HomeMy Public PortalAbout02) 7A CC Minutes 2017-06-061. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 6, 2017 AGENDA ITEM ?.A. Mayor Pro Tern Man called the City Counci l Regular Meeting to order at 7 :33 p.m . in the Council Chambe rs located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue , T emple City . 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT : ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Councilmembe r -Chave z, Fish , Yu , Man Councilmember-Sternquist City Manager Cook , Assistant City Attorney Murphy , and City Clerk Kuo Councilmember Yu made a motion to e xcuse Mayor Sternquist for cause. Seconded by Councilmember Fish. 3. INVOCATION Jerry Jambazian , business owner of Temple City Wonder C leaners & Draperies , provided the invocation . 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Boy Scout Troop 17 4 provided a flag ce remony and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance . 5. CEREMONIAL MATTERS-PRESENTATIONS A. PET OF THE MONTH Doreen Hudson , San Gabriel Val ley Humane Society Board President , introduced the featured pet of the month "Ginger". Those interested in adopti ng G inger can call the San Gabriel Valley Humane Soc iety at (626) 286-1159 . B. FIRE FIGHTER AND DEPUTY OF THE YEAR Assis tant Fire Chief Dave Theis introduced Firefighter of the Year, Capta i n John Muro . City Council Minutes June 6 , 2017 Page 2 of 12 Mayor ProTem Man and City Council presented Capta in Muro with a plaque of recog nition . Captain David Flores introduced Deputy of the Year , Deputy Jeffery Johnsen . Mayor ProTem Man and City Council presented Deputy Johnsen with a plaque of recognition. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Jing Li , Temple City Library Manager, announced upcoming library events in June . Mitchell Tsai , Attorney for San Gabriel Valley concerned residents , spoke regard i ng the Mercy Hous i ng Project. He urged C ity Council to take a position on th is project. Before Mayor Pro Tem Man called the next public speaker, Assistant City Attorney Murphy reminded City Council and the public that Mercy Housing Project is not on the agenda tonight , therefore , it is not an actionable item. Also because this matter has been a subject of Council 's closed sess ion discussion, he cautioned the Council against commenting on th i s item . Assistant City Attorney Murphy shared with the members of the public that City Council has given direction to staff to perform full due diligence rega rd ing this project , and the City Attorney 's office is in the process of doing that. He encouraged Mr . Tsa and any individual to submit their own letter and analyses to the County at their June 21 public heari ng and to speak on their own beha lf. The City Attorney 's office will be speak ing verbally and submitting someth ing in writing on behalf of the city as a government entity but the publ ic can speak representing themselves and share their own personal concerns. The City Attorney's office will continue to move forward and brief City Council when they have material to brief City Council. City Counci l is taking this matter seriously and has g iven strong direction to the City Attorney 's office to move forward but we ask that members of the public do the same on their own beha lf. Linda Oren , Alice Sze , Feng Lim Liu , Jing Tung , Michael Tom , Kenny Lau , Helen Marston , spoke regarding the Mercy Housing Project and asked C ity Counci l for their support to oppose the project. Lucy Liou , Temple City resident, shared the eligibility requirements for applicants who apply for the veteran units with Mercy Housing Project and for applicants referred to the Mercy Housing from Department of Housing System . Steve Stafford , Temple City resident , commented about Department of Hea lth Services and how it relates to the Mercy Housing Project. City Council Minutes June 6 , 2017 Page 3 of 12 Gino Domingo, commented about the Golden Motel code violations and about annexation of the area near the Golden Motel to Temple City . Karina Chow and Stan Wu made comments about the Mercy Housing Project and maintenance of public area near and around the project. Jerry Jambazian, Temple City business owner, commented on the number of real estate open house yard signs in the City . A member of the public commented about the need for streetlights on Cloverly Avenue between Lower Azusa and Kennerly . 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Chavez made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar items . Seconded by Councilmember Fish and carried by the following votes : AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN : ABSENT : Councilmember-Chavez , Fish , Yu , Man Councilmember-None Councilmember-None Councilmember-Sternquist A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The City Council is requested to rev iew and approve: 1. Minutes of Special City Council Meeting of May 16 , 2017 ; 2. Minutes of Regular City Council Meeting of May 16 2017 ; and 3 . Minutes of Special City Council Meeting of May 31,2017. Action : Approved . B . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS The City Council is requested to receive and file the actions of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of May 9 , 2017. Action : Received and filed . C. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ACTIONS The City Council is requested to receive and file the actions of the Regular Parks and Recreation Commission Meeti ng of May 17 , 2017 . Action : Received and filed . D . FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP APPROVAL FOR PARCEL MAP NO . 65976 , A City Council Minutes June 6, 2017 Page 4 of 12 THREE-UNIT CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION AT 5062 SULTANA AVENUE Approval of the final map will allow the developer to finalize the subdiv ision so that building permits can be issued for the three condomin i um dwel li ng units . Action : 1. Received Parcel map No . 65976; 2 . Approved the final map for Parcel Map No . 65976 ; and 3 . Authorized the City Clerk to certify Parcel Map No . 65976 . E. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP APPROVAL FOR PARCEL MAP NO . 71537 , A THREE-UNIT CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION AT 9619 BROADWAY Approval of the final map will allow the developer to finalize the subd ivi s ion so that building perm its can be issued for the three condominium dwe llin g units. Action : 1. Received Parcel map No . 71537 ; 2 . Approved the f i nal map for Parcel Map No . 71537 ; and 3 . Authorized the City Clerk to certify Parcel Map No . 71537. F. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP APPROVAL FOR PARCEL MAP NO . 69983, A FLAG LOT SUBDIVISION AT 4823 HELEO AVENUE Approval of the final map will allow the developer to f in alize the subd ivi sion so that building perm its can be issued for the proposed development of a sing- family residence on each of the parcels . Action : 1. Received Parcel map No . 69983 ; 2 . Approved the final map for Parcel Map No . 69983 ; and 3. Authorized the City Clerk to certify Parcel Map No . 69983 . G. APPROVAL OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR TREE MAINTENANCE SERVICES WITH WEST COAST ARBORISTS The City Council i n reques ted to approve an amendment to the Agreement for City Council Minutes June 6, 2017 Page 5 of 12 Tree Ma intenan ce Services with West Coast Arborist amending the term of contract for one additio nal year and the compensation for reflect a 2% COLA . Action : Approved the Second Amendment to the Agreement for T ree Ma inte nance Serv ices with West Coast Arbori sts and authorized the City Mana ge r to execute the Amendment. H. RE-ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 17-5252, DECLARING THE CITY'S INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR FIS CAL YEAR (FY) 2017-18 A ND ESTABLISHING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PUBLIC OBJECTIONS Re-adoption of the revised Resolution No . 17-5252 will a llow the C ity to hold a public hearing on June 20 , 2017 , to cont inue the process of setting the assessment rates for the Fiscal Year 20 17 -18 Lighting and Maintenance District. Action: Re-adopted Reso lution No. 17 -5252 . I. THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT To kee p th e City Co un c il updated on the status of the City 's f inancia l activities , the Financial Status Reports are provided to the City Council on a quarterly basis . Action : Rece ived and fi led the Third Quarter City Treasurer's Report , Revenue and Expenditure Summary Reports and the Capita l Improvement Financial Report. J . ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 17-5258 ADOPTING REVISED SALARY RANGES FOR UNREPRESENTED PART-TIME CLASS IFICATIO NS FOR JULY 1, 2017 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2018 The Resolution authorizes sa la ry adjustments for all employees in unrepresented part-t ime classifications . Action : Adopted Resolution No . 17-5258 adopt ing sa lary ranges for unrepresented part-time classificatio ns for July 1, 2017 through June 30 , 2018 . K. APPROVAL OF RESO LUTI ON NO . 17-5257 ADOPTIN G SALARY C HANGES FOR UNREPR ESE NT ED FULL-TIME MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES FOR JULY 1, 2017 THROUGH JUN E 30 , 2018 City Council Minutes June 6 , 2017 Page 6 of 12 The Resolution au thorized certain sa lary and benefit adjustments for all unrepresented full-time management employees . Action : L. VISA CARD REPORT Adopted Resolution No . 17-5257 adopting salary changes for unrepresented full -time management employees for Ju ly 1 , 2017 through June 30 , 2018 . The C ity Counc il i s requested to rev iew, rece ive , and f ile the Visa Card Report . Action : Received and filed the Visa Card Report. M . ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 17-5259 APPROVING PAYMENT OF BILLS The City Counc i l is requested to adopt Resolut ion No . 17-5259 authorizing the payment of bil ls . Action : Adopted Resolution No . 17-5259 . 8. PUBLIC HEARING-None 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHLAND TRANSIT , INC . FOR DIAL-A-RIDE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES The City Council is requested to approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement with Southland Trans it , Inc . amending the term of the ex isting Agreement to prov ide Dial -A-R ide transportation serv ices by one year and reflecting COLA and the increase in min imum wage . Parks and Recreation Director gave a brief summary of the staff report. City Council asked questions and commented briefly regarding the dial-a-ride service. Jason Snell , STI , V ice President and Miche le Gammet, Project Manager, shared that they evaluate issues from all the cities they serve even if there are no specific issues in Temple City . Mayor ProTem Man opened public comment. Hearing no request to speak , Mayor ProTem Man closed pub lic comment. City Council Minutes June 6 , 2017 Page 7 of 12 Councilmember Fish made a motion to approve the Second Amendment to the Agreement to provide services with Southland Transit , Inc . for Dial-A-Ride transpo rtation services and authorize the City Manager to execute the Amendment. Seconded by Councilmember Yu and carried by the following votes: AYES : NOES : RECUSED: ABSENT: 10. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember-Chavez , Fish , Yu , Man Council member-None Council member-None Council member-Sternquist A. DISCUSSION ON PARK ING PROGRAM FOR 5800 TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD In April 2013 , the City purchased 5800 Temple City Boulevard and approved a final parki ng lot design in August 2016 . With the construction of the parking lot expected to be complete in July 2017 , Council is requested to ho ld a discussion regarding establishing a Parking Program , which may include various permitting programs. City Manager Cook gave a brief overview of the parking program for 5800 Temple City Boulevard and lessons learn . Staff will be reviewing parking in the aggregate along the downtown core before institut ing an employee permit parking program for the City's public lots . Staff is looking for comments or additional input from City Council. City Council asked questions and had a brief discussion regarding public parking . Mayor ProTem Man opened public comment. Steve Stafford , T emp le City resident , comme nted about crosswalks and t raffi c cont ro l adjacent to the 5800 Temple City parking lot. Jim Clift , Temple City resident , shared that traffic control near the 5800 Temple City Boulevard intersection was discussed at a Transportatio n and Public Safety Commission . Hearing no further request to speak , Mayor Pro Tem Man closed public comme nt. Mayor Pro Tem Man sha red that some of the businesses in the area has inquired about parking permit type program for city public parking lo ts . City Council Minutes Jun e 6 , 2017 Pa ge 8 of 12 Counc ilmember Fish made a motion to rece ive an d file the update. Seconded by Councilmember Yu . 11. COMMUNICATIONS -None 12. UPDATE FROM CITY MANAGER City Manage r Cook provided an update regard ing Senate Bill 231 wh ich expands the definit io n of fee under Proposition 218 re lated to sewers and associated infrastructure as it re lates to storm water. Staff w ill bring an item rela t ing to this for Counci l c onsideration at the next meeti ng . He also reported out on the International Shopping Center Conference staff and Councilmember Fish and Mayor Ste rnquist attended two weeks ago . Staff and councilmembers spoke with several re ta ilers at the confe rence. Staff has met with an investor group yeste rday and will continue to follow up with leads from the conference . City Manager Cook also commented about the proposed Fiscal Year 2017-18 C ity Budget. 13 . UPDATE FROM CITY ATTORNEY Ass istant City Attorn ey Murphy provided an update that the author of Assembly Bill (AB) 1250 has removed "cities " from the b il l. AB 1250 originally required any co nt ract entered by cities o r county to go throug h an env ironmenta l review and econom ic review tra ining . If the bill is adopted , it would st i l l affect the county . 14. COUNCIL REPORTS REGARDING AD HOC OR STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS A. SCHOOL DISTRI CT/CITY STANDING COMMITIEE (Councilmember Chavez and Counc ilmember Fish )-Formed 1/3/2012 No report . B . LAS TUNAS DOWNTOWN REV ITALIZATION STANDING COMMITIEE (Councilmember Chavez and Counci lmember Yu )-Formed 2/18 /2014 No report. C. FACILITIES , PUBLIC WORKS , AND INFRASTR UC TURE STAND ING COMMITTEE (Counc ilm ember Yu and Mayor Pro Tem Man)-Formed 4/4/2017 Mayor Pro Man reported out on the standing comm ittee 's meeting on June 2 . The standing committee received the Condi t ion Assessment Report on the City Council Minutes June 6 , 2017 Page 9 of 12 City's sewer system . The standing committee shared that the County update the report once every 1 0 years . Staff will bring update to Counci l when it is available . Councilmember Yu commented that the Council may need to look to the future and set aside money to address the condition of the sewer system as sewer assessment we currently see on our property tax only pays for maintenance . Should there be future structure updates , the amount on our current property tax will not cover the updates . Mayor ProTem Man shared that the standing comm ittee also d iscussed about the crosswalk at the intersection of Temple City Boulevard and Workman Avenue. The standing committee directed staff and traffic engineer to look into different option for that location and report back to Council the best way to move forward after the 5800 Temple City parking lot is open . Councilmember Chavez reminded staff to review options with City 's Joint Power Insurance Authority before presenting to Counc i l for consideration . Lastly , the standing committee received an update on the City's Pavement Management Program Report. The report serves as a planning document for prioritizing and funding street resurfacing projects . City has come to a point which it will start to tackle the harder and more cost ly repa irs . The standing committee reviewed the pavement management options listed i n the report conducted in 2011 . Staff will work with city enginee r to look into more options . Councilmember Yu commented that Council will be looking for a more comprehensive funding recommendation from staff to help gu ide future funding options . D. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTIES STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor ProTem Man)-Formed 2/18/2014 No report. E. AUDIT STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Chavez and Counci lmember Yu )-Formed 7/15 /2014 Chavez audit shared that the committee meets regularly with aud itor to keep track of city finances . F. LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AD HOC COMMITTEE (Councilmember Fish and Mayor Sternquist)-Formed 4 /4/201 7 No report . G . CITY COMMISSIONER RECRUITMENT AD HOC COMMITTEE ,-----------------~-- City Counci l M i nutes June 6 , 2017 Page 10 of 12 (Mayor ProTem Man and Mayor Sternquist)-Formed 4/19/2016 Mayor Pro Tem Man and Councilmember Fish shared that the interviews of applicants have been completed . City Council directed staff to schedule interviews of applicants (i .e ., recommended by the ad hoc committee) with full Council. Appointment of City Commissioners will take place e it her during the June 20 or July 5 City Council meeting . H . FACILITIES OPTION FOR RECREATION PROGRAM AD HOC COMMITIEE (Councilmember Fish and Mayor Sternqu ist)-Formed 4/4/2017 No report . I. PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION AD HOC COMMITIEE (Councilmember Chavez and Mayor ProTem Man )-Formed 8/2/2016 No report. 15. COUNCIL ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE CITY MANAGER'S REGULAR AGENDA A. MAYOR PRO TEM MAN Mayor Pro Tem Man commented about restarting Citizen 's Academy but with fewer days , reported on the Senior Master Plan Adv isory Group kick off meeting he attended , spoke about being a presenter at the Temple City High Schoo l's Career Day along with Councilme mber Chavez and Counci lmember Yu and commented on the Youth Committee 's last meeting of the year. B . MAYOR STERNQUIST-absent C. COUNCILMEMBER CHAVEZ Councilmember Chavez commented about the City 's planters being used as an ashtray and as ked if the LAS TUNAS DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION STANDING COMMITIEE is still meeting . City Manager Cook shared that he will schedule a meeting with Gonzales and Goodale , consultant for the Las Tunas Downtown Revitalization , to meet with the standing committee and report back to City Council. Councilmember Chavez also inquired about City's Strategic Plan . City Manager Cook shared that staff will review and update the Strategic Plan to reflect the changes in the last couple of years and report out to Council in the Fa ll. Councilmember Chavez also inquired about when the next Citizen Academy w ill City Council Minutes June 6 , 2017 Page 11 of 12 be . D . COUNCILMEMBER FISH Councilmember Fish congratulated Parks and Recreation staff on a successful Color Run and Temple City Got Talent event, thanked staff for their work at the International Shopp ing Center Conference , and shared that she learned a lot about the city 's budget serving on the Budget Ad Hoc Committee . Councilmember Fish asked about the Senior Master Plan Advisory Group meetings . Parks and Recreation Director shared that Parks and Recreation Commission will receive monthly updates from the group and staff will update City Council on a regular basis . Councilmember Fish also commented about the first concerts in the park next week . E. COUNCILMEMBER YU Councilmember Yu commented about the i mportance of public participation at City Council meetings . He encouraged everyone to stay involve and be connected with their local government. He also shared that he would like to see the City offer a shorter vers ion of C itizen 's Academy. 16. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES TO CITY OFFICIALS FOR CONDUCT OF CITY BUSINESS AND FOR CITY PAYMENT OF CONFERENCE EXPENDITURES -None 17. RECESS TO SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING At 9 : 37 p .m., the C ity Council recessed to the Successor Agency Meeting . Minutes of the Successor Agency Meeting are set forth in full in the Successor Agency's reco rds. RECONVENE AS CITY COUNCIL The City Council meeting was reconvened at 9 :38 p .m . with three Councilmembers present. 18. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Jerry Jambazian , Temp le City business owner , shared his appreciation for the City maintaining a clean sidewalk. He also commented about the City's Co lor Run and City Council Minutes June 6 , 2017 Page 12 of 12 T em pie City's Got Talent event. 19. ADJOURNMENT The City Counci l Regular Meeting was adjourned at 9 :41 p .m . Wil li am Man , Mayor Pro Tern ATIEST: Peggy Kuo , City Clerk