferred Compensation (City 2 years 3 years 5 years Payroll Statements) TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc. (909 ) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Mag , Mfr. s Yes : After 2 Department Preference ; GC OD, Ppr years §34090 Mag, Mfr, s Yes : After Department Preference ; GC OD , Ppr QC §34090 Department Preference; Mag , Pp r Published articles show 3 - 4 years ; GC §34090, 26 CFR 31 .6001-1 Department Preference ; IR S : 4 yrs after tax is due or paid ; Ca . FTB : 3 years; Articles show 7 Mag , Ppr years ; IRS Reg §31 .6001- 1(e)(2), R&T §19530; 29CFR 516.5-516.6, 29USC 436, GC §34090 Produced by Deferred Camp. Provider; consistent with Mag , Ppr proposed statewide guidelines; published art icles for bank statements show 4 -7 years; GC §304090, 26 CFR 31 .6001 .1 Revision A dopted : 7/07/2015 --------------------------------------------------, Ver. 6 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : FINANCE Page FI N-8 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media l=lmport Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 years). since destruction is normally performed bv file folder. Litiqation complaints claims public records act reauests audits and/or investiaations sus end normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Payroll Reports (includes Leave Finance I FN -033 Registers, time Transaction 2 years 3 years 5 years Payroll Reports , etc.) Finance I FN-034 PERS Statements (Books) 2 yea rs 3 years 5 years Payroll Fin ance I Time Sheets I Time Cards I Payroll FN-035 Overtime Sheets I Overtime 2 years 3 years 5 years Cards Finance I FN-036 W-2's 2 years p p Payroll TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute witho ut prior written permission Mag , Mfr, S I I OD, Ppr Mag , Mfr, s OD, Ppr Mag , Mfr, O D, Ppr s Mag , Pp r Department preference; PERS Buy-backs are reconstructed through Human Resources; T ransitory records not retained Yes : After in the ordinary course of QC business Financial system qualifi es as a trusted system and can re-create reports accurately; statewide guidelines propose 2 years; GC §34090 Yes : After Department Preference ; GC QC §34090 Department preference ; Meets auditing standards (audit + 4 years); IRS requ ires 4 years; Ca. Yes: After 2 requires 2 yr min .; FTB keeps 3 years ; Published articles show 4 years 10 years ; IRS Reg §31 .6001- 1(e)(2), R&T §19530; LC § 1174(d); 29 CFR 516.5 & 516 6(c): GC §34090 Department Preference to facilitate PERS buy-backs; IRS: 4 yrs after tax is due or paid ; Ca. FTB: 3 years ; Articles show 7 years ; IRS Reg §31 .6001- 1(e)(2), R&T §19530; 29CFR 516.5 -516 .6, 29USC 436, GC 1§34090 Re v isi o n Adopte d : 7/0712015 Ver . 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-9 Office of Retentio n No . Records Descri ption Ret ention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vita l? Media !=Import Paper after (i n offic e) (In Stor age) Retention Opt ions M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here. refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions be_gin when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e . a. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investigations susoend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Finance I No Longer in No Longer in Payro ll FN-036 W-4's I W4-A, DE-4 Effect+ 4 Effect+ 4 years years TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permi ssion RS Regulation 31 -6001 -1 four years after the due date of such tax for the return period to which Mag , Ppr the records relate , or the date such tax is paid , whichever is the later. GC §34090 ; 26 CFR 31 .6001-1 Rev ision Adopted: 7/07/2015 -----·---~------- Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : FINANCE Page FIN -10 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media !=Import Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beoin when the act is complete d and imply a full file folder (e.a. last document + 2 years). since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiaations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). FINANCE I PURCHASING Finance I FN-037 Purchase Orders I Requisitions I 2 years 3 years 5 years Yes: Before Purc hasing Successful Bids Completion Pu rchasing - Bidder I Vendor When No When No Finance I FN-038 Registration Forms (Companies Longer Longer Purchasing that want to receive RFPs I RFQs) Required Required TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337 -3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Department Preference (Profess ion al Services always have a contract, therefore Errors & Omissions are not applicable); Statewide guidelines propose completion + 5 years for non- capital improvement contracts & Mag , Ppr completion + 4 years for transportation and concessionaire agreements. Statute of Limitations is 4 years; 10 years for Errors & Om issions; CCP §§337 . 337 .1(a), 337 .15, 343; GC §34090 Mag , Ppr Preliminary drafts; GC §34090 et seq. Revision A dopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 5 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Page IT-1 Office of Retention No. Records Descript ion Retention I Dispositi on Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inact ive Total Vital? Media !==Import Paper after (i n offi c e) (In Storage) Retention Options M==Mfr Imaged & S==Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imply a full file folder (e .g . last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally performed bv file folder. Litigation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (r etention resumes after settlement or comoletion). Information When No When No When No IT-001 Backups I Computer Backups Longer Longer Longer Yes Technology Required Required Required Information When No When No Technology IT-002 Inventory, Information Systems Longer Longer Yes Required Required Information Network Configuration Maps & When No When No Technology IT-003 Plans Longer Longer Yes Required Required Information IT-004 Video Recordings -Employees I 1 year 1 year Technology City Operati ons Video Recordings -Public Are as When No When No Information IT-005 (Streets, Sidewalks, Lobbies, Longer Longer Technology Hallways, etc.) Required Required WORM I DVD-r I CD-r I Blue Ray- Information IT-006 R or other unalterable media that p p Technology does not permit additions, deletions, or changes TEMPLE CITY , CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Used for Disaster Recovery Purposes Only; Considered a copy and can be destroyed when no longer required ;~ Mag. are iA a~leet:laA§ers aAa are e•reFwritteA ; slere eff site iA a eemmereial faeilily fer aisasler reeevery p~rpeses ; GC §34090 et seq, Preliminary documents not Mag. retained in the o rdinary course of business; GC §34090 et seq. Preliminary documents not Mag. retained in the ordinary course of business; GC §34090 et seq. 1 year is required when video Mag recording regular ongoing operations of the City; GC §34090.6(a) Does not record regular ongoing Mag operations of the City (preliminary drafts); GC §34090 etc. For legal compl iance for Trustworthy Electronic R ecords OD (when the electronic record serves as the official record ); GC 60200, 12168.7, EVC 1550, £_ CCR 22620 et seq . Re vis ion Ado pted : 7/07/20 15 Ver. 6 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: MANAGEMENT SERVICES Page MS-1 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total V ital? Media !=Import Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Cit v-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and implv a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation complaints claims . public records act requests audits and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). MANAGEMENT SERVICES I CITY MANAGER City Cou n cil and Mayor When No When No Manage. Correspondence Longer Longer Services MS-001 Requ ired-Required- Incoming , Outgoing , Citizens letters, Minimum 2 Minimum 2 general letters , etc. years years When No When No Manage. City Manager Correspondence Lo nger Longer MS-002 (Interoffice, Citizens, Req uired -Requ ired-Services Organizations, etc.) Minimum 2 Minimum 2 years years When No When No Manage. Longer Longer MS-003 City Manager Reports to Council Required-Required-Services Minimum 2 Minimum 2 years years Employee Classification I When No When No Manage. Department Reorganization Longer Longer Services MS-004 Studies (for employee Required-Requ ired - classifications and department Minimum 2 Minimum 2 structures) years years Notices and Tariff Sheets from Lead Dept. MS-011 California Public Utilities 2 years 2 years Commission - TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Department Preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 De p artment Preference ; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Department Preference; GC Mag , Ppr §34090 Bureau of National Affairs recommends 2 years for all supplementary Personnel Mag , Ppr record s; Wage rate tables are 1 or 2 yea rs; State requires 2 years ; 29 CFR 516.6, 29 C FR 1602.14, GC §§12946, 34090 Mag , Ppr GC §34090 et seq. Revision Adopted : 7/07/20 15 Ver . 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: MANAGEMENT SERVICES Page MS -2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital ? Media !=Import Paper after (in office) (In Storage) Retention O ptions M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e .a. last document+ 2 vearsJ . since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investigations susp end normal retention periods (r etention resumes after settlement or completion). Projects , Programs , Subject & When No When No Longer Longer Yes: W hi le Manage. MS-005 Issues (Issues and/or projects will Required -Required-Active Services vary over time -e.g. Hotels , Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Issues Developments , etc.) years years When No When No Manage. Long er Longer Serv ices MS -006 Sister City Prog ram Re quired -Required - Minimum 2 Minimum 2 years years Speech Notes I Power Point When No When No Lead Dept. MS-007 Longer Longer Presentations Reguired Required TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Mag , Ppr Department Preference ; GC §34090 Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Notes, drafts, or preliminary Mag , Ppr documents ; GC §34090 et seq . Revis ion Ad opted : 7 /0 7/2015 Ver. 6 .0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: MANAGEMENT SERVICES Page MS-3 Offi ce of I Retent ion No. Records Description Re t ention I Disposition Comments I Ref eren ce Record Imag e: Destro y (OFR ) Activ e Inactive Tota l Vit al ? Media l=lmpo rt Pa per after (in office) (I n Sto ra ge) Rete ntio n Optio ns M=M fr Im aged & S=S ca n QC 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e .q. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Utiqation complaints claims public records act requests audits and/or investiqations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletionJ . ECON OMIC DEVELOPMENT Manage. When No When No Longer Longer Se rvices I MS-008 Business Retention Requ ired-Required-Econ. Minimum 2 Mi ni mum 2 Deve lop. y ears y ears Manage . When No When No Longer Longer Services I MS-009 Econom ic Development Projects I Required-Requi red-Econ . Programs Minimum 2 Mi nimum 2 Develop. y ears yea rs Man age. When No When No Prospects: Economic Lo nger Longer Se rvi ces I MS-0 10 Development Proj ects I Requ ired-Requ ired-Econ. Correspondence Min i mum 2 Mini mum 2 Develop . years yea rs TEMPLE CITY, CA ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not du plicate or distribute wi thout prior wri tten permission Mag , Ppr Department Preference; GC §34090 Mag , Ppr Department Preference; GC §34090 Mag , Ppr Department Preference ; GC §34090 Rev ision Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PARKS & RECREATION Page P&R-1 Office of Retention No.I Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Pape r (OFR) Active Inactive Total Vital? Media !=Import after (in office) (In Storage) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here. refer t o the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.q. last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation claims complaints audits public records requests and/or investiJations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Parks & P&R-034 Accident Reports /Incident 2 years 2 years Recreation Reports (First Aid , etc.) Activity I Special Programs I When No When No Special Event Files Longer Longer Parks & P&R-001 . Required -Required-Recreation Chi ldren's Programs, Cultural Art s, Sports , Seniors , Filming , Minimum 3 Minimum 3 etc. years years Agreements for Contractors: Parks & P&R-002 Class Instructors, Sports Completion + 3 years Completion+ Recreation Leagues , etc. 2 years 5 years Parks & P&R-003 Art Ex hibits and Collections -2 years 2 years Recreat ion Community I External Art Parks & Art Exhibits and Collections Completion + Completion + Recreation P&R-004 (Administration, etc.) 4 years 4 years TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute 'Nithout prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Mag, Ppr Department preference ; GC §34090 The statute of limitation for errors and omissions is not applicable ; Statewide guidelines propose completion + 5 years for non- Yes : Until Mag , Mfr , s Yes : After capital improvement contracts & Completion 0 0 , Ppr Inactive completion + 4 years for transportation and concessionaire agreements ; CCP §§336(a), 337 et. seq ., GC §34090 Mag , Mfr , GC §34090 0 0 , Ppr Statute of Limitat ions for contracts Mag , Mfr , is 4 years , personal property 3 00, Ppr years ; meets auditing requirements ; CCP §§337 , 338; GC §34090 Rev is ion Ad o pted : 7/07/20 15 Ver. 3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PARKS & RECREATION Page P&R-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Dispositi on I Comments I Refer ence Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Me dia l=l mport Paper (OFR ) I Vital? afte r (in office) (In Storage) Retenti on Options ~=Mfr I Imaged & S-Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.g. last document + 2 years), s ince destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation claims complaints audits public records requests and/or investi'!ations suspend normal retention periods (re tention resumes after settlement). Parks & Art in Pub li c Places (Records Life of the Life of the Recreation P&R-005 Pertaining to Art Acquired by Completion Author+ 20 Author+ 20 the City) years years I I I I Cap ita l Improvement Projects I (CIP ) I Jobs -Where Parks & Recreation is the Project 10 years or Completion + Lead: I After Funding 10 years or Agency After Funding Parks & P&R-006 Administrati on File Upon Aud it, if Agency Recreation Completion required , Aud it , if Project Administration , Certified whichever is required, whichever is Payrolls , Inspections, Project longer long er Schedules, Progress meetings, Real Es tate Appraisals , etc. TEMPLE CITY , CA. ©1995-20 11 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all righ ts reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Rights of authors extend for the life of the author's); State law Mag , Mfr. al lows a written contract to extend OD , Pp r rights for an additional 20 yea rs: 4 years to meet aud iting standards; 17 USC 106A(d); GC §15813.5; GC §34090 I I Some grant funding agencies require audits ; Statute of Limitations for Errors & Omissions is 10 years ; Published Audit Standards=4-7 years; Statute of Yes : Until Mag , Mfr. S/1 Yes : 1 Lim itations: Contracts & Spec's=4 Completed O D, Ppr year years , Wrongful Death=comp . + 5 years , Deve lopers =co mp. + 10 years ; Statewide guidelines propose term ina tion + 5 yea rs; CCP §§336 (a), 33 7 et. seq ., GC §34090 Rev is io n Adopted : 7/07/2015 Ver. 3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PARKS & RECREATION Page P&R-3 Office of Retention No.J Records Description Retention I Di sposit ion Comments I Ref erence Record Image: Destr oy A c tive Ina cti ve Total Med ia l=lmport Pape r (OFR ) (in office) (In Storage) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr afte r Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder fe.a. last document+ 2 vearsJ. since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litigation claims complaints audits public records requests and/or investi ations susoend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) I Jobs-Where Park s & Recreation is the Project L ea d : Permanent Fil e Parks & Plans, Specifications, Upon P&R-007 Bids/RFPs, Successful p p Recreat ion Completion Proposal , Change Orders, Materials Test ing Reports , Grading Permits , Hazardous Materials Plans, Notice of Completion , Construction Manager's Logs , Photos, Soils Reports , Studies , Submittals, Surveys etc. Finance P&R-008 Cash Receipts Deta il/ Backup I 2 years 2 years Refunds Parks & -' P&R-009 Citations issued by Park 2 years 2 years Recreation Rangers Parks & P&R-010 City Newsletter (Quarterly) p p Recreation Parks & Recreati on P&R-011 Dial-A-Ride Applications 10 years 10 years --.---Parks & P&R -0 12 Dial-A-Ride Driver Logs 2 years 2 years Recreati on -Parks & P&R -013 Donations (Money) 2 years 2 years Recreation TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.· all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Departm ent preference; retained Yes : Until Mag , Mfr, Yes: 1 for d isaster preparedness S/1 purposes; Statewide guidelines Completed OD , Ppr year propose Permanent for Infrastructure plans ; GC §34090 Mag , Ppr Summaries are sent to Finance; GC §34090 Ppr GC §34090 Mag , Mfr . I S/1 Yes : After Depa rtm ent preference; GC OD, Ppr QC&OD §34090 I Departm ent preference; Meets Mag , Ppr m unicipal government auditing I standards; GC § 34090 Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Mag , Ppr Summaries are sent to Finance; GC §34090 Revision Adopted: 7/07/2015 Ver. 3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : PARKS & RECREATION Page P&R-4 Office of Ret enti on No. Rec o rds Desc ri pt ion Ret e ntion I Dis position I Comments I Refe re n ce Record I Image: Destroy I Active Inactive Total Media !=Import Paper (O FR ) V ital? afte r I I (in office) (In Storage) Retenti on O ptions M=Mfr I S=Scan Imaged & QC'd ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Citv-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted and imolv a full file folder (e. a. last docume nt+ 2 vears). since destruction is normally oerformed bv file folder. Litigation claims comolaints audits oublic records reauests and/or investiaations susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement). I I I Parks & Donations of Art Work or Life of the Life of the Recreation P&R-014 Product (Records Pertaining to Completion Author+ 20 Author+ 20 Art Acquired by the City) years years I I I I I Evaluations/Surveys (Program Parks & When No When No Recreation P&R-015 Evaluations) Longer Longer Required Required Parks & Facility Use and Equipment P&R-016 2 years 2 years Recreation Applications After Funding After Funding Grant Program I Youth Agency Agency Parks & Audit, if Audit , if Recreation P&R-017 Scholarship Fund I Camellia 2 years Required-requ ired-Trust Fund Mini mum 5 Mi nimum 5 years years TEMPLE CITY , CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services , Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 I Rights of authors extend for the life of the author's); State law Mag , Mfr, Yes: After allows a written contract to extend 00, Ppr Sl l QC&OD rights for an additional 20 years; 4 years to meet auditing standards; 17 USC 106A(d); GC §15813.5; GC §34090 I Department Preference (Transitory Mag , Ppr record not retained in the ordinary course of bus iness); GC §34090 Yes : Before Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Event Meets auditing standards; Grants covered by a Consolidated Action Plan are required for 5 years; Uniform Admin . Requirements for Grants to Local Governments is 3 yea rs from expenditure report or final payment of grantee or subgrantee ; statewide guidelines Mag , Ppr propose 4 years; 7 CFR 3016.42; 21 CFR 1403.36 & 1403.42(b); 24 CFR 85.42, 91 .105(h), 92.505, 570.490, & 570 .502(a&b), 28 CFR 66.42; 29 CFR 97.42; 40 CFR 31.42; 44 C FR 13.42; 45 CFR 92.42; OMB Circula r A-110 & A- 133; GC §34090 Re v ision A dopt e d : 7/07/20 15 Ver. 3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : PARKS & RECREATION Page P&R-5 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media l=lmport Paper (OFR) (in office) (In Storage) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e .g. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation claims complaints audits public reco rds requests and/or investi';!ations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Parks & Incident Reports -Firs t Aid I P&R-018 Minor (bandages , scratches , 2 years 2 years Recreat ion etc) Parks & P&R-019 Park History Files p p Recreation When No When No Parks & Parks & Recreation Longer Lo nger P&R-020 Commi s sion Agenda Packets , Required -Required -Recreation Agendas Minimum 2 Minimum 2 years years Parks & Parks & Recreation Recreation P&R-021 Commiss ion Aud io Recordings 2 years 2 years Copies-Copies- Parks & Recreation When No W hen No City Clerk P&R-022 Commission Minutes & Bylaws Longer Longer Required Required Parks & Recreation P&R -023 Pesticide Application Records 2 years 2 years Parks & P&R-024 Playground Equipment 10 years 10 years Recreati on Inspections Parks & P&R-025 Recreation Database Indefinite Indefinite Recreation TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Significant Incidents are sent to Mag , Ppr Risk Management; GC §34090 Mag , Ppr Department Preference; GC §34090 Mag, Mfr. Yes: After Department Preference -copies Yes (all) s (the Staff Reports are filed in the OD , Ppr 1 year Entitlement Folder); GC §34090.7 Tape Department preference; State law (Mag) only requires for 30 days; GC §54953.5(b) Orig inals are sent to the City Mag, Mfr. Clerk; Notes taken to facil itate the Yes O D, Ppr s No writing of the minutes can be destroyed after minutes have been adopted ; GC §34090 et seq. Department Preference (agricultural pesticide records are Mag Ppr required for 2 years); GC §26202 ; 3 CCR 6623, 40 CF R 171 .11 et seq . Mag , Ppr Department Preference; GC §34090 Mag Department Preference ; data is interrelated ; GC §34090 Rev isio n Ado pted: 710712 015 Ver. 3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE : PARKS & RECREATION Page P&R-6 Office of Retentio n No.J Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Refere nce Rec o rd Image: Destroy Active Inactive Tota l Med ia l=lmport Pa p e r (OFR) (in office) (In Storage) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after Imaged & S=Scan QC 'd? If th e record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a full file folder (e.a. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally p erformed by file folder. Litiaation. claims complaints audits public records requests and/or investi-:Jations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Registration Forms I Reservation Forms I Appl ication Forms I Fee & Charge I Liability Parks & Forms I Release of Liab ility Recreation P&R-026 Forms I Permissions I etc.: 2 years 2 years Camps , Field Trips , Authorization to give Med ici ne, etc. Parks & Sen ior Food I Lunch Program Recreation P&R-027 Registrations 4 years 4 years Parks & P&R-028 Sign-in I Sign-out sheets 2 years 2 years Recreation Parks & P&R-029 Tree Database fYVest Coast Indefinite Indefinite Recreation Arborists) Parks & T ree Requests-Denied (e.g . Recreation P&R-030 Not a City Tree , doesn 't warrant 2 years 2 years trimm ing , etc.) Depart. Providing P&R-031 Work Orders I Service Indefinite Indefinite Service I Requests DATABASE Work TEMPLE CITY , CA . ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Statute of Limitations any " ... liability founded upon an Mag , Ppr instrument in writing" or not specifically provided for is 4 years; GC §34090, CCP §§337, 343 City administers program for the County; meets Uniform Grant Requ irements ; Un ifor m Admin . Requirements for Grants to L ocal Mag , Ppr Governments is 3 years from expenditure report ; statewide guidelines propose 4 years ; 24 CFR 85.42 & 570.502(b), 29 CFR 97.42, GC §34090 Ppr GC §34090 Mag , Ppr Department preference (data is interrelated); GC §34090 Mag , Ppr GC §34090 Mag Data is interrelated ; GC §34090 Revisio n Adopt e d : 7/07/2015 Ver. 3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PARKS & RECREATION Page P&R-7 Office of I . ·I Reco rd Ret ention No . Records Descr iption Ret ention I Dispos itio n Comments I Ref e r ence -1 Imag e : Dest roy Paper (OFR) A ct ive Inactive Total Vita l? Media l=lm port after I (in o ffice) (In Storage) Retention Options M=M fr Imaged & S=S can QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed and imply a f ull file folder (e . a. last document+ 2 years). since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation claims complaints audits p ublic records reauests and/or investiaations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Depart. 1 Work Orders I Service I When No When No Providing P&R-032 Requests-All I nfor mation Longer Longer Service I Ente red i n Database Required Required Work Work Orders I Service Requests -NOT ente r ed in Depart. I Dat abase (or partia l information entered into Database) Providing P&R-033 5 years 5 years Service I Work (Division providing service retains originals ; D1vision requesting service is considered a co py) TEMPLE CITY, CA. ©1995-2011 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights r eserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 I Mag Ppr Prelim inary drafts (the database is the original); GC §34090 City preference ; CCP §§338 et Mag Ppr seq ., 340 et seq ., 342 , GC §§945.6 , GC §34090 I Re vi s ion Ado pte d : 7/07/20 15