HomeMy Public PortalAboutOSC 2016-05-16 '15 AUG 29 3:06P14 Chtetfr ORLEANS SCHOOL COMMITTEE App Bern Regular Meeting, May 16, 2016, Orleans Town Hall ORLEANS TOWN CLERK Present for the Committee: Gail Briere, Vice Chair, David Abel, Hank Schumacher, and Ginger Marks For the Administration: Thomas Conrad, Supt., Elaine Pender, Principal, Giovanna Venditti, Business Manager Others in Attendance: • CALL TO ORDER/AGENDA CHANGES - The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Ms. Briere. There were no agenda changes. CITIZENS SPEAK - No one wished to speak. PRIORITY BUSINESS Administrators' Reports Supt. Conrad spoke of his visit to Millis to learn about their Spanish immersion program. Millis is a middle class community with approximately 100 students in each grade. Kindergarten is in their first year of Spanish. Classes are chosen by lottery. The 26 students stay with the program K through grade 12. A seventh grade Spanish teacher said the students, including first graders, were totally fluent. Second, third and fourth grades have the same program. The only language offered is Spanish. He expressed concern about the intensity of the program, the lack of language choices, and the program's outcome. In response to a question, Supt. Conrad pointed out that Millis had been doing the program for 20 years. It is what the school is known for and it's their reputation. He will be visiting Worcester, Milton, and Cambridge later on. Supt. Conrad attended a recent showing of Heroin Cape Cod and the panel discussion afterwards. It was very telling and emotional. He thanked committee members for attending the recent town meeting. Ms. Pender was thanked for working to transition the summer program to the Middle School because of the upcoming window project. Committee members were asked to choose three objectives they want to work on across Kindergarten through grade 12 and pass them along to the Superintendent. Principal Pender's written report highlighted the many activities of the previous month as well as upcoming events. The Spring Carnival was held this week. It is a really nice celebration for families. Mrs. Samantha Rohmer put it all together along with a supportive community. Ashley Garner, and other PTC parents, were recognized for the week long Staff Appreciation celebration. Cindy Horgan, Executive Director and Family Support Coordinator, held a round table discussion of"Helping Your Child Manage Emotions." Ms. Pender commented that she was a fantastic resource. Also, OES held a month long celebration of poetry. The organizers were recognized. Assistant Superintendent Gauley's May report to the School Committee was in the packet. FY16 Budget Review The FY16 School Expenditure Report was included in the May packet. Ms. Venditti noted that the unencumbered balance as of today's meeting is $82,597.52. She indicated there would be some additional savings in the electricity account. Capital Plan An assessment of the needs of the building for FY18 will be conducted by Ms. Venditti, Mr. Nowack, Mr. Collins, Mr. Conti, and Ms. Pender. They will report back to the Committee in October. Mr. Abel commented that he was still pushing for solar panels. He will report back at a later date. Mr. Schumacher indicated that maybe there could be a report by June. Spending Plan The Committee received a memo entitled "OES Spend Down FY16." Several accounts and amounts were indicated for a total spend down of year-end funds totaling $65,000. Money will be used to prepay preschool tuition for next year in the amount of $30,000. Visioning The Committee reviewed the Superintendent's six Entry Plan: Strategic Objectives. Supt. Conrad said he would be consolidating information from all the stakeholders. He may form sub groups with the administrators to work on research and examine certain issues. He invited committee members to participate. He would like to get started on one of the objectives. There is a lot of data not on the table to understand each objective. He will be seeking input from all the boards. OTHER REPORTS AND INFORMATION Preschool Enrollment - In packet. Cape Cod Collaborative - Mr. Schumacher attended a meeting last week. James Albrecht was hired as the Business Manager. , Transportation Subcommittee - Will meet June 7th. It is hoped the Collaborative will have some info. Policy Subcommittee - Substance Abuse Task Force - Met on April 25. Continuing to work on goals. Talked about how to reach parents and let them know about resources. Ms. Briere gave the committee a handout entitled "Project Update entitled Next-Generation MCAS and the Review of the Learning Standards" from a recent meeting she attended. Next spring, MCAS 2.0 will be rolled out - a combination of MCAS and PARCC questions on test. She advised the committee to stay alert as we will be impacted. Mr. Abel wondered how students will be impacted having to take tests via computer rather than paper and pencil? APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Mr. Schumacher and seconded by Mrs. Marks to approve the minutes of April 25, 2016 as printed. The vote was unanimous. PAYMENT OF BILLS ADJOURNMENT- It was moved, seconded, and voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marcia M. Templeton, Secretary Orleans School Committee