HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 00:280!1 !I II Ij No 00-280 Date of Adoption_ September 7_, 2000 RESOLUTION OPPOSING A-2332/S-1450 REGARDING AIRI'ORT LAND 1)I~;VELOPMi;iNT VVIIEREAS, Bill .~)qzp zx .... as an airport land dcxch)pmcnt rights acquisition bill \vould allow indiscriminate expansion of any public use airport in any municipality in the State of Ne'.,,' Jersey by thc administrative officials o[ tile Department of Transportation; and ~VIIEREAS, expansion o[ public use ail-ports is [taught with many negative and dan?rous threats to the public ti)rough air pollution, ground pollution, xkaler pollution, noise pollution, truck transportation, jet fuel transportation, increased auto traffic in resiclcntml nci?lborhoods, increased number of flights of more and lamer aircraft over densely populated re'cas, and increased possibilit> of aircraft crashes; and~ WHEREAS, municipalities haxe protected and promoted the hcallh, safety and welfare of their citizens frona timse ill effects by imposing reasonable alld responsible regulatinns on the USC Of Jalld fei' such pkll'pOSOS; Lind WIIEREAS, the aviation industry has proposed legislation (A-2332/1450) designed to deicer municipal regulation of hind use by Iransfcrring the power to regulate airport expansion through purchase of aiIport land development rights to administrative officials of tiao Ne,~ Jersey Department of Transportation, who are not directly responsible or accountable to those c~tizens who are directly affected by tile ill effects of airport location and/or expansion, and WI IERF~AS. A-2332/S-1450 is directly contI'UF}' [O New Jc sc}' s tradition o£ home rule zoning and land ese matter: and WIIEREAS, if enacted. A-2332/S1450 will specifically \,d'estle away' from tile people tho po,am' to regulate hind use in their own communities in regard to lac)tie), boundaries, ' operation and expansion of aiqoort facilities \~ithin said communities: NOIV, TItEIIEI?ORI(, BE IT RI;iSOLVEI) tlmt thc Goxcrning Body of tiao Borough of Carteret docs hereby strongly oppose tile enactment of A-2332/S-1450 by the legislature of tho State of No~ Jersey intn law and docs hereby urge thc State of New Jersey to preserve thc authority of local dlizens to regulate land uso in their communi[ies, including with respect to any part of aiq)orl location and/or expansion of' any kind as provide fl0r by A 2332/S 1450 and x~e strongly urge Governor Christine Todd Whit)mn tn immediately VETO this legislation and our legislators to repeal Bill A- 2332/S1450. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEI) that a true copy o[ this Resolution be lbrwarded to Go\'emor Christine Todd Whitman: Okll' Senate and Assembly Legislators and tiao new Jersey State League of Municipalities. Adoptcdthis Vm day of September 2000 and certified its a true copy of thc original on September 8th, 2000. KATi iLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILMAN I YES NO [ NV A.B. Ii, COUNCILMAN. ' YES ~ NO I NV I A.B. CRILLEY Ix FAZEKAS X O'BRIEN Ix QUINONES Ix I ! ~ SANTORO ]X SOHAYDA ;X X-IndicateVote ,AB Absent Nb Not Voting XOR-lndicatesVotetoOvcrru[cVeto Adopted at a meeting of thc Municipal Council September 7, 2000 CLERK ' ~