HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 2003-04-09 - CC 0�� LYNWOOD CITY COUNCIL � SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 9, 2003 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a Specia] Meeting in the Council Chambers, l 1330 Bullis Road on the above date at 6:15 p.m. Mayor Pedroza presiding. � '� Councilman Byrd, Reyes, Rodriguez and Pedroza answered the roll call. Councilman Richards was absent. Also present were Interim City Manager Hempe, City Attomey Casso, City Clerk Hooper and City Treasurer Pygatt. City Clerk Andrea Hooper announced that the agenda had been duly posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) � [rene Garcia — Item #5 — Stated that she would .like to speak in regazds to the part time conversions and reclassification employees. Would like to know is there a need to move I the employees around to other Departments, stated she would also like to see all part time � employees become full time. � Councilman Richards arrived at 6:20 p.m. , PUBLIC ORALS COMMUNICATIONS � � NONE ' PRESENTATION: The Counci] presented a Plaque to Ms. Carmen Banaza for her outstanding contributions � to the City of Lynwood for many years. Item #5: BUDGET STATUS / PREPARATION: I Interim City Manager Hempe — Explained to the Council that staff is in the beginning � stages of preparing the FY 2003-2004 Budget. Prior to preparing detailed departmental i budgets, staff would like to receive direction from the City Council on the direction of the i organization. Sfaff will be presenting a Personnel Overview based upon the FY 2002- ' 2003 Adopted Budget. Preliminary FY 2002-2003 Year-End Estimates, a Financial � Forecast for FY 2003-2004 through FY 2005-2006 for the major funds, and a proposed ! project driven reorganization. ' . Personnel Officer Gail Black — Presented to the Council an overview of the City's � Recruitment Status and Closed Promotions. Interim City Manager Hempe — Explained to the Council that this presentation is only a i Budget proposa] for the new two-year Budget: � Councilman Richards — Questioned on the Budget why is it being adopted before the Ordinance. City Attomey James Casso — Stated to the Council that the subsequent action that was ' taken at that time is still currently a subject matter of a lawsuit pending with the City I � will request that we discuss the specific's of that action in Close Session because it could prejudice the defense of this City in that lawsuit. i , ��� Councilman Richards – Stated he respects the City Attorney's request, he just wanted to raise a point so this can be the backdrop of the serious deliberation concerning these matters, I am just hoping we can resolve these types of issues. Interim City Manager Hempe – Stated that she would like to continue on the other positions that are slated to be layof£ Councilman Richards – Explained that since this is going to be a particular issue, it may also be impacted by Close Session deliberations, is there another aspect of the budget that we can deal with. Interim City Manager Hempe – Stated that yes the Council can go ahead and deal with the year-end estimates for this year. Director of Finance and Administration Alfretta Earnest – Explained the rough draft of the Fund Balance Analyst to the City Council. Mayor Pedroza – Questioned on the Law Enforcement Funds. Director of Finance and Administration Alfretta Earnest – Stated that this is just a rough draft, any of this estimates can vary at any time. Councilman Reyes – Questioned on the floating bonds for the Water Funds. Director of Finance and Administration AlFretta Earnest – Explained to the Council that there has only been one floating bond used back in 1999 of 5.5 million for the Water Maintenance Fund. Director of Finance and Administration Alfretta Earnest – Gave the Council a brief presentation on the Water Funds and the Street Lightning Maintenance Funds. Director of Environmental Services Joe Wang – Gave the Council a brief drafr one the Assessments for Lightning Maintenance Projects. — Director of Finance and Administration Alfretta Earnest – Presented a brief presentation to the Council on the Landscaping Maintenance Fund. Director of Environmental Services Joe Wang – Explained the Assessments for Landscaping Maintenance Projects. Director of Finance and .Administrative Alfretta Earnest – Presented the Retirement Funds and Fund 23 to the City Council. Councilman Richards – Questioned on the fixed cost for trimming trees, is iY in the same funds as the Maintenance. Mayor Pedroza – Questioned on the Tree Trimming Contract is it an agreement for a one time four year contract. Director of Environmental Services Joe Wang – Stated that yes it is a four-year contract instead of a year-to-year contract. Interim City Manager Hempe – Explained to the Council that this has just been an overview of the Budget Status. The actual Budget will be an overall balance for all the 'i fifry Funds. — � Couricilman Richards – Stated he would move to direct staff to move towards implementing Option C: Proposed New Organization (Project/Results Driven), and to bring back the necessary Resolutions for prepresses of implementation to the next schedule Regular Meeting. 09� Councilman Richazds — Stated he would also like to incorporate recommendation Option #3: Authorize the Interim City Manager to make temporary appointments for proposed positions displayed in the organizational restructuring chart, to make the two temporarily appointments, but only if you can bring back the plans and options in a form of a Resolution so we can move forward. Interim City Manager Hempe — Explained that staff has included the Resolution in the agenda package for Council to review and approve. Mayor Pedroza — Stated he would like to amend the motion to make sure that these requests that are being made by the City Manager are not unreasonable, I do agree with the presentation and the changes. Councilman Richards — Stated he withdraws his motion, and now he would like fo move to approve the Resolution with City Council authorizing the Interim City Manager to implement modifications to the adopted fiscal year 2002-2003 Budget and also deleting the temporarily position under Section 2: The City Council authorizes the Interim City Manager to make the following temporary appointments at the following pay grades: • Assistant City Manager (2) — 70M • Special Assistant (2) — 65M � • Director of Environmental Services (1) — 65M Councilman Byrd — Second the motion to adopt the following Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 2003.062 ENTITLED: " A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO IMPLEMENT MODIFICATIONS TO THE ADOPTED FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 BUDGET. � � ROLL CALL: � AYES: COUNCILMEN BYRD, RICHARDS, PEDROZA NOES: COUNCILMEN REYES, RODRIGUEZ ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Councilman Richards — Stated he would also like to move to authorize staff to prepare a two-year Budget Plan combining fiscal year 2004-2005. Mayor Pedroza — Second the motion. � ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN BYRD, RICHARDS, PEDROZA NOES: COUNCILMEN REYES, RODRIGUEZ � ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Interim City Manager Hempe — Stated she would ]ike for Counci] to give her authorization as to making all changes necessary, and if Council would like to go into � Close Session to take action. � � Councilman Richards — Stated he also agrees.with taking these issues into Close Session. ^. Mayor Pedorza — Requested to add a Subsequent Need item for Close Session in regards to giving the Interim City Manager the O.K. to go ahead and make the temporazily appointments. City Attorney James Casso — Explained to the Council that this issue has been included in ! the Resolution. i ��� CLOSED SESSION , Item #7: CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Casso stated with respect to every item of business to be discussed in Closed Session Pursuantto Section 54956.9: 1. Gregory Woods and Kanichia Williams vs. City of Lynwood – Case No. 03-2187 SJO (CTX) It was moved by Councilman Byrd, second by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez and carried to recess to Close Session at 7:50 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:50 p.m. City Attomey Casso stated that Council met on the aforementioned matters and stated on: L Gregory Woods and Kanichia Williams vs. Ciry of Lynwood – No reportable action. Item #6: DRAFT 2003 LYNWOOD GENERAL PLAN UPDATE lnterim City Manager Hempe – Stated for the City Council to accept a presentation from staff on the proposed "Draft 2003 Lynwood General Plan Update". Staff is requesting that the City Council review the drafr general plan document, draft land use map, and provide direction to staff accordingly. Staff recommends that the City Council review the Draft General Plan and Land Use Map, provide revisions and other input, and direct staff to proceed with the public review period of the Draft General Plan, Draft Land Use Map, and Draft Environmental� Impact Report. Councilman Reyes – Stated he would like to have staff review the General Plan and get ready to adopt the General Plan instead of wasting so much time in jus[ one Item. Interim City Manager Hempe – Explained to the Council that she is not requesting to — adopt the General Plan, what staff is looking for tonight is to initiate the General Plan discussion. Director of Redevelopment Louis Morales – Presented to the Council a brief presentation of the General Plan Elements, which are the following: Land use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation, Open Space, Noise, Safety, Community Design Element and Structure Element. Special Assistant Development Services Grant Taylor – Gave the Council a brief presentation on the process, procedures and the key elements of the General Plan Housing Elements. Special Assistant Development Services Grant Taylor – Explained to the Council the General Plan Housing Elements. Mayor Pedroza – Stated he would like to continue the Draft 2003 Lynwood General Plan Update Meeting to a later date. Interim City Manager Hempe – Explained to Counci] that staff would like to hold another Special General Plan Update Meeting for Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. a92 ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, seconded by Mayor Pedroza and carried to adjourn the Special Council Meeting at 10:00 p.m. --, Fer ando Pedroza, Ma or ��� ��"c�' �� ��a� Andrea L. Hooper, City Clerk . �