HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 1982-10-19 - CC._ X REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1982 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a regular session in the City Hall, 11330 Bullis Road, on above date at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Thompson in the chair. Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, and Thompson answered the roll call. Also present were City Manager Gomez and City Attorney i~IcEwen . It was moved by Councilman Byork, seconded by Councilman Green, and carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of October 5, 1982, and the special meeting of September 22, 1982, be approved as written. SCHEDULED MATTERS The Mayor announced that the public hearing on proposed zone PUBLIC change on certain property located at 4332 Lavinia and 12125 xEARING Atlantic Avenue would not be heard, but would be continued. Zone Chang, Those who wished to speak, could return and speak at the next continued scheduled public hearing. The City Manager stated that everyone would be notified. It was moved by Councilman Greeri, seconded by Councilman Morris, and carried, that the public hearing be continued to November 16, 1982. Elizabeth Dixon, 4288 Niland, inquired if Council had approved Inquiry above in 1977, why would it be back on the Agenda. The City re above Manager stated that Council had adopted the General Plan and r-- designation of residential zones, not zoning. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the consent calendar will be acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended on the agenda. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to voting unless members of the Council or staff request specific items be removed for separate action. Councilman Morris requested Item No. 8, Moving Permits for Loads Other than Buildings; Councilman Byork requested Item No. 12, Appointment of Representative and Alternate to the Southern California Rapid Transit District; City Manager reported an additional Item No. 14A, Amendment of Resolution No. 82-143. Council then acted as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 82-165 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING AND ORDERING THE REORGANIZATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY, DESIGNATED AS "ANNEXA- TION NO. 2" TO THE CITY OF LYNWOOD (DETACHMENT FROM CONSOLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRTCT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY AND FIRESTONE GARBAGE DISPOSAL DISTRICT), PURSUANT TO THE DISTRICT REORGANIZATION ACT OF 1965." was presented. It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Morris, that the resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: Ayes:. Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None RES 82-165 ANNEXATION . ~a RES No. 82-166 RESOLUTION NO. 82-166 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Oversized loads COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY OF on City Sts. LOS ANGELES TO CONTINUE ISSUING FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD PERMITS TO MOVE OVERSIZE LOADS OTHER THAN BUILDINGS UPON CITY STREETS." was presented. Councilman Morris asked that this resolution be withdrawn for informa- tion only. He questioned who would issue the permits and the City Manager stated that the County would be responsible. RES No. 82-167 RESOLUTION NO. 82-167 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Intention to COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO Vacate-Adley VACATE AND ABANDON FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES THAT PORTION OF Street ADLEY STREET, BETWEEN IMPERIAL HIGHWAY AND THE FIRST ALLEY SOUTH OF IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, CITY OF LYNWOOD, AS SHOWN ON TRACT NO. 14391, MAP BOOK 312, PAGES 1 AND 2 RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY." was presented. RES NO. 82-168 RESOLUTION NO. 82-168 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Change Order COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 Traf Signal FOR HES TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE AND INTERCONNECT, PROJECT Upgrade NOS. 3-5008-008 AND 5-5009-009, AND APPROVING FUNDS FOR SAID CHANGE ORDER." was presented. RES No. 82-169 RESOLUTION NO. 82-169 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY State Dis- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR ability Ins STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE." was presented. RES tvo. 82-170 RESOLUTION NO. 82-170 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Amending MOU COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE LYNWOOD CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION." was presented. It .was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Morris, that the foregoing resolutions be adopted. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None Review of Councilman Byork requested that Item No. 12, Fireworks Fireworks Ordinance, be withdrawn for review. After discussion, ordinance Councilman Byork, moved, seconded by Councilman Green, and carried, to change 20 members to 10 members. Councilman Rowe moved, seconded by Councilman Morris, and carried, to change 10 fireworks stands to 14 stands. z. xonorof I. Honorof, 2901 Los Flores, commented that there is no such re fireworks thing as safe and sane fireworks, and asked whether General Law cities could adopt an ordinance banning the sale and use of fireworks. The City Attorney stated that such an ordinance would not be enforceable, and would not be supported in court because State laws prohibit such a banning. Mr. Joe Surber from Red Devil Fireworks Company pointed out some possible changes in the ordinance. D. Richman D. Richman, 11106 Benwell Drive, asked that the Fire Chief check stands check out each stand after fireworks sale to check where unused fireworks are stored. oRD. No. 1183 ORDINANCE NO. 1183 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FIREWORKS LYNWOOD AMENDING CHAPTER 12 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD RELATING TO THE SALE, USE AND STORAGE OF SAFE AND SANE FIRE- WORKS WITHIN THE CITY." After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Green, to waive and introduce ordinance with corrections. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None ~:. ~ ~. Mayor Thompson requested Item No. 13, Appointment of Repre- sentative and Alternate to the Southern California Rapid Transit District be acted upon. It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Morris, and carried, that Councilman Byork, be appointed as the Representative, and Mayor Pro Tem Morris as Alternate to the City Selection Committee. REP TO RAPID TRANSIT DIST RESOLUTION NO. 82-171 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY RES NO 82-17 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPOINTING REPRESENTATIVE Rapid Transi TO THE CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Representati RAPID TRANSIT DISTRCCT." was presented. It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Mayor Thompson, that the resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION NO. 82=172 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY RES NO 82-17 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE Demands DEMANDS AND ORDERING WARRANTS DRAWN THEREFOR." was presented. 10-19-82 It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Morris, that the resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Morris that Council adopt a minute order to amend Resolution No. 82-143. ROT.L CAT,T, Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None CITY CLERK'S AGENDA MINUTE ORDER Amend 82-143 ORDINANCE NO. 1184 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ORD NO. 1184 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 570, Off-Street THE ZONING ORDINANCE, PERTAINING TO THE APPLICABILITY OF Requirement OFF-STREET REQUIREMENTS WHEN A BUILDING IS ENLARGED OR INCREASED IN CAPACITY IN ANY OF THE CITY'S ZONING DISTRICTS." ORDINANCE N0. 1185 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 570, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, REGARDING GASOLINE SERVICE STATION STANDARDS." RESOLUTION NO. 82-154 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS." It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Rowe, that the foregoing ordinances and resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None ORD NO. 1185 Gasoline Ser Standards RES No 82-15 Amend Pers Rules & Reg It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman R. Patterson Rowe, that the claim for Ruby M. Patterson be denied. Claim denied ~~M ~' ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None st. Philip Neri It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman special permit Rowe, that the special permit request for charitable solicitations by St. Philip Neri Christian Care be approved. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson None None R. F. Smith It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Permit denied Rowe, that the special permit request for charitable solicita- tions by Raymond F. Smith be denied. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None Treasurer's It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman request appvd Rowe, that the City Treasurer's Travel and Meeting Expense request be approved. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None TRAFFIC & Nominations for three vacancies on the Traffic and Parking PARKING NOMIN. Commission were held. The following were nominated: Darrell Gilbert, Walter Laney, Archie Legg, and Wilbert Malchow. Darrell Gilbert and Walter Laney were appointed. By general consent, the vote will be taken for the third vacancy at the next council meeting. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Chamber of The Lynwood Chamber of Commerce requested the waiver of fees commerce waiver for the use of Bateman Hall, September 20, 1982. The City of fees Manager stated that staff is not authorized to waive fees. It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Green, to waive the fees. - ROLL CALL: Ayes: Councilmen Byork, Green, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: None Absent: None RESIGNATION Director of Parks and Recreation Snavely submitted his D. suavely resignation from City services effective October 22, 1982, to accept a position with the City of Buena Park. It was moved by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Byork, and carried, that Council go on record commending Mr. Snavely for his 21 years of service to the City, and be presented with a resolution and plaque. COUNCIL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS c. Byork report Councilman Byork stated that Congressmen Anderson, Dymally I-1o5 Fwy ang Grisham were present along with representatives from each of the Corridor Cities at the Congressional Highway Hearing on October 14, 1982. He stated that the I-105 Freeway started as a 10-Lane Freeway and is now a 6-Lane Freeway, and it was requested that the cities not-sell the surplus land. He stated the State had informed the cities the corridor patrol was to be terminated at the end of 1982. However, because of heavy opposition from the cities involved, the matter is dropped. Corridor Patro terminated Councilman Byork said that it was his understanding of Prop- C. Byork re osition J that if all changes were made in the ordinance, allProposition J Council members would be in agreement, but has been hearing some very negative things. Councilman Green questioned as to how many people against c. Green - Proposition J are not taxpayers in the City. He stated that Prop J and City firefighters need recognition for their help in fightingFirefighters the Anaheim Fires. Councilman Morris asked the Mayor to send a letter of recogni- c. Morris tion to each individual firefighter who assisted in the Letter of Anaheim Hill's fires. The Mayor stated this would be done. Recognition Mayor Thompson expressed appreciation to our Fire Department. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS G. Miller, 3540 Virginia, inquired about his bill from the G. Miller assessor's office. The City Manager stated he would explain Assessor's the bill to him if he came into his office. bill I. Honorof, 2941 Los Flores, would like clarification about z. Honorof the names on Proposition J not being taxpayers. names on Prop J L. Sampson, 12106 Second Avenue, asked clarification on L. Sampson general plans on Atlantic. Gen'1 Plan D. Richman, 11106 Benwell Drive, stated that citizens are not D. Richman against Proposition J, but against anymore taxes. Stated his Prop J ballot showed an extra paragraph. The City Manager stated that at the council workshops in July, the paragraph was added to the ordinance, and passed at the August 3, 1982 meeting. J. wormely, 14264 Niland, inquired whether developers who J. wormely are now in progress would be allowed to continue. The City Developers Manager stated they would be allowed to go on with their plans, but there would be another vote later on if their plans are approved. He also stated that projects that are being submitted through the Planning Department will not be stopped to wait for specific plans, but will be processed routinely and either be approved or denied by the Planning Commission or the City Council. J. Lucas, 11638 Louise, questioned that if people against J. Lucas Proposition J are not taxpayers, does that mean renters Prop J should not vote. Stated people are not against paramedics, just taxes. It was moved by Councilman Rowe, seconded by Councilman Byork, and carried, that the meeting be adjourned to the r.,.., next regularly scheduled meeting of November 21, 1982. J~s~ j~~ ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk City of Lynwood APPROVED NOVEMBER 2, 1982 ~ ~' L UIS A. THOMPS N, M or City of Lynwood