HomeMy Public PortalAbout11) 7H Re-adoption of Reso 17-5252, Lighting and Maintenance District AssessmentsADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: June 6 , 2017 TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Bryan Cook , City Manager By : Tracey L. Hause , Administrative Services Director AGENDA ITEM ?.H . SUBJECT: RE-ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 17-5252, DECLARING THE CITY'S INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 AND ESTABLISHING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PUBLIC OBJECTIONS RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to re -adopt Resolution No . 17-5252 (Attachm e nt "A "). BACKGROUND: On May 16, 2017 , the City Council accepted the Engineer's Report for the Temp le City Citywide Light ing and Maintenance Distri ct (District) for FY 201 7-18 and adopted Resolution No . 17-5252 . ANALYSIS: Upon further review of Resolution No . 17-5252 after the May 16 , 2017 meeting , it was discovered that the public hearing date listed in Section 5 -Notice of Public Hearing had an incorrect date. A revised copy of the Resolution with the correct publ ic hearing date is attached and the City Council is requested to re -adopt Resolution No . 17-52 52 . There are no other changes to the Resolution . The origina l staff report dated May 16 , 2017 is also included as part of this report (Attachment "B"). CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: Re -adoption of Resolution No . 17-5252 the City will further the Strategic Goa l to promote Good Governance. City Council June 6 , 2017 Page 2 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: Re -adoption of Resolution No . 17-5252 will allow the City to hold a public hearing on June 20 , 2017 and continue the process of setting the assessment rates for the FY 2017-18 Lighting and Maintenance District and generate an estimated $330 ,000 in assessment revenues . ATTACHMENTS: A. Resolution No. 17-5252 B . Staff Report dated May 16 , 2017 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO. 17-5252 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 WITHIN THE CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND ESTABLISHING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PUBLIC OBJECTIONS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Temple City hereby declares its intention to levy and collect assessments for FY 2017-18 in the existing Citywide Lighting and Ma intenance District pursuant to the provis ions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California . NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Temple City does hereby resolve as follows : DESCRIPTION OF WORK SECTION 1. The City Council has determined the publ ic interest and convenience requires that certain work be performed and improvements made with in the Lighting and Maintenance District for which assessments shall be levied and collected for FY 2017-18 , to include street lighting , tree maintenance , traffic signals , and capital improvements. LOCATION OF WORK SECTION 2. The aforement ioned work and improvements are to be performed and located w ithin the streets, easements , and publ ic r ights-of-way, within the incorporated area of the City of Temp le City as indicated on a map filed in the City Clerk's office ent itled "Lighting and Maintenance District Assessment Diagram ." The Lighting and Ma intenance District boundaries shall be the same as the incorporated City boundaries . DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SECTION 3. The City Council has determ ined the work and improvements to be performed are a direct benefit to the City of Temple City and hereby charges the expenses of said work and improvements upon a district for which assessments shall be levied and collected and such district is defined as the total territory existing within the incorporated area of the City of Temple City, exc lusive of all public streets and rights-of-way. ENGINEER'S REPORT SECTION 4. The City Council hereby approves the engineer's report that indicates the amount of the proposed assessment rates , the district boundaries , assessment zones , detailed descr ipt ion of improvements , and the method of assessment. The report titled "Eng ineer's Report for Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance Distr ict, Fiscal Year 201 7-1 8" is on file in the office of the City Clerk and reference to sa id report is hereby made for all particulars. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 5. No t ice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Temple City will hold a public hearing June 20 , 2017, 7:30p.m. in the C ity Council Chambers located in the Civic Center facility at 5938 N. Kauffman Avenue , Temple City , California , and all persons having any objections regarding the proposed work, improvements, or intent of the assessment district , may appear and demonstrate cause why said work or improvements shou ld not be performed or carried out in accordance with this resolution of intention . The City Council will consider all verbal and written protests. LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 SECTION 6. A ll work and improvements here in proposed shall be performed in accordance with the La ndscap ing and Ligh ti ng Act of 1972, being Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. PROPOSITION 218 SECTION 7. On November 5, 1996 , Californ ia voters approved Proposition 218, also known as "The Right to Vote on Taxes Act," which prohibits the levy of any new assessments or increase in existing assessment rates witho ut property owner approval. The loca l agency must distinguish between general and direct benefit and sha ll only assess for di rect benefit. It is the local agency 's responsib ility to provide evidence substantiating the assessment is proportional to benefit. Parks are considered to be a general benefit. Therefore , effective J uly 1, 1997, th e City may not con tin ue to assess for park ma intenance operations . T he park maintenan ce program wi ll be uti lizing general fund mon ies. SECTION 8 . The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolut ion. PASSED , AP PROVED , AND ADOPTED on this 6th day of June , 2017 . MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk ,-- ATTACHMENT B AGENDA ITEM ?.E. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE : May 16 , 2017 TO : The Honorable City Cou ncil FROM : Bryan Cook, City Manager By : Tracey L. Hause . Adm inistrative Services Director SUBJECT : ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 17-5252, DECLARING THE CITY'S INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 AND ESTABLISHING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PUBLIC OBJECTIONS RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requested to : 1. Accept the Enginee r's Report for the Temple City C itywide Light ing and Ma intenance Distr ict (District ) for FY 2017-18 (Attachment "A "); and 2. Adopt Reso lution No . 17-5252 (Attachme nt "B"). BACKGROUND : 1. On June 19 , 1979 , the City Council of Temple City adopted Resolution No . 79-1825 form ing the Temple City Citywide Light in g and Maintenance District and confirmed assessments for the first FY 197 9-80 . 2 . On April 23 , 1995, after g ivi ng direction to staff to analyze the assessment methodology, the City Council rece ived an Executive Summary that exp lain ed the recommended methodology changes and provided examples of the effects of the different alternatives . The City Counci l directed staff to make the approved changes to the Distr ict for the FY 1995-96 . Notices were mailed to a ll p roperty owners outlining the changes to the methodology and stating the assessment amount proposed for each property and that a Consumer Price In dex (CPI) esca lator was incl uded in the Dist rict. The chan ges were approved afte r a formal pub li c hea ri ng . 3. On November 5, 1996 , California voter s approved Propos ition 218, also known as ,--------------------------------------- City Council May 16, 2017 Page 2 of 5 ------------- "The Right to Vote on Taxes Act". The City was able to continue to levy assessments at the current rate for the Cityw ide Lighting and Maintenance District since Proposition 218 allowed certain exemptions for existing assessments . However, any increase in the assessment . including the addition of a CPI escalator. would require a ballot be mailed to each property owner subject to the assessment. and that a majority of property owners returning their ballot must approve of the increase assessment. Further. Propos ition 218 requ ired that the local agency distingu ish between genera l and direct benefit and sha ll only assess for direct benefit. At that time . the parks assessment was considered to be a general benefit. 4 . On July 1, 1997 . the City discontinued assessments for park ma intenance operations . The park ma intenance program is currently funded through the General Fund . 5 . On March 7. 2017 . the City Council adopted Resolution No. 17-5238 order i ng the engineering firm of Harris & Associates to prepare the requ ired Engineer's Report for FY 2017-18 , pursuant to the 1972 State Lighting and Landscape Act. The engineer's report identifies eligible program expenditures . establishes the District's operating budget . updates individual property assessments . and documents the City 's compliance w ith a ll applicable laws . ANALYSIS: Annually, the City Council determines the Lighting and Maintenance District assessment rates , which prov ide funding for cityw ide street lighting , tree maintenance. and traffic signal maintenance programs . The process requires the C ity Council to adopt resolut ions ordering the engineer's report . establishing the actual assessment rates , and authorizing the Los Angeles County Assessor's Office to levy and collect the assessments . Harris & Associates. as authorized by the C ity Council on March 7 , 2017 , has prepared the requ ired engineer's report for the District for FY 2017 -18 . The purpose of the Engineer's Report is to set forth findings and engineering analys is for the C ity 's Lighting and Maintenance District for the FY 2017 -18 . A copy of the report is attached for C ity Council's rev iew and consideration . The Engineer's Report contains an annual prog ram cost summary which i ncludes the estimated cost of the construction . operation . servicing and ma i ntenance of the st reet lights , traffi c signals, and parkway landscaping for FY 2017-18 . The report also includes the method of apportionment for the assessments . City Council May 16 , 2017 Page 3 of 5 Assessment Rate Formulas All parcels in Temple City derive special benefit from t he street lighting and traffic s ignal system, general landscape maintenance in and along the streets and sidewalks , and arterial highway median/parkway maintenance. The Engineer's Report establ ishes a methodology that fairly distributes the cost in relation to the special benefits rece ived . The Equivalent Dwelling Unit method has been established as the means of assessment for the City 's Lighting and Maintenance District. The single-fam il y parcel has been selected as the basic unit of ca lculation of assessments and is defined as one Equivalent Dwelling Un it (EDU). A methodo logy has been developed to calcu late the EDUs for other residential uses and for non-residential parce ls , as described below. • Residential: All res idential uses are assessed one EDU per dwelling unit. • Commercial/Industrial: Commercial , Industrial and Institutional parce ls are converted to EDUs based on the lot size of each parcel of land . In converting these properties to EDUs , the factor used is the City of Temple City 's average single family residential lot s ize of 7 ,200 square feet , which are approximately six lots per acre . Therefo re , commercia l/industria l parcels are assessed six EDUs per acre. • Churches : The City Council has ordered that church-owned properties rece ive a 25 percent reduction to the assessment rate . Therefore , church properties with residential uses are assessed 0 .75 EDUs per dwelling unit. All other church properties are assessed 75 percent of the comme rcial/industrial rate , wh ich calculates to 4 .5 EDUs per acre . Special benefits that are received by all parcels i n the City are considered Citywide benefits , and the associated costs of these benefits are spread equally , based on th e EDU to all parcels within the D istrict. Specia l benefits that are considered local benefits correspond to higher levels of improvements to parcels in the imme diate area . The associated costs of these benefits are spread equally over the local area , based on the EDU . A system of zones has been developed to ide ntify the specific benefit each parcel receives . The zones are as follows : • Zone A -This zone includes all properties receiving a local lighting benefit. They are assessed for local li ghting , as well as the Citywide Benefits ; • Zone 8 -This zone includes all properties that receive only Citywide Benefits ; • Zone C -Rosemead Boulevard/Las Tunas Drive Median Landscaping. This z one includes all commercial parcels abutting the Rosemead Boulevard/Las --------------~-------~---- City Council May16 ,2017 Page 4 of 5 Tunas Drive medians . They are assessed the Rosemead Boulevard /L as Tunas Drive Median Local Benefit , as well as the Citywide Benefits and Direct Lighting Benefit; and • Zone D -City Center Parkway Improvements. This zone includes commercial parcels abutting the C ity Center Parkway Improvements . They are assessed the City Center Parkway Improvement Local Benefit (i.e., trees and planted materials on Las Tunas Drive and parking areas}, as well as the C itywide Benefits and Direct Lighting Benefit. The following table shows the summary of the annual assessment for each Zone . SUMMARY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS PER EOU Benefit Benefit Bene fit Benefit Category of Benefit Zo ne A Zone B Zo ne C ZoneD Citywide landscaping , traffi c X X X X signal , med ians , and parkway Citywide Street Lighting X X X X Direct Street light ing X X X Rosemead /Las Tunas Med ians X City Center Pa rkways X Total Asmt ($/EOU) FY 2015 -1 6 $25 .03 $25.03 $45.51 $79.82 Tot al Asmt (S/ED U) FY 2014 -15 $25 .03 $25 03 $4 5 51 $79 .82 A n "X " m the table above ind tcates the category of be nefit mclud ed 1n each Zone The to ta l assessment pe r zone ts the su m of the assj:lssments for each category of benefit Asmt Rate ($/EDU) $25 03 $0 .00 $0 .00 $20.48 $54 .79 Acceptance of the Eng ineer's Report and adoption of Resolution No. 17 -5252 w il l allow the City to move forward declaring the City 's intention to levy and collect Lighting and Maintenance D istrict assessments for FY 2017-18 . CITY STRATEGIC GOALS: As a result of the City Council accepting the Eng ineer's Report for the Temple C ity Citywide Lighting and Ma intenance District for FY 2017-18 and adopti ng Reso lution No. 17-5252 t he City will further the Strategic Goal to p romote Good Governance . City Council May 16, 2017 Page 5 of 5 FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this agenda item will allow the City to continue the process to set the assessment rates for the FY 2017-18 Lighting and Maintenance District and generate an estimated $330 ,000 in assessment revenues . ATIACHMENTS: A . Engineer's Report for Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District - FY 2017-18 B. Resolution No . 17-5252 DRAFT ENGINEER'S REPORT for TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Fiscal Year 20 17-18 for the City of Temple City Los Ange l es County, California Ap ri l 19, 201 7 B Harris & Associates AT_ CHMENT A City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District ENGINEER 'S REPORT CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Aprill9, 2017 Pag e i Th e un d ersigne d res pec t f u lly submits t he enc losed report as d irec t ed by the Cit y Coun cil. DATED : Aprill9, 20 17 BY: K. De n n is Klingelh ofer R.C.E . No. 50255 Ill Harris & Associates - City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District ENGINEER 'S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 TABLE OF CONTENTS April19, 2017 Page ii Submittal an d Acknowledgmen ts ................................................................................... i Introduction .................................................................................................................. iii Report ........................................................................................................................... 1 Part A -Plans and Spe ci f ications ............................................................................ 3 Part B -Estimate of Cost ......................................................................................... 5 Part C-Assessment Roll ......................................................................................... 6 Part D-Method of Apportionment of Assessment... ............................................. 7 Part E -Prope rty Owner List ................................................................................. 13 Part F -Assessme nt District Di agram ................................................................... 14 Ill Harris & Associates- City of Temple City Citywide Lig hting and Maintenance District INTRODUCT ION Ap ril l 9, 2 0 17 Page ii i The purpose of this re port is to set forth findings and engineeri ng analys is for the Temple City Citywide Light ing and Mainte nance District for the 2017 -18 f1scal year. This District. utilizing d irect benefit assessments , (1} su pplem ents revenue generated by the existing 1919 Act Temple City Munici pal Lighting District to finance the cost of providing ma intenance and operat ion of a street lighting sys tem and covers the costs of providing maintenance and operation of the traffic signals in the City , and (2} covers the costs of maintaining the median and parkway landscaping in the Ci ty of Temple City . The City Council of Temple City adopted Resolut ion No. 79 -1825 on June 19, 1979, wh ic h formed the Temple City Citywide Light ing and M aintenance Di stric t and confirmed assessments for the first f iscal year, 1979-80. Following the completion of the District proceed ings for FY 1994-95, the City Council directed st aff to analy ze the assessment methodology. The purpose of the study was to verify that propert ies were be ing asse ss ed in pro portion to the benefit received . An Exec utive Summary explaining the find ings, detailing recommended methodology change s, and providing examples of the effects of the different alternat ives was completed and su bmitted to the City Counci l. On April 23 , 1995, the City Council received the Execut ive Sum m ary, approved the recommended changes , and directed staff to make the approved changes to the Dis trict for FY 1995-96. Notices were mailed to all property owners outlin i ng the changes to the methodology, and st at ing the assessm ent amount proposed for each property and t hat a CPI escalator was included i n the District . The changes were approved after a fo rmal public hearing . Follow ing the pa ssag e of Prop osit ion 21 8 in November, 1996, the City has been able to continue to levy assessment at the cu r r ent rate si nce Propos it ion 2 18 allowed ce rta in exempt ion s for existmg assessment s. However, any increase in the assessme nt, i ncl uding the addit ion of a CPI escalator , will requ ire that a ball o t be mailed to each property owne r su bject to the assessment , and that a ma j ority of property owners (weighted by assessme nt amoun t} retu rning the ir ballot must approve of the i ncrease in the assess ment. In addition, any other change s needed to com p ly w1th the requirements of Propos ition 218 wou ld have to be made at tha t time. Th is report reflects those changes and covers the le vy of annual assessments for th e 2017-18 fi scal year. Ill Ha rris & Associates _ City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District ENGINEER'S REPORT PREPARED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 SECTION 22500 THROUGH 22679 OF THE CALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 April19, 2017 Page 1 Pursua nt to Part 2 of Divis ion 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Californ ia, and in accordance w i th the Resol ution of In itiation, adopted by the City Council of the City of Temple City , State of Cal i fornia, in connect ion with the proceedings for : CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT hereinafter referred to as the "Assessme nt District " or "District", I, K. Denn is Klingelhofer, P.E., the authorized re presentat ive of Harris & Associates , the duly appointed ENGINEER OF WORK , submit he rewith the "Report" consisting of six (6) parts as follows : PART A PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Plans and specificatio ns for the improveme nts are as set forth on the lists thereof, attached hereto, and are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are i ncorporated herein by reference . PARTS ESTIMATE OF COST An estimate of the costs of the proposed imp rovements , inclu ding incidental costs and expenses in connection therewith, is as set forth on the lists thereof, attached hereto, and are on file in the Office of the City Cle rk and incorporated herein by reference . Ill Harris & Associates. City of Temple City Cityw ide Lighting and Maintenance Di strict PARTC ASSESSMENT ROLL Apr il l9, 2017 Page 2 An asses smen t of the est imated cost of the improvements on each benefited lot or parcel of land w ith in the Assessme nt Distri ct . PART D METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT The method of appo rtionment of assessments , indica t ing the proposed assessment of the net amount of the co sts and expenses of t he improvements to be assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land within the Assessment Di strict, in proport ion to the est imated spec ial benefits to be received by such lots and parcels . The Asses sment Ro ll is f ile d in the Office of the City Clerk and by reference is made a part hereof. PARTE PROPERTY OWNER LIST A list of the names and addresses of the owners of real property w ithin this Assessment District, as shown on the l ast equali zed roll of the Assess or of t he County of Los Angeles . The list is keyed to the r eco rd s of the Asse ssor of th e County of Los Angeles, which are incor porat ed here in by reference. PART F ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DIAGRAM The Diag r am of the Assessme nt Di strict Bounda r ies show ing the exterior bou ndaries of the Assessment District, the bou ndaries of any zones withi n the Assessment District and the l ines and dimens ions of each lot or parcel of land within the Asse ss ment Dis t rict are on file in the Office of the City Clerk a nd incorporated herein by r eferen ce . Ill Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide Lighting and Maintenance District PART A PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS April19, 2017 Page 3 The installation of planting, landscaping, irrigation systems , lighting and the construction of appurtenant facilities to be operated, serviced and maintained within the City of Temple City, is generally described as follows : DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 The facilit i es to be constructed , maintained and serviced are the streets and sidewalks withi n the District, includ ing street lighting, traffic signals , street trees , median and parkway, landscap ing and hardscaping. The Di strict will supplement revenue generated by the existing 1919 Act Temple City Mun ici pal Light ing Di strict, and will fund costs in connection with the District maintenance and servicing including, but not limited to, personnel, electri cal energy, water, materials, contract in g services, and other expenses necessary for the satisfactory operation of these facil it ies . Refe rence is made to Part "D" of this report for a d iscussion of the Zones of Benefit and the facil i ties associated w ith them which are serviced and ma intained . The improvements are de scribed as follows : Landscaping and Appurtenant Facilities Fac i lities include but are not limited to : Landscaping , plant ing, shrubbery, trees, irrigation systems, hardsca pe s, fixtures, sidewalk maintenance re sulti ng from landscape growth and appurtenant facilities, in public street and sidewalk rights-of-way, med ians , pa r kways an d dedicated easements w ith in the boundaries of sa i d Assessment Di strict . Lighting, Traffic Signals and Appurtenant Facilities Facilit ies include but are not limited to : Po les , f ix tures , bulbs, conduits, conductors , equipment including guys, anchors, posts and pedestal s, meteri ng devices and appurtenant facilities as required to provide lighting and traffic signals in pub li c street and sidewalk rights -of·way and dedicated easements within the boundaries of sa id Assessment District. B I Harris & Associates_ City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District April19, 2017 Page 4 The pub lic lighting system sha ll be maintained to provide adequate illuminat ion . The traffic signal system shall be maintained b ased on the City specifications and current industry standards. Electricity for street lights and traffic signals shall be furnished, and it shall be adequate for the intended purpose . Rate s for power shall be those authorized by the Cal ifornia Public Ut i li ties Comm ission . Ma in tenance means the furnishing of services and materials for the ord inary and usua l operation, maintenance and servicing of the landscaping, public light ing facilities and appurtenant facilities, incl udi ng repa ir, removal or replacement of all or part of any of the landscaping, public light ing facilit ies or appurtenant facil iti es ; providing for the life, growth, health and beauty of the landscaping, includi ng cultivation, irrigation , trimming, spray ing , fertilizing and treating for disease or injury; the removal of trimmings, rubbish , debris and other sol id waste ; and the clean i ng , sandblast ing and painting of walls and other improvements to remove or cover graffiti. Servicing means the furnish ing of water for the irrigation of the lan dscaping and the maintenance of any of the public lighting facilit ies or appurtenant facilities and the furnishing of electric energy for the public lighting facilities, landscaping or appurtenant facilit ies . The plans and specifications for the improvements, showi ng the general nature, location, and extent of the im provements, are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are by reference here in made a part of th is report. B I Harris & Associates . -------------·-· ---- City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PARTC ASSESSMENT ROLL Apr il 19, 2017 Page 6 The proposed assessment and the amount of assessment for Fiscal Year 2017-18 apportioned to each lot or parcel, as shown on the latest roll at the Assessor 's Office are conta i ned in the Assessment Roll on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Temple City , which is incorporated herein by refere nce . The description of each l ot or parcel is part of the records of the Assessor of the County of Los Angeles and these record s are , by reference, made part of this Report. B I Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide Lig hting and Maintenance District PART B ESTIMATE OF COST April 20 , 20 17 Page 5 The estimated cost of the construction, operation, servicing and maintenance of the street and si d ewalk improvements for fiscal year 2017 -18, as described in Pa rt A, are summarized herein and described below . All costs include adm i nistration and utilities where applicable . ' II t \1 I I J\ 1 l' 11r.1 \ ;, I. ANNUAL COm STRE fT LIG HTING AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS STREfT LIGHTS S359,930 TRAFF IC SIGNALS AND SAFffi LIGHTING S156,500 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS so TOTAL EXPEND ITU RES $S16,430 CO LLECTION S/(CREDITS) AP PLIED TO LEVY 19 19 ACT AD-VALOREM REVENUE (S990,000) RESERVE COLLECTION/(TRA NSFER) so TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS ($990,000} BALAN CE TO LEVY FOR LIGHTI NG $0 II. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS LA NDSCA PING Citywide Trees and Med ians $605,218 Rosemead/Las Tunas Median Maintenance S10,170 Rosemead Boulevard S44,000 City Center Parkways $5,002 TOTAL LANDSCAPING $664,390 CA PI TAL IMPRO VE MENTS so VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT so TOTAL EXPENDITURES $664 ,390 COLLECTi ONS/(CREDrTS } APPLIED TO LEVY RESERVE COLLECTION /(TRANSFER) GENERAL FUND CONTRIBU TION / LOAN (S337,257) CO NTR IBUTION FROM GAS TAX so TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS ($3 37,2S7) BALANCE TO LEVY FOR LANDSCAPING $320,133 Ill. TOTAL TO BE ASSESSED COUNlY ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE S7,000 APPLIED CHARGES TO LE VY $327,133 IV FUND BALANCE INFORMATION FUND BALANCE 7/1 $1 ,46S ,695 INTEREST $1 ,SDO TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 5260,620 PROJECTED YEAR END FUND BALANCE 6/30 $1,727,815 The 1972 Act requires that a special fund be setup for the reven ues and expenditures of the District. Funds ra ised by assess m ent shall be used on ly for t he purpose as stated herein . A contribution to the District by the City may b e made to red uce assessmen ts , as the City Coun cil d eems approp riate . Any balance or deficit remaining on Ju ly 1 must be carried over to the next fiscal year. Bl Harris & Associates - City of Temple City Citywide Li ghting and Ma intenance District PARTD METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT GENERA L Apr il19, 2017 Page 7 Part 2 of Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code , the landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, perm its the establis hment of assessment districts by cit ies for the purpose of providing certain public improvements which inclu de the construction, maintenance and servic ing of street lights, traffic signals, landsca pi ng and park and recreational fac ilit ies . Sec t ion 22573 , Lan dscap ing and Lighti ng Act of 1972 requires that ma intenance assessments be levied according t o be nefit rather than according to assessed va l ue . Th is section states: "The net amount to be assessed upon lands within an assessment district may be apportioned by any formula or met hod which fairly distributes the net amount among all assessable lots o r parcels in proportion to the est imated bene fi ts to be received by each such l ot or parce l f r om the improvements." Because assessmen t s are levied on the basis of benefit, they are n ot a tax, and, therefore, are not go verned by Article XII lA of the Californ ia Con stitution . The Act perm its the d esignat ion of zones of benefit with in any indiv idual assessment district i f "by reason of variations i n the nature, location , and extent of the improvements, the various areas will receive d ifferent deg re es of benefit from the improvements." (Sec . 22574 ). Thus, the 1972 Act requires the l evy of a t rue "benefit assessment " rathe r than a "spe ci a l ta x." The Act also permits certa in parcels to be exempt from assessment. Excepted from these assessments are areas of all pu blicly o w ned property such as: public streets, pub lic avenues, pub lic lanes, public r oad s, public drives , pu bl ic courts, public all eys , all public easements and rights -of-way, all pub lic parks, green belts and parkways, and all publ ic property be ing used for publ ic purposes, as well as utility owned property. Also excepted from these assessments are common areas in mult 1p le lot/unit developments; u nd eveloped lots and parce ls that are of such siz e an d/or configuration and locat ion that the City's current zoning and subd ivi si on laws prohibit beneficial development and usage . PARCEL CLASSIF ICATION All parcels in t he City o f Temple City derive special benefit fro m the st reet lighting and traffic signal system, general land sc ap e maintenance in the streets and sidewalks, arterial highwa y med ian maintenance on Santa Anita Boulevard , Bald w in Aven ue , Rosemead Boulevard and Las Tunas Dr ive, and arterial parkway maintenance o n las Tunas Drive (City Center Pa rkway Im prove ments). The intent of t his report is to esta bl is h a methodology that fairly d is tri butes the cost in relation to the special benefits received . B I Harris & Assoc iates . City of Temple Citv Cityw ide lighti ng and Mai ntenance D istrict Aprill9, 2017 Pag e 8 Al t hough frontage is an establ ished means of assessment, the Equ ivalent Dwelling Un it method is u sually seen as more appropriate and equi t able for landscape and lighting districts, as the benefit to eac h parcel from th e improvements bei ng maintained extends beyond the front of their property; therefore, assessments are apportioned as a funct ion of land-use type and size . This may be more clearly shown by taking an example of a commercia l property on a "flag lot." Two parcels may be essentially the same size , but under a fron t age method of assessment , one parcel would be assessed more than the other. Th is provides an assessment spread to the two commercial properties which is not commensurate wit h the benefit each of them receives . The single -fam i ly parcel has been selected as the basi c un it of calculation of assessment s and is defined as o ne Equiva len t Dw ellin g Unit (EDU). A m ethodology has been developed to ca lcul ate the EDUs for other residentia l uses and for non -res idential parcels, as describe d below. • Res idential. All residentia l uses are assessed 1 EDU per dwell ing un it. • Commercial/Industria l. Commercial , Industrial and Institutional parcels are converted to EDU s based on the lot size of each parcel of land . In conve rting these properties to EDUs , the factor used i s the City o f Temple City's average single family resi d ential lot size of 7,200 square feet , which is app rox imately 6 lots per acre . The r efore, com me r cial/industria l p ar cels are assesse d six (6) EDUs p e r ac re. • Churches . The Ci t y Counc il has ordered that church -owned properti es receive a 25 percent reduct i on to t he assessment rate . Therefore, church properties w it h resident ial uses are assessed 0.75 EDUs per dwelling unit. All other ch urch properti es are assessed 75 percent of the commercial/ind ustrial rate, which calculates to 4 .5 EDUs per acre . The land use classific atio n for each parcel has been based on the Los Ange les Cou nty Assessor's Roll. SPECIAL BENEFIT DETERMINATION Property values in a com munity are individu ally increased when public infrastructure such as street lights and traffic sign al s, and landscap ing facilit ies are in place , improved , operab le, safe. clean and maintained. Street Lighting and Traffic Signals The proper func t ion ing of street lighti ng and traffic signa ls is imperativ e for the welfare and sa fety of the publ ic and property through o ut t he City. Proper maintena nce and se rvicing of the street lighting system be nefits properties withi n the Dist r ict by providing proper illum ination for ingress and egress and safe travel ing at night. Propert ies w ith i n the District also bene fi t from the proper function ing of t he District 's traffic signa l system . Proper operat ion of the street light and traffic signa l systems is imperat ive t o pub lic convenience , orderl y traffic flow, enhan ced conge st io n management and safety. Improved sec u rity, fuel conserv ation, protection of prop erty from cri me Il l Harris & Associates. ,....-------·------ City of Temple City Citywide lig h t ing and Mainte na nce Dis trict Ap rill9 , 2017 Page 9 and vandal ism, and reduct ion of traffic accide nts, are special and direct benefits to all properties within the City; l ig hting benefits are directly related to public safety and property protection and therefore inc rease p roperty values . Street La n dscaping The City maintains trees and miscellaneous shrubbery throughout the City. The trees and shrubbery are located within the public right-of-way. These trees and shrubbery provide an aesthet ically pleasing envi ronment, shade , beaut i ficat io n, and accord ing to some autho rities, air purificat ion and sound attenuation . These positive attributes in cre ase the value of all properties throughout the City . There are two types o f special benefits: Citywi de Benefits and Loca l Benefits . CITYWIDE BENEF ITS Special benefits that are received by all parcels in the City are considered Citywide Benefits, and the asso ciated costs of these benefits are spread equall y, based on Equivalent Dwe lli ng Units, to all parce ls w ithin the Dis t rict . City-wide Benefits t ha t enhan ce the val ue of all properties within the District inc l ude landscape maintenance throughout the City, the operation and mainten ance of traffic sig nals, and street lighting and median ma intenance on the major thoroughfares, wh ic h are the main travel ways of the City . LOCAL BENEF ITS Spec ial benefits that are considered local benefi ts correspon d to higher levels of improvements to parce l s in the im me d ia t e area . The associated costs of these benefits are spread equally over the local area , based on Eq uivalent Dwelling Units. • Loca l Li ghting Streetl ights adjacent to or near a parcel of land provide a special and d i rect Local Benefi t to that parce l. The added security, reduction in traffic accidents and increased aesthetics benefi t the surrounding parcels and thereby enhance the value of the parcel s. All parcels with streetlights in their vicinity rece ive a Local Benefit. • Rosemead Boulevard and Las Tunas Drive Med ians These improve men t s are located along Rosemead Boulevard, from Broadway to Hermosa , and Las Tunas Drive , f r om Muscate l to Sultana , and consist of med ian i mprovements i nclud ing landscaping, irrigation and hardscape . The im provements are located on major arterial s, and therefore prov ide benefit to all parcels B I Ha rris & Associates. City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Mai ntenance D istrict April19, 2017 Page 10 within the City. However, the commercial properti es directly adjacent to these improvements re ceive a direct Local Benefit in additio n to the Citywide Benefi t, due to eco nomic enhancement relating to parkway beaut ification an d increas ed desirability of the surroundings which provides additional increases in property value . Because the improvements provi de a Ci t ywide Benefit and a Local Benefit, it is proposed that the costs for maintaini ng and servicing these improvements be divided so that half of the cost i s spread Citywide and half of the cost is spread to the local area of benefit . • City Center Parkway Improvements These improve ments are located a long Las Tunas Drive, from Clover ly to Kauffman, and consist of pa rkway improvements including raised planters, automatic irrigat ion , street tree s, decorative light i ng fixtures, tree grates, benches, and hardscape . The improvements are located on major arterials, and therefore provide benefit to all parcels with in the City . Howeve r, the commercial propert ies directly adjacent to these improvements receive a direct Local Benefit i n addition to the Citywide Benefit, due to economic enhancement r elating to parkway beautification and increased desirability of the surroundings which prov ides addition al inc reases in property value . Because the improvements provide a Citywide Benefit and a Local Benefit, it is proposed that the costs for maintai ning and servicing these improvements be di vided so that half of the cost is spread Citywide and half of the cost is spread to the loca l area of benefi t. ZONE CLASSIFICATIONS A sys te m o f zones has bee n developed to id entify the speci fi c be nefit each parcel receives . The zones are as follows : Zone A -Th is zone includes all properties receiv i ng a local lighting benefit. They are assessed for local lighti ng, as we ll as the Citywide Benefits. Zone B -This zone inc l udes all properties that receive only Citywide Benefits . Zone C -Rosemead Boulevard/las Tunas Drive Median landscaping. Th is zone includes all commercial parcels a butting the Rosemea d Boulevard /Las Tunas Drive med ians . They are assessed the Rosemead Bouleva rd /Las Tunas Drive Median Local Benefit, as well as the Citywide Benefits and Di r ect Ligh ting Benefit. Zone D -City Center Parkway Impr ovements. Th is zone incl ud es commercial parcels abutt ing the Ill Harris & Associates . ---~--~ --~ City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance D istrict April19, 2017 Page 11 City Cen t e r Par kway Im p rove ments. They are assessed the City Cen ter Parkway Im p rovemen t Loc al Bene fit, as well as the Citywide Benefit s and Direct Lighting Benefit. INVENTORY OF PARCELS The following i nform ation was obta in ed from the Los Angeles County Assessor 's Roll and the City of Temp le City . Dwelling :Land Use Parcels Units Acre s EDU Exempt 179 n/a n/a Si ng le Family Residential (SFR) Parce ls 8 ,7 00 5,700 n/a 8,700.00 Mu lti-Fam ily Resident ial (MFR) Parcels 911 3,033 n/a 3,033.00 Commercial/Industria l 401 n/a 148.09 888.54 Churches 42 11 30.38 144.97 TOTA L: 10,233 8,744 178.47 12 ,766.52 The d i stri but ion of EDUs pe r Zone is as follows : Zon e ED U A 9,504 .27 B 2,9 68.25 c 248 .35 0 45 .65 Total 12,766.52 ASSESSMENT SUMMARY The following table shows the summa ry of the an nual assessme nts for each Zone of Benefit. Bt·ndrt Bt·nt•frt Bt"'Wht Bt-nt'frt 1\ ·, m t R ,l! t· Catq~ory of Bl'rwfrt Zon L· A Zone B Zor 1 t· t_ ..:one D (S 1 EDU) Citywide land scap i ng, traffic sig nal , med ians, and parkwa y X X X X $25.03 Citywide Str ee t Lig hting X X X X $0.00 Direct Street Lig hting X X X $0.00 Rosemead /Las Tunas Med ians X $20.48 City Center Parkwa ys X $54 .79 Total Asmt ($/EDU) FY 17-18 $25 .03 $25 .03 $45 .51 $79.82 To ta l Asmt ($/EDU) FY 16-1 7 $25.03 $25 .03 $45 .51 $79 .82 An "X" in the ta ble abo ve indi cates the category of be nefit inc luded rn eac h Zone . The tot al assessment pe r zone is the su m of the assessments for each category of benefit. 1., Harris & Associates . City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District Apri ll9, 2017 Page 1 2 Because the 1919 Act lighting Maintenance District revenue covers the entire FY 2017-18 street lighting and traffic sig nal budgets, there are no street lighting assessments . The base assessment rate which may be levied for each ED U may be increased by the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CP I) for the Los Angeles -Rivers ide -Orange Counties in any fiscal year by City Council approva l each year . The base assessment rate will be the rate as approved and noticed for Fiscal Year 2017 -18 . SAMPLE CALCULATIONS Sample calcu lations for various land use types in Zones A and Bare provi ded in the table below. Total Land lht-> f DlJ Lcllr ulat1on [ DlJs FY 2017-18 A~mt SFR 1 DU x 1 EDU/DU = 1.00 $25 .03 Condomin ium 1 DU x 1 EDU /DU = 1.00 $25 .03 3-Unit A partment 3 DU x 1 EDU/DU = 3.00 $75.09 10-Un it A partment 10 DUx 1 EDU/DU = 10.00 $250.30 X acre Chu r ch X ac x 4 .5 EDU /ac = 1.13 $28.16 1 acre Churc h 1 ac x 4 .5 EDU /ac = 4.50 $112.64 1/8 acre Co m/lnd 1/8 ac x 6 EDU/ac = 0.75 $18.77 X ac re Com/lnd X ac x 6 EDU/ac = 1.50 $37.55 ~acre Co m/l nd ~ ac x 6 EDU /ac = 3.00 $75 .09 1 acre Com/lnd 1 ac x 6 EDU/ac = 6.0 0 $150.18 5 acre Com/l nd 5 ac x 6 EDU /ac = 30 .00 $750.90 B I Harris & Associates- City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PARTE PROPERTY OWNER LIST Apr il 19, 2017 Pa ge 13 A list of names and addresse s of the owners of all parce ls within this District is shown on the last equalized Property Tax Roll of the Assessor of the County of Los Angeles, which by reference is hereby made a part of this report. Th is list is keyed to the Assess or's Pa rcel Numbers as shown on the Assessment Roll on file in the Office of the Clerk of the City of Temple City. Ill Harris & Associates- City of Temple City Citywide lighting and Maintenance District PART F ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DIAGRAM Aprill9, 2017 Page 14 The boundaries of the District are coterminous w ith th e bou ndari es of the City of Temp le City. A diag r am showing the exterior boundaries of the District, the boundaries of any zones w i th i n the Asse ssment Dis t ric t , and the lines an d d ime nsions of ea ch lo t or parcel of lan d w i t hin t he Distri ct is on file in the Office of the Ci ty Clerk and incorpo r at ed he rei n by reference. The l in es and d im e ns i ons o f eac h lo t or pa r cel withi n the Dis t r ict are those li nes and d imens ions sho wn o n t he maps of th e Assessor of t he Coun t y of Los An gel es for t he fisc al year to wh ic h this r ep ort ap plies. The Ass ess o r 's maps and reco r ds are incorpora ted by reference herein and made part of t his report. Il l Harris & Associates . ATIACHMENT 8 RESOLUTION NO. 17-5252 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY . DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESS MEN TS FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY ) 2017-18 WITHIN THE CITYWIDE LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT , PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAP ING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND ESTABLISHING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PUBLIC OBJECTI ONS WHEREAS , the City Council of the C ity of Temp le C ity hereby declares its intention to levy and coll ect assessments for FY 2017-1 8 in the existing Citywide Lightin g and Maintenance D istnct pursuant to the provisions of the Landscap ing and L1ght ing Act of 1972 . berng Division 15 of the Streets and H1ghways Code of the State of California . NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the C ity of Tem ple City does hereby resolve as fo llows. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SECTION 1 . The City Council h as determined the public interest and conven ience requ ires that certai n work be performed and im provements made with in the Ligh ting and Maintenance Distnct for wh1ch assessments shall be levied and collected for FY 2017-18. to include street lighting , tree maintenance , traffic signa ls , and cap ital improvements LOCATION OF WORK SECTION 2. The aforementioned wo rk and improvements are to be performed and located with in the streets. easements , and publ ic rights-of-way, with in the i ncorporated area of the City of Temple City as Ind ic ated on a map filed in the C ity C lerk 's office ent itled "Lighting and Ma intenance Distr ict Assessment Diagram." Th e Li ght in g and Marntenance District bounda nes shall be the same as the incorporated C ity boundaries. DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SECTION 3. The City Council ha s determined the work and improvements to be performed are a d irect benefit to the C ity of Temple City and hereby charges the expenses of sa 1d work and Improvements upon a district for which assessments shall be levied an d collected and such d istrict is defined as the total territory exist in g with in the incorporated area of the C ity of Temple City , excl us ive of all public streets and rights-of-way ENGINEER'S REPORT SECTION 4. The City Coun cil hereby approves the eng ineer's report that indicates the amount of the proposed assessment rates . the district bounda nes, assessment zones , detailed descnption of improvements. and the method of assessment. The report titl ed "Eng ineer's Report fo r Temple C1ty C itywide Lighting and Ma intenance District. Fiscal Year 2017 -18" is on file in the office of the C ity Clerk and reference to sa 1d report is hereby made for all particulars NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SEC TI ON 5. Notice is hereby g1ven that the C ity Council of the C ity of Temple City w ill hold a public hearing June 21 , 2016, 7:30p.m 1n the City Council Chambers located 1n the C iv1c Center facility at 5938 N. Kauffman Avenue , Temple C1ty , Californ ia, and all persons hav in g any objections regard1ng the proposed work. im provem ents, or intent of the assessment d1stnct , may appear and demonstrate cause why said work or improvements shou ld not be performed or ea rned out in accordance w ith th1s resolution of in tention . The City Council w ill consider all verba l and written protests. LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING AC T OF 1972 SECTION 6 . All work and improvements here1n proposed shall be performed in accordance w1th the Landscapmg and Lighting Act of 1972 . bemg Divis1on 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Californ ia. PROPOS ITION 218 SECTION 7. On November 5 , 1996 . Cal iforn ia voters approved PropoSit iOn 218 , also known as ''The Right to Vote on Taxes Act," wh1ch prohibits the levy of any new assessments or in crease 1n extstlng assessment rates without property owner approva l. The local agency must d1stin gu1sh between general and direct benefit and sh a ll only assess for d1rect benefit. It IS the loca l agency's responsibility to prov1de evidence substantiat ing the assessme nt is proportiona l to benefit. Parks are considered to be a general benefit. Therefore , effective Ju ly 1, 1997 , the C ity may not continue to assess for park matntenance operations. The park maint enance program w ill be ut 1liz1n g general fund montes SEC T ION 8. The C ity Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution . PASSED, APP ROV ED , AND ADOPTED on th1s 16th day of May , 2017 MAYOR ATIEST: C ity Clerk