HomeMy Public PortalAboutConscom mins 2016-07-19 • Orleans Conservation Commission Hearing Meeting 7-19-16 Orleans Conservation Town Hall, Nauset Commission ib JUL 2 Town Hall, Ns Room Hearing Meeting, Tuesday, July 19, 2016 ORLEANS TOWN CLERK PRESENT: Kevin Galligan, Vice-Chair; Judith Bruce; Judy Brainerd; Rich Nadler; Charles Ketchuck; and John Jannell, Conservation Administrator. ABSENT: Mike Brink, Jim O'Brien. 8:30 a.m. Call to Order Notice of Intent Anthony F. & Priscilla A. Deban, 37 Route 6A. by East Cape Engineering, Inc. Assessor's Map 26, Parcel 40. The proposed relocation of an existing cottage, septic tank, pump chamber, & water service. Work will occur within 100' of the Edge of a Salt Marsh, on a Coastal Bank & in Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. Tim Brady of East Cape Engineering, Inc., &Anthony Deban, applicant, were present. Tim Brady explained that the new flood maps designated this area as a Velocity Zone, which changed the location of the Coastal Bank as previously approved with the upgrading of the septic system from 2001. A no mow zone will be established to match what exists on site. The Commission inquired about the surface of the parking area, and whether or not significant brush would be cleared by the installation of the proposed driveway. Tim Brady clarified that the surface was gravel, and that brush would be removed. MOTION: A motion to close the hearing was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Judy Brainerd. VOTE: 5-0-0 Unanimous. John Jannell stated that finished grades on the footprint removal had not been provided, nor had the details on how the old house footprint would be restored, and requested that a revised site plan be submitted for the record. Tim Brady requested that the Variance request approval be included in the motion. MOTION: A motion to approve this project, as well as the Variance request for work within the 0-25' buffer zone, subject to a revised site plan showing the no-mow zone and the finished grades of the footprint removal, was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Charles Ketchuck. VOTE: 5-0-0 Unanimous. Amanda Haines, 10 Larboard Lane. by JM O'Reilly &Associates, Inc. Assessor's Map 36, Parcel 113. The proposed construction of a new sewage disposal system. Work will occur within 100' of two Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Matt Farrell of JM O'Reilly &Associates, Inc., was present. The Commission had no concerns regarding the proposed work. John Jannell announced that a DEP number had not been issued for this project, and Matt Farrell requested the meeting be continued for one week to July 2& . MOTION: A motion to continue the hearing to July 26th was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Rich Nadler. VOTE: 5-0-0 Unanimous. 1 Orleans Conservation Commission Hearing Meeting 7-19-16 Lynn & Suzanne Rupp, 140 Rock Harbor Road. by JM O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Assessor's Map 17, Parcel 58. The proposed installation of flood vents to existing dwelling for FEMA compliance, rebuilding of an existing sunroom & deck, & installation of a new bulkhead & second floor dormer. Work will occur within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. John O'Reilly of JM O'Reilly & Associates, Suzanne Rupp, applicant, and Gary Lee, builder for the applicant, were present. John O'Reilly pointed out a correction to the narrative that the current slab would be worked off of, and the bump out proposed would be supported by sonotubes. Judy Brainerd inquired how many trees would be removed, and John O'Reilly replied one tree, which could be conditioned to be replaced. Judith Bruce confirmed that there was not a full foundation, and John O'Reilly clarified that this was an existing slab to be filled in to a certain elevation, thus avoiding ponding, and install flood vents. John Jannell announced that a DEP# had not been issued for the filing, and John O'Reilly requested the hearing be continued for one week to July 26th MOTION: A motion to continue the hearing to July 26th was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Judy Brainerd. VOTE: 5-0-0 Unanimous. Kevin Galligan recused himself and left the room. 30 Payson III LLC, 30 Payson Lane. by Ryder & Wilcox, Inc. Assessor's Map 58, Parcel 16. The proposed demolition of an existing dwelling, removal of the septic system, & installation of a swimming pool. Work will occur within 100' of the Top of a Coastal Bank & in the Pleasant Bay A.C.E.C. David Lyttle of Ryder& Wilcox, Inc., was present. The Commission commented that the buffer zones had not been staked on site, and David Lyttle replied that it could be done soon, given that a DEP number for this filing had not been issued. Judith Bruce asked if it would be possible to move the pool outside of the A.C.E.C., and Charles Ketchuck inquired about the amount of fill to be used. Rich Nadler asked about mitigation and pool fencing, and John Jannell questioned the if cedar tree behind the existing house would be removed with the demolition of the dwelling. David Lyttle commented that the fence and replacement tree could be shown in a revised site plan, and John Jannell asked if there were any comments from the Orleans Conservation Trust. Elizabeth Migliore, Director of the Orleans Conservation Trust, announced that she was waiting to receive a site plan from Ryder &Wilcox, Inc., to review the proposed project. David Lyttle explained that they needed to supply the Orleans Conservation Trust with building plans for their approval as well, and Rich Nadler reiterated the Commission's needs list. David Lyttle requested the hearing be continued for one week to July 26th. MOTION: A motion to continue the hearing to July 26th was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Judy Brainerd. VOTE: 4-0-0 Unanimous. Kevin Galligan returned. Continuations Last Heard 7/5/16 (RN1) Brinkmere Holdings LLC, 52 Weston Taylor's Lane. by Ryder & Wilcox, Inc. Assessor's Map 57, Parcel 57. The proposed repair to existing gabions & bank stabilization. Work will take place within 100' of a Salt Marsh, on a Coastal Bank, in Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage, & within the Pleasant Bay A.C.E.C. David 2 Orleans Conservation Commission Hearing Meeting 7-19-16 Lyttle of Ryder& Wilcox, Inc., was present. David Lyttle announced that a letter had not been issued by NHESP, and requested a continuance to July 26th MOTION: A motion to continue the hearing to July 26th was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Rich Nadler. VOTE: 5-0-0 Unanimous. Administrative Reviews Daniel Limoges, 8 High Street. The proposed maintenance of the mitigation area. Work to be done by Wilkinson Ecological Design. MOTION: A motion to approve this work was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Judy Brainerd. VOTE: 5-0-0 Unanimous. Martin & Kathy Culik, 505 South Orleans Road. The proposed removal and pruning of trees, planting of groundcover, and re-installation of outdoor rinse area. Martin & Kathy Culik, applicants, were present. MOTION: A motion to approve this application was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Judy Brainerd. VOTE: 5-0-0 Unanimous. Request to Use Conservation Properties Windmill Celebrate our Waters Weekend 9/17/16 & 9/18/16 Orleans Pond Coalition 10am-3pm 10-30 People MOTION: A motion to approve this event was made by Judith Bruce and seconded by Judy Brainerd. VOTE: 5-0-0 Unanimous. Chairman's Business Approval of the Minutes from the Meeting on July 12, 2016 MOTION: A motion to approve this set of minutes was made by Judy Brainerd and seconded by Rich Nadler. VOTE: 5-0-0 Unanimous. Other Business John Jannell announced that the Town of Orleans closed on 141 Portanimicut Road, and the Commission would look into creating a sub-committee to draft a Land Management Plan for the property. The meeting was adjourned at 9:19am Respectfully submitted, Erin C.S. Ellis, Principal Clerk, Orleans Conservation Commission. 3